Liliana's arm shook under the strain, arrows fired one after another after another. Knocking down darkspawn that clambored after the mage in their midst. Morrigan took command of the winds around her, swirling it up like a shield. She was surrounded by limbs grabbing at her wind sheild. Swords were swept up in the storm, flung ou Pouring magic into the wind, it froze. Pushing the frozen wind out as far as she could; lightning crackled at her fingertips and ever more magic fled her body into the storm. Lighting shot through the shards of blizzard ice and a few seconds later everyone was dead.

Morrigan collapsed, all magic drained from her body. She didn't hear the screams coming from where the soldiers had stood.

Sera had just wanted to help, Liliana was running low on arrows and she figured a few more shots could make a huge difference. Her bolts just wouldn't make the longshot so she got closer and suddenly her arm was on fire. She fell back into someone, clutching her somehow both burning and frozen limb.

Eventually Sera realized it was Liliana's arms that held her.

"Fuck, fuck fucking shitting fuck" Sera screamed.

One of the scouts picked Morrigan's body out of the piles of darkspawn corpses and hauled her onto a cart. Liliana rode in another cart with Sera in her lap, swearing and cradling her wounded arm. Red welts were starting to raise up where the lighting had shot through her.

They arrived back at Skyhold without much fanfare. Soldiers made their way their tents eager to escape their armor. Scouts scurried around to the various people they were supposed to update. Morrigan was taken to her room and Sera was taken to the healers by Liliana.

"How is your arm?" she asked.

"It bloody stinking hurts. I hate that stupid mage." whined Sera.

Liliana stopped and crouched down in front of Sera like one would talk to a child.

"This is a war Sera, You might not be a soldier but you are fighting with them. Sometimes things backfire and innocent people get hurt, like you did. But I never want to hear you say you hate someone fighting alongside you." said Liliana.

Sera rolled her eyes and huffed, but then nodded her head in understanding. The two continued walking to see the healers.

It was almost midnight by the time Liliana left Sera to check on Morrigan. She was laying in bed, room lit by some bedside candle.

"Hey" Liliana said softly, Slipping through the cracked open door.

"I feel like a bug that's been squashed, waiting for death." Morrigan groaned.

"You did use a lot of magic to win us that fight, I would be surprised if you can stand." replied Liliana

"So would I." Morrigan sighed, burrowing back into her bed.

Liliana sat by her bedside, silent for a time. She half expected Morrigan to go back to sleep.

"Are you going to stay here all night." Morrigan asked with an edge to her voice.

"I can leave if you'd like, I just wanted to ask. Kirian, is he. . ." She trailed off, not wishing to

offend with her question.

"The child of The Hero of Ferelden, yes." Morrigan said plainly.

"I see. And he was raised. . .as you were?"

"In the woods, playing chicken with templars you mean? No, he is part of the reason I became Selene's advisor. He had private tutors from the age of six."

"I see."

There was a lull in the conversation. Morrigan sat up, stretching her aching back.

"I remember that time traveling fondly. I thought you should know that." said Morrigan.

"I'm surprised, you seemed so on edge back then."

"I was young, and away from home for the first time."

Liliana cracked an amused smile.

"What's funny?" asked Morrigan.

"I've just realized, we were so similar back then and yet we hated each other."

"Huh, I suppose we were."

Once again the conversation lulled into comfortable silence. Liliana thought back to their night on the balcony, how close Morrigan had held her. Absentmindedly she rested her hand on Morrigan's bed. They stayed like that for a while until Morrigan fell back to sleep.

Liliana brushed dark locks off Morrigan's face and couldn't help but smile. It was strange to see Morrigan without a smirk and something clever to say. With one final look she walked out the door, closing it softly behind herself. Finally alone with her thoughts after the whirlwind of a day she had a realisation.

"Makers Breath, I like her." She groaned