A/N: Hi! Thanks for popping in! This is my first fanfiction so I hope you enjoy. It's set between Blindsided and Shell Shocked. Let me know in the reviews what you think.


Hiccup ambled to his hut beside Toothless, exhausted.

"Ugh, it seems like today has gone on forever already, and the sun's only just starting to set! I want to sleep," He absentmindedly opened the door to his hut.
"Shame. I was hoping to spend some time alone with you this evening," Hiccup jumped, seeing Astrid leaning against the doorpost.
"Agh! Astrid, don't make me jump like that!" Astrid chuckled. "Why not? It's fun! Besides, it got you wide awake didn't it?" She nudged Hiccup's arm teasingly "So… do you have enough energy to take a walk in the forest? I mean, if you're too tired we could- "
"No, no, no, I can take a walk with you! I'm not really that tired!" Hiccup backpedalled quickly, stuttering slightly as he spoke. Astrid chuckled again.
"I knew you were going to say that. Anyway, let's get going before it's too dark, shall we?" Astrid smiled at her boyfriend, taking his hand and leading him down towards the forest, leaving Toothless to purr and smile his toothless, dragon-y smile before curling up to rest.

By the time the two stopped walking, the sky was already as dark as Night Fury scales, and Hiccstrid stopped talking and turned to face each other.
"You know, I never realise how much I like being alone with you until we're so busy that we can't," Astrid took Hiccup's hands in hers and looked into the emerald eyes that were looking back at her. She noticed his pupils dilating and smiled.
"Same for me, and I don't realise how much energy I have until I have the opportunity to be with you," Hiccup chuckled, causing Astrid to laugh too. Hiccup slowly pulled Astrid closer to him, their lips nearing each other.
"Oh, hurry up, you muttonhead," Astrid laughed, initiating the kiss by planting her lips on his. Hiccup smiled to himself and kissed back. Seconds barely passed, and Astrid found herself with her back against a nearby tree. Hiccup held her waist, and Astrid held his shoulder as they continued, not noticing the slight rustling behind the tree. Until Astrid's eyes widened and she fell limp in Hiccup's arms.

"ASTRID!" Hiccup shouted, falling to his knees and catching her before she hit the ground. He noticed a blow-gun arrow protruding from her shoulder, but didn't have time to pull it out before he heard an all-too-familiar laugh from behind the tree. "Viggo," Hiccup muttered before the Grimborn brother revealed himself.
"Hiccup Haddock III," Viggo chuckled. "Poor you, romance can really fog the mind, hm? Oh, nevermind that, we have business to do."
"I'm not doing any 'business' with you, Viggo." Hiccup growled, holding onto Astrid protectively.
"Oh, your optimism is heart-warming. But I'm afraid, Hiccup, that you don't really have a choice if I'm not mistaken." At this, Dragon Hunters stepped out from the trees, practically encircling the couple. "Your romantic kiss gave us quite the opportunity, one that I couldn't bear to miss. So forgive me Hiccup, but I think you're going to have to leave your girlfriend there and come with us. Or both you and Astrid will face the consequences."
"And what would those consequences be, Viggo?" replied Hiccup, gritting his teeth, though he could already predict the answer.
"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, isn't it obvious? I'd have to kill you," Viggo laughed calmly while looking at his fingernails, then frowned and looked the teenager in the eye. "So, Hiccup. What's your choice? Give yourself up, or you both die on the spot. You won't even get to say goodbye to your love before entering Valhalla!" Viggo slowly made his way towards the couple, as Hiccup scowled at him, before reluctantly standing up and glaring at the man. "Fine," He muttered, worriedly looking at Astrid before raising his arms up in surrender. Viggo's smug smile turned into a dark smirk as he nodded at two soldiers behind Hiccup, who promptly grabbed his arms, pulled them behind his back, snapped manacles around them and gagged him. Hiccup's glare hardened, but Viggo just chuckled darkly, spinning on his heels and walking in the direction of the beach, and Hiccup was forced to follow.

The next morning found Hiccup abruptly waking up in a cell, Ryker opening the door. "Morning Hiccup," Ryker ripped the gag off while grabbing his shoulder and pulling him to his feet. "Viggo wants to speak to ya,"
"Oh wow, what a nice surprise!" Hiccup rolled his eyes. Ryker growled and shoved Hiccup out of the cell and down the corridor. The two remained silent as they marched into Viggo's chamber, where the Grimborn brother sat at his desk, smirking.

"Ah, Hiccup Haddock, welcome! Do take a seat," Viggo gestured to the wooden chair in front of him, but Hiccup doesn't have much of a choice as Ryker thrust him into the chair. Hiccup remained silent and glared at his captor. "So, Hiccup, I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here," Hiccup held his glare, not moving a muscle. "Oh, come on Hiccup, give me some quip that I can remember. I'm really going to miss your snappy comebacks." At this, Hiccup raised an eyebrow, much to the pleasure of Viggo.
"You sound very cocky when you say that," Hiccup observed, still holding a straight face.
"Yes, you don't seem to have picked up on why I brought you here, hm? Too busy glaring at me to notice this fine fellow beside me," Viggo replied, gesturing to the dragon-proof cage next to him, where a Changewing sat with his jaws tied shut. Hiccup's eyes widened and his cheeks grew slightly red – Viggo was right, he'd only just noticed that. "Yes, I thought so. Oh dear, Hiccup, getting a bit behind on our Maces and Talons game are we? Nevermind, all that will be in the past soon."
"What are you getting at Viggo?" Hiccup asked, sternly. Viggo chuckled.
"You are one of the most knowledgeable in the archipelago and beyond when it comes to dragons, Hiccup. I'm sure you can work it out! Come on, name some characteristics of a Changewing."
For a few seconds Hiccup only glared in return, until he reluctantly obliged. "Able to camouflage with their surroundings, can spew out burning acid-"
"Yes yes, all true, but you're missing the most important one," Viggo smirked, watching in amusement as Hiccup's mind raced, until suddenly he got it and his eyes widened in shock. Viggo couldn't help but chuckle darkly. "Yes, well done, Hiccup," Viggo said smugly.

"Hypnosis is not a very Males and Talons-like move is it though, Viggo," Hiccup retorted, trying to look as calm as possible while in reality, his heart was trying to pump its way out of his chest, and sweat started to form on his forehead. Viggo chuckled again darkly, thoroughly enjoying this.
"True, but does that really matter at the moment, Hiccup? See, I am here, on my own heavily guarded ship, and you are there, on said heavily guarded ship, with your hands in manacles. You don't have much of a choice," Viggo explained, getting to his feet and approaching his prisoner. Hiccup heard Ryker moving behind him but decided to glare at Viggo instead, but soon he wished he hadn't. Ryker wrapped rope around Hiccup's chest, tying his upper body to the chair he sat on, destroying any faint chance of an escape.
"Really Viggo? Why is it necessary to tie me to the chair? As you just said, I have no hope of escape. If you're really so sure of what you just said, why tie me?" Hiccup glared, testing the ropes Ryker just tied. Viggo ignored the question and nodded to Ryker, who promptly lifted the chair and placed it in front of the caged Changewing. Hiccup immediately stared at his prosthetic leg, making sure not to make eye-contact with the dragon. Ryker grabbed Hiccup's hair and pulled it, earning a grunt from Hiccup as his head jerked upwards. He shut his eyes, still not making eye-contact with the dragon. He heard Viggo growl in frustration.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn, Hiccup?" Viggo exclaimed, and Hiccup heard a dagger unsheath and footsteps coming towards him. "Open your eyes, or you die." Viggo pressed the dagger onto Hiccup's throat, causing Hiccup to gasp slightly, but then he scowled.
"I will never consciously let myself be hypnotised by you, for the sake of the other Riders, even if it costs me my life!" He replied, struggling to talk with the blade against his throat. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to keep his eyes shut as the dagger began drawing blood. Then suddenly, out of Hiccup's control, his eyes opened. Hiccup gasped, realising he was staring right into the Changewing's eyes, internally screamed at his brain to close them again, but it was too late. Hiccup slumped in the chair, and both the Grimborn brothers let go of him and looked at each other.
"How did you know he would open his eyes?" Ryker asked his younger brother. Viggo smirked at Hiccup's face and looked up at his fellow Dragon Hunter.
"The human brain is a complicated organ, but when life is at stake, it will go against the will of the person to save itself, as demonstrated. Hiccup wanted to keep his eyes shut, yet they opened, out of his control." Viggo answered. Ryker stared it him, shocked. "Oh, close that mouth of yours and let's get on with this," He looked back at the skinny figure on the chair. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, I am your leader. Ryker is your leader. You are a fellow Dragon Hunter; dragons and those who ride them are our enemies – your enemies. They want to kill you and you must fight back, even if it means ending their lives." Viggo finished his sentence and smirked. "You can put him in the guest room until he wakes up," Viggo said, walking back to his desk.
"Why not in a cell, brother? We don't want him to escape," Ryker asked while untying the ropes. Viggo looked at him and slightly cocked his head to the side.
"Have you not been listening to what I just said? You must treat him well, brother. Because, from today onwards, Hiccup Haddock is a Dragon Hunter."

A/N: That's the first chapter. I expect it to be around 5 or 6 chapters. Also, I'm new to this platform and the rating system, so if at any point in time you think the rating should be changed, please message me or leave a review.

See ya on chapter 2!
