Mike had always wanted to direct but when El's career really started to take off he began writing. He soon found himself becoming a bit of a script doctor in Hollywood. He had a knack for storytelling and while he was working on his own ideas he made money editing other people's work. He didn't need the money, El made plenty, but he liked the creative outlet it offered. After they finished college they had moved to Los Angeles to be closer to audition locations. For the last three years they had been living together in California, El happily working, getting parts in almost everything she auditioned for and being nominated for some minor awards. He was so proud of her.

And despite El always working and being recognized in public and having actual fans, Mike still felt like he came first in her life. He never felt jealous of her co-stars or of fans taking her time because she always made time for him.

They were at a dinner party that one of the producers of her current movie was hosting. Mike was having a casual conversation with the director when he happened to glance up and his eyes met El's from across the room. It was like seeing her for the first time. His palms suddenly felt sweaty and his mouth was dry and he could hear the director still speaking to him but he could only focus on El.

I want to marry her.

Her face changed from the smile she was giving him and became concerned. She crossed the room to him.

"Are you okay? You have a strange look on your face." Her hand on his arm, squeezing gently. He could feel his heart beating in his chest.

"I'm fine. I just saw you there and got distracted. You took my breath away. You're just so pretty." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek, thinking he would refrain from smearing her lipstick at the party.

"Do you want to get out of here? I don't think they would mind. Dinner is over and people are just talking." El asked, whispering in his ear.


Their lovemaking that night was intense. Only Mike knew why.

The very next day he bought a ring. He knew her tastes, it was perfect. He went with a platinum band that had a classic round stone that was flanked by a pear shaped sapphire on either side. He had been saving most of his money from script writing and had close to $9500 to spend. He was surprised that his choice in rings took the majority of his savings but El was worth it and he thought she would really like the ring. He just had to think of a way to ask her.

The idea came to him a few weeks later while he was making breakfast for the both of them. El had an audition later in the day and was very nervous and excited because it was for a film she really wanted to do. She had always had a bit of a soft spot for good horror movies and that is what the script promised, and with a prominent director as well. She wanted to experience doing a well done horror film while she was young and the prospect of working with Wes Craven was compelling.

Mike could tell that she was nervous. He felt nervous for her. She stared blankly across the table as she munched on her Eggo waffles.

"You'll do great. Try not to worry so much about it. And if you don't get it, it's okay. You'll get something else. You are great at what you do. If they don't choose you then they just had something else in mind for the role all along. It won't be because of you." Mike tried to comfort her, reaching across the table and taking her left hand. She laced her fingers in his and smiled.

"I love you."

"I know." His response triggered her laugh. That was his intention.

Once El had left for her audition, Mike started writing. He wanted to be finished with it by the time she got home and he wanted it to be as close to perfect as he could make it. The words came easily, as though it was a vivid memory he was committing to paper, as though it was a childhood bedtime story that he knew by heart. Satisfied with the pages he'd written, Mike waited for El to return. He hoped they would be celebrating her getting the role she was wanting but he would have to wait and see. He wasn't sure when he would show her what he'd written. He thought when the time was right he would know.

He knew she was unhappy when he heard the door slam. Mike entered the living room of their apartment to find El sitting on the sofa, her face in her hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, sitting next to her.

"No." A pause. "The car service took an alternate route and I was late to the audition. All of the other girls there were taller than me by four or five inches. I read with a guy whom I had absolutely no chemistry with. I know I didn't get it. It was a disaster."

Mike pulled her into him. "It's okay. Maybe it wasn't what you'd want anyway."

She pulled away. "You don't have to try to make me feel better. I'm going to fail a lot." She was short with him, he could see tears in her eyes.

Mike looked hurt but then his face softened. "Should I sing to you? When your day is through, and so is your temper, you know what to do...I'm gonna always be there." The song always made her smile and this case was no different.

Tears breaking free and trickling down her face, she sang the next line, "sometimes if I shout, it's not what's intended, these words just come out with no gripe to bear." She leaned back into him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm just disappointed. I think I had already given myself the part in my head and then I let myself down. How was your day?"

Mike hugged her from the side. Is now the time? I think now is the time.

"I was just working on an idea. I wrote a scene and I'm hoping it turns into my best work ever." Playing it off as nothing big, he knew he'd pique her interest.

"What is it? Can I read it?"

Like clockwork.

"We could read it together. There are two parts. Do you want to?" Mike asked, already standing.

"Yes. I love to read what you write."

Mike's heart was racing as he went down the hall to get the short script he'd written that day. While he was in their little office where he did most of his writing, he opened his bottom desk drawer and rifled through it. Hidden under some papers and Dungeons & Dragons books, next to a twenty sided die, he found the small box he had stashed there only weeks earlier. He put it in his pocket and walked back down the hall to where El was waiting.

"It's just a part of a bigger thing. I want to see how it tests. See if you like it. The character I read will have most of the lines. You can follow along." Mike handed her some pages. "Don't get too far ahead though. Stay with me." He smiled.

"You have the first line." Mike gestured to the pages in her hand.

El looked down. "Oh, okay. Starting now." She read the word. "Promise?"

"It means something that you can't break, ever. It's like an oath, like forever. If I give you a promise I will always keep it."

"Why do you bring it up now?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot. It's kind of all I think about. You, and me. Us. I want more."


"I want everything. I want your laughter, I want to dry your tears. I want to have fun with you and I want to take care of you when you're sick. I want to be by your side no matter what happens."

"What are you saying?"

El was looking at the paper, reading along as Mike recited his lines, realization dawning gradually on her face.

"When I first saw you I thought you were special. Something drew me to you. When I first spoke to you I felt like I'd known you for always. When I first touched you it felt like home. You gave me focus and drive, you made me better than I was. When you're gone I feel empty. You make me feel warm when I'm cold and you make me feel found when I'm lost. You are everything I'll ever need."

El slowly looked up, having read to the end of the page. The words just stopped. Raising her head she met Mike's eyes. He was on his knee, holding a small box.

"El, I love you so much. I want to always be with you. I want you to fall asleep on my chest after watching tv, I want you to finish the last of the juice and put the empty carton back in the fridge, I want you to use my razor to shave your legs and make it all dull. I want everything that comes with you being you. Forever. Will you marry me?" He opened the box, holding it out to her.

El's hand went to her mouth. Tears were already spilling from her eyes. With a shaky hand she reached out to Mike, nodding. Their hands met and he pulled her to him, still on his knees on the floor.

"Yes," she managed to whisper. "I love you too. I love you forever." She kissed him hungrily, smiling a few seconds later. He pulled back slightly after a minute.

"Do you want this?" He asked, taking the ring out of the box.

"I definitely want that. Did you pick this out?" She asked as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

"I did. I hope you like it."

"It's perfect. I love it. I love you. Always." She rested her head on his shoulder.

They were both so happy. They knew they would always take care of one another. They didn't have to worry about fame or money coming between them because what they had was not an ordinary love. Mike picked her up and started down the hall toward the bedroom. He pushed play on the stereo before he set her down on the bed. The familiar chords from their song began.

"You're my best friend. I will always be here for you." Kissing between his words, Mike continued, "you can always tell me anything and I'll always tell you everything. I will do anything for you." The time for words ended and they let their bodies finish the conversation, both knowing that showing each other was much better than telling. Mike kept his promises. El knew that. She kept hers too.

I promise you, I promise you I will...

A/N: Everyone go brush your teeth so you don't get cavities. I know that was short and super sappy. Thanks for reviewing and reading. Much love to all.