Chapter Three

This is the last chapter. Sorry if this story is a bit dull. The next stories I put up on FanFiction will be a bit more interesting.

After everything was moved into the house and put in it's right place, Jeff called the children together. "Now, what colour would you like me to paint your rooms?" Nora and Scott shared the same room as they were twins and had already agreed on a colour.

"Blue," Scott said.

"Alright." Jeff wrote it down in a notepad. He looked at John. "What about you, John?"

"None for me," he refused. Jeff raised his eyebrows and nodded. He then looked at Virgil and Ellie with an amused smile. Jeff knew an argument could possibly follow.

"And you two?"

Virgil took a deep breath. "Green," he said quickly. He glanced at Ellie, expecting the pouting "No!" But, to his surprise and relief, Ellie smiled.

"Yeth!" she lisped in agreement.

Everyone else was stunned. Virgil and Ellie had just agreed on something without an agrument! "Really?" Virgil said. I won! Score one for me!

Ellie nodded and then put a finger to her cheek and put on a dreaming expression. Oh no...

"With little theep, a Thun and clouds," she announced. Virgil looked at Jeff and nodded in agreement. He did not mind as long as there was no pink. Jeff smiled at her.

"Green, white, and black. We'll see about the Sun and clouds, though." He scribbled down on the paper. "Anything else?"

"Jeff, what do you think about orange for our room? Not bright orange, but sort of dulled. Like a sunset," Eloise said with her creative, imaginative and artistit's gleam in her eye. Jeff smiled at his wife, who was always looking for ways to brighten things up.

"That would be nice," he agreed, kissing her on the cheek. "Mom? Want anything?" he turned to Sally, his mother.

"No, thank you. I'm quite happy with my room the way it is," Sally politely declined. Jeff noticed she grabbed the side of her stomach suddenly and took in a sharp intake of breath. I must talk with Mom later, he decided.

"Oh, Jeff," Eloise remembered. "Here is an extra list of food we need." She gave him the list.

"Right. I'll get them all today. In fact, I'll go now." And Jeff stood up, put the list in his trouser pocket, kissed Eloise and the family goodbye, hopped in the car and left. He drove to a paint store first and bought the colours they wanted. He then drove over to the local food store. It was run by a man and his wife – Quint and Karen Fisher. Both were behind the counter. Jeff went through the store and bought the cheese, milk, apples, butter and wholemeal bread and then went to the counter.

"Good afternoon, Mr Fisher," Jeff greeted as Quint scanned the items through the check-out. "Mrs Fisher." he nodded at Karen.

"Mr Tracy," Karen nodded briefly. Jeff had met Quint and Karen when he first traveled to New York City for the interview and he and Quint had become friends. Karen's and Jeff's relationship status was still pending.

Quint finished adding up the price. "Alright. That will be $49.44, thank you," Quint said. Jeff paid it and was putting everything into a shopping trolley to take back out to his mini-van when Karen decided to talk.

"You have children, don't you?" she asked him.

"Yep. Five. Three boys and two girls," Jeff replied.

"I expect you'll be entering them in school soon," Karen said. The way she said it prickled Jeff.

"That's right," he said, on guard. What's she getting at?

"Well, I'll expect you'll get a few visits with the principal. New children always misbehave when they first enter school," Karen commented. Quint whispered "Karen!" in a scolding tone.

"I'm sure your's did, Mrs Fisher. Good day!" and with that, Jeff walked off in a huff. As he drove back home, he decided that he would avoid his enemy, Mrs Fisher, as much as possible.