Never Mess with a Stark, Especially Tony

Summary: ** INFINITY WAR SPOILERS… duh ** When Peter disappeared something in Tony broke. Nebula and he return to earth in Quill's ship where Tony see Thanos, and traps him just before he disappears. No one was ready for what happened next. **NOT 100% CANON**

** 100% feels **

** Probably some percent crack **

Author's Note: Yeah, this is all being uploaded as one and completely finished. There are probably a lot of mistakes whether it be spelling or terms or names or the complete OOC of some characters. But honestly, I just had this all consuming idea and just really needed to get it all out before it consumed my very thoughts and actions. Cause, OMG, that ending with Peter drove me to tears. So in results, this happened. Thank you brian.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing of Avengers or other Marvel characters Stan Lee holds ownership to their existences. Anything else regarding Avengers are not mine either… and other disclaiming stuff, yada yada.


Chapter Two: Not Gone

While Thanos remained unconscious thanks to both Tony's enraged beating and Thor's strike of thunder, the Wakandan warriors were able to secure the alien man with vibranium chains. His wrists and legs were chained and Tony's claw was replaced with a vibranium one keeping Thanos from fisting his gauntlet, or even being able to move his hand at all. As others roamed the battlefield for survivors, the Avengers and those closest to the king, like Okoye, were gathered around a table not far from Thanos. No one wanted him out of sight.

"What do we do now?" Shuri asked, as she held her brother's original necklace.

"We can, perhaps, bargain with him?" someone suggested, and thus voice after voice shouted over each other until one voice silence them all.

"We'll torture him." Tony suggested, his voice hard and dead as his eyes.

"Tony, no, we've already got him chained down." Steve said, his eyed confused and concerned.

"How else are we going to make him bring everyone back?" the genius asked his once friend.


"That's what I thought." Tony said, no sign of smugness, "That monster took Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Vision, T'Challa… Peter… and who the fuck knows who else!"

"We get it Tony, but that doesn't-"

"Fuck you, Steve! Thanos. Took. Peter." Tony shouted with raw emotion, tears finally falling, "He took my kid."

The silence was deafening as those around him shuddered at the mere mention of those that vanished, and of the obvious pain seeded in his voice. They whispered ideas until a soft voice called out from somewhere on Tony's person.

"Boss." FRIDAY called, "Boss!"

"What is it, baby girl?" Tony answered, his body and voice tired.

"I am still receiving vitals from both Mr. Peter and Ms. Potts." his newest AI reported.

"He even took Pep?" he whispered, anger seeping back into his very soul, "Are they both okay?"

"Yes, sir… but they both are showing high levels of panic and distress."

"Tony, what's going on?" Rhodey asked, placing a firm hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Pepper and the Kid, and probably everyone else, are all fine… FRIDAY is still receive vitals from Peps and Pete, which means that they're both alive and are relatively okay. Just that they aren't here, here." Tony answered.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Steven asked, still confused with what was going on.

"He's talking about alternate dimension." Bruce replied.

"That's possible?" the blonde asked with bewilderment.

"Anything is possible, really… I mean, we just fought against another army of aliens." Bruce said, "But if the alternate dimension is true, then we might have a problem… we've no idea of which one they were sent to, if there's more than one."

"FRIDAY can you pull up what they're seeing?" Tony asked.

"Yes." she replied, and from Tony's chest came a hologram of Pepper covered in what seemed to be a female version of Iron Man.

"Why is Pepper wearing Iron Man?" Rhodey asked.

"I put my nanotech inside her ring. It only activates on my command or if Pepper is under high levels of stress." Tony answered, as he stared at his fiancee, "Peter is with her. That's the only way we're able to see her now. Peter's mask is still working and sending video signals to FRIDAY. They're in the same dimension."

"But how are you still getting signals?" Shuri asked, her curious nature momentarily distracting her from her mourning.

"I dabbled with time and magic a bit, but I honestly didn't think it would work. Cause, you know, couldn't really test it out."

"Can we send messages?" Shuri asked, "If there is a way then maybe we can ask them to find others?"

"FRIDAY work on that, and get back to us… keep me updated on Pepper's and Peter's conditions." Tony ordered, and received an affirmative answer.

The others in the room were silent as they tried to process all the information and happenings that just occurred in less than two hours. The only ones that really seemed to understand were Bruce, Shuri, Rocket, and Tony.

"Now… back to Thanos. Torture?" Tony asked, nonchalantly as he sat in the closest chair to him.

"No, we aren't torturing anyone… maybe you and Bruce can just, I don't know, make some dimension hopping device?" Steve said, not liking the thought of anyone being tortured.

"Haha, and while we're at it… maybe we can make you a nice time machine so you can go back to the 40's right?" Tony replied, sarcasm bitting with every word.

"Steve's right, Tony, torture isn't the answer here." Bruce said, grimacing at the glare his science bro sent to him, "But neither is a dimension hopping device… there is not time to make it let alone test it."

Suddenly the room was divided on what to do. Some wanted to torture the monster, others simply wanted to remove the gauntlet, and then there were the peace talkers. Tony was silent as he listened to every opinion until, finally, he stood. Silence fell once again as everyone was hyper aware of Tony. The billionaire turned his back to the rests as he stared at the slumped form of a chained Thanos.

"You all can sit on your merry asses, and continue to debate on what you wanna do to purple ape man." the brunette said, "I'll go at this alone."

And with that said, Tony Stark entered the room that Thanos was currently imprisoned in. The imprisoned lifted his aching head and started at the Terran.

"What will you do now, Terran?" Thanos asked, mockingly, "It took all your strength just to put me in this state."

"I'm not sure you should be gloating right now since it's a weak Terran like me who put you here, Thanos." Tony snarked.

"Hn, there is no way for you to bring those who dead back." the aline taunted.

"I'm sure that's what you did to Vision." Tony stated, as he walked to a table that had medical tools laid upon it.

He picked up a scalpel looking one that had a nasty looking point to it, and walked to Thanos. Showing the nice sharp instrument.

"You don't have it in you, Terran. You have never tortured anyone in your life." Thanos said, knowingly.

"You're right. I've never tortured before, but I have been tortured. I know what it feels like. I still remember." Tony replied, his voice soft and a faraway gaze in his eyes, "And I have both the anger and hate to do it."

Something in Thanos told him to give what the creature in front of him wanted, but his pride and ego were far greater than that teeny voice. And so he dug his grave even deeper.

"You're nothing, but a weak Terran. A baby compared to me." Thanos said.

"Well, I wouldn't know. What I do know is that, that tough guy act you're putting on is gonna go away in about, hm, five minute?" Tony replied, and then a pained yelp.

The torture began. The others in the room opposite winced as pain grunts echoed out of the room Tony was in. If one were to peek inside they would probably vomit and most likely never see Tony Stark the same again. His face was completely devoid of expression. Even his eyes were empty. Thanos was a picture of pain. There were sharp objects shoved into the shoulder wound Iron Man had given him, and every single movement justled them causing them to shift or fall out with a sickening, slurping sound.

"You know… my father always said to never mess with a Stark." Tony said, his voice hushed, "And it's probably one of the very few things I have ever agreed with him on."

Thanos remained silent as he took in gasps of air until Tony firmly ripped all the sharp instruments out of the bleeding wound forcing Thanos to release a howl of pain. The sound of tinkling metal falling was followed by what sounded like raw meat hitting the floor. There was a decent size of bloody muscle on the floor. And a visible view of Thanos' shoulder bone could be seen.

"But I have to improve it now, because I'm sure even this would turn his stomach…" Tony said, as he wiped his blooded hands on a towel, "Never mess with a Stark, especially me."

Nebula has never seen her father in pain, never had seen him even wince. But here he was chained by Terran's strongest metal at the mercy of the most pissed off Terran she has ever laid black eyes upon. She was sure that Gamora would be both impressed and angered that their father was reduced to a bloody, crying mess at the hands of the weakest beings in the galaxy.

"Now… give me back my wife and my kid." Tony ordered coldly, as he forced Thanos' head up.

Author's Note: Yeah… so that's it. There was going to be a third chapter, but honestly I like where this ended, and felt that if I added anymore it would probably ruin this determined, angry Tony I've created. Honestly, I feel that if it were possible Tony would probably react like this… maybe. Probably not though. Haha, anyway, I hope that this was enjoyable to read… and if not, meh, I just really needed to type this out and stuff. Yes, I know Tony and Pepper haven't married yet, but hey… it sounds better saying wife than fiancee. Anyway… comment, don't comment, whatever xP

Thank you for reading.




P.S. if you liked the idea of a vengeful and enraged Tony you're welcome to use this story as a sort of blueprint or whatnot :P