A/N: Hello to all of my viewers. How are you?

*dodges numerous projectiles being hurled at me while diving behind a randomly conjured up couch*

Yeah, I figured that would happen.

I know it's been forever since I updated Under Control and sadly this is not an update to that particular story either.

*dives under a table as a stick of dynamite gets thrown at the couch*

I know, I know, I'm sorry but the words still just aren't coming to me, but I WILL update it…


Heh, heh.

But for now, I present you a NEW story. The plot for this story has been on my mind for a long time now (even before I thought of Under Control), but I didn't get the complete thought of it until not to long ago when I was on vacation, and it just kept prodding at my mind to be released into the world.

So, here it is.

I hope you all enjoy it and like always the Puffs and Ruffs have human features.



Strange voice in head

Disclaimer: The Powerpuff Girls belong to Craig McCracken.

Changes: For Better or For Worse



Where am I?

It's so…



What is that?




Who is that?

What do they want?

"Ms. Blossom. Can you hear me?"


I groaned as I opened my eyes a sliver, then all the way. I quickly shut them again with a louder groan because of the overly bright lights, reaching up with a hand to my aching head. When I opened them again I blinked a couple of times so that my eyes would adjust to the light. Upon my vision clearing I came face to face with a Latin-American woman in a long white coat with a stethoscope hanging around her neck and a clipboard in her hand.

A Doctor.

Which probably meant that I was in a hospital.

Nah duh Genius.

I almost started at the voice in my head that hardly sounded like my own but kept my composure for appearance sake.

The doctor looked at me for a short while, allowing me to take in my surroundings. When she thought I was adequately enough ready she opened her mouth to speak.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Amelinda Reselda*. Can you please tell me your name?" she asked nicely. She had an accent, but she was very understandable.

I looked at her.

'Wasn't she JUST calling my name a moment ago?'

I decided to answer her anyway.

"Blossom Xue* Utonium." I responded.

She nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard, then she looked back up at me.

"How old are you?" she inquired.

"Seven." I said instantly.

She jotted that down too.

We continued like that for a while, her asking me questions and me answering them while she wrote it all down in her clipboard. Until finally, it seemed as though it was coming to an end.

She asked me another question, this one a little different than the other more basic ones.

"Do you know where you are?" she queried.

I nodded.

"I'm in a hospital." I replied.

She nodded this time.

Aren't you just SO smart?

"Very good. Do you remember WHY you're in the hospital?" she asked hesitantly.

I frowned and was about to say no when a bunch of images started flashing through my mind.

No, not just images.


A lab.

Me in the lab mixing some chemicals together.

The Professor in the lab with me.

Smiling proudly at me.

Patting my head with affection.

My sisters calling me to come watch something with them on the television.

Me looking up at the Professor in question.

Him smiling and gesturing me to go on.

Grinning and kissing his cheek before flying up the stairs to join my sisters.

Giggling and laughing happily with them.

Going back down to the lab and continuing to mix my chemicals.

The chemicals starting to bubble over then glowing, violently shaking.

A scream.

An explosion.

Flames. Destruction.





More pain.

A voice.

A figure.

An unrecognizable blurry face.

The feeling of being lifted.

Blackness again.

Soft, muttered words.



I didn't realize that I had closed my eyes until I felt a gentle prod on my shoulder. I opened them to see the Doctor staring at me with concern.

She probably thinks you're a nutjob.

'She does not.'

"Are you alright dear?" she asked softly.

See? Nutjob.

I nodded, releasing the sides of my head.

'When did I grab my head?'

When you remembered what you had done.

"Where is the Profes- I mean my father?" I asked, correcting myself last minute.

Her expression immediately turned solemn.

Oh, I bet she has some bad news.

"I'm afraid that Professor John Utonium didn't make it. He is no longer with us. I'm sorry." she said professionally until the last part, which she said remorsefully.

Told you.

I fought back the tears and gulped.

"And my sisters? Where are they?" I inquired, hoping beyond hope that they were alive and okay.

Don't get your hopes up.

She smiled slightly.

"Your sisters are alive." she stated.

I sighed in relief.


Her smile dropped as she grimaced.

'Uh-oh, that's not a good face.'

Here it comes.

"But…they have amnesia. They both took serious injuries to the head and when they awoke we asked them the very same questions I asked you. They couldn't answer any of them, they don't remember anything. They can't even recall their own names." she explained.

And there it is.

I could feel the tears welling up, but I wouldn't let them fall.

'No. No, you are a Leader. You don't cry.'

But what good is a leader with no one to lead.

I ignored that voice in my head and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"W-where are they?" I questioned.

'You did NOT just stutter!'

Of course you did.

Dr. Reselda masked her face in a professional-like way.

"Because of your *ahem* special abilities and the fact that your sisters can't remember said abilities, the Government decided it would be best if they…didn't remember. Seeing as in the past your sisters have both had emotional outbursts that have caused destruction to the city, the Government has deemed it necessary that those abilities and the news of your creator's passing remain hidden from them…. for the safety of the city." she explained plainly.

"Then why did you tell ME of his death?" I said, confused.

She looked at me.

"Because you are more collected, calm, and composed than your sisters and you know how to keep your emotions as well as your abilities in check. Plus you DON'T have amnesia, so we can't keep such vital information from you." she said.

I nodded.

'That makes sense.'

But she still didn't answer your question.

'That's right, she didn't!'

"But WHERE are they?" I repeated.

She sighed tiredly.

"The Government didn't want any villains or enemies of yours to attack them in their amnesiac state, so they were sent away to separate orphanages in different places. One is in Spain and the other is in New England." she said.


Tch, by that she means the Government didn't want beings so powerful to end up in the wrong hands…except theirs of course.

I felt a stinging in my eyes, so I looked down at the sheets covering my legs, then I cleared my throat.

"Okay. I understand." I spoke quietly.

No you don't.

"Good." she said instantly with a big smile.


She nodded once and patted my covered foot, then got up heading for the door. Before she went out it she turned her head back towards me.

"Oh and when you're fully healed and permitted to leave the hospital you'll be sent to the local Townsville Orphanage." with that she left.

When I heard the door click shut I waited for a short bit, then small droplets started hitting my covered legs. I pulled my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around my knees, burying my face into them.

And I cried.

Some Leader of Heroes you are. Pathetic.

I cried harder.

. . .

It was a week later that I now stood in front of Townsville Orphanage.

All of my wounds had healed completely within the time.

Well, except for one…

A scar, going over my left shoulder.

An infinite reminder of how badly you failed.

I looked upon the big building before me as I stood in front of its iron gates.

'Well, here goes.'

I inhaled a deep breath and took a step.

I was now inside the Orphanage's grounds.

I let the breath go.

'And now to start my new life.'

I mean…

It can't get any worse.


End Prologue

A/N: Well, there it is. The Prologue to my new story.

What will become of our poor Heroine?

You'll just have to find out in Chapter 1.

*1- Amelinda and Reselda are both Latin-American names.

Amelinda= Hardworking

Reselda= Healer

*2- Xue is Chinese which I thought was fitting since Blossom was learning Mandarin Chinese.

Xue= Snow; purity

Hope you all enjoyed this.

Please Review. Follow and Favorite if you want to. Or PM me, whatever works.

Love you all!

Until next time.
