Prologue: A Dashed Hope

A young man was sitting with nervous energy in a transport. He brushed his sandy blonde hair from his face and looked at the person to the right of him. "What do you think we're going to do today?" He asked him. He was just chattering now. His blue eyes beaming with light, and the man sitting next to him rolled his eyes.

"You know what you applied for right, kid?" He started, and he nodded his head. "They're probably going to test you if you're suited for that, if not they're gonna ship you back home." The young man deflated a moment and leaned back into the back of the seat. The man sighed and slapped his knee reassuringly before pulling his hand away. "I'm sure it will be alright, kid."

The automatic voice informed everyone that they would be landing soon, and that everyone should remain still. It took a matter of minutes before everyone filed out and put into groups. The clones led his small group away to be tested for fighter pilot. He took a deep breath as a man walked down the line looking at his small group with distaste.

"You are here because you desire to serve the Empire. We are here to see if you are even worthy to do so," He said. He was obviously higher up, and not a clone. Dark gray suit, and he overall looked like he was in charge. He sighed, and looked at the list, and began calling names.

Not even thirty minutes later, the young man sitting down waiting for his name to be called. His leg shook nervously, and then, "Luke Skywalker." He took a deep breath and stood up with an exhale. He walked up to the Pilot Officer. "Well, here is what you're going to do." He began as he started to walk up to the TIE. "You will do the stimulation, and if you pass you will start your training." He explained. "Get it done," he ordered.

Luke climbed into the jet and buckled up smoothly like he has always done before on home. The automated system started, and the jet started to shake. The screen in front of him started to show a dune landscape, and there was a small target.

An enemy.

After the first red flashes of lights that engulfed him, he panicked for a moment. He was going to fail. He could not fail. He could not go home after running away from home, just to be a failure. He let go of his anxieties and just started to shoot.

He hit every single mark. He kept hitting the mark that the stimulation shut down. He let go of the joystick and climbed out of the jet. He expected some disappointment in the man's face, but instead was met with some amusement.

"Well, Skywalker." He began. "Welcome to the Academy."


An older man sat in the dark of the home for the past two decades. He was sent here to keep an eye on a boy. The son of Anakin Skywalker… It has been a long and lonely time on his guard of this boy.

Then he felt it. A shimmer tangy, a shift in destiny. He left his home and made his way where they had left the boy so many years ago.

"Where is the boy," he asked the couple. He was calm externally, but internally he was cursing himself. How could he make this mistake? It was a small chance that Vader would come here for the boy. He did not think that he would have to worry about the boy leaving.

"He left us a note saying that he left for the Imperial Academy," the woman answered, and then he heard something move behind the couple. Who were understandably upset, but what could anyone do at this time. He recognized these droids, and one of them had a clear message for him.

"I see you have found my droids," he said to them, and they were at once swayed by his words. He left with the droids and listened to their excessive chattering. Then one said something necessary to know. "You're from Princess Leia?" He asked at once. It confirmed, and he nodded gravely. "Let us return to my home quickly. I have already received one unwelcome news today."

As one of the suns dipped into dusk he made the journey home. "Let me see the message." The messaged played and as it played it was clear what it meant. He could at least save one of the Skywalker children. "We will have to leave as soon as possible." He said.

"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my own hope."

"But sir!" the golden one protested, C3PO. "Princess Leia is on the ship with Darth Vader." He informed him. Obi-Wan leaned into his hands thoughtful of his next move. He has already failed with Luke… He cannot fail with Leia.

"There is a smuggler we can reach at a Cantina," Obi-Wan said. "We have no choice but to save the princess." He said with resolve. He started the journey to the Cantina and was fortunate that a traveler stopped. He able to get a ride from them along with the droids. This journey felt strained, and wrong on so many levels.

He made it to the cantina with his thanks to the travelers and was able to slip past the clones. He had slipped past them before, and it was a reflex at this point of his life. He walked into the cantina and looked at the two droids. "Stay near me." He ordered them. C3PO agreed, and R2D2 beeped in agreement.

It was easy to find the smuggler, Han Solo.

He sat across from him, and Han gave him a look. Leave. Obi-Wan smirked.

"I have a job, should you take it," He began as Han smirked and leaned forward.

"Yeah," He asked. "Well, I don't have time for little trips for the seniors."

Young people, Obi-Wan sighed. "If you help me with this mission. You will be paid handsomely."

"Yeah," he asked mockingly.

"Yes," he said. "You won't even have to do anything. Just have to help me save a Princess." Han rolled his eyes. He investigated Han's mind, and knew about his debt with Jabba the Hutt. "Very well," he sighed woefully. "I will find someone else." He stood up, and Han's hand on his arm stopped him.

"I didn't say no," He said. Obi-Wan smiled and knew that he had a way to save Leia. Now was to find her a Master. He was old… and he had failed Anakin. He did not believe that he had it in him to train a Jedi properly. He remembered a name of a padawan that was trained by Anakin. Though he had failed him, he did not fail in training a skilled Jedi.

Ahsoka Tano

He went over trivial details with Han, and as they were taking off he sent a message along the Force.

Ahsoka Tano… We need you.

He hoped that the message would be reached… and unsensed by others. They were taking off, and it was only a matter of time before they would be face to face with the Princess. She was their last hope now.

He chuckled under his breath. She said that he was her last hope… But really, with her brother now in the Empire's clutches. The Force was with her too, and she could save her brother and the Universe. Obi-Wan had hope.


She has been in hiding for so long and did not remember how the Force felt. But she welcomed it. She felt the tremble in the Force, and something had happened. This was a familiar voice, and she remembered who he was.


I will be there.

She will do her part and find Obi-Wan to help however she could to fix the balance of the Force.

A/N: Hello everyone, if you read my other fanfics I am updating them this week. I will try and get ahead of them as well. This is a short prologue, and I wanted it up on May Fourth. Please read and review!