Author's Note:

Hey there guys! This is gonna be the last chapter, and i am so sad about it.

I don't what I should tell you, except thank you for every review, favourite and follow you have done. Because it has always brought a smile on my face. I hope it does for you too, as I have nothing else to give you other than invisible hugs*holds arms wide then grabs you in a bone crushing hug*

Well, I can not shirk of my duty to write this chapter for you, and here it goes.

Chapter 6: Untold confessions.

Kyoko watched the tombstone even after people had left the graveyard. Her tears were stained on her cheeks, now being dried by the howling wind. She was tired of crying, but it wasn't enough. Her tears weren't enough for him. They never were anyway.

A warm hand squeezed her shoulder as she stared at the grave, as the people left and two loving parents cried for the only heir they ever had.


Her eyes wandered away from the grave, meeting the eyes of the man she had gotten herself married to. She didnt say anything, but he knew what went in her mind. He slowly led her away from the fading crowd and kissed her dried lips with tender and gentleness.

She returned the kiss, as tears streamed down her cheeks. She gripped his biceps, as he winced. Hearing his wince(no matter how faint he did), she pulled away and looked at his wound.

"I'm fine, Kyoko. Let's go home."

Home, how sweet it sounded.

She nodded, unable to say anything. What did she have to say anyway? Except a word of thanks maybe. But she knew her husband didn't mind.

She glanced back at the tomb, reading the words inscribed over it.

In the loving memory of Fuwa Sho.

'You didn't actually hide the black tea powder, did you Kyoko?'

She turned around, looking at her husband, who was walking around the entire castle with his tie half hanging and his shirt unbuttoned. She would've have laughed, if he wouldn't have such an accusing tone.

"You didn't tell me not to, and it's bad for health," she turned around to cook his favourite food; pancakes.

Suddenly, she was attacked―and surprised as she may have been―he didn't give her a chance to turn around. He just picked her up the way he did on their wedding day(oh how Kyoko had blushed the entire time), and carried her to their room.

"I have to coo―"

He assaulted her lips, and what a sweet assault it had been.

And not to mention, how late he had been for the meeting(with Kyoko trying to explain her mother in law that she didn't actually intend to do that on purpose)

However, this family was always complete. Because, Koun―or Ren as we know him, found his way back home. And well, hus parents found their lost son. And Saena? She was more than happy to grant the blessings to the man who saved the falling estate.

No matter what, it never is a happy ending. At least, Kyoko and Ren can depend on each other.

Because, they don't need a happily ever after. They only need each other.

The End

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm back for only two days. Holiday and my parents have come down here for holidays. I'm really sorry if you guys were expecting something even more grand, I had forgotten the entire storyline so I did what I could.

And the question of me continuing the other story, I will try(Gentleman can stalk too.). I don't have enough time to extend the story. I may just post another short scene of something bigger.

Thanks guys, for everything. I enjoyed writing this story, and enjoyed reading your reviews. Every single review brings a smile on my face. Thank you.

Goodbye! (See ya whenever I can!)