Young justice au chapter 1

Rip Hunter was in his study aboard the Waverider when the voice of his artificial intelligence Gideon rang over the ships speakers

"Captain Hunter the council of time masters requires an audience with you." Rip hunter at just 16 years old was the youngest time master Captain but even in the short amount time he has policed time has proven himself reliable and talented.

"Right Gideon connect us to the council" Rip said as he sat down and waited for the communication form the time masters to go through a moment passed before a hologram of the head of the council of team masters appeared. The councilor wasted no time saying

"Captain Hunter an urgent matter has come to our attention. One that will massively affect the timeline even here at the vanishing point." Rip took a deep breath and exiled before saying

"What do you require me to do councilor?"

"Mount justice is the home of a squad of young budding superhero's sidekicks of the major members of the justice league the members of the superhero squad were, robin, aqua lad, kid flash, super boy, Artemis and Miss Martian are the founders of this team" Gideon said calmly her blue head floating above Rips desk in his study Rip asked

"Entry options…. I can't walk in there telling them I'm a time master form the future here to save the world." Gideon's blue head blinked before responding

"That information is unavailable and sadly due to the nature of the threat precise time jump to or within this era nearly impossible. I calculate a 98% chance of the time drive burning out upon completion of the jump making this a one way trip." Rip sighed the council told him the risks but Rip knew he had to do it or. Well he didn't really want to think about the alterative.

"Give me the worst case scenario if we make the time jump by how far can we miss our coordinates?" Rip asked his AI'

"Worst case scenario we would arrive seven years earlier then we wanted" Rip sighed before grabbing his duster and walking onto the bridge and sitting in the captain's chair and calling out

"Gideon set a course for Happy harbor 2015 AD" Rip then threw a lever and time ship left on its fateful voyage

Rip hunter groaned and held his head in his hands hoping that the temporal migraine would despite soon. Once his head was clear enough he called

"Gideon Status!" a moment later the bald blue avatar appeared and gave the report

"All systems with the exception of the time drive are working perfectly Captain. Unfortunately the time drive burned up after we left the time stream and is beyond my capability to repair" Rip swore quietly before asking the next question

"Gideon did we make it are we on time?" Gideon's face was grim when she answered

"Yes we are on time Captain but we missed the mark" Rip sat against chair defeated and asked quietly

"By how much Gideon?" the AI calmly answered

"5 years 4 months and 27 days Captain" Rip sighed before reigning himself in like he was trained

"Ok Gideon what exactly do I do now?" the AI paused before pulling up a newspaper article stating

"The future remains unchanged Captain" Rip exhaled and looked at the headline before sighing and asking

"Gideon find me an opening looks like I'm joining the superhero's"