Im working on two other fics AHHHHH I HATE MYSELf anyways writing is a bitch so i decided to come back and work on what seems to be my best fic so far, ahahaha thats funny. Anyway not like y'all care but sis has BEEN through it. Had a rlly bad breakup, cried for like two days straight and spent the last month being like ahahaha self love and recovery. So yeah don't date abusive people and then blame urself, because thats so dumb. An island like no other is fun to write and i rlly have to work on the plot because it's such a mess, someone please help me, preferably an editor, with all my fanfictions because NOW I HAVE THREE TO WORK ON, i don't even know why i'm doing this to myself because i can barely handle one, and i such at writing things without a clear outline, but i hate clear outlines. This is the only story that i have a real ending for, the other 2. Sis i don't know where im going with them, anyways here's the new chapter, please for the love of god review her.

Butch opened his eyes and pushed himself up, rolling over off of his brother. He felt very sweaty, and very tired. Which was fairly common when he woke up, but the heat of the month wasn't helping this, or the heat of the cave he had slept in last night. He smacked his mouth and looked around, noticing both Brick and Blossom were missing. Butch really didn't care though, wasn't his business, and he was sure Brick would be fine. He really could care less about Blossom though so her being absent barely even crossed his mind.

Boomer was asleep next to him, sweat beading on his forehead as he groaned in discomfort. Butch wiped said sweat off his brothers head, and felt it up. Boomer was burning up. Butch wrinkled his own forehead in worry/frustration.

So Butch thought, for once in his life, on what to do.

He couldn't just get the girls, they were still asleep and they didn't really seem too fond of him. He could risk Bubbles, but it was far too big of risk when he actually thought about it. She seemed to be very comfortable with her arms wrapped around her hot sister- no just her sister. She might be pissed if he moved her now.

Butch also could not get his older brother Brick, who was the one who normally took care of Boomer and Butch. Because he was off getting a piece of strawberry shortcake. Lucky boy.

He squinted, trying to concentrate on what Brick would do in this kind of situation. What would Brick do? What would Brick do?

Luckily for Butch, a lightbulb went off in his brain, surprising for the well known dumbass. Brick normally tried to cool them off when he and his brother were sick, or give them medicine. But Butch didn't have medicine, so he'd have to go with the other option. Which needed improvising because Brick would use a cloth, Butch did not have a cloth. Butch had a shirt however.

Stripping himself free of his green camo tank top, he went and dipped it in the stream, letting the cold water soak it. He wrung it slightly and folded it up in his hands. Returning to Boomer Butch placed the wet shirt on his brother's forehead, and Boomer's face relaxed.

It was then Buttercup woke up, and a scowl decorated her face as the first thing she saw was Butch. Her hair was messy, but it was still cute, in the only way a bed head could be. Hair stuck to her face as she yawned and stretched out her arms.

Butch turned, "Good morning sunshine."

"What's up with the little brother?" She coughed out, voice slightly raspy.

"Sick, maybe. Can you wake your sister up?" Butch cheerily asked Buttercup.

"What, don't think I can take care of that moron you call your brother?" Buttercup prodded, slightly offended.

Maybe she wasn't the best at taking care of people, but the nerve of him not asking pissed her off anyways. So what if the one time her sisters got sick and she had to take care of them she ended up getting them high off cough medicine. They'd at least felt better, and that's what counted in the end!

"I can take care of people just fine, probably better than Bubbles!" Buttercup continued on

"Oh shut up, I trust the blonde way more than you, especially with my brother. He needs a caring touch, not a deathly one!" Butch retorted as his hand formed a fist.

"Deathly?! I can be caring, asshat!" Buttercup shouted, forgetting slightly that there were others in the cave.

"You call screaming caring?" He softly laughed as he flipped his shirt of his brothers forehead, applying the cold side to Boomer's forehead.

"Why I outta-," Buttercup started but was interrupted by a hand on her wrist.

"Be quiet! I'm trying to sleep!" Bubbles screeched, pulling her sister down to the floor in an attempt to shut her up.

"Oh Blondie! You're awake, wanna take care of Booms?" Butch questioned, a little too enthusiastic about having someone else take care of his own sibling.

Bubbles interest was peaked as her body rose at Butch's request. "What's wrong with him? Is he ok, does he have a fever, is he throwing up?" She tilted her head to the side as she threw the barrage of questions at Butch.

"I don't know, he's fine he only has a fever. I just don't know what to do." Butch responded quickly to her as he looked down at his sick brother.

Bubbles crawled over to them on all fours, and pushed Butch away from his brother. "Move, I got this handled now. You can do whatever you what today I'll take care of him now." She clutched Boomer's hand in hers. "In fact it's probably best if you both leave, so no one else gets sick. We don't know if it's contagious yet." Bubbles then shooed them out, Butch grabbing his bag on the way.

Butch now sat outside, shirtless, with a grumpy Buttercup. Her arms were crossed as she bit her lip in frustration. Butch twiddled his thumbs, then started to dig in his bag, which was filled with all the random things. He was only looking for one thing however, one green thing.

"What are you digging for? You're being super fucking loud, and annoying." Buttercup snapped as she turned her head to Butch.

"Wanna?" he said as he pulled a small bag filled with a green clump of leaves.

"Get lost loser, go get stoned by yourself."

"How boring Butters, my my, what it's like to walk the straight edge, i could never imagine."

Buttercup raised her head, "the straight edge? Geez i thought you'd never guess i'd be into that." she smiled as she stood up to leave.

"Hey hey hey, where are you going?" Butch grabs her wrist and yanks her back. "We should at least hang." Buttercup is then pulled even further into Butch's lap, facing forward and not towards him though. He takes a strand of her hair into his fingers and loops it around one. "You know, get to know each other a little more." He can feel the heat rise in Buttercup's body as he does this. He can't see that her face is red however as he lowers his face to her neck. His hot breath slightly grazing it, sending shivers down her spine.

"Like i said before, get lost loser." She mumbles, and Butch lets her out of his grip. She takes a moment to move however and Butch finds himself smiling at that.

She doesn't even look at him as she goes to leave again, and Butch is satisfied at the thought of her being so, uncomfortable, by his actions. The idea of pushing her over the edge, it just seemed so appeally now to Butch. Isolated, alone, just with each other. Everyone else was preoccupied, how convenient.

"Aw, that's no fun though. We could have fun Butters, any kind of fun you want." Butch calls out, his voice a little lower, and a little smoother than normal. His head is placed on his chin when Buttercup turns to look at him, expecting to be able to give him her normal stink eye she was so good at. Instead she can't, not with that ugly mug looking a little bit better than normal. Fuck- she needed to get ahold of herself, and her thoughts. Butch was a womanizer, and she was not about to become his next victim.

Although, when she looked at him, with those stupid dark green eyes and his stupid good looks, spending just a little bit of time didn't seem so bad. She was Buttercup, the toughest fighter, it would take a lot more than one stupid boy to bring her down. "What did you have in mind, since you're so confident all of a sudden." Buttercup finds herself playing right into his little game as she says this.

"Well," he stands and wraps his arms around her body, his head laying on top hers. "Why should i tell you?" His body is hot against hers as his hands lay on her stomach.

Not about to lose this battle, she twists her body around under his grasp, pressing herself up against his chest. Buttercup traces a circle on his chest as she looks up at him. "Mmm, if i ask nicely, can i get the answer?" Butch raises an eyebrow, not expected from Buttercup, but he's not about to give up now.

He raises up her chin with his middle finger, and moves his head to her neck. Slowly, he places his lips on the very bottom of her neck, and begins to move up, placing another kiss as he does this. He can feel her jump in her skin at every kiss and he stops midway to gently bite at her neck. Her head twists away and she smashes her palm onto his mouth, pushing it away.

He licks her hand though, and she pulls it away quickly, disgusted. Butch laughs and reaches for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers.

"That wasn't very nice, i guess that's why you're the spice part of the recipe."

Buttercup snorts, "and the spit on my hand is why you're the snails part." Butch frowns at this clapback and lets go of her hand, wiping his hand on his pants.

"Shut up." he mumbles.

"Oh? What happened to Mr. Confident?" Buttercup places her hands on her hips and jeers at the brooding boy.

"Shut up." He says out loud, his eyes glaring and slinted now.

"Make me." Butch is pissed now, his hands retreating into his pocket as he slouches, back arched as he tries to contain the anger building up.

It was like two bombs waiting for one to light the fuse, so they could blow up finally. And these two teens they were short fused.

Buttercup finds herself on the ground, and Butch on top, his hand laced around her neck. Just as soon as she realizes her own hands are on his, trying to get his hand off of her neck as she struggles for air slightly. She digs her nails into said hand and feels a warm liquid start to drop down from it. "Give it up Buttercup. You lose." Butch leans down and sneers only centimeters away from her face, their noses almost touching at this point. Buttercup lets go of his hand, and reaches behind her back, lifting herself up just enough for her hand to reach. A small click is heard and Butch's brow scrunches up. "What are you up to?" he growls and Buttercup smiles.

"F-feel it." she gasps as she moves something under her shirt upwards. Butch's biggest weakness has just been drawn out. His entire body tenses as his face grows much softer, and more embarrassed.

"T-that's not fair." his other hand is shaky as it travels to Buttercups chest. It's a once in a lifetime moment for the boy, things like this don't just happen everyday. And by her own choice, but all warning signs were ignored for this golden, sparkling, opportunity. The beautiful, soft, absolutely perfect mound of flesh beneath his hand, unleashed, all for him. One touch, one hand on her breast, and his grip of her throat immediately loosens. Buttercup takes the chance, and sends her fist right into his jaw, a perfect distraction. She kicks him off of her, and snaps back her bra into place.

"Idiot, boys are so simple."

But Butch is too busy relishing in the short moment he had longed to happen for so long, how perfect and soft it was, to get back up. Just big enough for his whole palm to cover the middle, and his fingers to reach the edge. Big boobs were definitely overrated compared to hers. He grinned as he closed his eyes, still laying on the floor of the forest. He could die right now and he would be fine with it.

Buttercup frowns at the boy laying on the floor, he looked to content for her comfort, so she kicks him hard in the ribs and walks away. Maybe this stupid island has food.