Author's Note: I read this to myself right before publishing (didn't change anything for the sake of preserving what I'd written years ago) and flat out laughed. Just... keep in mind that this was written a long time ago.


Emma sighed as she looked through her closet. She had just ended her 4th year of college, and her apartment still wasn't clean since Day 1. Today, she was packing up her room to go back to Harwood and see her parents for the first time in her new, college graduated life. Ever since the team defeated the Warstar and advanced from High School, their lives had been different broken apart. She looked through the small, but cramped room as she saw all the boxes of precious HS memories. There was one particular box which the retired Pink was looking for.

When her eyes locked gaze with its red marker, she read it to make sure it was the right one. "Mega Memories" the box simply showed, as the adult pulled it out with an "Oomph." Even her powers had started to wear out as she gave her morpher to Tensou. The day she last walked out of the Command Center was one of the saddest days of her life, knowing now that she was a graduated high schooler, and Power Ranger. She got home that day and cried straight into her pillow for 4 long hours of agony and tissues, all while her parents, Tommy and Kim, tried their best to comfort their grown up daughter.

Emma pulled out one item after another as it brought smiles to her small face, remember those small, but cherished moments of her high school life. One picture, she couldn't take her eyes off. It was a picture of her and Troy hugging at the Senior Dance. A tear formed at the edge of her eyelid, as she wiped it away, wishing her arm felt lighter than it was when she was sad. She found a photo frame on her desk, pulled out the picture of a rose, and stuck that crystal clear photo of the duo inside. Boy, she felt good when she saw that face again. No matter what, she could never overcome her feelings for Troy Burrows.

Emma swore she could hear a knock at the door, but nobody ever came to visit her. She ignored the noise as a sound from her head. But she heard it again. As strange as it was, it pretty sure sounded like it was real. She got off the bed, and slowly trudged to the door. Without bothering to look through the peephole, she opened the door with ease. She literally gasped and put her hand to her mouth as her eyes widened. The whole gang was waiting for her innocently, each person having a small gift for her. She didn't, er… couldn't understand what in the world was going on and hesitantly let them in as Gia walked in with Jake as she gave Emma a huge hug. Noah came in and gave her a bouquet of flowers as she accepted it and gave both him and Jake a hug and put their presents of her desk in her room. Troy just came in and she gave him an extended hug as he kissed her on the cheek. She squeezed him a little tighter as they let go and went inside. Gia, as usual, blurted out something that wasn't meant to be a backhand comment, initially.

"So, somebody is a neat freak." She said, as she glanced at all the boxes scattered everywhere on the floor and seats.

"Yeah, this is my last week, so I'm getting ready to head to Harwood. I feel great, knowing that I'm from now on not the only one that's still going to college."

"Yeah, the city's a dump without your help along with Kim. We all can't wait to see you back there. Besides, you have a lot of big news that awaits your close attention."

"Alright, who wants to go first?"

"I will," Noah said. "Well, I have been accepted as a professor at Berkley."

"Wow! I am so proud of you! Good luck, Noah." Emma gave him a big hug and looked to Jake. He simply pointed to Gia and instructed for her to ask the retired Yellow. Emma listened and looked to Gia, who was holding her stomach.

"Emma, well a few months ago was Jake and my wedding. Last week, we confirmed that I'm pregnant." Emma literally screamed and gave her a huge hug that lasted forever until the guys had to pry Gia off Emma. Emma knew someone was missing, so she turned to the group. Troy was left, obviously, as the wallflower of the group, next to Emma.

"Troy, do you have some big news?" The others stood to the side, as Emma mentally questioned their motives. He walked up to her, knelt down, and pulled out a small box. Emma didn't say anything as her eyes widened in shock.


"Troy, I thought it stopped at the dance. What are you doing?" He held her left hand to keep her from falling in stress.

"Emma Goodall, will you marry me?" Emma kept the hand over her mouth and tears started to fall down her cheeks as she could be easily identified as smiling. She nodded her head slower, then got faster.

"Y-Yes." That was the only word he wanted to hear as he smiled back, put the ring on her finger, and got up to hug her. She only did the same back to him, and the others smiled as Jake and Gia kissed to remember the day when he proposed to Yellow. Noah just smiled as he looked at his watch. He got the others to help Emma pack up the rest of her stuff as the room became empty after a few hours. The next day, the group wore their best clothes that they brought with them to the college. They stared in awe as Emma walked on stage, and gracefully received her golden certificate. A smile was stuck to her face as she walked down from the stage after giving her speech. A few hours later, the graduates of 2018 threw their hats in the air as they exchanged hugs, and agreed to call each other later. Emma walked out of the forest of people and walked up to her gang. They gave her a big hug, and Troy held her as they exchanged a long kiss.

Emma packed the last of her boxes two days later in the back of the taxi, as she entered with the rest of her friends and fiancée to head to the airport. They reached Harwood at the break of dawn, and Emma gave her parents the biggest hug in the world. She unpacked her bags, moved back into her room, and stayed there for a few months.

Months later, Emma said the two words that bonded her with the love of her life. 'I do.' They moved into their new apartment, where there was a lot of arguing over what color worked: red or pink. Emma constantly told Troy that she didn't like how red looked in that room and he said in return, "As you wish your highness." That face melted her heart, and she said 'forget it', until it happened one too many times, and the house was a red paradise. She shook her head and laughed as she painted one wall pink, and then another. It was perfect.

Their whole life was mapped out perfectly, all thanks to that moment when Troy loosened up and realized that there's more to life. Love. Love for that perfect girl.