I would like to say a special thank you to ScarletRedSouls for coming up with idea of this !ReverseHarem AU and giving me permission to write. So encourage all of you to go check her out and to enjoy this story.

I will be updating this story every Monday so keep an eye out for it and enjoy.

"Oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH" Marinette screamed with excitement. "It came!"

Alya pushed the excited girl aside and took the letter from her shacking hands. Nino sat down at the bench and eagerly waited to hear the news within the letter regarding his friend.

The young bluenette squealed and took the letter back from her bestie before gently and carefully opening the envelope.

Dear Ms Marinette Dupain-Cheng,

We are very excited to inform you that you have been accepted into the design and fashion program here at All Star Academy. You have also been awarded a scholarship that will pay for all of your school fees, uniform and the design and fashion fee's that will be included in your school fee's. We were highly impressed with your designs and your application into the program and are thrilled to have you come to our school.

Incased In this letter is also the list of books that you will need to purchase before you move into your dorm on the first of September.


Madam Rosalina.

School Principal

To the young girl's right a high pitch scream quickly came pre warning the giant hug the Marinette was soon to receive from Alya.

"You got in!" Alya squealed while her boyfriend clapped Marinette on the back in congratulations.

Her parents stood across the room and smiled proudly at their daughter.

"I can't believe it, I got accepted! This was a huge risk. Nobody gets accepted into All Star Academy. I did it. Omg the 1st is next week. I have to pack and get my book. I have to create a whole new wardrobe for this. OH Alya whats am i going to do." Her words traveling at a million miles per hour.

Alya laughed and her friends antics and attempted to calm her down. "Mari your in a uniform during school hours and personally you are the most fashionable girl out there so calm down. If you need to i can come with and we can get some new fabrics and go shopping together this afternoon and tomorrow. Nino and i will also help get you packed for this."

"Thanks Alya for being so supportive. I cant believe were not going to see each other everyday. I'll get to come home for the holidays but durning the term its too far to do so."

"Honey technology is an amazing thing. We can still talk all the time and we can face time if we want to see reactions on each other's faces."

The bluenette giggles "Yeah your right."

"We are so proud of you muffin, here's $500, I want you three to go out and get everything needed for Mari's school book and if there's any left over change go ahead and greet yourselves." Marinette's father said as he pulled out his wallet and handed over the change.

"Thank you daddy!"

"Alright! Come on girl lets get moving." Alya dragged Marinette and Nino out of the small bakery while to two adults laughed at the three teens.

The first place they went to was the book store to collect all of Mari's required books.

"Alright first thing first, I need "Design and Fashion" written by Gabriel Agreste." Marinette read the first book off of her list.

"Well that makes sense." Nino commented as he went off to find the design section.

"Alright the next book i need is, "My Fashion Career" by Cristopher Todd."

Alya looks at her best friend and asks weather or not the rest of her books are in the design section.

"Well yeah most of my classes are in that department. I will just need a year 11 math text book but aside from that i need "Fashion Through the Ages" by Alicia Jones and "What Makes a Great Design" by Hollie Smith." Marinette said.

"Great you head to the fashion section over by Nino and I'll go get your math textbook." Alya said before walking off.

"Alright." Mari said to no one in particular.

"Hey Nino, found anything yet." The young designer asked.

"Yeah, i found Gabriel Agreste's book for yah, there's an entire section." He commented.

"Yeah i would hope so." She giggles before scanning the selves for her other textbooks. Luckily they were right next to each other and it was only a matter of time before Alya came racing around the corner with the final textbook.

The group went to the counter and paid for the textbooks with the $500 Marinette's father Tom gave them.

"Well we still got $100 left. What do we want to do first?" Marinette asked the group.

Nino was the first to respond, "Donuts."

"Huh?" The two girls asked.

"I'm hungry, lets go get some donuts before hitting the fabric store." He explained earning a slap upside the head from Alya.

"We can get food from the bakery on the way to the fabric store, alright." Alya told her boyfriend while grabbing a book off the counter and leading the way out the door followed by a shocked Nino and giggly Marinette.

"So Mari what fabrics are you planning on getting?" Alya asked as they entered the small store.

"Mmmm, this is so good, mmmm" Nino said while devouring several donuts from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.

"Get a room Nino." Alya said slapping said boy upside the head.

Marinette starts laughing hysterically, "I'm going to miss you guys so much. How am I going to survive without you too."

"I don't know Mari, just don't forget about us." Alya told me as we walked between the fabrics.

"What to we think about this?" Marinette asked holding up a light pink fabric.

"It's cute. What about this lilac colour?" She turns to me and hold up a nice coloured fabric.

"Yeah that's cute. It would nice to put some flowers on a black skirt or sweater. Do they have it in a thread?" Marinette asked while looking at a nice wine red coloured fabric. "This would make a nice dress for any important parties or evenings that I have to attend."

"Oh you should do this sparkly purple fabric into a full length formal dress. You would look amazing." Alya sung.

"Alright I'll get 2 meters worth of that, along with the light pink, black and grey fabrics. That should be enough to get me a few new outfits for weekends and school social events." Marinette said letting her brain race through different ideas.

Alya and Nino help the young designer carry everything to the front counter as she pays for everything.

Finally ready to head back to the bakery, Nino orders a few pizza's for dinner as his treat to the small group and Marinette's parents. All of them planning out their last week together before the start of school.

Thanks for reading y'all, please leave a Review and tell me what you guys thought. Thanks xx