This is a story I've recently thought of, and wanted to get out. I'm not new to Fanfiction, I have several accounts that I've written under years ago when I was younger and in high school as an outlet to the environment around me.

I haven't really written for Fanfiction since late 2016, early 2017. I honestly lost my spark but I'm trying to ignite it again. I want to seek out a career in writing and I think starting off on here is the way to go. I've learned so much over the years and I feel like I'm finally ready to start my career as a writer.

Please give me your honest opinions and positive critiques, I want to use this platform as a way to better myself as a writer. Please no rude or disrespectful comments, just criticism and suggestions if need be. I'm going to be doing short chapters, since I plan to update several times a week so please bare with me guys.


The day in the life of an IG model. People always had something to say when I talked about my job. Most would hate and say it wasn't really modeling, that anyone could take a picture and post it online but little do people know. It's actually way harder than they think.

As an IG model, I do just as much work as a Fashion Model. I have to workout several times a week, and eat a balanced diet to ensure my body stays fit and lean. I also spend hours doing photo shoots to get the right shot to post on the gram. I spend maybe 5-6 hours a day doing a photo shoot.

While it may seem like I'm complaining, I'm really not. I love my job, I love the people I work with and I love the fact that I can do what I love and live well off of it. I have a steady amount of haters, that only motivate me to work harder and challenge myself.

"Bella?" Alice shouts, as I finish my bowl of fruit.

"I'm in the kitchen, Pixie." I shout back. I open up my bottle of water and take a long drink, finishing it in one go. I take a deep breath and close it. As Alice enters the kitchen, I see shes dressed in high heels so high, she towers over me. I roll my eyes, at her attempt to be taller. "Trying to break your neck? I see."

"Oh Please, I could walk in heels in my sleep." She shrugs, as she takes a seat at my island. "I just finished uploading yesterday's photo ten minutes ago. It's already got 50k likes. I got an email from the heads of Victoria Secret. They want you to head the 2018 Fashion Show."

"You already know how I feel about that company, Pixie." I scoff, placing my dish in the dishwasher and tossing my bottle in the trash. "They don't even allow average body types in their campaigns, catalogs, or shows."

"This would be great for you, Bella. More exposure." Alice says, basically drooling. I know she's always loved Victoria Secret's and if she had the height, she would totally jump at the chance at modeling for them. "Come on, PLEASE!"

"I'll think about it." I head upstairs with her tailing me. "Anything else?"

"Eric from Waves INC. said due to the success from your latest project. He wants you to do another spread with his swimsuits, but this time as a collab with a male celebrity for Sports Illustrated. They've been making demands for you for the longest time."

"Do you know who?" I ask.

"Nope. They're keeping things pretty hush hush. Some A list celebrity who doesn't want anything leaking out. He doesn't even know you're who he's collabing with." Alice says, as she sits on my bed.

"I wonder who it is." I say, raising a brow. The only male celebrity I've really worked with is Jacob Black, a childhood friend. He's been my friend since birth. Our mothers gave birth a day a part, I was a day older than Jacob and I would forever tease him about it.

"Not Jacob, he'd of already called you from the moment he got the news." Alice snorts. "Besides, an A List Celebrity could open doors for you. Maybe help your acting career get jump started."

"I already told you, I'm not sure I'm ready for that Alice. I'm dominating Social Media right now. To add Actress to that, would make my personal life non-existent." I sigh, as I head into my closet and change into a black shoulderless bodysuit, blue ripped worn jeans, and black booties.

"You're personal life is already non-existent." Alice calls out, and I mentally flip her off. "Speaking of, Jasper wants me to meet his family finally. Wanna come?"

"I don't know, Ally Cat." I frown. "Isn't that something important? You guys have been together for a year and a half now, and he's just now starting to introduce you to the important people in his life. I'm not sure if I should be there."

"Jasper said it's fine, he likes you. He knows we're a package deal, so you're coming. Me asking was just a formality." She says in a no nonsense tone. I shake my head.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "Who's going to be there?"

"His Sister, Cousins, Aunt and Uncle." She says, as I enter the bedroom and pick up my black mini Chanel backpack, I used this bag everyday. It's expensive as hell but it's so pretty and it's my favorite.

"I remember you saying his parents died when he was younger and he and his sister were taken in by their Aunt and Uncle. Are you nervous?" I question, as I grab my phone and head downstairs. "Paul's driving us today, I'm not driving with you anymore and my car is getting detailed. I can't pick it up until next week."

"Oh come on, you know you like the speed." She chuckles, I narrow my eyes at her as we head outside where Paul is waiting by the Black Escalade. "And no I'm not nervous, I'm actually excited. Jasper's opening up with me more and more now and I'm very happy he's starting to trust me. I know that evil bitch did a number on him, and it's great to see he's trying to put his distrust and caution aside to let me in."

"That's good." I say, as Paul holds the door open for us and we get in before he gets in on the drivers side and takes off. "I can tell Jasper really loves you."

"Anyone with a set of eyes can silly." She giggles, checking her phone for messages. While she's on her phone. I take the time to look on my Instagram. I see my pictures up to 200,000 likes and 5,000 comments.

I look through the comments and reply to some, liking others and head back to my profile. I have over 22 million followers, which I worked very hard for. I'm grateful to every single person that takes the time to support me on a daily basis. I take a quick selfie and post it on my story.

After a grueling photo session with Alice's team at some playground, I'm back in my regular clothes and we're headed to Jasper's family's home for dinner. I am so hungry, I could eat a whole damn cow worth of burgers.

"Here." Alice hands me a veggie bowl. I squeal and take it, digging in. It's quinoa, roasted carrots, broccoli and asparagus with lemon juice, agave syrup and apple cider vinegar for dressing. "I ordered it while you were changing and had it delivered."

"Thanks." I say. I hum, at the taste of the food. I love this dish, I have it damn near everyday. I prefer to make it because I normally will add sautéed mushrooms and onions but I do order it like this when I'm in a rush for food.

"Is there going to be food I can eat there?" I ask. I probably should have asked this earlier. I guess it slipped my mind what with all the makeup, outfit changes, pictures and different hairstyles.

"Yes. Jasper told Esme his aunt about your diet. She has a lot of veggie meal options along with stuff for everyone else." Alice says. I nod.

I don't restrict myself, however I do believe in moderation and a healthy balance. I eat 60% veggies, 30% fruits and 10% whatever I feel like. Whether it be oil incorporated, junk food or really anything. Yet I prefer to eat junk or unhealthy things on my cheat days, which is normally the weekend since I work throughout the week and the weekend is my private time.

We drive to a secluded part of town, and stop in front of a gate.

"Alice?" I hear Jasper's voice through the intercom.

"Who else would it be?" Alice smirks, as the gates open and Paul drives up the long driveway to a large glass mansion. It's quite beautiful but seems a bit strange a choice especially with it being in the woods.

Once Paul parks, we see Jasper standing in front of the double doors.

"Welcome to Cullen Manor." He says, kissing Alice as we reach him. "Hey Bella." He greets, giving me a hug. I smile, as I return it.

"How've you been?" I ask.

"Pretty good, especially with this one to help make my days end better." I giggle, they've started to spend the night at each other's places. I find it completely adorable seeming when I first met Jasper he was so intimidating. I initially introduced them, I met Jasper through his security firm when I was looking for private security back in high school. He was my CPO until he started Alice and admitted it would be difficult to do his job with her around and assigned Paul to me.

"I'm really happy for you guys." I admit, grinning widely.

"Me too." Jasper says, returning my grin. "So pretty much everyone in my family is here. My aunt Esme, Uncle Carlisle, Cousins Edward and Emmett. Emmett's fiancee Rosalie is here as well. My cousin Edward's a private person, quite like you Bella. My aunt and uncle are very affectionate people and so is Emmett. Rosalie is the opposite, she's a bitch period. Edward is quiet, but don't mistake it as shyness. He's very calculating, he studies people something that annoys me to no end."

"Okay, I'm ready." Alice says, and I nod in agreement.

Jasper leads us inside, he leads us to what he mentions is the sitting room. I see a woman with caramel colored hair in a love seat with a man who can only be described as a DILF. He's blond, with beautiful blue eyes and a bright smile. Next to the love seat, is a sofa with three people. A blond woman, who looks like she belongs in playboy magazine. I internally snort, there's no way her chest is that big naturally when she's a twig. I move on to the big brute beside her with hazel eyes, and a gigantic grin. He's huge, nearly taking up half the sofa's space.

The last person is a fine specimen, he can only be described as a Younger version of DILF with copper messy sex hair, a chiseled jaw and perfectly proportionate body. My mouth waters as I take in his body, he's fucking hot. There's no other way to describe it, I notice he looks wildly familiar. I don't know from where, seeing as how I'm sure I'd remember someone like him.

"And this is Isabella Swan. She's Alice's step sister, and one of my closest friends." Jasper introduces, breaking me out of my way thoughts. I blush as everyone turns to look at me. He introduces everyone, pointing out who's who.

"How lovely to meet you." Esme says, I didn't even notice she and Carlisle had stood and walked over to where we stood. She hugs me before I can get a word in, and I quickly hug her back.

"You as well, Jasper's always talked about how you were his saving grace." I say, politely.

"Thanks for helping to open Jasper up, Isabella. I know you and Alice are the best people for him to be around." Carlisle says. He shakes my hand.

"No problem, Jasper's a sweet man and he makes my sister happy." I shrug. "Also I prefer Bella, Isabella makes me feel like I'm being scolded."

"Bella it is, as long as you call us by our first names." Esme says sternly, while smiling. Carlisle nods his head in agreement.

"Hey, You're that Instagram model turned Social Media Influencer." Emmett blurts. "I follow you, I've been a fan since that 10,000 calorie challenge you did with The Rock. I love the fact that you aren't as stuck up as all those other too good for anybody else twits."

I giggle. "Thank you, I admit I felt like hell after that challenge. I puked on Dwayne's shoes right after we finished shooting, I was so embarrassed but he laughed it off. I'm just glad we didn't do that live. That would have been even worse, I'd of become a meme."

"Wow..." Emmett laughs. "Well it doesn't hurt you're hot. I'm sure that took away some of the grossness."

"Emmett!" Esme scolds.

"It's okay." I wave her off. "I'm used to it, and you're probably right."

"So you're an Instagram Model?" Rosalie said, she frowned. "Couldn't make it as an actual model?"

Alice's face drops, and she looks from Rosalie to me. Jasper squeezes her hand and gives me an apologetic look. I shake my head, I've dealt with catty bitches before her insults don't phase me one bit.

"Actually, I am not signed by choice. I've had several top agencies both domestic and international seek me out. I declined, I prefer to do what I want when I want without having to answer to anyone. I speak out for causes, I protest peacefully and I use my platform to support positive change and organizations. I am not interested in being a puppet with someone handling me as if I don't have my own thoughts and views." I shrug. "I've gotten to where I am because people not only like how I look, but they actually care about what I have to say."

Edward snorts, as Rosalie's face turned red.

"Rosalie." Esme says in warning, before looking at Emmett who nods and whispers something to Rosalie. "Dinner's ready, why don't we go to the dining room."

Everyone makes their way out the sitting room and into the the dining room. Esme sits at the head of the table and Carlisle sits opposite her. Emmett, Rosalie and Edward sits to Esme's right, and Alice, Jasper and I sit to her left. Everything is set on the table, and there's an abundance of food. Several options to choose from. Everything smells delicious.

"Would anyone like to volunteer for prayer?" Carlisle asks.

Jasper who's a man of few words nods towards him and everyone bows their head.

"Dear heavenly father, we ask that you bless this amazing meal that Aunt Esme has provided as sustenance. We ask that you give patience and understanding to everyone seated at this table tonight. We also thank you for providing every opportunity, every morsel we digest and every blessing that fills our lives. Hear this prayer, as we all say Amen." Jasper says. He's a very God fearing man.

"Amen." Everyone says in unison.

"So Edward how's work going?" Carlisle breaks the silence, as everyone's gathered their food and starts eating. He looks towards his son in interest as he sips on his glass of wine. They've provided an expensive red wine, I however choose to drink water. I'm not that big of a drinker only for special occasions.

"Great so far." Edward 's voice is a smooth baritone. I blink, he's clearly attractive and his voice just adds to his charm. He's absolutely devastatingly handsome. "You would know, seeming it's your domain."

"I know as your supervisor, that doesn't mean I can't ask as your father." Carlisle points out. He takes a bite of his sirloin. "Besides, you and I both know I don't follow every single detail of your work. I believe in equality and separation of personal and business endeavors."

Edward nod his head, his eyes however cast on me. He has brilliant emerald green eyes that shine with each new emotion that appears on his face. I can't help but be mesmerized.

"Jasper, I remember you telling me last week you were hiring two new employees for your Security Firm. How's that going?" Carlisle turns his attention towards Jasper.

"Good. I found two men through Paul, who I assigned to Bella." Jasper nods his head my way. "Embry and Sam. They're brothers, from the La Push Reservation. Bella knows them in fact, she grew up with a mutual friend."

"Did you get a new client?" Esme asks.

"No, however I have several potential's I'm looking into. Sam and Embry are going to join Paul as Bella's Security Team. Her fame is rising daily, and with that as you know comes threats. So she'll have a three man team from now on, to be revised after three months."

I cringe. Paul told me about some of the newest hate comments, threats and letters that are borderline sickening. People just can't stand to see another person win. I personally don't understand the hate, if someone's doing good I wish them well and keep it moving. There's no positives from being negative and bitter.

"Oh?" Esme says. "I know you're an Instagram star as Emmett's said, but surely that isn't the only thing you do. You look quite familiar."

"Bella's actually more than just an Instagram Model. She's a Model, even though she chooses to stick mainly to Instagram. She's the spokesperson for Fenty, Calvin Klein, Guess, Puma, Dior, and Chanel. We're in talks with a few other companies that want her to headline some Fashion shows as well as appear in some television shows and movies." Alice says, with pride. I blush. She's my number one supporter.

"Ah, I have your Chanel perfume. It smells lovely by the way, it's my new favorite." Esme says. "Emmett actually bought it for me for Mother's Day."

"Rosalie raved about it on and on and it smells so good. So I knew Mom would love it." Emmett shrugs. "Plus I'm a big fan of your work, you've done a lot of good and you're so humble."

"Thank you." I say. "That actual scent was made by Alice. She loves all things beauty and fashion. She pushed me to do it , but took over the mixing and ingredients in the factory labs."

"While this conversation is just so interesting, we're not really here to hear about Bella. We're here to get to know Mary Alice." Rosalie scoffs. I roll my eyes at her attitude but none the less she's right. This whole night has mostly been taken up with talk of me, rather than Alice.

"Rosalie." Esme levels her with a stare. She turns to Alice. "My apologies dear, I was just truly fascinated with Bella's success. You both are clearly very intelligent and respectable young women. Your parents surely are proud."

"Our dad is. He's always been our number one supporter." Alice says.

The rest of dinner is full of questions about Alice's upbringing and personal life.

So I said a short paragraph, and yet here I am with over 3,000 words. He he he...

I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Let me know what you guys think.

Should I keep going? I'm thinking a Monday, Wednesday and Friday Upload schedule with 1,000 words.