Karma was walking down the street when he found the school where Nagisa was working. He has been trying to talk to him more and more, but with Nagisa's newest job as a school teacher he has been very busy. Today the class has a day off but Nagisa is still stuck in the classroom. Karma walks up the stairs and gets help to find Nagisa's room.

"Hiya teach," says Karma.

Nagisa blinks smiling up at Karma with his same sweet smile. Karma heart thumps but he holds his composer.

"Karma! It's so good to see you again, what are you doing here?" asks Nagisa.

"Just came to see you, didn't see you working on the classroom so came here," says Karma.

Nagisa smiles knowing how Karma likes brushing things off.

"Sorry, I couldn't abandon my students like that," says Nagisa.

"Yeah I know, it's whatever. If this is your classroom why are you in a students desk?"

"It's a lot comfier than my desk."

Karma looks over at Nagisa's desk and sees there isn't much of a desk there anymore.

"I see…"

Nagisa continues to work, Karma makes himself at home. He knows that Nagisa would offer him a seat if he wasn't busy.

"If you get hungry, help yourself to my lunch."

"You need to eat, Nagisa."

"I will, I am just not hungry."

Karma sighs and relaxes in the chair. He does get hungry, grabbing half of the lunch leaving Nagisa some he sits back down.

"Hey Nagisa. Nagisa...NAGISA…."

Karma sighs eating his half of the lunch. He finishes up his food and shadows Nagisa. This gets Nagisa to stop what he is doing.

"What are you doing, Karma?"

"Oh you know trying to get your attention. I see your busy. How about we go out for dinner tonight?"

Nagisa was caught off guard when it came to that, he blinks and nods agreeing.

"Yeah sure Karma. I should be done around 8…"

"Great, see you tonight."

He doesn't hesitate he leans down kissing Nagisa, tugging his chin up a bit. Nagisa doesn't move, how can he with his best friend kissing him like this. He drops the pen closing his eyes slowly. Karma breaks the kiss heading to the door.

"Dress in something nice, alright? But keep your hair like that you look cute."

He smirks at Nagisa's dumbfounded face leaving him like that. Nagisa does have extra pair of clothes but he has it for his students constant murder attempts. He can't really focus on work the rest of the night, he finishes up by 7:30 so he can get ready for his date with Karma. He gets dressed in a blue button up, tan cardigan and blue jean capris. He really thinks he is underdressed but knows that there is nothing he can do about it right now. He rushes down the stairs finding Karma leaning on the wall. Karma smiles softly at Nagisa, Karma is wearing a silver gray tee shirt, a necklace with a cross on it and red jeans.

"I-I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Sorry, this is all I brought with me..I hope this is okay."

"Slow down, you look fine today. Did you finish the lunch I left you?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! You didn't have to do that I would have gotten something else."

"It's not that big of a deal, after you."

Nagisa leads the way out of the school but ends up following Karma to the theater. Nagisa blinks but glad that he chose their favorite movie to watch. Karma paid for everything, which had Nagisa turn red.

"I could have paid for my ticket.."

"Don't be stupid, Nagisa. I asked you out."

"That might be true, but it isn't that big of a deal to pay."

"It's okay, tonight is on me."

Nagisa sighs not arguing with Karma anymore, they head in and enjoy the movie. Karma looks over half way through the movie and sees that Nagisa has a piece of popcorn on his face. Karma chuckles then helps Nagisa out when Nagisa can't seem to get it.

"Come here."

Nagisa does as asked and Karma licks the piece of popcorn off his face. Nagisa turns red, he is very determined to kiss Karma tonight much like Karma has tonight.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"I wanted to, honestly."

Nagisa blushes at that, wondering about that. They start walking again into town, they even go to dinner together. After dinner, Nagisa knew he had to go home. Karma offers his hand and to his surprise, Nagisa takes his hand. They walk to Nagisa's house where Nagisa stands awkaward.

"I better get going home."

"Hey, let's do this again sometime."


Karma goes to leave but like the snake Nagisa is, he takes Karma pulling him down to his height. Nagisa plants a big one on Karma, surprising the both of them. Karma pulls Nagisa in kissing him back. They break the kiss standing there out of breath.

"If you want you can come in tonight…"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah come on."

Karma smiles accepting Nagisa's invitation.