"A Karaoke off?" Ruby asked as the group was brought to Beacon's auditodium with equipment for said activity already set up for them on the stage courtesy of Glynda Goodwitch. She seemed more cheerful for some reason despite her usual strict facial features, projecting a more positive aura even, though most of the others didn't know why.

"Yes, little one, a Karaoke off," The mother of the Arcs answered softly. "I will be assessing your vocal cords, diaphragm, and overall razzle dazzle." Someone had raised one of their hands, the faunus girl, Blake she recalled, "yes?"

"Not that I question your methods," In order to continue her question, she ignored that tiny deep down instinct telling her to run, "but how does this determine our compatibility with Jaune?"

The mother huffed, "I suppose this question is to be expected though the answer is obvious. Compatiblitly can be assessed through how well potential lovers harmonize." She answered, seemingly unaware of the befuddled stares she was receiving. Another hand was raised, the youngest girl among them this time, "yes?"

"Then why did you let Jaune go out?" Ruby questioned further.

Mrs. Arc simply chuckled, "Well, I need to see if you can actually sing first can't I? And besides, let the boys bond." Before they came here, Jaune's father had asked for a tour from the school with his son. Unbeknownst to most, Mrs. Arc had "requested" Mr. Arc "request" for a tour while Mrs. Arc began the tests.

"Without Jaune?"

That's when Mrs. Arc's pleasant nature started to fade and the aura of death was returning, "I'll be frank with you, all of you. I approve of your potential qualification but as a mother I just can't help but plain not like you girls," She then turned to Cinder who had a small smirk forming on her features, "Including you Miss Fall." She had to deny smirking herself from the look of confusion replacing those smug and cool features on the young woman.

"But you approved of -" Cinder found herself silenced when Mrs. Arc held up a hand. It was odd for her to be silenced by someone not her dark superior.

"I was drunk," She stated neutrally. "We all make mistakes... or rather potential mistakes." This made Cinder quirk a brow, "I'm a harsh woman but I try to be fair. Make no mistake, I know one of you may win his heart, maybe even a piece of mine, " She stopped speaking to let out a soft giggle, a giggle that somehow sent a chill down everyone's spines, "Still, expect to be pushed to the absolute limit. You will be shown no mercy and given no quarter, from me and certainly not my daughters."

Mrs. Arc relished making these girls squirm. Now perhaps it was a tad harsh to frighten these girls so early, or rather at all, but in Mrs. Arc eyes it's better if they understand what they're in for now than later. And besides, if they chose to endure then it shows that they may be more than just Aestheticly pleasing to look at.

"Now then," Mrs. Arc sighed before her demeanor became bubbly yet again, "who among you would like to go first?"

"Definitely me!" Yang immediately swaggered from the group to present herself to the older woman, "Not to sound too cocky," She had to ignore the "coughs" that came from her peers, "but I've been told I've got golden pipes."

"Really now?" Mrs. Arc drawled, "Then get on that on that stage, the mics right there waiting you." The two immediately went up, Yang toward the mic and Mrs. Arc toward the karaoke machine, "So, I'll be generous and ask, are there any songs in mind that you'd prefer?"

Yang made a thinking pose before snapping her fingers with a wide grin on her face, "Yes I do actually!" She gestured for Mrs. Arc to come over, which she did, and whispered in her ear. The small woman's eyes widened for a split second before she smiled and nodded eagerly. She went right for the machine and picked out Yang's song. Initially, no one recognized the song as it was clearly a decade or two behind but once the lyrics came in they all understood it.

They were being Rick Rolled or rather... Yang Banged.

"~We're no strangers to love~"

"~You know the rules and so do I~"

"Goddammit Yang," Ruby mumbled under her breath.

Now we could listen to Yang sing or we could catch up to another blond, the one made from XY chromosomes. Which would you kids rather do?


That's correct, your opinion has no weight... right now at least, so let see what Jaune is up to! "And here's the cafeteria where usual lunch and lunch themed combat takes place."

"Neat." The older man chirped.

"Yeah." They proceeded to just stand in the middle of the cafeteria under the spell of an awkward silence for a full 20 seconds until Jaune sighed, "Mom wants to scare my friends then test them doesn't she?" More a statement than a question really.

But Mr. Arc pretended it was otherwise, "Maybe."

"And she's doing the Karaoke test first isn't she?"


"Why does it have to be this way?" Jaune groaned, pretty much flopping down on a lunch table.

"Perhaps - wait." Mr. Arc shook his head then chuckled nervously as he sat beside his son who gave him the 'Really?' stare. "Sorry kiddo, it's how its been for generations. If it makes you feel any better, they'll probably have an easier time than I did." He shuddered as he recalled his youthful days... days dodging multiple attempts on his life even during the wedding, "Super glad we wore red and black," he muttered before yelping, "OW!"

"Huh?" Came the response of Jaune who rarely heard his parents ever yelp in pain.

"Something poked... my... giblets," He slurred. He slumped in his seat, clearly knocked out from the dart that had stuck him on the back of the head.

Jaune removed it and examined it, "A knockout dart? But who and why?" He asked himself. He was certain his grandfather on his mother's side was done hiring people to do that by now. His pondering was halted by a poke on the shoulder.

"!" When he turned around, he was swiftly embraced by a really short woman. A short, mute woman who had the color scheme of Neopolitan Ice cream.

"Hey Neo!" Jaune hugged the woman back. As he pulled back, he asked, "Do you know who shot Dad with the dart?" With a silent giggle, she lifted up a dart blower before lightly bopping Jaune over the head with it, "Ah. And I take it you want me to buy you some ice cream now that Dad's out of the count?" As expected, she rapidly nodded.

Once they were out of ear shot, they couldn't here the father release a laughter of satisfaction and accomplishment. "Haha, never get's old ya adorable gremlin."

Oaky, let's hear more songs from the ladies now. Oh, it appears we have Ruby up there now.

"~Just a small town girl~"

"~Livin' in a lonely world~"

"~She took the midnight train goin' anywhere~"

"Oh, Me next, me next!' Came a giddy and masculine voice. Ruby didn't have enough time to protest before Cadin Winchester practically snatched the microphone and began to sing his heart out, paying the others with their bewildered expressions little regard.

"~Just a small town boy~"

"~Born and raised in South Vacuo~"

~"He took the midnight train goin' anywhere~"

"What the hell?" Glynda muttered. While his voice was surprisingly pleasing to the ears, both he and his cheering team shouldn't have been in the auditorium right now as she made sure to lock the doors. She decided to give them another check to be sure.

Mrs. Arc had no idea how they got in but figured they would since the song "Journey" was playing and that always draws a crowd. Still, she had to ask a quick question to make sure, "Um, are they also after Jaune's heart too?"

"NO!" The woman was nearly knocked over from the force of the young ladie's outburst. The only one who didn't yell was Cinder, mainly because she was busy trying to melt team CRDL with her glare. In truth, she was trying to hold back from doing exactly that.

"Dude, here." Dove was now trying to hand Russel the Mic despite his friend's reluctance.

"You sure?" He asked nervously.

Sky snorted, "Just do it you pussy," he teased playfully.

"I don't know if I -" Russel immediately snatched up the device as the lyrics came up.

"~Strangers Waiting~"

"~Up and Down the Boulovard~"

"~ Their shadows searching in the night~"

"~Streetlight People,~"

"~Living just to find emotion~"

"~Hiding, somewhere in the night~'

"Hey, I love journey!" Came the ecstatic voice of -

"Jaune!" His mother gasped. Yes, him. With Neo in his arms, happily lapping away at the ice cream he held and seemingly not paying attention to the glares she received. Oh but make no mistake, she knew she was getting them and she relished making the others envious. Especially Yang and Cinder as she had a preference for pissing off the fiery and voluptuous.

Jaune gently set his small companion down and rushed on stage, Russel tossing him the mic as team CRDL locked hands and raised them high while encircling Jaune. Then they all sang together.

"~Don't stop believin''~'

"~Hold on to the feelin'~"

"~Streetlight People~"

"Uh, Momma Arc? You gonna call foul?" Yang asked, really not digging the all boys chorus going on right now since that meant she couldn't prove herself and while she like Jaune and his singing, she would much rather he be performing a duet... with her.

"Quiet!" Mrs. Arc hissed, causing Yang to flinch, "My little angel's on stage." She whispered, looking on the verge of tears. "Where did the time go?"

"My heavans, is that Journey?" And now Port was in the auditorium.

"Fuck Off!" And thanks to the force of the girl's and Glynda's yell, he was rolling out and down a hall, barreling right into his fellow professor Oobleck. He served as a warning sign for Ozpin, and yes, even General Ironwood who heard the siren's call emitting from that very auditorium.

"Hmm, seem's as though that particular area is off limits." Ozpin said as he swirled the coffee in his mug

"Quite." Ironwood agreed, "So let's get back to discussing why I'm here."

"The answer is no." Ozpin stated evenly.

"But you'll be putting the students at risk!" Ironwood yelled, sounding somewhat desperate.

Ozpin snorted after taking a sip of his coffee, "Trust me, they were worse off before."


"If you knew, you'd understand." Ozpin answered, not at all fazed by the general's outraged face.

"I'd know if you'd tell me." Ironwood growled through clenched teeth.

"Shame I can't." With that retort Ironwood stormed off, upset he was denied song, answers, and military action within the school. When he was alone, Ozpin sighed, "Why must my family be so difficult? Why do all the women in my life have to be so difficult?' He mused to himself.

Then Ironwood came back with some papers in his hand, "I almost forgot, here's Penny's transfer papers."

Ozpin gave him a curt nod and took the files, "Ah, yes."

"... So now that time has passed between us and we're much older-"

"Still a hard pass." He ignored Jame's roar of frustration, "like I said, we're safer than we were before. I'd go as far as to say we're completely safe from grimm and criminal scum," If anything, it was the students and a certain Beacon faculty member one had to watch out for right now. 'Huh, Why do I feel as though the headache inducing sensation of irony shall soon wash over me in the form of tsunami... and its rapidly closing distance?'

Good thing Neo was mute as her adorable sneeze went unnoticed as she made her exit.

"He's in there... along with all that meat." Spoke a voice, guttural and feral. Several dark figures loomed just outside the city of Vale, their red menacing eyes locked upon Beacon's location. All the grimm queens where essentially sizing up their potential difficulty with the hunt's newest hurdle.

"I'm hungry and hungry. Why can't we just barge in there again?" One queen whined, pincer snapping with impatience.

"Because we know better." A more quiet voice spoke, just barely above a whisper.

"She's right. We strike when all is at pure ease and our affection may be brought upon him unopposed." Two voices said at once, a light hiss leaving with every breath.

"For the queen." All the voices whispered un unison.

"Not to ruin our ominous approach to our mate but... did anyone else feel the need to sneeze?" A Grimm queen asked her sisters as she hovered above them.

None of the other queens responded, simply giving their flying sister a stare that was a mixture of annoyance and confusion until one spoke the group's thoughts aloud, "What the hell is sneezing?"

Anyway, back with our human and faunus characters, they were currently surrounded by plenty of unnamed extras inside the auditorium because many students wanted to hear Jaune tear it up like a sex machine... on the Mic. At this point the Karaoke machine was put away as the school band was now supplying the music for Jaune to sing with, drums, basses, electric guitars, and all.

"~You've been... Thunderstruck!~"

Oh, and he was singing "Thunderstruck". I bet you thought it was something else, HA.

"Fun fact, this was the first song he learned by himself!" Mrs. Arc tried to tell Glynda through the noise of the music and crowd.

"I would loooove to take him for myself!" Glynda responded, unaware of what the mother actually said. "I'm what many would refer to as a cougar!"

"Yeah, Freddy Krueger is cool!" Nora yelled as she got in between the older women, "I could take him on though!"

"Thank you!" Jaune yelled after finishing his song, "Now I'm going to take a short break and gear up to sing 'Get Up, Like a Sex Machine'." The crowd roared with approval, especially a certain group of ladies, possibly a guy or two, and he made his way back stage.

"Ugh, his father taught him that one... you really don't have to guess why." Mrs. Arc explained to Nora and Ren since they weren't getting too uppity about it like they're friends and instructor, preparing herself to act as Jaune's bodyguard just in case anyone made a grab for him.

Suddenly a cry rang out from behind the stage and echoed through the auditorium. A band girl rushed on stage and yelled, "Jaune's been taken!"

Like magic, the crowd all exited the auditorium without a trace and the band people shrugged, grabbed their stuff, and left. Only Mrs. Arc, RWBY, NPR, Velvet, and Glynda had stayed behind. Yes, they were mostly panicking.

"Oh No!" Pyrrha gasped.

'Taken!?' Velvet fearfully yelled.

"But who and why!?" Ruby questioned as she ran back and forth rapidly.

"Ahem!" Mrs. Arc loudly cleared her throat and everyone's eyes were on her along with her slowly rising aura. She flipped her scroll around and showed everyone the message she just got.

[Don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye on him for you ;) - Cindy]

Ren sighed and took a sip of some tea as the feeling of pure rage rapidly rose in the room thanks to most of the female occupants, "Well, our questions were at least answered."

AN: Shout outs to Guikoi for being a good Beta!

'How did the grimm queens get so close so fast' some may ask. 'Cause plot, connections, and magic' I answer.

Now shut up and enjoy, hissssssssssssssss. Oh, and Reveiw responses!

Guest: "Well their not wrong Weiss is a bit of a tsundere"

I know that but Weiss doesn't.

Kirklynjr: "can you make a Danny phantom one please"

I've thought about it but I don't think I will, sorry.

Freddy Lane 1: "soo...when are the Bro-cons gonna show up?"

At some point.