A/N: This was a requested One-shot that turned into a two. I feel I should warn you there is mention of past child abuse.

I do not own arrow or its characters.

Felicity set the bag of take-out from BBB on the table. It was Raisa's day off and Oliver was busy at the office. Felicity figured it was better to get take-out than risk her burning down the apartment trying to fix dinner.

"We're having Big Belly?" William asked in surprise taking a seat at the counter.

"Sure, why not? It'll be better for us than anything I might cook. Burnt food tastes terrible." Felicity placed a plate in front of him, setting a wrapped bacon double cheeseburger on a plate with a side of curly fries.

William made a face. "Is that why we always have take-out when neither Raisa or my dad are here?"

Felicity nodded, taking a seat next to him with her own food after getting them some sodas. "Well, it's one of the reasons. Besides who doesn't love take-out."

"Dad." William grinned.

"Your father is a health nut who loves to cook." Felicity clicked her tongue. "But he is damn good at it."

William unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite of his sandwich chewing with a thoughtful look.

"What's on your mind, Will?" Felicity wondered twirling a fry in some ketchup before popping it into her mouth.

"I was just wondering why my dad waited so long to introduce us? I mean, you're great and we really get along really well. Some stepmoms are horrible but you're not."

Felicity frowned. She hadn't really considered why Oliver hadn't wanted her part of William's right when they first started reconciling. She thought maybe he just wanted William to get used to living in a new city, going to a new school, living with a newly discovered father. But what if there was more to it? What if he just hadn't wanted her near William? But why? He loved her, didn't he? He trusted her with his life so why not with his son? Did he think she was incapable of being trusted around his son? Did he believe there was something wrong with her when it came to kids? Or maybe he just thought she couldn't help him give William a good childhood.

The thought made her stomach twist uncomfortably, memories of her own childhood trying to rise to the surface. But she pushed it down not wanting to think of her more awful memories growing up.

"Felicity?" Willam's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, buddy." she apologized noting his look of concern. "I just got lost in my thoughts for a moment there." She forced a fake smile, not wanting him to worry about it. "I don't know why your father waited so long to introduce us. Your life was changing so much maybe he just didn't want to overwhelm you."

William nodded, returning to his food. Felicity forced a smile as she stared down at her own food. Her mind plagued with haunting thoughts of her past.

Oliver let himself into the apartment. "Hey," He smiled when he caught sight of Felicity at the kitchen sink.

Felicity glanced over at him, offering a faint smile. "Welcome home, you're food's on the counter."

Oliver glanced at the take-out bag. "Big Belly Burger?"

"Well, you weren't here to fix a healthy dinner and since I can't cook to save my life, Take-Out it is." She gave a shrug of her shoulder as she dried the dishes she just washed.

Oliver frowned. "Is everything okay, Felicity?"

"Yes," she answered, putting the now dry dishes away.

Oliver walked up behind her, wrapping an arm around her middle. "I'm sorry. I was late for dinner. I'll make it up to you." He swept her blonde hair to the side, pressing his lips to the side of her neck.

"It's not that." Felicity pulled out of his hold so she could turn around.

Oliver stopped her reaching up, cupping her jaw, his thumb brushed her cheek. "Then what is it?"

"Why did you wait so long to introduce me to William?" She frowned, looking trouble. "Was it because you were unsure about us and didn't want me to be a part of his life until you were sure?"

Oliver's hand fell from her face. "What?"

"Or was it because you didn't think I was worthy enough to be a part of your son's life? Did you think I would screw him up somehow?" Tears filled Felicity eyes, her voice cracking on her next words. "Or was it because you didn't love me as much as you believe you did and thought maybe William wouldn't either?"

Oliver shook his head dumbfounded. "Where is this coming from?"

Felicity shook her head, dropping her gaze. "Nothing, just forget I said anything."

Oliver gripped her hips, stepping forward when she went to turn away. "No, don't do that. Talk to me, Felicity."

"I don't know what you want me to say." Felicity refused to meet his gaze instead she stared at the collar of his shirt.

"I want my wife to look at me and be honest about something that couldn't be further from the truth." he lifted a hand to her face, tilting her chin up, encouraging her to meet his gaze.

Oliver couldn't believe she could think that there was a time he didn't want her in William's life or thought she was unworthy or didn't trust her with his son. "There has never been a time where I didn't want you to be a part of his life. I didn't want him to think I was trying to replace his mother in his life with the woman I love. I didn't want him to resent you because you were here and his mother wasn't. I wanted to give him time."

Felicity stared up at him, her eyes feeling with tears, emotion rising in her chest.

"I never once believed you would screw him up. You're the best person I know. If I thought anyone had a chance of screwing him up that person would be me." Oliver confessed. "But having you here, guiding me, helping me, supporting me has been everything. You have never been unworthy. The truth is you're worth more than the world could ever possibly imagine. You deserve to have everything you ever want. You deserve everything."

"Oliver," Felicity whispered his words, like a balm against old emotional scars she had tried to close and keep hidden from the world.

"I trust you with my son. I trust you with his life. I trust you with mine. Trust hasn't come easily to me in a really, really long time but I trust you more than I have ever trusted anyone." There was no one he trusted more than her. No one. "So don't think for even a second that I don't trust you."

Felicity tried to blink back the tears at his kind words and she knew he meant them, she could see in his eyes that were begging for her to believe him how sincere he was with every word he spoke.

Oliver moved in and pressed his lips to hers in a loving kiss, cupping her face like she was the most precious thing he ever held in his hands. "Baby, I love you more than anyone can possibly fathom, more than I thought anyone can love one person. You're everything to me. There's no Oliver Queen without Felicity Smoak." He wiped away her tears with his thumbs that escaped her eyes, sliding down her cheeks. "I don't want you to doubt for one single second your importance in not only my life but William's as well. We need you more than I can ever put into words."

Felicity's chest ached at his reassuring words. She felt so stupid now, something she wasn't used to really feeling because she was a fracking genius and she took pride in how smart she was. Clearly, she had over-reacted. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Oliver, burying her face in his chest. "I'm sorry."

"Don't." He stroked his hand through her hair and up and down her back. "You never have to apologize for how you feel." he pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled back to catch her gaze. "Talk to me, Felicity? Tell me what's going on? What's making you feel this way? I need to know so I can fix it."

"You can't fix this." Felicity shook her head, her lip started to tremble and she bit down on it to stop it. "You can't change the past."

Oliver's brow scrunched up in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"My mom had this boyfriend, Greg, when I was only ten years old and he wasn't a good guy. He was abusive most of the time and it was always when my mother wasn't around. She didn't know of course and the second she did she sent him to jail but Greg, he left his mark on me."

Oliver was trying to understand what she was saying but was struggling to 'cause the thought of anyone hurting Felicity in any capacity was unfathomable to him. And for someone to hurt an innocent ten-year-old Felicity? It was so unthinkable and completely unacceptable. His blood started boiling.

"What-" his voice cracked with anger. "What did he do to you? Did he touch you?"

Felicity's eyes widened when she realized his mind had gone to the worst possibility. "Not in the way that your thinking. He didn't touch me like that."

Oliver nodded, while he felt a weight lift off his chest, his anger remained. "Then what did he do to you?"

"He used to smack and push me around. There were a few occasions where he knocked me down and kicked me in the ribs." She looked away. "The hits they were painful but they weren't the worst part."

Oliver had to disagree. How could it get worse than someone laying a physical hand on her, to hurt her? But he stayed quiet on what he thought. For the moment. Instead, he asked. "What was?"

"He used to belittle, tear me down, his words they really ate at me. I thought I had moved past it but now, I don't think I did. Right now, it's like I can hear him screaming at me in the back of my mind." Her eyes filled with tears. "That I'm nothing. A waste of space. Useless. A screw-up. That I ruin the lives of everyone around me. That my mother would have been better off without me. That I was unlovable and it was why my father left." her breath hitched in her chest, she felt like a weight was bearing down on her heart, the walls closing in on her. "That I was unworthy and didn't deserve to be loved."

Oh, God, maybe Greg was right. Maybe, she deserved every beating, every hit he gave her. Maybe every cruel word he ever said to her was the truth.

"Felicity, stop," he said gently, softly. "I just need you to listen."

"You don't have to say any-" Felicity started, turning away from Oliver washing a hand down her face.

Oliver grasped her arm gently turning her back to him. "You have no idea how badly I want to track this Greg down and shoot him full of arrows." his voice was dark but his expression was hurt like he was aching for what she went through. "I want you to listen to me, Felicity. There is no one I think the world of more than you. Greg or whatever the fuck his name is didn't know shit. He was a bastard who was cruel to a child cause he was a miserable prick in life." His hands raised cupping her face. "He was wrong on every level imaginable. Your beautiful, brilliant, multi-talented, strong-willed, you're stronger than you know, stronger than anyone can possibly imagine. And as for you being unlovable. That's a bunch of bullshit. I never heard anything so ridiculous so further from the truth in my life. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I've ever done and I've never regretted it for one second and I never will." He pressed his lips to hers in a loving kiss, his lips brushing her own when he spoke again. "I love you so so much. You deserve to have everything that you want and I'm so grateful that I happen to be someone you want. You are stronger than your past. You are so much more than your past."

Felicity gasped wrapping her arms around him and pressing her lips more firmly against his, feeling his love soothing old scars that she had try to forget. The way Oliver loved her had always overwhelmed her in the best way and she loved him for it more than she could ever put into words so instead, she wrapped her arms around him, deepening the kiss, pouring her love into it.

When his arms banded around her, and he bent forward, surrounding her, she had never felt safer or more loved. Standing there in his arms, his lips moving against hers, his love encompassing her she felt deserving of the life she lived, the love he gave her and the little family they had built together.

Maybe, Greg was wrong. Maybe she wasn't as unworthy of love as he made her believe.

Maybe all she needed to do was see herself through Oliver's eyes. No one had loved her the way he loved her and that had to mean something.

And that was enough for her, the emotional scars Greg left on her were her past. Oliver and William and their family were her life now and if they loved her it was good enough for her. Their opinion was what mattered.

Felicity wrapped her arms around her husband, pressing herself tightly against him, taking comfort in his arms.

The other half of this two-shot will be up in a few days. Thanks for reading and reviews or encouraged.

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