I Own Nothing

AN: I wanted to do something for Mother's Day and this is what came out. Thanks for the reviews, favorites, and follows from other stories.

AN2: I don't know Liam's mom's name. I have seen on wiki sites that it is Jenna, but I looked through the show and didn't hear it anywhere. I didn't hear his dad's name either so just put mom and dad instead of creating any.

Title: A Mother's Love Is Unconditional

Characters: Liam/Theo, Liam's Mom

Summary: Theo realizes what a mother's love is supposed to be like. He never had it before, but Liam's mom has given him that since he started living with their family.

It was always the small things that a person did that was the most noticed. The actions speak louder than words deal or if you love someone you don't have to say it because they will know. Theo had never thought much about them being true when it came to a parent. His had never been that great at showing they cared. He was pretty sure they had or Tara and he wouldn't have been kept or born. However, he wondered at times after he had come to live here with Liam and his family.

The way Liam and his mom was at times made a part of him ache. It wasn't jealousy it was like he had a piece missing. Just the small things of Liam's mom making sure Liam didn't forget his keys. Liam forgot the keys a lot, which was funny a couple of times, but then Theo wanted to attach them with glue to his boyfriend. Then there was Liam making sure his mom had lunch not wanting her to eat the hospital food.

Theo had always made cards in school when it was a holiday to give to his parents. Most of the time he watched them get put in the kitchen drawer. Once in a while they might sit out for a week, but never for anyone else to see. They went in the kitchen drawer after that. It was where most things went that would later get tossed out. One time he had watched his mom toss it out the same day he brought it home. Clutter wasn't aloud in the house and things like that was just clutter or junk.

He still had made them even the ones for Mothers' Day that he thought would at least make it on the fridge. He'd spent time on them even thought of something good to put in them. Those just sat on the counter top for a day or so then got put away too. He'd looked through the drawer once wanting to see the cards that Tara and he made. He'd seen that they were gone and asked his dad where they where. He'd just said something about cleaning the junk drawer out was finally needed. It had hurt that they were thought of as junk and he had asked his dad why was it was junk. That answer had been for him to go do something and stop bugging him.


He had asked his mom that night when she had gotten home why the things had been tossed out like trash. She'd told him that it was probably an accident, but there was no use to worry about pieces of paper. He told her they hadn't been pieces of paper that he had put time into them so they could know he loved them. He had wanted to show that even if it seemed they didn't care, he did and loved them. He had gotten yelled at for bugging her by his dad and sent to his room. If he cared then he would stay out of their sight for the rest of the night. It was the first time he realized his parents didn't care as much as they should. He had doubted they even loved him that night.

He had still made the cards because he had to in school. It would have looked strange not making the cards in class. He just had never given them to his parents after that day when he found out they were thought of as trash and junk. Tara had always liked what he had given her though, which was why he always made hers extra special. She hung them in her room on the mirror and she had always hugged him.

It was why it always hurt knowing he had betrayed her. It was the world's way of telling him he was trash to be tossed out too he had thought. The doctors hadn't mentioned one word about who was going to give him a new heart. He hadn't thought it would be Tara or anyone he knew. He should have known something wasn't right though, but they had tricked him. They had all the cards he'd made for Tara. He had seen all of them and they had told him she thought it was really trash too. He knew now after so long in hell feeling Tara's pain over and over that it had been a lie. She had never thrown the things he made out; their parents had been the only ones that thought of them as trash.

He sometimes wished that Tara had lived and his parents had been the one that lost their hearts. They didn't use them so why would they even miss them. He couldn't remember once being told he was loved by either of his parents. Tara always said it and showed it, but doubt had leaked in for one second. They'd had a fight about him hovering and she wanted just an hour to her self. He had yelled telling her she must not love him either if she didn't want him near. One stupid fight had lead to doubt and then it had all been over until now.


Theo didn't know why he had even remembered the stupid 'junk' drawer. He had stopped making the cards after the dread doctors took him and killed his parents. However, he probably had brought the memory back by seeing the card Liam had given his mom that morning. He hadn't thought about it being Mother's Day even though he had heard Liam say something about it. He really hadn't been paying attention to what his boyfriend was talking about that morning. He'd been lost in his own world since he had seen the card on Liam's desk that morning. It was simple and Liam had made it, he always made cards thinking the personal touch was better.

He had thought that for so many years until he'd seen the cleaned out 'junk' drawer. The words had even stung, but right now he was trying to decide what to do. Liam's mom was a wonderful woman and had taken him without questions. She never had asked why he had been sleeping in his truck or where his parents were at. She didn't ask why he had woken up those first months living with them screaming for his sister to stop taking his heart. She had sat with him countless times when Liam had been out for some reason.

She had hung Liam's and his grades on the fridge when they had both gotten all A's like they were still little kids. It had been nice seeing the report card there and she hadn't tossed it into a drawer afterwards. She had put it in a binder in a paper protector like she had of all of Liam's grades and awards. She had made one for him especially though and it was in the living room on the book case. The bookcase was where all the other photo albums were and four or five other binders of stuff Liam had made her in.

She even had the cards that Liam made for holidays even random ones. He had seen one for Father's day in there too which had surprised him. She had told him that Liam had made her one for the holiday for years when it had just been them. Dr. Geyer even had the things that Liam gave him in the binders. He thought about the binders and the things that Liam's parents had done for him made him reconsider making another card. He had said he wouldn't do it again when he'd saw the things gone. However, today he wanted to give Liam's mom something back for all the things she had done for him.


"What are you doing?" Liam asked flopping on his bed looking over at where Theo was sitting at the desk. He had come upstairs to find out why Theo was hiding out. At least he thought he was hiding out. He hadn't seen his boyfriend so lost in a long while. He hadn't been able to read his emotions downstairs.

"Nothing," Theo said before he got up. "Okay not nothing, does this look okay or should I just throw it out now?" he asked handing the card over to Liam. He hadn't realized he'd been working on the thing for almost three hours. It was more time than he had ever spent on something he made; even what he had given Tara had only been about two at most.

"Holy crap," Liam said sitting up looking at the card that Theo had made. "You made this?" he asked even though he knew that Theo had forgotten what today was. There had been no way he could have bought a card since he had given his mom the card he had made her at breakfast. He had seen the guilt written on Theo's face for not even thinking about getting her something. He had told him it was okay like his mom had, but the card he was holding spoke volumes on not letting it go.

"I never meant to forget about today. Its probably lame, but I wanted her to have something from me," Theo said feeling like the card still wasn't good enough. He didn't know how to show on a piece of paper or even words what she meant to him.

"Lame? Are you kidding me, I'm slightly jealous here. This card is amazing, T." Liam said.


It was some of the thick computer paper he used for poster making. The paper had been folded in half with the words Happy Mother's Day at the top of it. They were colored in and he didn't see a single spot where Theo had slipped and didn't stay inside the letters. At the bottom of the front there was everyone of his mom's favorite flowers drawn into a flower bed. Theo had drawn a fountain with two frogs sitting with fishing poles. That was colored in as well and there were even fish in the little fountain.

When he opened the card up on the side that was the back of the front of the card was more art work. This time it was a picture of two cats sitting in what looked like beach chairs. They had umbrellas behind the chairs keeping the sun out and drinks between the chairs on a table. The cats were drawn with great detail even their fur matched the actual cats that they owned. Theo had one of them that they had given him for Christmas. The other was his mom's that she had for years.

For his mom's birthday Theo had gotten her a shirt made that looked like the picture on the card. The only thing missing was the light house that had been on the shirt in the back ground. He could tell that the waves were coming in on the beach that the cats were sitting at. The other thing that was different was the two other cats sleeping in the sand. He knew that in a way the cats in the chair were his parents. The other two were supposed to be Theo and him, which was funny. He liked it though because Theo sometimes did say he should call him a cat instead of a werewolf. He would curl up anywhere and go to sleep especially around Theo.

The next part of the card had words written on it and he smiled reading them. He wasn't surprised because he knew most everything about Theo now. He however didn't get the reference to what the last part of the words were. He closed the card looking up at Theo not sure what to say because he could tell that something was bothering him even with the time he had put into the card.


"The only thing I see that is wrong is that you haven't signed your name to this," Liam said getting up and going to the desk. He sat the card down before handing the pen to Theo. "Sign it. She is going to love this card because she loves you. She already thinks of you as her's and she makes you waffles even though the rest of us love pancakes." Liam stated knowing that his mom wouldn't do that for anyone she didn't care for.

Theo took the pen before putting his name on the card. He knew Liam was right there was no way he wasn't loved by anyone in the house. He kissed Liam before going downstairs to find the woman he had started thinking of as a mom. He hadn't said it out loud that he thought of her in that way. Liam hadn't even known until he had read the card, which he knew Liam had wanted to ask questions about.

Liam hadn't though and right now he was grateful for that. He didn't know how to explain how he felt inside about that one thing in his life. It was the only thing Liam didn't know about because he had locked it away. He had needed to keep that one thing inside, but he hadn't known really. He had it so far down he had blocked it out because it hurt so much.


EN: I'm leaving the words in the card up to the readers to decide what is there. The last line that Liam couldn't understand was about the junk drawer. Other than that I wanted the words to be for the readers to think of their selves. I couldn't come up with words that mean what my mom meant to me. She was a best friend, someone to hug when I really needed one and then some.