aI've had this idea for while about this Fanfiction and it's based around ideas that I've pulled from different stories other people have written. I put a lot of thought into how the story would go and hopefully I can see how it will end and be carried out once I've written the beginning. Please let me know how it is and I hope you keep reading when more is uploaded. If I get somewhere with this it could last for many chapters depending on how I feel about it.

Chapter One – Broken Friendship, Broken Heart

"No Chandler!" Monica yelled yet again, she brushed her hair away from her face and pushed herself slowly to her feet. "You think it's okay to miss mine and Phoebe's birthday because you have had a break up?! Yes, I know its been hard on you but all we've done is stick by you, but you just blank us because you'd rather be at home on your own sulking" She held her stomach and shut her eyes feeling the baby kick her ribs, her throat hurt from shouting, but she was sick of Chandler being like this.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I can't be happy and all smiles, when I see all of you being in good relationships and living happy lives! I thought you of all people might understand Monica, but you are nothing but SELFISH!" Chandler yelled back edging closer to the door, he really didn't mean what he said but right now he didn't care, he was telling her how he really felt.

Monica felt tears prickle her eyes, instead of letting them show she turned and grabbed his jacket. "Out…get out!" she snapped, throwing it at him and storming away into her room.

Chandler looked down, his face turned red and his body stiffened when he heard Monica's door slam shut on him, he literally threw himself into his and Joeys apartment across the hall and slumped onto his bed.

Tears trickled down his cheeks, but he quickly whipped them away and pulled out his case. He emptied all his clothes into the bag and grabbed everything he would need including his savings for the holiday the whole group had planned and his passport.

"Hey Joanne, that promotion that you were discussing in the office last week is it still on the table?"

"Hi Chandler, yeah it's still available, why? How come you've changed your mind all of a sudden?" Joanne was Chandlers boss and last week it was announced that there was a job promotion available in Las Vegas, where the worker would go there for a month or two and run the office while the former boss was on holiday.

"Okay well I can go today, I'd like the job, as long as there is somewhere to stay and flights?" Chandler sighed when he closed his apartment door and left the building, his head was spinning with anger, upset and relief. Maybe he would regret this later on but right now this is what's for the best.

"Flights and Hotel rooms are sorted, you will be there at 7pm if you catch the 2pm flight, good luck Chandler bye"

"Thanks Bye Joanne" Chandler ended the call and tucked his cell in his pocket, if he let himself get distracted he would start to regret his decision, he kept his eyes on the road, as he hailed a cab and was driven to the airport. He knew his reaction was a little over the top after just a small argument but he had been feeling alone for the past few months and of all people he at least thought it would've been his best friend Monica who would understand and be there for him.

Monica spent the next 3 hours sobbing into her pillow, staring at a picture of the group of her best friends her arm wrapped protectively around her tummy, she heard her apartment door open and close but didn't move from her position. She was around 7 months pregnant and she couldn't wait to see her baby girl.

"Mon? Mon you here?" Rachel called hanging up her coat and taking a bottle of water from the fridge. She crossed the apartment and knocked softly on Monica's door before opening it. "Mon? Oh, Mon what's wrong?"

She climbed on the bed beside Monica and wiped away her tears, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. Monica sobbed harder and shuffled up to fall against Rachel in a loose hug, she dropped the photo unable to look at it anymore.

Rachel pushed Monica back to look at her and sighed when she saw nothing but heartbreak in her bright blue eyes.

"Ch-chandler left, w-we argued and h-he said I w-was being selfish b-because I was mad about him missing m-mine and p-phoebe's birthday h-he said he was upset and didn't want to see us happy unlike him. I-it's all my f-fault, I told him to leave" Monica slowed her sobs and tried to get her words out between them, only to cry louder into Rachels shoulder when she'd done

Rachel wrapped her arms around her Best Friend and stroked her hair. "Oh sweetie, he'll be back, he was just upset and angry. You know he loves you, it'll be okay honey" She whispered, Monica nodded, no energy left to speak, she closed her eyes and steadied her breathing eventually falling asleep.

A couple of hours later, Monica awoke to the voices of her friends in the living room, she pulled herself out of bed groaning, when her head felt heavy and throbbed.

"Monica how are you?" Ross asked as soon as she left her bedroom. Monica nodded and beelined for the kitchen ignoring the concerned and worried looks of her friends.

"You staying for dinner? Will is due back any time now" She mumbled her head stuck in the fridge, to avoid the others even though she knew they'd talk eventually.

Each of them nodded and joined her by the kitchen table bringing her into a tight hug without saying a word. Monica frowned and looked down not knowing what to say next. "Im sorry" She whispered the others shook their heads and smiled reassuringly.

"Its not your fault, I'll talk to him later when he's calmed down. It'll be okay Mon" Joey said squeezing her shoulder glancing worriedly at the others.

The 4 of them knew that Monica was going through a lot, first she was pregnant, which they were all terribly excited about. But they also knew her and Will weren't going well, they constantly argued and he was never there to support her, in actual fact they never liked Will but just pretended for Monica's sake.

"Hi honey" Will called as he closed the door and hung up his coat, he nodded and smiled at Rachel and phoebe but totally blanked Ross and Joey, each of them scowled and returned to the couch. Monica gave him a weak smile as he wrapped her in a warm hug and kissed her forehead lightly, she loved Will when he was like this, but it wasn't very often. She fell against his chest and sighed, she was happy he was home but the events from earlier that day wouldn't leave her.

"You okay sweetie?" Will whispered into her hair one hand fell and rested on her tummy and Monica smiled lovingly. "Me and Chandler argued, and he left" She spoke quietly but Will heard the upset in her voice.

"Aww honey it'll be okay, why don't you go and try to talk to him, we'll be here for when you come back" He kissed her lovingly and gestured to her friends who nodded and grinned at how sweet and understanding Will was being.

"Okay, I'm going over there" Monica held her head up feeling her chest get very tight, she swallowed the large lump in her throat and took small steps across the hall to the opposite apartment.

"Chandler? I'm sorry I just want to talk" She made her way across the apartment which was silent and empty, she looked at Chandlers bedroom door which stood slightly ajar.

"Chandler are you here? Im so so sorry" She pushed on his door and gasped at the sight, his room was empty, his wardrobes left open with no contents to match his drawers. Tears stained Monica's cheeks once more as she slumped down against the wall, now she really had lost him.

"Mon! Oh, baby don't cry please don't" Will ran over and pulled Monica to her feet, she just collapsed against him her hot tears seeping through his shirt. He noticed the empty bedroom and his eyes widened a little. Monica was devasted and more upset than he'd ever seen her before.

"He's left, it's my fault" She sobbed when everyone else filed into the room, they all stood in shock and how sudden he had left.

Chandler entered his Hotel room and sighed, he hadn't realised how lonely his life would be, everyday he had been with his friends for the past 6 years, and he'd left them. He'd left Monica. An aching in the pit of his stomach, he'd told her she was selfish and that she didn't care but that wasn't true she was the absolute opposite.

To tell the truth Chandler thought Monica was the best friend he'd ever have, and he ruined that.

Monica spent that night crying and being consoled by her friends, she fell asleep late that night and woke up to a soaked pillow. Her head throbbed, and she felt drained. Will had left for work, and she really didn't want to talk to anyone. Well she did but he wasn't there for her to talk to.

Instead of leaving her door unlocked for her friends to enter as they pleased, she bolted it and made sure every chain was secure. She closed all the blinds and kept the lights off, she grabbed food from the fridge and plonked it on the coffee table, she had no plan of moving from the couch today.

Although this seemed irrational all because she had had an argument with her friend, it was more than that to her, as bad as this sounded she trusted and cared more about Chandler than she did about Will. Yeah that was the truth. Chandler had always meant so much more to her than anyone ever.

Chandler awoke in a foul mood for work, he was lousy, quiet and mopey. His suit was a little creased and his hair was left a mess as he entered his new office for the next few weeks. Monica would normally make him breakfast and make sure he's decent for work.

This had to stop.

Chandler chose to move away, and it is for the best, he told himself to stop thinking about Monica and his friends, if only it would last longer than 5 minutes.

"Monica! Open the door, its me Will come on! Let me in" Frantic knocks echoed around the apartment every one making Monica flinch but she made no effort into getting up. She didn't want to speak to anyone. Including Will, he wouldn't understand, and he wouldn't make her feel even a little bit better.

Will began to yell to get Monica's attention, Joey and Rachel also began shouting for her, but Monica didn't move, instead she let silent tears fall.

Monica stayed in the dark and lonely apartment for another day before she even considered talking to any of her friends. Joey often tried to open her door and just talk to her through the night, but he got nothing. Will had given up trying and was staying at Joey's, Phoebe and Rachel came everyday and tried calling every couple of hours. Ross, her brother, called and called on the first day of Monica being distant, but he gave up, he was too upset.

By the third day Monica was weak, tired and definitely not healthy, she only ate once a day and hardly moved only to go to the bathroom. Her head throbbed, the baby kicked every so often but only weakly, Monica was harming the baby by not eating, moving and drinking. She loved this baby more than anything but she felt like she was underwater, not able to hear anything, her head was empty, everything just seemed to blur into one.

Chandler had started to get used to his life in Vegas, yes it had only been 3 days, but he knew that dwelling on the past wouldn't do anyone any good. He made a few friends, he loved their company, but they would never beat the friends he had back home, who surprisingly still cared enough to call at least 3 times a day and leave him endless messages.

He spent his time after work with his friends at the local bar, they helped drown out the pain he was going through.

After a week of being ignored Rachel took a day off work and made her way to Monica's apartment, and sat leaning against it. She hadn't spoken to her best friend in a week and she was terribly worried about her and the baby.

"Mon look Will is at Joey's it's just me, please let me in and talk to me, I know I'm not Chandler but I want to help you, I wont tell any of the others if you don't want, but Phoebes really worried about you" Rachel mumbled more to herself. She let out a huge sigh of relief but also jumped with shock when Monica cracked the door open a little, she sat froze for a second before coming back to her senses and quickly entering before Monica shut her out again. The door slammed shut and was bolted again.

Monica slumped back on the couch, Rachel watched seeing how terrible she looked, dark circles under her eyes, you could say she looked skinnier in her face, but with her being pregnant her stomach looked big. Without saying a thing, Rachel moved over and wrapped her arms tightly around Monica, who at first resisted but couldn't help melting against her friend's body, her warmth sending shivers through her body, she thought she was okay but obviously not.

Tears burnt her eyes when Rachel pulled away with a look of guilt and hurt.

"Mon we all miss him, but I know you most of all, he'll be back, we kind of know where he is, but we didn't wanna just tell you from outside that door. Will's worried about you Mon" Rachel scrunched her face at the name and tried to work out what Monica's eyes were telling her. She just saw hurt and desperation.

"Rach, I love him—"

"W-w-what?" Rachel gasped hoping she hadn't heard Monica correctly, but with no facial expression from her friend it meant she'd heard it perfectly. "Y-you love him, but what about Will and the baby? Will has given up coming around but he's annoyed and worried Mon"

Monica sighed, there was one thing no one knew about Will. He wasn't the mister Perfect, he acted like in front of her friends.

"Rach remember when you saw all those bruises on my tummy when I found out I was pregnant? Well look…" Monica lifted her sleeves and her pyjama bottoms, hesitating a little, she revealed purple and green bruises all over. Rachels mouth gaped open and her hands started to shake, her eyes burned with tears and anger.

"He- he…" Is all she could say, Monica nodded and covered them again.

"Rachel, he doesn't love me, he used me, I got pregnant and so he started to hit my arms and legs instead, so he doesn't hurt the baby, its nearly every night after you've left. I was scared to tell someone, I fell out of love with him for a long time, I've seen Chandler in a different way for a while, but I didn't want to really admit it. That's why its killing me that he's left, he never knew. Rachel, I love Chandler" Monica took a deep breath and looked into Rachels eyes to reassure that it wasn't a lie, she felt tears again but held them back, she'd had enough of crying.

Rachel shot up to her feet her fists clenched, Monica grabbed her and hugged her. She knew Rachel was angry at Will, but she was devastated because Monica was her best friend and she hadn't noticed.

"Mon I'm so sorry, I should've known, you could've spoke to me, I will kill him I need to tell them Mon, Phoebe, Joey, Ross! They're so worried about you and in all honesty, we have always hated Will he's never treat you right" Rachel wiped her tears and put her hand over Monica's belly. Normally there was quite a bit of movement but right now she felt nothing

"We will help you honey, you don't need him, but we will always be here for you, always. Mon has the baby moved much lately, you've been here and you look terrible, the baby can't be any better" Worry stretched over Rachel's face and Monica looked away feeling the tears finally fall, she had been worried about the baby but she thought it was okay.

Rachel got to her feet and pulled Monica with her, she led the way to the bathroom and ran a bath. Monica still felt empty and her heart ached terribly, having Rachel here was reassuring but she wasn't him. She needed Chandler, if she ever wanted to be normal again.

Rachel gasped when she Monica pulled off her clothes revealing her skinny and bruised body, she was really skinny, her shoulder, neck and hip bones protruding like never before. "Mon I'm staying here, then tomorrow we are going to the hospital" Rachel said firmly, Monica nodded too exhausted to argue back.

"I don't want Will here though" she whispered quietly, Rachel watched her and felt utterly sick at how scared and fragile Monica looked and she never noticed who was causing it.

"Don't worry he isn't coming any where near you! Me and Phoebe will come and stay here with you" Monica opened her mouth to say something, Rachel carried on knowing exactly what she was worried about. "I won't tell anyone about the Chandler part, I promise. But they all need to know about Will, Joey and Ross will make sure he stays away. If you don't want them to be here all the time, then I know they'll understand but we've all been so worried about you and the baby." Rachel finished and saw Monica actually crack a smile.

"Thank you, Rach, I don't mind telling them about Will but I cant deal with Joey and Ross been here all the time questioning me. You and Pheebs can stay here I need you, I don't know If the babies okay and if I lose it I don't know what id do with myself. It kills me to think of it. I just don't want Will involved, at all."

Rachel called Phoebe and asked her whether she'd stay at Monica's, she got there 10 minutes later with a case and food for the three of them.

Phoebe found out about Will and was just as angry as Rachel at the fact that she never noticed, Monica finally felt a little happier that she'd let her friends in, she knew it was best for her.

The only thing that haunted her was the idea of Chandler in Vegas probably not caring. Would her ever come back? Would he ever know how she felt? They'd never know…