It is a universal truth that everybody has at least one secret. Whether that secret is something as big as an affair with your child's married teacher or as small as knocking over your Grandma's favourite vase when you were four and blaming it on the dog is irrelevant. Everybody has a secret.

For a select few, the very fabric of the lives is built on nothing but secrets and lies; Such intricate falsehoods that are piled on top of one another, so expertly spun into a web so intricate and intrinsic to their life that if it were to become unravelled, it would signal the end of life, or at least life as they have come to know it.

Hermione Granger was one such weaver of untruths, and the strangest thing was that if you asked how her life had become one big complicated mass of deceit, she would tell you that she had no idea how it was that she came to be so inescapably caught within her own web of falsehoods.

But then, even that statement is a lie in and of itself. Hermione could pinpoint exactly the moment that her first lie slipped so easily off of her tongue and she recognised quite easily the first secret she was forced to keep. The spiral had come rapidly. You know, the one that descends into chaos and shatters the foundations of everything you know. Everything you always thought you knew, at any rate.

Five years. Five long years of lying to the faces of the people that were closest to her in the world. Five years of splitting her life in two and living seperate lives, neither of which could ever meet the other lest her who spiral of deceit unravel completely. Five years of hiding the truth from the very people who so vehemently claimed to know everything about her. Five years of forcing people to believe they knew everything about her, when really they knew nothing at all.

You have to understand, first and foremost, that this was not the life she would have chosen for herself. She had never intended to end up at this point in her life and she was definitely not glad that this was her existence. It was so incredibly difficult for her to keep track of who knew her as who and who believed what lie she had told about herself.

What it all boils down to, is this; Hermione Granger's incredible talent for glamour charms and her incredibly stupid decision to fall in love with someone who hated her as real self but had pursued so doggedly as her other self. The long and short of it, was that Hermione spent most of her time trying to prevent the wizarding world from discovering that two of their most famous celebrity sweethearts were actually just one incredibly talented, but incredibly deceitful witch.

AN: There are a few different viewpoints that will be featured in this story, and whose viewpoint each chapter is in will be mentioned before the actual chapter. Hopefully that makes sense.Let me know what you think!