the sleepless elite


chapter thirty-five


I know that you're in town,
Why won't you come around to the spot that we met?

Carly Rae Jepsen, Your Type


"You took us back to the bar we met?" Darling gaps at the Rabbit Hole sign flashing above her pretty blonde head.

"I told you, I feel like we didn't start off on the right foot." Chase explains as he cuts off the engine then slips off his red helmet.

"So you want a do-over?" Darling can't help but let out a laugh. She slips off her own blue helmet and hands it to Chase who stores it away. "You're eight years late on that, Chase."

Chase only rolls his eyes and leads her into the bar. "Come on."

"I can't believe you." Darling snorts as she follows and steps in.

Warm air immediately hits her in the face. Her light blue eyes look around the place. Yup, same old bar. She really needs to speak to Bunny about this place. Despite the bar being full and lively with people, Darling thinks Mr Blanc seriously needs to makeover the place. The music selection is good though, Don't Delete the Kisses by Wolf Alice is really setting the mood.

Then she looks over at Chase. "You're such a dork."

"I'm your dork." He answers.

"Not at this very moment, you said you wanted a do-over, remember?" Darling says and reads the menu behind the counter. She actually wants to order something since she didn't get to the last time.

"You're right." Chase says, then pretends to lean against the counter, all smooth. "Hi. Can I buy you a drink?"

Darling flashes her left hand then wiggles her fingers playfully. "Sorry, buddy, I'm married."

"I'm trying to be romantic." Chase whines.

"I liked that our relationship started with a solid friendship. It got a little messy after but it turned out well." Darling admits as they take a seat at the very spot where it all began eight years ago. "Remember when you thought I was hitting on you when I first got here?" Darling teases.

"Hey, I thought you were a dude. A really cool dude who knew his stuff about bikes."

"Well I definitely knew more about bikes than you did, and I wasn't even working around them."

Chase opens his mouth, about to respond, but an elder man approaches them from behind the bar. His kind eyes light up as he says, "Well, I'll be damned! If it isn't little Miss Darling Charming! My, you sure have grown up since the last time I saw you!"

Darling grins back. "Hey, Mr Blanc, it's great to see you again. I'm glad to see that the old bar is still up and running."

"Well, yes, business as usual, it's always good to have our regular customers return from time to time. You must be back for your brother's wedding. Bunny and Alistair just got in the other day, I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you again."

Darling talks while Chase hangs back. She says, "Of course, the old gang is getting back together for Dex's wedding."

"That's great!" Mr Blanc replies, still smiling. "Well, can I get you or your friend anything?"

Darling places her chin in her hand and orders with ease, "Two beers would be great."

"Coming right up." With that, the man disappears behind the counter.

Darling hums in satisfaction then turns to Chase, who's been oddly quiet for a while. She asks him, "What's up? Did you not want a beer?"

"I didn't know you were familiar with the bartender." Chase says.

Darling shrugs, "Mr Blanc is actually the owner. And he's the father of a friend from high school so ..."

Something clicks in Chase's mind. High school friend's dad. Bar owner. Hold on. He thinks. "You've been to this bar many times, haven't you? Like, before we even met."

"Yeah. The sleepless elite used to hang out here sometimes." Darling nods. "Which was why I was super chill about meeting up with you the first time! I knew at the time, if you – a stranger – did anything sketchy to me, I could just get Mr Blanc and he would have kicked you out."

"You were underaged." Chase presses then crosses his arms in defence.

"Minor details, I charmed my way through." Darling answers with a wave of her hand. But when she sees Chase's stubborn expression, she adds, "Just like how I did with you."

"What? Charm me?"

"Yeah, you know I totally did when we met."

Chase uncrosses his arms then let out a sigh, "Eight years and I still have so much to learn about you."

Darling reaches out and places her hand on his, rings matching and reflecting against the dim lights. "Well, you have eight years and more to keep on learning."


Staring at himself in the reflection, Chase Redford had to admit, he looked good in blue, even if it wasn't a colour he'd wear. He was more of a red kind of guy, but as a member of the Charming family table today, he was obligated to match the family dress code – royal blue with touches of gold and silver.

"You look great," Darling says, coming around from behind him in her bridesmaid dress.

Chase turns away from the mirror to face Darling and finds himself mildly speechless.

"What?" Darling blinks then tucks her silver-ish blonde hair behind her ear. Now she's feeling shy. "Is something on my face? Besides make-up?"

"No. No, it's just …" Chase shook his head slowly. "You look amazing, Darling." And he meant every word of it.

Chase had seen Darling in a dress yesterday, and he already thought she was beautiful, but what she was wearing now ... she just looked stunningly gorgeous. Plus, Chase wanted to make up for lost times. He didn't get to tell her how pretty she looked the first time they met, so he's gonna praise her now.

Darling feels the heat rush to her face. "You're a dork." She says almost defensively, then she adds, "But, thanks. You don't look so bad yourself. Though, you're missing something." She holds out Daring's family tie for Chase to see. "Here, I did it up for you."

"You did?" Chase raises a dark brow. "I'm impressed that you know how to tie a tie."

Darling lightly punches his arm. "I'll have you know –" She says in a joking yet serious voice as she loops the tie around Chase's neck. "– I spent every morning tying my own tie for school when I was at Grimm's." Darling pulls away and watches Chase's reach to fix it before his hands drop away from his collar. She pauses, tiny hands on his chest.

"What?" He asks.

"You really look like one of us now." She says like she's adopting him.

Chase attempts a smile, but it's all nervous.

"Well, minus the hair." Darling jokes further.

Chase looks back at the mirror and stares at the emblem, it was becoming more and more real every second. He studies the Charming family crest. It's true, he's one of them now. He was part of a family. Two families, actually. He's never felt more reassured.

"I feel like one." He says and feels Darling's arms wrap themselves around his waist. She hugs him like she would never want to lose him.

"Welcome to the family, Chase."






TBC in part three of 99 cent dreams


Notes 1:

Jezmaiya: I love how we wrote part three of 99 can't dreams before we wrote 90% of this story.

Me: It's true though … We're really shit at planning. We spent most of our time mocking and laughing at the characters, and then crying at all the work we put ourselves in.

Notes 2: Thanks to everyone to read and finish this fic! See you soon in 99 cent dreams!

24 February 2019