A/N Hello everyone! I want to take this time to apologize for this chapter. It started out as one thing and then took on a life of it's own. lol. Also, I absolutely hate writing dialogue and I am not good at it. Please excuse me now. Anyway, enjoy!

Ugh... My head feels like I left it laying down in the middle of a busy street. Even the slightest of sounds sends my head into a throbbing mess. I feel so sick to my stomach that moving isn't even an option right now. I'm just glad that I'm still enveloped in darkness, even if it is because I have a blanket over the top of me. I'm laying on my right side with my sprained arm carefully tucked next to me. My left hand is near my temple, while I keep my eyes closed. I'm not looking to worsen the pounding in my temples. So I'm just going to stay here until it calms down... That sounds nice.

"Oi, Shelia. Ya awake yet?" Aster calls to me from somewhere else in the house. I cringe as a few sharp waves of pain roll through my head, and I let out a groan. I hear soft laughing, but I'm too sick to care. Unfortunately I don't have a choice but to respond to him, because he decides to pull the blanket off of me. I wince and try to get away from the light. The movement causes my stomach to lurch and I groan once again. I hear more of the soft chuckling, but still don't open my eyes. A paw comes to my shoulder and I practically growl at him before he has a chance to shake me.

"Ya do realize that we got work to do today, right?" He asks. I didn't even want to entertain that idea.

"Go. Away." I mumble, trying to put emphasis on the words.

"You're a bloody lightweight, ya know that?" He pokes. When I don't respond he continues on to say, "Alright. I'll be right back. I got somethin' that'll help." As soon as he moves away, I revel in the peace and quite. It's short lived though, because I hear him come back into the room a few minutes later. I hear a glass being set down as well as something else, but I'm not sure what it is. I open one of my eyes cautiously, ready to snap it back shut if the light's too bright. Fortunately it's not all that bright in here. I watch through one eye as Aster puts a small waste basket by the couch, and I'm incredibly thankful that he thought to do that. He straightens up and looks down at me.

"Alright, sit up. Ya can't drink while you're lyin' down." He says. I moan in discomfort, but decide to try and go along with what he says. He's obviously not going to leave me alone until I do. I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth as I try settle my stomach down. Then I slowly put my weight onto my left hand. I push myself away from the couch, even though my head starts pounding because of the effort. I manage to get into a sitting position without my stomach lurching too much. I take a few more breathes before I take the glass that Aster's holding out to me.

The cup is filled about halfway with a orange colored liquid. I smell it cautiously and cringe. This thing looks and smells horrible, so I think it's probably better if I don't ask what's in it. I close my eyes and take the first sip. It tastes about as good as it looks, which causes me to gag a little. I look at Aster, who's impatiently waiting for me to finish the drink with his arms crossed over his chest. I sigh and down as much of the sour liquid as I possibly can. I get most of it down before I have to stop to breath. After a few quick breaths I finish it off and sputter a little as I force it down my through. I hand the cup back to Aster before I lower my head into the palm of my left hand.

"Do we have to work today?" I ask. I feel a little better than when I first woke up, but not by much.

"Yes, we do." Aster replies. I groan again and feel the couch sink under his weight. I look over at him as he gets situated.

"How are you not sick?" I inquire. He laughs at my question, but answers it none-the-less.

"Pooka's have a naturally higher tolerance to alcohol than most other species." I shrug and nod. That sounds pretty reasonable to me.

"By the way, thanks for letting me crash here." I tell him after a couple of minutes. I reach over and squeeze his hand softly before letting go.

"I don't mind a bit, Shelia. You're always welcome here." He says with a soft smile on his lips. I return it and lean against the back of the couch. I sigh and let my eyes slide closed. My stomachs finally settling down enough for me to move without feeling too nauseous.

"I wish we didn't have to work today." I say one more time, because I really don't want to move. I don't even bother opening my eyes as I talk.

"Ya know that we do. We're already behind schedule as it is." He says before adding, "But I guess we could hang out for an hour or two. We do have the whole day after all." I finally look back at him and smile brightly.

"Thanks. What do you usually do when you relax anyway?" I ask. He thinks for a moment before answering.

"Well, I usually read or do some sketchin'. I keep pretty busy though, so I haven't had much time for that.." He trails off. I resiuate myself to face him more fully.

"You sketch? I always knew you had a thing for painting eggs, but I didn't know the artistic blood ran that deep." He nods in response to my question. "What do you sketch?" I ask, and I honestly thought it was going to be something along the lines of flowers.

"I sketch a lot of things. The moon, trees, rivers. I like doin' landscapes." He tells me.

"You'll have to show me your work sometime. If it's as good as the eggs you paint then you'll have at least one fan." I compliment.

"I ain't that good." He responds rather shyly. I smile and bite my bottom lip. "Anyway, what do ya like doin'?" He asks, obviously eager to get off the subject. Now it's my turn to think.

"Well, fireworks are usually pretty fun. Especially around the fourth of July and all other celebrations. Watching the colors explode across the sky... I don't know how to describe it without sounding absolutely crazy." I say with a short laugh.

"Ya always sound crazy." Aster remarks sarcastically with a smirk on his face. I playfully punch him in the shoulder before I return his amused grin. The conversation carries on that way for awhile. We both just simply share our lives with the other, and it's pretty nice. I enjoy learning new things about Aster and he seems pretty curious himself. We tell each other about ourselves for about an hour. By then I was feeling a million times better than I was when I first woke up, so we agreed to hit the road. We spend the rest of the day talking up a storm as we work to catch the seasonal shift back up.

A/N I already apologized for this, but I want to say it one more time! I am sooooo sorry for everything this chapter is. lol. I hope that you've enjoyed it anyway. Stay awesome guys.