Disclaimer: RWBY belongs to RT, I own nothing, not even the house I live in XD

Here is the Third chapter of Everything Changes, I'm really sorry for the late update but the situation in my country is really bad, if it is not the internet that is not working then it is the electric service, leaving my country problems aside, 10 Reviews, 35 favs and 51 follows, this being my first fic I really think that those numbers are not bad at all, thanks and I'm going to try to not take so much time updating the fic.

Chapter 3: Friendship

"Vomit Boy, I will accompany you on your trip to Colmar and I will not accept a no as an answer..." Yang said authoritatively.

Those words left Jaune cold, It didn't make any sense, not even an hour had passed since he talked with professor Ozpin and someone had already Heard about his trip to Colmar, the worst of all is that if she knew about his trip then surely she knew about the fifth vault, she knew the real location of the choice relic, Jaune couldn't stop feeling like he failed again, like this was his fault, the most important secret that was entrusted to him and someone already knew about it, maybe he could trick her, make her believe he didn't know what she was talking about, so he put his best poker face.

"I really don't have any idea of what are you talking about Yang, journey to Colmar? I don't have any plan to go train to Colmar, where did you get those ideas?" Said a nervous Jaune that was starting to sweat.

"First, your poker face sucks vomit boy, and second, I didn't say anything about a training" Replied Yang with her arms crossed and a smirk that covered all her face.

He should have known better, he was the worst liar, he never could make any of his sister believe any of his lies and apparently that haven't changed at all, Jaune didn't know what to say, he had told professor Ozpin that he would accept to take someone with him but the reality was that he didn't have any intention to take anyone, he wanted to do this alone.

"So when are we leaving? I've never been to Colmar before but I've Heard that it is a great tourist spot with really cool clubs." said a very excited Yang, a time away was what she needed, that way she could think better of her situation with Blake and how to face it.

"I have no idea how find out Yang but I have no intention of taking anyone with me, I want to do this alone." Jaune said annoyed.

"Take an advice, if you want to talk about something in secret then don't shout, you're lucky that I'm the only one who knows about what you talked with professor Ozpin, come on Vomit boy don't make me beg, professor Ozpin told you that he wasn't going to let you go alone, and no one better than your great friend Yang to join you in your journey" replied an upbeat Yang believing that she had achieved her goal.

That was the last Straw, Jaune was angry at what she said, his friend?, since he came to Beacon she had not done anything but bother him and mock him every time something happened to him, she didn't know him in the least, and she dared to call herself his friend?

"I want this to be clear Yang, we are not Friends, we have never been Friends, since I came to Beacon your only interactions with me have been to mock me, every time Weiss rejected me you were there to say something funny and I think that I don't need to mention every time my motion sickness got the better of me, you have never bothered to know me" said an angry Jaune.

Yang was surprised at everything Jaune had said, she never imagined that he felt that way and that he did not say anything until today, he always took what she said with a smile, she was sure he was exaggerating, after all she did consider him a good friend.

"Chill out Jaune, all those things you mention were just jokes, not made for you to take them so seriously and of course I know you, I think you're Exaggerating" Said Yang.

"You think you know me? Cool, the let me ask you a simple question about me that I have told everyone several times, how many sister do I have?" Asked Jaune.

Yang thought for a moment, she didn't know that Jaune had told them that, has she been paying so little attention to him?

"…" Yang couldn't say anything, she couldn't give an answer she didn't know, she was beginning to feel bad, she didn't want to admit that Jaune was right, she didn't want to admit that she hadn't bothered to get to know someone she called a friend.

"That's what I thought, now that I think about it the only friend that I have on team RWBY is Ruby, Blake doesn't care about my existence, she is the one I know the less, to you I'm only a joke for you to laugh every time you feel like it, and Weiss… Weiss hates the floor that I walk on… the only friends I have made from beacon are Ruby and my team, so tell me Yang, Why should I allow you to accompany me to my home? Said sadly Jaune.

"My father always told me that I shouldn't be so impulsive, that I should learn to control myself, once I almost got my sister a myself killed by some grimms because I went to search for my… for Raven and took my sister with me, at that time she was only a baby, I never imagined that my jokes would affect you so much Jaune and I know that after all this time is late to say this but I'm sorry, it was never my intention to make you feel bad, yes it's true that I should have done more to get to know you better but you can't put all the blame on me either, you did nothing to get near me, you never invite me to go out to someplace on our free time or to study, friendship is a two way compromise Jaune." Replied Yang.

"I tried dammit, I really tried… I followed my dad's advice and tried to be cool, I tried to have confidence in myself, I tried to be funny, but it didn't work, in the end no matter how hard you try you can't force a person to like you, my situation with Weiss is the best example of that, I spend an entire semester trying to please her and I only received her disdain and then comes Neptune and manages to do in just one day what I have tried to do in six months." Replied Jaune frustrated.

"You really liked Weiss, you didn't do it because of her last name or to try to take advantage of her, you really had feelings for her." Said Yang.

"I wish I had fallen in love with Pyrrha instead of Weiss… but you can't control who you fell in love with I know that now." Replied Jaune looking at the floor not wanting to look Yang's face.

"Why would you want to go anywhere with someone like me? What would you gain? I alredy made it clear that we are not friends…" asked Jaune.

"Because I want to get some time away from blake, with everything that have happened I haven't had time to think about what happened to us as partners, and is getting on my nerves that she feels like she needs to help me do everything." Replied Yang

Seeing Jaune still having doubts Yang decided to insist.

"Please Jaune, let me go with you, think of this as a new star for us, we could get to know each other and be friends, I could even help with your training" said yang smiling.

"I understand why you want to go with me now, and the getting to know better part is a great idea, but... help me train? You heard Ozpin, I'm going to be inside that vault for three years, that's a lot of time." Replied Jaune amazed that Yang would suggest that.

"You're not the only one looking for some kind of revenge Jaune" Said Yang lifting her right arm for him to see.

"The fall of Beacon affected me more than any of you think… and is not only the damage that my body received, Pyrrha was my friend too and the worst of all is that right now with the relic in our possession we are one of Salem's objectives, I too want to get stronger and protect my sister and our friends…" said Yang her left fist trembling lightly.

"Im sure I'm going to regret this… you win Yang, you can go with me" replied Jaune.

Yang was so happy with Jaune answer that she got near him and gave him several slaps in the back.

"Don't worry Jaune, I promise you that you're not going to regret this" said Yang smiling.

"I'm alredy doing it" Replied Jaune rubbing his back.

"Ha-ha-ha! Sorry I just got overly excited" Said Yang laughing.

Turning towards the door Yang walked outside Jaune's room.

"I'm going to pick up my things and prepare Bumblebee, my bike comes with me, not even crazy I would left Bumbles with Ruby and my uncle… Thanks Jaune for the chance to get to know you better and for the trip" Said Yang leaving the room.

Now that he was alone Jaune went to his bed, the fatigue making it easy for him to get to sleep.

Weiss was walking around Mistral city it has been several hours since she last talked with Jaune in the morning, her Scroll marked twelve o'clock of the midday, and she was feeling really down part of it because of the way Jaune talked to her in the morning, as if she was a complete stranger, she even felt some resentment when she mentioned Neptune.

That was a name she haven't thought in a lot of time, it's been 8 month since the last time she had seen him, she didn't even know about him until sun told her that he was ok and the he and his team came back to Mistral, lots of things happened in those 8 month, she had time to think about her feelings, she was not the same person, she wanted to think she had change for the better that she had grown up, in that time she realize that what she felt for Neptune was just attraction and nothing more, nevertheless there was something that she couldn't get out of her head, something Neptune said to her the night of the dance.

Flashback: Beacon Academy dance night.

"So what made you change your mind? Asked Weiss smiling happily.

"Huh?" Replied a confuse Neptune.

"You said you were embarrassed at first, what made you come talk to me?" asked Weiss with curiosity.

Neptune stopped looking at her and turned his gaze towards where Pyrrha and Jaune were dancing, she followed his gaze and looked at Jaune, Weiss could not help thinking that Jaune looked like an idiot using that dress, for that kind of behavior is that she didn't even want to be seen in the same room as him, he was the complete opposite of Neptune who according to her was a cool guy that behaved up to the situation a man worthy of her, someone who wouldn't shame her with his stupid behavior.

"You're looking at him" Replied Neptune.

Weiss was confused, what did he mean? The only thing she was looking was Arc making a fool of himself for the millionth time since she had the misfortune of meeting him.

"You got some good friends looking out for you" Said Neptune.

Bit by bit Weiss lost her smile, what did Neptune mean by saying that? Was he insinuating that Arc had something to do in him coming to talk to her? That thought let her cold and really confuse, she enjoyed the rest of the dance with Neptune but as much as she tried, she could not stop thinking in what he said to her.

Flashback end.

Those words still echoed in her mind, she hadn't had the courage to ask Neptune the meaning behind those words, was Jaune the reason behind Neptune deciding to talking to her in the dance? The only one who threat her with genuine kindness without expecting something from her was Winter, to her father se only was a way to lengthen his legacy, her mother was too busy getting drunk to pay attention to her and her brother only saw her as an obstacle to his own ambitions. She always thought that Jaune was not only an idiot but that he was only interested in her because of her last name and her family money, during this time away she had realize that she was wrong about him, sadly it appears that she was too late as he didn't want nothing to do with her.

Weiss was so much into her thoughts that she didn't notice that she was walking directly towards a couple hitting them and falling to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention" Weiss apologized from the floor.

"Weiss!? Is that you?"

Weiss knew that voice, she look up and she saw Neptune standing in front of her next to him was a light green haired girl that had green eyes and triangle marks in her cheeks, Weiss remembered her from Vytal festival tournament, her name was Reese if she didn't forget, Reese helped her get up from the floor.

"It's been so long! The last time I saw you was during Beacon's fall, I was really worried about you, I didn't know if something had happened to you, but I couldn't find you, where were you?" Asked Neptune happy.

"After the Fall of Beacon my father came and forced me to stay in Atlas" Replied Weiss.

"Reese and I are on our way to eat lunch, honey would you mind if Weiss come with us? It's been a lot of time and I have so much to talk to her" Asked Neptune to Reese.

"Its fine love, I understand that you've been very worried for your friends" Replied Reese.

Weiss followed them and noted that they were walking holding hands, they walked until they came to a nice food stand, they chose a table and ordered three plates of beef stew, while they waited for the food Weiss noticed that Neptune was somewhat uncomfortable, like he wanted to said something but didn't know how to.

"The best way to star is from the beginning Neptune, we don't see each other since the fall of Beacon, What happened to your team during the battle?" Asked Weiss seriously.

Neptune took a deep breath and looked at Weiss face.

"We covered a lot of the academy grounds eliminating as much grimms as we could, we had never seem so many grimms together in our lives added to that Atlas robots had lose control and were attacking every person they crossed, it really was a massacre… we tried to help any civil we could find but lots of them didn't make it" Said a sad Neptune.

Neptune clenched his fists on top of the table and had a sad look on his face, Reese placed her hands on his fists and Neptune calmed down and took Reese hands in his.

"We were sure that we were not going to come out alive of that situation, we were lucky to last as long as we did at any moment our luck could have run out, after a while we decided that it was time to evacuate, when we were going to one of the evacuation points we heard screams asking for help, we went to the place and we found Reese and her partner surrounded by grimms" Continued Neptune.

When he was ready to continue Reese interrupted him.

"Let me continue" asked Reese.

"My team had been surrounded by a great number of grimms, we were out of dust we were running low on aura, there were too many, we didn't have an escape route, it was to fight or die, we fought with everything we had but we were tired and after some time we ran out of the little bit of aura we had." Said Reese sadly.

"The first one to fall was Nadir, he was captured by a Nevermore while he fought a group of Ursas and we couldn't do anything to help him, just a few seconds after that Bolin tried to follow the Nevermore that took Nadir and got surrounded by a group of Beowolves, they were too many and he didn't have a chance" continued Reese with tears in her eyes.

"Reese, you don't have to tell us…" Interrupted Neptune worried.

"It's ok Nep, I want to finish telling Weiss what happened to my team" Replied Reese.

"Arslan and I were the only ones left, we really thought we were going to die, Arslan was hurt and I was tired, without aura and dust, so the only thing I could do was desperately scream for help hoping someone heard me and come to our rescue, we were lucky that team SSSN were nearby, they spent the little dust they had left to open a path for us to escape, then they escorted us to the nearest evacuation point." Finished Reese.

After telling what happened Reese dried her tears and tried to calm down, Weiss could easily notice how much it hurt the green haired woman to remember that moment.

"What happened to your team Weiss? Are they ok?" asked Neptune with concern.

"My team is fine, RWBY had no casualties but we didn't leave unharmed from the battle either, Ruby and I only had minor wounds, Blake suffered a stab wound in her abdomen, and Yang… Yang lost an arm fighting against Adam Taurus" replied a head down Weiss.

"I'm glad you are all alive, you all became good friends and I was worried about you all, what happened with team JNPR? Are they fine too?" Asked Neptune happy to know that his friends were fine.

Weiss felt a wave of sadness, it pained her to remember the events of that fatidic night, Jaune desperate voice asking them to help Pyrrha, a silver flash, finding an unconscious Ruby, not finding any trace of Pyrrha except her tiara and her broken spear, she may not have received severe injuries but that didn't mean she wasn't affected.

"We lost Pyrrha that night" replied a melancholic Weiss looking down.

After hearing what Weiss said both Neptune and Reese got dumbfounded, Pyrrha was possibly the strongest student that Beacon had, even before entering Beacon academy she was already famous winning several tournaments, neither Neptune nor Reese could believe that some Grimm could have ended the life of the Redhead.

"How could something like that happen? Pyrrha was one of the strongest huntress apprentice of all Vale kingdom, heck even on the rest of the academies there are very few apprentices as strong as Pyrrha" Said Neptune still incredulous about Pyrrha's dead.

"Pyrrha decided to fight alone against the one who caused the Fall of Beacon and was defeated… that woman… Cinder, she is a despicable being that doesn't care destroying other people lives in order to fulfill her objective" Replied Weiss unconsciously putting one of her hands to the right side of her abdomen, she would never forget how she almost die at the hands of that woman.

"How is the rest of the team taking it? Jaune was her partner, right? How is he taking it?" asked Neptune worried.

"Ren and Nora are coping, they got each other and that helps them a lot, Jaune…" Weiss couldn't stop some tears of impotence at the mention of Jaune, she hated feeling like this, it frustrated her not finding a way to help Jaune, cleaning her face Weiss continued talking.

"Jaune is not taking it well, most of the time he is training alone, he is not the happy goof you use to know Neptune, but that's not the worse… I can't give you the details but recently we fought against Cinder and her group, Jaune lost control and faced Cinder alone without caring about his wellbeing, I had never seen him like that, so angry, so blinded by rage that he cared little or nothing about the possibility of dying fighting that woman… I don't know what to do, I want to help him but I have no idea how, I'm sure he is avoiding me and when I had the opportunity to talk with him, he didn't want anything to do with me… I don't blame him, not after the way I mistreat him when we were in beacon, he must hate me" said Weiss feeling sad.

Neptune was surprise to hear that, Jaune hating Weiss? He couldn't believe it, not after what Jaune did for her the night of the dance, in fact he was sure it was the complete opposite

"I don't really think that he hates you, he is dealing with a really hard time in his life that surely is the reason of him behaving the way you are describing but I'm sure he doesn't hate you" Neptune assure her.

"How can you be so sure? You have not seen the way he treats me, he is so distant, I can even feel some resentment towards me, I'm sure he hates me and I'm the only one to blame" replied Weiss sad.

"The night of the dance I had the opportunity to talk with Jaune, he was upset at mu behavior, he asked me if I cared about the girls I flirted with, if I cared about how they feel" Commented Neptune thoughtfully.

Weiss put all her attention at what Neptune was saying, after all this time she couldn't stop asking herself what did Jaune had to do with Neptune deciding to accompany her the night of the dance and why did he do it, at last she would have those answers.

"He was upset because I had rejected your invitation to the dance, I confess to him that I didn't know how to dance and that I had rejected you because of that, I told him that I wouldn't get in his way if he liked you, it took him some seconds to answer me and when he did he only asked me if I liked you, so I told him that you looked like a really cool girl, he told me to just talk to you, no pickup lines, no suave moves, to just be myself, that by doing that I would make you happy" said Neptune.

Weiss was surprised, Jaune had done that for her? After how she had treated him? She was out of words.

"Weiss, Jaune put aside his own feelings for you to be happy that night, even for me who didn't know the guy it was obvious that he likes you, I really don't think he could hate you" Said Neptune.

"Then, why? Why he doesn't let me help him? Why does he ignore me?" Asked Weiss.

Having gone through a similar situation to that of Jaune Reese decided to answer.

"Jaune is passing through a really difficult moment, a partner becomes more than a friend, they become family, they are someone you can blindly trust, and lots of them even end up marrying each other, he must feel a great sadness and guilt, those feelings can lead him to feel rage not only towards the ones responsible but towards himself too" Replied Reese.

"How can I help him? I don't want anything bad happening to him, I want him to be the same as before, I want to see him smile again" said Weiss.

"Don't let him feel alone, don't let him forget he has friends that love him and that will be there for him through thick and thin, and don't let him take the blame for what happened, the help of the people I love helped me a lot" Replied Reese smiling and looking at Neptune.

Reese words helped Weiss to calm down, Reese was right, she wasn't going to let Jaune get consumed by those feelings, he needed her and she will be there for him just as the rest of JNR and RWBY.

"Thanks Reese, Neptune, I really needed to have a talk like this one" Said Weiss.

"No problem Weiss, that's what friends are for" said Neptune picking his scroll from his backpack. "Look at the time, time gets faster when you are with friends, Reese and I have to make some shopping, we spent two weeks outside of Mistral doing some missions, do you want to come? We can go to where you are staying after we finish, to say hi to the rest of our friends, it's been too long since I saw all the gang together and I'm sure Reese wants to meet then too"

"That's a great idea, I'm sure they'll be glad to see you guys, Sun is with us too, he'll be really happy to see you" replied Weiss.

Neptune took care of the bill and the three of them walked away from the food stand.

It was six in the afternoon, Jaune had manage to sleep some hours, it wasn't a comfortable sleep, the nightmares had been plaguing his dream since the fall of beacon, it was a torture, being trapped in the locker again while Pyrrha was heading towards her death it make him feel desperate, but his subconscious was not satisfied with just that, now after Pyrrhas nightmare came another one this time of the moment Weiss almost die with the difference that in the nightmare he couldn't do anything while she die just like with Pyrrha.

Waking up abruptly Jaune decide to get up, he went to the bathroom and washed his face, he put his blue jean and his pumpkin pete hoodie and finishing with his armor, once ready he went to the living room.

"Look what we have here, the sleeping beauty" Said Qrow who was sitting on a couch.

After hearing Qrow the rest of the group put all their attention on Jaune, Nora was the first one to get near him, with her right arm she trapped jaune by his neck and ruffled his hair with her left hand.

"Great that you wake up fearless leader, I hope you stay and eat dinner with us tonight, you been missing dinner for several days now and that is not healthy" Said Nora while inadvertently squeezing jaune neck making it hard for him to breath.

"Guys… I don't think that a blue face is healthy either" Said Oscar a sweat drop forming in his head.

"Oscar is right Nora… suffocating your friend is not healthy at all… for them..." explained Ren calmly.

Hearing her friends, Nora let go of Jaune who fell down to the floor breathing desperately trying to fill his lungs with air.

"Sorry Jaune, sometimes I don't measure my own strength, so what do you say? Will you dinner with your friends tonight?" asked Nora lively.

Getting up from the floor, Jaune didn't think it twice, he was going to spent a lot of time without seen his friends, a lot of time for him at least, so he would take advantage of every second he had right now and spend them with his friends.

"Of course I will stay to eat dinner with you guys, nothing like having a good time with your friends" Replied Jaune Smiling.

After hearing this the whole group smiled, it had been a long time since the last time they all eat dinner together so this had them quite lively.

"So what are we going to eat? I'm really hungry" asked Jaune

"Of course you are hungry, you skipped lunch… and you skipped yesterday dinner, you shouldn't skip so many meals, we are going to eat Pizza, Sun told us that he knows of a place that sells some of the best he has eaten so he went with Blake to buy some for dinner" Said Ruby.

"I won't skip meals again Ruby, I give you an arc promise… Pizza? Great, it's been too long since the last time I eat one" "Said Jaune.

Jaune went to one of the couch and sat down, he realizes that besides Blake, Weiss and Yang weren't there either.

"By the way, where are Weiss and Yang? I didn't see them when I was coming down and I don't see them here either" Asked Jaune.

"Yang is checking her bike and Weiss hasn't come back since morning" Replied Ren.

Suddenly the main door was abruptly opened making everyone look the door.

"Did someone said my name?!" said an smiling Yang who was entering the house, her hands dirty with motor grease just like her right cheek.

"You took too long checking bumblebee sis, Blake and Sun already went to bring dinner" Said Ruby.

"It was just a routine check, nothing special, that's great my tummy was making noises already hahahaha, so what's for dinner?" Replied Yang cheerfully while she went to sit on one of the couches of the living room.

"Sun and Blake are going to bring…" Ruby couldn't finish what she was going to say as Nora screamed.

"¡PIZAAAAAAAAAAA!" shouted a really excited Nora, she quickly went to the main door where just at that moment Sun and Blake were entering with the Pizzas.

"Did you bring with anchovies? Do they have a lot of cheese? You did not bring with pineapple right? What did you bring? TELL MEEEEEEEE!" Asked Nora impatiently.

Ren got up from the couch with a sight and went to the main door, he took Nora by her right hand and took her to the living room where they both sat down again.

"Let's calm down and wait for the Pizza here Nora, we don't want for any to fall down to the floor" Said Ren.

"Hahahaha, I really missed you guys you're always so cheerful, to answer your question Nora, Yes I brought them with anchovies, I asked them to put extra cheese and putting pineapple on the pizza should be a sin so of course our pizzas don't have pineapple" Said a smiling Sun while he went to the dining room and put two pizza boxes in the table.

"We didn't bring only pizza" Said Blake while she too went to the dining room and put a third pizza box on the table and then direct her gaze to the main door.

Everyone followed Blake's gaze to the main door and there was Weiss and she was not alone, behind her was Neptune and a green haired girl that was familiar to them.

"It's been a long time guys" Said Neptune while entering the house holding hands with Reese. "We meet Weiss by chance when we were arriving from a mission and we decide to inviter to lunch with us and after that we came here with her to greet you all, do you remember Reese? She was one of the participants of the tournament of the Vytal festival"

One by one, they all greet and welcome Neptune and Reese, they all noted how Neptune and Reese were holding hands, Ruby couldn't stop looking at their holding hands and then at Weiss face, Yang couldn't stop herself any longer so she got up and put her hands on Weiss shoulders.

"Sorry to tell you this Weiss but may your relationship with Neptune rest in peace" Said Yang faking sadness.

"I can break his legs for you if you want" Said Nora from her couch picking Magnhild with her right hand.

"Break his legs?" asked Reese seeing Nora with concern.

"No one is going to break Neptune legs he and I were just friends and we still are friends, and get your hand out of me Yang you are messing up my clothes, what is that on your hands and face?" Said an angry Weiss taking Yang's hands off her shoulders that already had stained her clothes.

"ups, I'm so sorry Ice princess but don't worry, that's just motor grease from bumblebee, nothing you can't clean with a good detergent, I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to clean my hands" Said Yang going to the bathroom.

The newcomers sat down in the remaining seats and started chatting with everyone, Sun was one of the most cheerful, it had been a long time since he last saw his best friend. No one wanted to talk about Beacon's fall, they all thought that it was better to left that topic to another occasion, of all of them the one who participated the least in the conversations was Jaune, watching his friends talking with smiles in their faces make him think "this is why I have to become stronger" it filled him with sadness too "Pyrrha should be here, smiling with us" and a great hate "I'll make them pay for what they did" Jaune was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice that someone was calling for him.

"JAUNE!" Weiss called him loudly, she had been trying to get his attention for a while without success. she couldn't even make him look at her and that make her feel weird, she wasn't accustomed to being ignored and even less being ignored by Jaune who back in their beacon days was the one who yearned for her attention.

Jaune got startled almost falling from the couch he was sitting, embarrassed he sat down again and he directed his gaze towards Weiss not looking to her face.

"Sorry Weiss, I had my mind elsewhere, did you say something?" Asked Jaune.

"I asked you if you had managed to rest…" Said a worried Weiss.

"Yes, I managed to sleep a few hours" Replied Jaune.

Weiss remained silent a few seconds without knowing what to say, she had no idea what to talk with Jaune, in that moment she realized that she didn't know him, she knew nothing about him, she had not bothered to know him while they were in Beacon Academy.

"Sorry to interrupt this fascinating conversation, kid today in the morning I talked to Ghira about your transport to Colmar, tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the morning a Bullhead will be picking up the first group of faunus that are going to return to Menagerie" Said Qrow.

"The Bullhead will carry the Faunus to the west port and then it will take you to the nearest control point of Colmar, it will be an 8 hours journey by air so I suggest that you go buy some provisions early in the morning" ended Qrow.

After hearing what Qrow said everyone was stunned, nobody knew that Jaune was going to go somewhere, it was hard for them to get back together and they didn't want to have to separate again.

"What are you talking about uncle Qrow? Is this a joke?" asked a very confused and sad Ruby.

"We went through a lot to get back together, why do you want to leave us?" Asked Blake.

"We been through so much Jaune… you are not like this, you wouldn't abandon us" Said Weiss.

"You can't go away fearless leader, we need you…" Said Nora feeling sad.

"I think you at least own us an explanation Jaune…" Said Ren seriously.

Everyone started talking at the same time without giving Jaune the opportunity to explain, they didn't take well the news, he had to take control of the situation and explain himself.

"Guys… if you let me expla… GUYYYYYS!" Jaune had to scream for them to let him talk.

"Weiss is right, I would never abandon you, Professor Ozpin asked me to go to Colmar to deliver a message to my mom, he said that it was really important to do this" explained Jaune.

After hearing what Jaune said they calmed down a little, they didn't like having to separate again but they understood that if it was something important then it had to be done.

"Don't forget that you can't go alone, someone have to go with you, Oz didn't forget to tell me that detail" Said Qrow.

After hearing what Qrow said Weiss couldn't help thinking that this was the chance she was waiting, this trip was the perfect excuse to try and fix her mistakes and to try and begin to know him better, to help him being the same guy he was before.

"I will accompany him, I will go with Jaune to Colmar" Said Weiss with confidence looking at the face of a surprised Jaune.

"Weiss… I… what?..." Jaune didn't know what to say, he never expected Weiss to offer to accompany him

"That's not necessary Weiss, Nora and myself will go with Jaune, we are a team after all" Replied Ren.

"Sorry Ren and Ice Queen but that offer already have a buyer, awwww you waited for me to wash my face before start eating, thanks guys" Said Yang while sitting and picking a slice of Pizza.

"What do you mean by that? You already knew about this Yang?"Asked Weiss angry.

"This morning I heard by chance professor Ozpin asking Jaune if he could go to Colmar with one of us, sadly I couldn't hear the details, so when Jaune went to his room I followed him and asked him to take me with him" Said Yang omitting the information about the fifth vault.

"Obviously he couldn't say no to someone as yangtastic as me" Said Yang giggling.

Everyone stayed in silence, no one laughed at Yang's bad joke.

"Oh come on, that was a good one" Replied Yang convinced that her joke was great.

"Leaving aside your abysmal humor sense, I too want to go with you two to Colmar" Said Weiss, she couldn't let this opportunity get by her, this was her chance to fix things with Jaune and she wasn't going to lose it.

"I suppose that even if I say no you're going to keep pestering me to let you go, am I right? Mini Winter" Asked Qrow.

"That's right, I want… I need to go with Jaune, I have something really important that I need to do…" Said Weiss with conviction in her voice.

"I don't have any problem with that, but only if the kid agrees with you going with them" Explained Qrow.

Jaune was about to reject her when he looked at Weiss face, she was looking at him begging with her eyes, feelings that he thought were in the past with all the time without seeing her began to resurface once more, even fearing that the same unpleasant situation that he lived in Beacon would repeat again he couldn't say no to her.

"Do whatever you want" Said Jaune.

After hearing Jaune's answer a cute smile showed up on Weiss face, she was happy, she was sure that Jaune's answer was going to be a negative one.

"Thanks Jaune" Said Weiss smiling and taking a slice of Pizza.

"Seeing her smile Jaune's felt that his body temperature was rising up, his face became completely red, without saying anything he concentrated on eating his Pizza.

"Where would we meet again? Are we going to continue to Atlas and wait for them there?" Asked Ren.

"We still have to fix some things here in Haven academy, they will wait for us in Colmar and then we all are going to go to Atlas together, question time is over, Pizza tastes better when is hot" Replied Qrow picking a Pizza slice.

After that dinner continued without any mishap, everyone try to enjoy the little time that they still had together before they had to separate again, they remembered better times like the food fight back in beacon and like that they spent several hours until they decided that it was time to sleep, Sun, Neptune and Reese said goodbye and promised to see each other again, the others went to their rooms.

Already in their room that he shared with Ren and Nora, Jaune put on his pajamas but before going to sleep he wanted to talk with his team.

"Guys, I just wanted to say that I consider you two part of my family and that the next time we see each other again I won't be a hindrance to you or team RWBY" Said Jaune sad.

"We have never considered you a hindrance Jaune, you're our leader" Replied Nora.

"You too are part of our family Jaune, we always will be there for you wherever you need us" Said Ren.

"Thanks guys" Said Jaune with tears in his eyes.

After sharing that moment they went to sleep.

It was almost 9am and everyone were going to the place where the Bullhead was waiting to say their goodbyes to Jaune, Yang and Weiss, they were all feeling a little down, everyone had gotten up early to help their friends buy what they would need for their trip, food, water, medications to stop vomiting, sadly they couldn't find the last one.

"Great… 8 hours on a Bullhead without anything to help me with my motion sickness, this is going to be a long journey" Said Jaune.

"Are you going to be ok? Spending so much time crouching in front of a toilet throwing up is not going to do wonders to your health vomit boy ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Joked Ruby.

"RUBY! Is not cool to joke about that kind of things…" Scolded Yang.

Everyone looked at Yang as if she had grown a second head, she was the one who joked the most every time Jaune had to ride a Bullhead and got sick because of it.

"Are you felling ok? Yang" Asked Blake.

"What do you mean? Of course I feel ok" Replied Yang.

"Is just that is not normal for you not to make jokes about this" Said Weiss.

"It's just that… I wouldn't like for anyone to make jokes about Ruby or me because of something that I don't have control, even worse about a health problem, I'm really sorry for all the times I make jokes about your motion sickness Jaune" Said an apologetic Yang.

"Thanks Yang, and don't worry about it, that's all in the past" Replied Jaune surprised by Yangs apology, he could feel the sincerity in Yangs words.

"Well guys, we are already here, and just in time they are already finishing loading the passengers" Said Qrow.

There in an open area was the Bullhead, it was as big as the one that got them to Beacon the first time, almost all the faunus were inside the Bullhead already so they didn't have much time left.

"Guys I think it's time for a GROUP HUG!" Said Nora.

Everyone smiled by Noras enthusiasm and they came over to join the hug, Yang and Ruby pulled Qrow to join the hug too.

"Don't worry, we will see each other again in just some days" Said Jaune.

"I can't wait to meet your family" Said Ruby.

"Let's not forget about his baby photos, he must have a ton of them being the only boy" Said Nora.

"I have wanted to visit Colmar for some time now, I have heard that it is a very cultural place" Said Ren.

"It's time to go… see you all in Colmar, take care everybody" Said Jaune.

After finishing saying their goobyes Jaune, Yang and Weiss boarded the Bullhead that would take them to Colmar.

End of Chapter 3.

At last Jaune and Yang leave to Colmar, but they are not going alone, Weiss decided to join their journey not wanting to lose her "opportunity" to try and help Jaune and fix things with him but, will she have said opportunity?. I always thought that Weiss never realized the real dark side of the SDC, in the series she have shown to know about some "shady" business but that's all, a part of that dark side was shown in the lasts chapters of Vol.6 were we could see Adam's SDC brand in his face, this indicates that the company is involved in slavery or forced work at least, that's an idea that I want to explore in this fic, can you imagine Adam finding out that one of Blake's teammate is the heiress of the company that made him a slave? That's a fight that I would have liked to see in the series.