AN I don't own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. Second update in under an hour! That's my consolation prize for you, I suppose. Enjoy!

It went unquestioned, somehow, how the three of them somehow came to live together. More and more of Parrish' and Stiles' things just seemed to end up in the loft. Stiles came in with a white face and teary expression, every now and then, carrying a duffel bag and they knew without asking that he'd had another fight with his dad. But every time they just put his stuff away, adding it to the ever growing collection. Usually, they made hot cocoa and cuddled on the couch until Stiles felt better. Parrish still had his apartment, because he wasn't really sure what this was yet, but he barely lived there anymore. Until, one night, Parrish came home from work to see Derek and Stiles sitting together on the couch. It wasn't unusual-actually, he would have been more worried if they hadn't been curled up together somehow-but Stiles jumped up and hugged him as soon as he was through the door.

"Thank god you're here! Derek has something to tell us but he wouldn't say it until you got home and the suspense has been absolutely killing me!" Parrish just laughed and hugged him back. Something about Stiles made it pretty damn hard to not be in a good mood.

"What is it, Der?" The nickname had causally grown on him and Derek actually seemed to like it, which was a nice change. With a small smile, the wolf relented.

"Welcome home. That's actually what I wanted to talk to you both about." The wording was anxiety inducing but the tone was happy? So both Parrish and Stiles took a seat on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, waiting.

"I have a present for each of you." Two little boxes appeared in Derek's hands, pulled from one of the drawers in the coffee table, one dark blue and one dark green. Derek handed them each one: blue for Stiles, green for Parrish.

"Can we..?" Stiles didn't even get to the word open them before Derek smiled and nodded. They both tore into the little packages with glee, indistinguishable from each other. Stiles tore into the tissue paper like a child on christmas and Parrish tore like someone who'd been living alone since he was sixteen and never had time for friends or presents. Inside, was a small velvet bag that matched the box. And inside that… a silver key.

"Derek…" he started, Stiles still speechless, but Derek interrupted. His face was solemn and his tone hinted at anxiety but there was a bit of hope there too.

"Let me explain. These are keys,"

"Yes we can see that, genius" He glared at Stiles, even though it was playful.

"To the loft." Derek finally said. There was anxiety in his face but Parrish understood it now-the anxiety behind being rejected, not breaking up with people.

"Derek, are you…?" At that, Derek flashed him a little smile. There was something between them, an understanding that came with maturity and not still living at home, and Derek's smile reassured him.

"Yes, I'm sure. This is me, officially asking you both to move in with me." Stiles squealed and threw his arms around Derek, exploding into a litany of oh my god and yes yes yes yes! But Parrish was more reserved. He was happy, there was no doubt about that, but he was much more hesitant and careful than Stiles. Unlike Stiles, he did have somewhere else to go and he knew the consequences of moving in with someone. Over Stiles shoulder, still hugging him, Derek met his eyes with a question. Derek must have seen the anxiety in his face because he offered a smile and nodded to him that he understood. Glancing at Stiles, still rambling and excitedly hugging and thanking Derek, Parrish hesitated yet again.

He let his eyes flick up and find Derek's. Slowly, he mouthed to him. Is this real? He was too cynical and too skeptical not to have his concerns but Derek's small smile said he wasn't mad, that he understood. Slowly, he nodded. I mean it, Jordan. At that, he wasn't sure why, but he suddenly decided. Right then and there, even though his mind wasn't totally on board yet, his gut had made a decision and ultimately he knew that he was going to follow it. Because he trusted his instincts. And his instincts said this was good-that Stiles and Derek weren't threats, they were home. He smiled, wide this time and still holding the key, and joined the hug as both men pull him in.

"This calls for a celebration!" Stiles declared. Derek broke out champagne and red wine and it didn't take long before they were all a little wine drunk. Derek… Derek was drunk on something else. Elation, if Parrish had to guess. But either way they were all happy and celebrating and overall just being there, present and open with each other.

Until suddenly it was dark out and the kind of silent that only two or three am brought with it and Stiles was staring off into space talking about losing his mother. He talked about her waffles, how they were the best in the world. He promised to make them for them sometime. Talked about how he wasn't allowed to see her in the months leading up to her death so he had no idea what she even looked like until the funeral. It was easy for a seven year old to forget. He talked about the distance it put between him and his dad, even now, and how he always sort of thought his dad blamed him for it because they found the cancer during his ultrasound. Parrish grit his teeth at it, but didn't say anything.

Stiles went quiet but neither of them moved to comfort him, they didn't need to. The air around them, huddled in a little triangle on the carpet like kids at a sleepover, was enough of a comfort. He knew vaguely about the fire and Stiles seemed to know more but, soon Derek was talking, sharing. He talked about his mother, Talia, and how much he loved her. His three sisters and how they always teamed up against him. About Paige, and what made his eyes turn blue. About Kate. The name alone made Stiles stiffen and grit his teeth. Parrish reacted the same way, despite not even knowing the story.

Once he heard it, he was filled with such anger and hatred that merely bristling didn't seem sufficient. He couldn't help it. He hugged Derek, as tight an as comforting as he could, and was surprised when he pulled away to see tears in Derek's eyes. Even through the torture he'd never seen Derek cry. His face clearly was questioning, though, so Derek just gave a small smile.

"I trust you." Again that you that meant both he and Stiles. It was becoming more common, actually, and Parrish would have been lying if he said he didn't like it. But he made himself focus on the moment. He nodded, and sat back down. He didn't plan on it, and he didn't think he was going to share, but it was kind of his turn and he started easy because neither of them knew much about his history. Where he was born, where he grew up, and where he went to college. But when Stiles heard that he had majored in biotechnology, his surprise was enough for him and Derek combined.

"But.. you're in the police force?" Parrish slowly explained about his parents' disappearance, the case that was never solved and what pushed him to become a deputy. The one case he could never solve. Both Derek and Stiles put a hand on his knee but he just smiled stiffly, even though the contact really did help. He wasn't done, though, and Stiles knew that better than anyone. So, when Stiles backed off to give him space, Derek did too. Slowly, he told them about Ally.

"You have a daughter?" Derek wasn't accusatory, but he was clearly and rightfully surprised.

"She's six and she lives with her mother in New York. Her mother, Lucy, got me banned from visiting her and took her across the country because she told the judge my job was too dangerous and put Ally at risk. I talk to her on the phone once a month but she's six so how much can tht really mean to her?" They both comforted him, or at least tired, but it was mostly silent after that.

"I hope I get to meet her someday" Derek finally said, his voice soft. And somehow that was the best possible thing either of them could have said in that moment. Parrish was surprised at himself to find that he was crying but he was smiling and he nodded. And then they were all hugging. With such deep, heavy stuff on the table they decided to leave it where it was.

They settled into their respective spots on the couch to play some mario kart. After fierce battles, they headed off to bed and Parrish fell asleep with them, his key on the dresser, for the first time in a long time not doubting a single minute of what was happening because it felt right. Absolutely, one hundred percent right.

Thanks for reading! As always, please review/favorite/follow and share!