Hey all my wonderful readers! Many apologies for the wait on my stories. Life has decided to keep my busy.

Here's chapter 6 of 'Stalked'

Yugi watched as the hidden entryway was revealed long enough to allow the RV to enter. Lights came on as soon as the vehicle was in a larger area, revealing a few cars of varying styles and colors. "Welcome to our home," Ryou announced. "We have a room for each of you."

As he spoke, he handed a small key-ring to each of them, minus Yugi. "Bakura and I managed to get a car for everyone should we have to split up for multiple Hunts. Yami, we have one in reserve for you should you decide to replace the one you currently have. My visions only showed that yours was looking pretty beat up."

"It kept people from trying to steal it," Yami stated.

"That's our second home you're talking bad about," Yugi huffed as he played with his brother's new keys. "Junker is the best car we've ever had! He's better than Dean's Baby."

Malik looked confused, but Yami explained, "Yugi names the cars since we aren't able to have pets. He might just name the ones here out of boredom."

Bakura and Ryou led them through the bunker. "We have a fully stocked kitchen and a fair-sized laundry room with two washers and driers. Each room has its own bathroom and phone. There's also an intercom system throughout the facility. We have a gym complete with small pool to keep in shape for Hunting. I'll show you the rest of the place later," Ryou said as they reached the rooms.

Each door had a name on a faceplate. Yugi peeked in the one that had his and Yami's names on the brass faceplate. A large bed with lots of pillows was pushed up against the wall. Two dressers lined the wall closest to the door, one was large and the other was smaller and stacked on top of the other. "Just like at Papa's," Yugi said in awe.

"We tried to get the basics to minimize having to do a mass shopping trip," Ryou pointed out.

Bakura, "You can decorate however you want just keep in mind that we're not room-service.

Yami headed out to pick up some pull-ups for Yugi since they were running low. He was finally alright with leaving his brother in the care of others for the first time since they headed out to put down dangerous Supernaturals. Yugi adored Ishizu and loved cuddling into Malik's soft fur for a nap. Sometimes Yami wished that Yugi's childlike state wasn't like a split-personality that mainly came out when he was over-tired.

Yugi watched as Yami headed to the garage and pouted. He had hoped to get to spend time with his brother, but then realized that Yami was willing to trust a group of people they'd barely met with his safety. This meant a lot to the little vampire as he'd avoided making friends due to his condition. To meet a group who'd been affected by the Supernatural and learned to adapt was unheard of. Malik was a Skinwalker, Ryou was a psychic, and he was a half-turned vampire.

Between the three of them, the group had an advantage. Malik could track nearly anything with ease and Ryou could find a Hunt without chancing upon an article in some random paper or chance gossip overheard in a diner or rest area. Yugi had learned long ago that due to his appearance, he could lure an enemy into assuming that he was not a threat. If the need arose, Yugi could defend himself easily.

"Yugi, I got some rare steak ready if you care to join me," Malik announced, pulling the vampire-child from his thoughts.

Yugi looked away from where his brother had vanished, "Sounds awesome!"

Malik beamed, eager for company who wouldn't get sickened from the way he ate the barely raw meats. Yugi ran and jumped into Malik's arms, "I'm starving! Got a few fresh baked potatoes to go with them?"

"You bet. I know your appetite and what you can eat," Malik laughed as he carried the boy into the dining area.

Yugi happily ate three rare steaks, two potatoes, and had two cups of fresh cow's blood before he was full. Malik had devoured five rare steaks and a beef heart for his meal, washing them down with a beer that he'd grabbed from the walk-in refrigerator. Yugi giggled as Malik belched loudly, "Good one. Bet I can do better."

"Prove it, sport," Malik smirked.

Yugi grinned before swallowing air a few times. He let out a weak burp before grinning and rushing to the fridge that was meant for him. Malik was confused as Yugi returned with a bottle of soda water. The vampire pierced the bottle and drained the contents quickly. Throwing the empty plastic at the Skinwalker's head, he let loose a belch that put Malik's to shame. "There," Yugi stated smugly.

Ishizu had seen the pair's interaction and wasn't sure whether she should be appalled at the scene or amused that her brother had found a friend who could keep up with him. She decided to remain neutral as she entered the room to fix herself a salad for lunch.