AN: So that finale was…something. I've decided I'm going to process my feelings by writing this chapter. Luckily the events of this season haven't done anything to alter the plans I've already made for this story, and they've even given me some new ideas. As always reviews are appreciated and encouraged. With that said enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Return

For the second time that day James Lake emerged from unconsciousness with a splitting headache, and desperately confused as to where he was.

'What…what happened! I was on the block and then….'

A bolt of fear and disbelief surged through him as he remembered exactly what had happened.

'No it couldn't have been, there was no way that was a dragon.'

But as he opened his eyes the evidence was all around him. Helgen was on fire, he could see the flames everywhere and smoke choking the red sky, he could hear the screams of panicked citizens and the shouts of soldiers trying to organize an evacuation, he could smells the ashes and the scent of charred flesh.

He had to run.

He tried to get to stagger to his feet but something tugged on his bound wrists pulling him back down. He desperately tugged at whatever restrained him but it held him in a vice like grip.

"Would you hold still", commanded a familiar voice.

He looked up into the crimson eyes of Claire of House Nunez, the dark elf who had nearly been executed alongside him. Confused, he glanced downward to see she held his wrists in one hand while the other held an iron dagger she used to saw at his restraints.

"I…what", he mumbled still dazed.

"Stop squirming, it's hard enough cutting through rope with this worthless thing without you wriggling about."

Jim immediately ceased moving and instead began to stare up at the beautiful woman who, inexplicably, had decided to save his life. Before he could gather the words to express his gratitude the dagger finally broke through his restraints and his hands were suddenly free.

"There that's done", she said tucking the dagger into her boot. She then reached down to grab Jim by the arm and yank him to his feet. He felt the world spin as he stood upright, and vaguely registered the blood dripping from his head where he'd hit the block.

Claire ducked under his arm and slung it over her shoulder, than she began to move them both towards a nearby guard tower, one of the few still intact.

"Come on we have to move", she grunted dragging him along with her, "that… thing will be back soon and I don't feel like being dragon food today."

Though still disoriented, Jim was coherent enough for her words to motivate him to action. He managed to get his feet back under him and soon the two were hobbling quickly toward the intact guard tower. With a thrill of terror Jim realized he could he hear the dragon roaring in the distance as it circled back around for another pass.

The two of them sped up, and burst through the door into the safety of the tower just as he heard the beat of the dragon's wings as it swooped down upon the city once more.

For a moment they stood there panting for breath, listening to the dragon's roars and the shouts from the soldiers outside. So stunned were they that they had survived that they didn't realize they were not alone in tower, until someone gave an exclamation and rushed at Jim, pinning his arms to his sides and tackling him to the ground.

Before he could even think about reacting to the perceived danger, he heard the person who had tackled him begin rambling incoherently and recognized the voice of his best friend.

"…Jim", babbled the near hysterical Breton, words almost too quick to comprehend, "thank Mara! I thought you were a goner! First with the executioner, and then that monster…. Jim did you see that thing it looked just like a…"

"A dragon I know Tobes." With some effort he managed to climb to his feet and pull his friend up with him. He took a moment to assess his surroundings; they were in small chamber circular and cramped, with sparse furniture and a staircase on the far side leading up to the rest of the tower. The room was made even more crowded by the number of people occupying it, it seemed the surviving Stormcloaks had had the same idea as their fellow prisoners and were now occupying the tower along with Jim, Toby and Claire, gathered in a loose circle around their leader. Ralof, the rebel who had shared a cart with them on the way to Helgen acknowledged Jim's presence with a grim nod.

"I'm glad to see you managed to escape that creature brother", he said, ignoring Claire entirely, "not all of us were so lucky, that… creature got three of our number before we made it to safety." He turned to his leader, "Jarl Ulfric what is that thing, could the legends be true?"

"Legends don't burn down villages", Ulfric proclaimed grimly, "But it doesn't matter whether or not that's really a dragon, all that does matter is that this is our chance to escape and live to fight another day."

"But how will we get past that monster", enquired one of the rebels.

The Jarl's brow furrowed as he gathered his thoughts, "First we'll need a distraction", he said, beginning to pace the room as he laid out his plan, "luckily we have Tullius and his soldiers to provide that for us, while the dragon is busy dealing with them we'll…" As Ulfric continued to expound on his strategy Jim felt someone gently grasp his shoulder, he looked behind him and directly into a pair of crimson eyes. Having gained his attention, Claire raised a finger to her lips, then gestured with her other hand toward the spiral staircase. Then, ever so slowly she backed away from Jim toward the indicated area. She paused at the foot of the stairs and beckoned for Jim to follow her, before creeping up the stairs and out of sight.

Jim paused for a moment to consider his next course of action, Ulfric's escape plan sounded extremely risky, and if Claire had a better idea than he needed to take this chance to get himself and Toby out of here alive. Plus, she had already saved his life once to say. Decision made, he tapped his best friend on the shoulder and gestured toward the stairs, motioning for silence with his other hand. Toby looked confused, but nodded his understanding, with the Stormcloak's attention focused on their leader he and Jim were able to creep undetected to the staircase and silently make their way up the stairs.

Claire was perched on the next landing, peering out the tower window at the chaotic scene of the burning town. "Good you came", she said without turning to acknowledge them, "we need to find our own way out of this place."

"What… why can't we just go with the Stormcloaks", Toby asked, "They seem to know what they're doing."

"Ulfric's plan might work but not without some sacrifices", Claire acknowledged, "And take one guess who they'll view as the most disposable if we stick with them."

Toby and Jim exchanged a grim look, knowing she was right. The Stormcloaks wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice a Dark Elf or a Breton if it meant escaping Helgen with their lives.

"Alright", said Jim, "what's your plan."

She pointed out the tower window, and Jim and Toby moved over to gaze outside. Claire was indicating a large building directly below them that had its roof broken open in the chaos. Peering through the hole Jim could just make out what appeared to be the upper floor of an inn.

"That inn right there, if we jump through the roof and make our way down to the ground floor, we should come out near one of the gates."

Toby's eyes widened in panic, "Nuh-uh, no way, that is a bad plan that is a very bad plan."

Claire cocked an eyebrow at the Breton, "Do you have a better one?"

"How about any plan that doesn't involve jumping out of a tower, you are crazy lady… come on Jim let's go back down… Jim what are you doing?!"

Jim had climbed up onto the window ledge and was gazing down at the hole in the inn's roof trying to calculate the distance between it and the window, and the distance between the window and the ground. "She's right Tobes, this is better than taking our chances with the Stormcloaks", he turned to smile at his friend; "I'll see you both on the other side."

With that Jim leapt from the tower window and into nothingness. For a moment time seemed to stand still as Jim remained suspended in the air, and he had a horrifying vision of crashing to the ground breaking both of his legs. Then he fell through the hole in the roof and felt a jarring impact as his feet collided with the inn floor. He stumbled for a moment before regaining his balance, and turned back towards the tower to look out for his companions. He heard a terrified scream issue from the tower and stepped aside just before Toby landed in a heap on the inn floor. The Breton groaned as he staggered to his feet, "Next time I think I'll take my chances with the dragon", he muttered. There was a muffled thump, and Jim looked over to see Claire had made the leap effortlessly and landed catlike next to them.

"Come on", commanded the Dunmer, "we need to move while we still have the chance." She bolted for the staircase leading downward, Jim and Toby close on her heels. They clattered down the stairs and out through the doorway, and emerged into a horrifying scene.

Most of Helgen was on fire now, corpses of Imperial soldiers and a few unlucky civilians littered the ground. In the distance they could hear the survivors shouting over the roars of the great black dragon, and see the creature's shadow moving along the ground as it circled overhead. Directly in front of them stood an old man crouched next to a Legion soldier, who Jim recognized as the same man who had read off the list of prisoners. The legionnaire was calling out to someone across the road from them, and with a jolt of horror Jim realized it was a sobbing child desperately clinging to a man lying on the ground.

"Haming, you need to get over here now", the soldier called. With one last look at the injured man and a heart wrenching sob the boy bolted across the road and into the soldier's arms. The soldier patted him on the back and handed him off to the old man. He moved forward as if to aid the injured citizen but never go the chance. The dragon chose that moment to swoop down from the sky, landing right in front of the injured man. With a single snap of its jaws it scooped the man up and devoured him whole.

"Torolf", shouted the soldier in dismay.

The boy let out a heartbreaking cry of, "Papa", and Jim prayed he hadn't just watched his father be eaten by that beast. The twin cries of the soldier and the boy seemed to attract the dragon's attention and it rounded on them. "Everyone get back", called the legionnaire as he and the old man rushed for cover with the boy. Jim felt two pairs of hands grab onto him and yank back into the safety of the inn just as the creature opened its mouth once more.

And for the second time Jim heard the dragon Speak.

"Yol Toor Shul!"

A burst of brilliant fire issued from the dragon's mouth that would surely have incinerated any of them if they'd been hit. When the roar of the fire died down, Jim heard the flapping of the dragon's wings as it took to the air once more, and he cautiously peered out the inn door. The soldier and the old man emerged from their hiding place with the old man still carrying the sobbing child.

Looking around the legionnaire noticed Jim's head peeking out of the inn. "You there", he called drawing his sword, "come out slowly."

Not wanting to provoke the other Nord's ire Jim raised his hands in the air and stepped out into the open, behind him he heard Claire and Toby doing the same.

The soldier's eyes widened a little in recognition, "You're still alive are you prisoners? You'd better stick with me if you want to stay that way." He turned to the old man, "Gunnar take care of the boy, I'm going to find General Tullius and join the defense."

"Gods guide you Hadvar", responded the old man. He gripped Haming tightly in his arms, turned, and ran off into the smoke.

Hadvar sheathed his sword and began to jog in the opposite direction, "Quickly prisoners with me", he called over his shoulder. Jim exchanged a look with his companions, who shrugged. Deciding that it was better than running off blindly they ran after the retreating legionnaire.

For a few minutes they navigated the maze of burning buildings making sure to stay close to the sturdy stone of the town's walls. As they weaved their way through the chaos of the ruined city they could hear the distant sounds of battle become louder and louder as they approached the area where the Legion survivors were mounting their defense of Helgen. Jim was dimly aware that they were actually heading back towards where they had started from, but he knew following Hadvar's lead was better than trying to navigate an unfamiliar town while bedlam raged around them.

As they were creeping along the city walls Jim registered the ominous sound of flapping wings drawing closer and closer to them. Reaching out he grabbed Toby and pressed them both flush against the wall just as the dragon landed atop it, one of its wings dangling inches away from them. Toby let out a distressed whimper and Jim shushed his friend, even though he felt like whimpering himself. The dragons head jutted out above them, and it was craning its neck from left to right, almost as if it was searching for something. Jim's own head swiveled in either direction; he spotted Hadvar just ahead of them also concealed against the stone wall. Jim nearly panicked when he didn't see Claire on his other side, until he spotted a gleam of red in the shadows and realized that her leather armor helped her to blend in with the darkness.

The dragon peered about for a moment more, but it didn't spot them nor did it seem to find what it was searching for. Loosing another gout of flames it took off once more and the four of them breathed a collective sigh of relief. Motioning for them to keep moving Hadvar lead the way towards the sounds of distant shouting.

They emerged from a cloud of smoke back into the square where they'd almost been executed. The remaining Legion soldiers were rushing about either tending to their wounded comrades or attempting to use bows and magic to mount a defense against the dragon. In the center of the chaos stood General Tullius singed but otherwise unharmed, shouting orders to his men and wielding a bow himself in defense of the city. He looked over and spotted them approaching.

"Hadvar", he bellowed, "get to the keep soldier we're leaving!"

Hadvar nodded in acknowledgement of his commander's orders, "You heard the man prisoners let's go!" He took off leading them toward a small sturdy looking building in a closed off courtyard nearby. "The keep has a series of tunnels underneath", he shouted back to them as they ran, "gods know they haven't been used in years but they should let us escape!"

As they neared the keep they noticed a group of blue-sashed Stormcloaks disappearing into the doors, one of them turned around and Jim realized it was Ralof. It appeared Ulfric's plan a worked and he and his followers were escaping through the keep while the Legion distracted the dragon.

Upon glimpsing the other man Hadvar snarled in rage and drew his sword. "Ralof you damned traitor out of our way", he spat.

"We're escaping Hadvar you're not stopping us this time!" And with that Ralof disappeared into the keep and slammed the door behind him. Hadvar cursed and pushed at the portal but it had clearly been barred from the other side, he slammed his fist against it in a rage.

"I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde", he roared at the closed door.

He turned towards the three prisoners, "There's another entrance on the opposite side of the building, come on hurry!"

Quickly the four of them jogged around the side of the building towards the other entrance; faintly Jim heard the roaring of the dragon and the flapping of its wings drawing closer and closer. Just as he was sure they were about to be overtaken Hadvar reached the door and wrenched it open ushering them inside. They bolted through the portal and Hadvar slammed it shut behind them, just as Jim heard the sound of the dragon once again breathing fire.

With the door shut the sounds of the battle outside became muted and distant and Jim was able to concentrate on the sounds of his own racing heartbeat and labored breathing. Hadvar and Toby looked to be in the same state as he was, and even the seemingly unflappable Claire had her hood pulled back and her striped hair in disarray as she panted for breath.

It was while he was examining his three worn out companions that the realization hit Jim that they'd made it, they'd really gotten out of there alive! And then he couldn't help but throw his head back and let out a slightly hysterical laugh.

The other three stared at him strangely for a moment, perhaps wondering if the shock had caused him to take leave of his senses. But then Toby too burst into a fit of laughter.

As the two friends stood there laughing uproariously at a situation that was not remotely funny, Hadvar too couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and soon he joined the other two in full blown joyous laughter.

Claire shook her head examining the three laughing men as giggles of her own began to slip out, quickly devolving into the near maniacal laughter of her fellow survivors.
And so the four of them stood ensconced in the momentary safety of the keep their laughter echoing off the walls.

AN: I originally planned to cover the entirety of the Helgen escape this chapter but this seemed like a good place to leave off. Please join me in a few days for Chapter 2: The Escape.