Hello everyone and welcome to my first fan fiction. This is going to be based off the manga with changes here and there. Also, this fan fiction is a mix of many genres(horror, here and there, trasity, humor, physiological, drama, here and there, betrayal, later on, and romance). I know, that's a lot. However, you should give this a try since you never know if you'll wnd up liking it. Also, please, if you could, leave a review so I know if you liked it since I will know what you liked/disliked about this so far.

*Akame Ga Kiru is not owned by me. I don't have any rights to the property. This is just for fun and because I have nothing better to do in my life

The sun was glistening hot. People were walking all around the street like chickens without a head. Everyone was trying to mind their own business. Then, a man that was swayed in an obsidian black cloak that went all the way down to his feet, strutted unto the kingdom. Everyone's eyes darted at this man. He had a hood over his face and the man had on a mask. There was an opaque visor where his eyes are placed. Everything to this man was as clear as day because, you see, his visor was like a one way mirror. His eyes could see through the visor but to others, the glass on the visor was glowing red. The shape of the visor was like a 180 degree angle. The mask had microscopic pore like holes that could not be seen through the normal eye. For him, the holes made it so that he could breath easily. Inside his cloak was two layers of armor that were fused together like an exoskeleton. The first layer was a strong and durable, yet soft and comfortable black leather that covered his entire body. The exoskeleton was made of a black sheet of metal that was made from Damascus steel and the hide of one of the deadliest Super class danger beast. The armor was very light, and extremely durable. The armor was not as bulky as the armor known as Incursio. This armor that was on the man felt like another layer of skin of shorts. This armor looked a small bet similar to the armor that the nights of old would wear. It is said that the armor he was wearing is so strong that it could even be thrown into lava and not even soften up. You could hear the man's breathing through the small holes that went through the mask.

There was the feeling of heat shining down on the cloak of the man from the big ball of golden light that we know as the sun. People steered at the strange looking man with wonder, terror, and amazement. The man opened the door to a bar and strutted on in with the clinking sound that his metal boots made. He walked to the counter of the bar. He grabbed his dark hood and pulled it off his head. He then unclicked the button that kept the two pieces of fabric joined together. The cloak did, however, not fall on the ground, but instead, it latched onto the metal of his armor and then got absorbed into the armor.

Everyone looked with intimidation at the man, now revealing the armor he had on. One of the participants thought he was death himself. It made since too, since this man was 176.784 centimeters(5.8 feet)tall and was wearing armor, which made him look as if he was going to fight one of the deadly danger beast, had walked into this tavern. People could see the two katanas that he possessed. The two blades were on the right and left side of the man's waist. The scabbard that held the two katanas were colored black. The man took the money bag off his waist and placed it over the wooden counter and dropped the coins on the counter, causing the coins in the bag to collide with each other, which gave birth to the sound of gold hitting itself.

"Give me the strongest liquors that you have in your position," the man ordered the bartender with the deep, ghostly voice that made it through the mask.

"Ye- yes sir," the bartender answer with a spike of fear. The scared bartender who was wearing some crueler glasses and had an orange mustache quickly took the money purse and stuttered, "I- it wi- will be a minute," before rushing away.

The man then sat down on the polished barstool. The green padding on the seat provided barely any cushioning, not that the man care, since, you might not be able to tell, but his legs were so tired from walking for hours. So he was just happy that his legs did not have to endure any more pain and misery. The man watched as the oak wood door that had a circular glass pane went opened as the bartender rushed into the room. The man then felt a presence of eyes staring right at him, it was coming from his left. He turned to see who it was.

It was a girl. She had golden locks of hair that was down a little above her ears and the clothes she was wearing was… quite showing of her… gifts. He saw that her golden eyes were staring back at him. She notices that he found her steering with wonder and not fear.

She was outed, so she decided to get up from her wooden chair and started walking towards the man. She pulled up the chair that was right next to him and sat down. He turned his head back to the counter as she started walking towards him. He asked the well endowed woman, "What do you want,"

Suddenly, a sharp pain echoed through his skin and bones, but he did not show that he was in pain.

The armor he was wearing started to move( like how a symbiote from Spiderman does). The coloration of the armor turned to a shiny, sticky substance. The armor lost its shape. It started to then move up to the mask. The legs of the armor and the hands were the first to start to go, being able to see the man's skin now. It took 4more seconds for the entire armor to be absorbed into the mask.

The goo like substance travels to his right arm and down to his hand. It then stopped its movement.

The girl watched as the substance started to change its color. The blackness turned to a shiny silver color and started to take the shape of a bracelet.

The clothing that was hidden by the armor was now reviled. He was wearing a short sleeve blazer that was red and blue. His pants was blue with a brown, leather belt around it, being held together by the copper belt buckle. The woman looked with a surprised expression on her face. He turned his head to look at her golden eyes. She saw his handsome complexion. His flat, neck length hair was a beautiful tent of orange. The hair did not cover his face but only the sides of it.

Her golden eyes looked into his orangey, yellow eyes. She could see that his eyes showed a triassic life. Her face was close enough to see that his skin was ice smooth. His lips were a pink color with a small red tent. His voice changed from the very deep and demanding like voice to a now kind and friendly voice that would make anyone think that he is the nicest person they would ever meet. "If you are looking for introductions," he very kindly said, "then let me be the first to introduce myself."

"Okay," she said, " you can go first than."

"Thank you," he took a deep breath, " my name's Sumaka. And what a lovely name do you have?"

"My name is Leone."

"Leone," Sumaka paused for a second, then he said with kindness in his voice, " that's a really lovely name for a girl like yourself."

Leone laughed but stopped when she saw that he was serious. "So," she asked normally, "So what makes a cute boy like yourself want to come to a city like this?"

Sumaka was considering not to answer her question. "Mmmhh," he hummed, " I'm here to see an old friend."

"Is that all," Leone asked, having an idea that he was not telling the whole truth.

"Um ya, why?"

"Just curious."

The door where the bartender went in was opened and the bartender came out with a wooden keg that was filled with some kind of cockatiel that had white foam on it. The man looked confused. "Where's the scary man at," he asked with a confused and still scared tone in his voice.

"Hey, I'm over here," Sumaka told the man as he raised his hand in the air. The attender did not try to question it. Even if the kid looked too young to drink, he just gave him the drink and walked away. Sumaka grabbed the keg by its handle and was going to take a sip before Leone asked him," Are you old enough to drink?"

Sumaka placed the keg back onto the counter and told her, "Why? Is there a law against it or something?"

"Not they I'm aware of," she said.

"And there's my point. Now excuse me while I drink this."

He then started to take a sip of his alcoholic beverage. He placed it back down and was going to say something to Leone but forgot. He found that his eyes were moving to where Leone's breasts were. He couldn't help it. He was a teenage boy after all. His eyes then turned back up to Leone's face. She noticed what he was just looking at. She giggled and turned her voice into a more teasing form.

"You find something you like?"

Sumaka started to have his tan skin turn red with heat. "Maybe, maybe not," he blushingly told Leone, " what about you?"

"I'm not gonna tell you," she answered him.

"Okay." Sumaka started back drinking his drink. He then started gulping down the weird tasting beverage. Leone was looking at him with a pretetorial gaze. It made Sumaka a little uncomfortable as he saw her steer at him through the side of his left eye. He then got his composer back and slammed the wooden keg on the counter. The eruption sound spooked Leone a small bit.

"You need to do something a lot more than just asking if I like your chest," he said, now with his skin coloration normal and with a calm tone in it. "Trust me, it is easy to get me a little flustered but it's a lot harder to actually embarrass me."

Leone looked at him with the spark of a challenge in her eyes.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe… maybe not?"

A small smile appeared on Leone's face. Wait," he quickly said, "Where's my money?" Leone shrugged her head.

"I don't know."

In the very corners of Leone's mind, she thought, 'I might have taken it.'

She found it quite adorable that he was worrying so much. Normally, Sumaka could tell she was lying but since he was drunk, he was not able to even see that she was lying.

If you wonder how he was already drunk, it is because he is a light drinker and he ordered the strongest alcohol that the bar had.

"God damn it," he said with defeat in his voice, leaning his elbow on the wooden countertop and placing his head in its palm. He sullenly mumbled, "Why does this always happen to me?"

Leone was trying very, and I mean very hard, not to burst out laughing at the worried boy. What could he do now? He lost all of his money. How could he support himself now? He was in, what you would call, a tight spot.

"Great," he said with sadness still in his voice, "I'm drunk, tired, and now I'm broke. This sucks worse than when I had to fight that Super level danger beast and that damn thing made me worry about my life. I mean, why is it always me?"

"Oh you poor thing," Leone giggled.

"Ya," he said, not being able to even tell that Leone was just teasing him. "At least you understand me, Tsukushi."

"Who?" Leone looked a little confused. He really was drunk to think that she was someone else.

Sumaka squinted his blurry eyes, trying to focus a blurry image in front of him. He yawned, "Sorry I thought you were someone else. Well, I'm gonna go."

Sumaka then got up and fell down.

Leone extended her arm out for Sumaka. He then pulled himself up. "Thanks," he told her.

"No problem."

Sumaka turned his wobbly legs around with the rest of his drunken body, and headed for the door of the pub. He opened the oak, wood door and walked out onto the streets. Leone watched him walk out and thought, 'He's not gonna live long in this place.'

Sumaka stubbles as he walked on the flat ground. Some people were looking at him with discus.

One person told his friend, "I swear, this generation just does not care." His friend agreed.

"Oh go fuck yourselves," Sumaka yelled at the two as he was leaning on a wall, "I'm not that bad -Oh god! Sumaka felt that he was going to throw up.

His mind then started to clear up. His headache slowly started to get weaker and weaker.

The wall he was leaning on was stone made and had a rough texture. To his right was a dirty yellow sheet of paper nailed to the wall.

"Finally," he said, "the drunkenness is wearing off."

Sumaka stopped leaning against the wall.

"Okay, that sucked," he said.

As he started walking, people were trying to avoid him, possibly due to him having those swords right next to him.

He walked past another dirty, yellow flyer. If he stopped and looked back at the poster, he would not believe who he would have seen. The poster contained the face of a girl who was just a few months older than Sumaka. It may had been a few years, but he would have recognized that face. How could he not? It was the face of one of his old friends.

"Wait a minute. Where's my money at!?... Damn it, I lost it again."

Knowing that he couldn't do anything, Sumaka just left it behind him.

"Where to go, where to go? I'm broke so I can't sleep in a hotel, so what can I do?"

Sumaka, noticing that everything was getting darker, looked at the sun, which was now slowly downing.

'How long was I in that place,' he asked his subconscious.

Soon he found himself in the middle of a dirt infested road, laying down, not knowing what to do. He then saw a kid who had brown, spiky hair, and emerald eyes who looked as upset as he was. Sumaka got up and walked to the boy. " What's wrong with you," he asked the boy, who was laying on the ground.

"That woman took my money!"

"Really, and did that woman have golden hair, eyes and big boobs?"

"Yes," the kid got his back off the ground and turned his head towards Sumaka, "how do you know that?"

"I think she took my money as well."

"Ain't that a coincidence or what?"


Sumaka than heard the sound of wooden wheels turning and he looked behind him to see a black carriage that had a man in the front, controlling the horses. The carriage stopped and the left door opened to show a girl. She was so kind to say that the two men could stay at her place for the night. Sumaka felt something off about the girl but told her thanks. She asked if Sumaka and who was obviously Tatsumi if they would like to come inside the cart, and the two men did.

*Later at Night*

Sumaka was laying in his bed. "Why do I feel on edge? Something about that girl doesn't feel right to me," he told himself. He felt very grateful that Aria would lean the two men shelter but he felt like the way she was speaking was a mask. Her voice felt fake. He did not know why, but it just did. He was taught to follow his instructions but he was not sure what his instructions were trying to tell him.

Sumaka landed on the king size bed. His weapons were lying beside it. The bed cushion felt very soft, like a cloud.

The bedroom he was in had gray carpet for the floor and blue paint for the wall color. There was a draw on the right bedside. There was a fan attached to the ceiling of the room. There was light bulbs inside the ceiling fan.

Sumaka looked at the silver bracelet that was laying on the drawer. He looked at it as he could the female voice of the armor. "Shut up," he snapped back at the armor as he started to close his eyes.

"Henkan. I don't want you keeping me up all night. So just shut up and go to sleep." Sumaka then heard the whispering. ghostly, voices in his head.

"Why -so - serious," Ru asked.

"That's what I was going to say," Su told Ru.

"Well too bad. I got to say it first."

Sumaka quickly snapped at the two spirits that lived in the weapons. "You shut up too, Su and Ru. I'm sleepy and I want to actually go to sleep. So shut up and let me do this?"

The two beings talking back to him in unison. "Fine!"

Sumaka took a deep breath. He slowly started drifting off to the realm of sleep. He could feel himself becoming related. His muscles were becoming weak. He was starting to become unable to move. This was what he wanted so very much, being able to sleep for a long time. He was so tired staying up for almost two weeks. This was the best feeling he ever had. He then fell into the state where dreams and nightmares occur but all he saw was nothing but darkness. His eyes stayed shut for… hours at least.

The sound of his door woke him up. It was being slammed with haste. "Okay," He yawned and he raised out of the bed, "Okay. I'm up." But before he could say a word, he heard the guard that was behind the door say, "We need you help! Night Raid is attaching!"

'The fucks Night Raid?' Sumaka thought to himself. Nevertheless, from the way the guard was sounding, this Night Raid was not good news. Sumaka grabbed his silver bracelet and weapons. Sumaka broke through the door. The guard was alright gone. He started running through the empty halls of the home. The windows gleamed in the moonlight. He bummed into Tatsumi as he was running. The two did not talk but both ran the same direction. Then they saw… them. Through a window, stood Night Raid.

"They're targeting this place as well, just because their wealthy."

"That can't be it."

"What do you mean that's not it?"

"They can't be trained assistants and just raid homes of the wealthy. Never mind that for now, we need or go and protect Aria."


The two men ran through the corridors of the building until they reached the outside.

Sumaka and Tatsumi then found where Aria was. One of her guards told her to go to the shed and said that it would be safe in it. "Sumaka and Tatsumi," she said, surprised.

"You two came at the right moment! We'll run to the warehouse and wait for the guards to come. You two stop the enemy or us in the meantime," a man, probably her bodyguard, said told the two.

"WHAA!" Tatsumi said in surprise, "That's crazy!"

Sumaka quickly turned around and took his sword out and blocked a long, raven haired assistant in her tracks. His eyes widened. 'AKAME!' He thought. The raven haired assassin jumped back and got into her fighting stents.

"Get out of my way," she told Sumaka.

Sumaka did not comply and she then attacked again. Her movements were much faster than the last time Sumaka had fought her but he was still able to keep up. He quickly looked to Tatsumi, who was just standing there. Sumaka quickly looked back at the fight. He used his katana to punch her away.

"Tatsumi! Gonna fucking help me or what?!"

Tatsumi was terrified but he then snapped out of it and raised his sword up, "Sorry."

Sumaka then turned back to Akame. His bracelet then started turning into the armor that he was wearing before. Akame looked a little surprised. Sumaka looked at Tatsumi and said with a bosslike voice, "Don't get hit by the blade. You will die if you do." Tatsumi took that in consideration.

"You two are not the target," Akame told Sumaka and Tatsumi, " there's no need for me to kill you two."

Tatsumi snapped back, "But you're planning on killing Aria, right!"

"Um huh. And I will have to kill you if you don't get out of my way."

"Is that supposed to scare me?"

Sumaka whispered in Tatsumi's ear, "Ya, it is. We are going to fucking die."

Akame looked a little confused at that but the held her katana up and said, "then you will be eliminated."

Tatsumi's face turned to fear. "Get on to it then," Sumaka said with an impassioned voice.

Leone was walking form the home. She saw Akame fighting Tatsumi and Sumaka. "That's rare for Akame. She hasn't finished them off yet…. Oh geez." Leone then face palmed. 'How unlucky can those two kids get?"

The three sword wilders then clashed. Tatsumi know he was not strong enough The he did not woody about that. Tatsumi gone in first, which was a mistake. He took two swings at her. She blocked both of them and kicked his arm and seemed to get stabbed. He fell on the ground and Aria yelled out his name in panic.

"God damn it," Sumaka muttered, thinking that Tatsumi was dead.

To his shock, Tatsumi got up with as smile and said, "You won't even let your guard down and approach me? I didn't feel it even touch my skin." Tatsumi reaches in his shirt and pulled out a totem that now had a dent in the middle. "The guys in the village protected me," Tatsumi said before Akame began to run at him with full speed.

Tatsumi hesitated at that moment and before he had the chance to react, Akame was close to killing the teen.

However, before that happened, Sumaka had got in front of Tatsumi and blocked the attack cause Akame to than jump back from Suamka and Tatsumi.

Tatsumi than said, "You guys are after the money so just let this girl go! We're not even on the battlefield and yet your trying to kill an innocent girl!"

"Tatsumi, it would best to shut up right now," Sumaka told Tatsumi as Sumaka's teigu started to manifest on his body, "You're going against one of the deadliest people in the empire. Let me handle this."

Just as Sumaka said that, his face became completely covered by the armor.

Akame lunged back towards Sumaka, who blocked the slash attack by slashing one of his katana's with her own.

"You're stronger than before," Sumaka told her before the katanas disconnected.

"Do I know you?"

"Don't know how you could forget. I'm one of a kind, after all. It's me," Sumaka's helmet disappears off his face, "Shamak."

The young female assassin was not fazed by what Sumaka said. Instead, she told him, "Sumaka is dead."

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be, but here I am, fighting you, a now member of the revolution. So, tell me, how long did it take until you found out about the truth? Was it after I died…"

Akame attacked Sumaka with another volley of swings from her blade, to whom Sumaka blocked, and parried most of the attacks, but his armor protected his skin from being cut by the blade.


"It's me, Akame. You know it's true. Can we just stop fighting already. Friends shouldn't fight one another. Don't you think Cornelia would agree?"


"Yeah, you do remember her, right?"

"Su-Sumaka," Akame started to lower her guard, "is it...really...you."

Sumaka's teigu deactivates while he put his Karan back into its sheath as he tells her, "Yeah, it's me. Nice to see you're still alive."

"Wait! Akame knows that kid," asked Main.

"Apparently," answered Leone. Leone walked where Akame was and Tatsumi instantly said on his eyes seeing her.

"You're the woman who took my money," he told her.

"Yep, that's what they call me." Leone's voice then turned serious, " You told us not to kill an innocent girl, right?"


"Would you think the same if you see this?" Leone asked as she then broke the lock and the doors when flying open.

Sumaka turned away from Akame to see what Leone was talking about. "This is getting even better," he said as the doors were opened. Inside the place were bodies. Hundred of body's that were mangled, missing legs and arms. Tatsumi looked horrified.

Leone said, "Take a look… this is the darkness of the capital."

"Wha… what is this," Tatsumi asked.

"These people lure unidentified people from the county with their sweet words and subject them to their hobby of torture and toy with them until they die. That's the true nature of those of this household."

"Damn," Sumaka said, "didn't expect that."

Tatsumi then saw his friend Sayo. She was not as hurt as the others. She was stung up with many cuts all over her body. Tatsumi ran to her yelling out her name.

"So there was someone you knew," Sumaka asked.

Aria was starting to tiptoe away but Leone grabbed her and asked her if she thought she was leaving.

"The people in this home did this?"

"That's right! And the guards kept quiet about it so hey are as equally guilty."

"That's not true," Aria said, "I didn't even know about this place. Who you believe Tatsumi? Me or these...these-"

"Really? You suck at lying," Sumaka told her.

Tatsumi did not know what to believe in until he heard a familiar voice.

"Ta...Tsu..Mi! It's me. Leyasu. That girl, she was the one who tortured and killed Sayo."

"What's so wrong!? I should be free to treat them however I want! Your just worthless hicks from the country! Like cattle," Aria yelled evilly. "Besides, that girl was so impertinent for having such straight hair for a farm animal." Aria's face turned to a hideous smile. "Even though I'm troubled with such unruly hair. That's why I agonized her so meticulous. In fact, she should be grateful that I took such good care of her."

"Hey! ass hat," Sumaka said, "I'm not a country boy. I'm a skilled ex assassin like Akame over there." Everyone ignored him except Leon, who was a little surprised to see that he was saying he was as skilled as Akame. Leone was about to say something but, to everyone's shock, Tatsumi cut down Aria with one swing of his sword. "I should probably mention this but your friend, Sayo, is still alive." Tatsumi looked at him with surprise.


"Ya, you should probably get her to a hospital."

"We have on at the base." Leone told Sumaka.

"Oh and Leone, where's my money at?"

Sadly, Leone did not give no answer to his question. Sumaka had his two weapons become a bow and arrow and he shot Sayo down. As his bow and arrows started morphing back to the two katanas. Sumaka said, "But your other friend won't live." Tatsumi caught Sayo's naked body. He saw her eyes open for a split second and close again. Sumaka looked at the cage where Tatsumi's other friend was. "Thank you, Tatsumi. I needed that," Leyasu said before collapsing on the ground, now dead. With Sayo in Tatsumi's arms, he walked out of the slaughterhouse. Sumaka looked at Tatsumi's face, tearing were starting to go down his eyes. Everyone was walking away, except for Sumaka. Akame turned around and looked at him.

"Are you coming?"

Sumaka did not answer 'because he was spacing out.


Hearing his name being yelled out at him, he snapped back into the present time. "What did you say? I wasn't listening."

"Sumaka," Akame said, " you are coming with us. I am not going to let you get away from me this time."

"Okay," he answered, "I don't have a choice anyway since you seem like you missed my presence so much I guess I will."

"Good," she just said, trying not to let his teasing get her. "Now come on."

Sumaka started jogging after her and the two assassins now started to catch up with the others.

Thats the end to the chapter. I hope you all injoyed it and I hope that I can continue to get you support. Untill nexts time.