Thanks for every one who reviewed in the last chapter I do appreciate it anyway I really don't have much to say so let's move on to the story!

I do not in any way own Pokémon or any characters within it!

"Bulbasaur I choose you" I shouted excitedly anxious to meet my partner

Only for the ball to simply clank on the floor empty.

"Another trainer came in and took Bulbasaur about ten minutes ago" the Professor said in way of explication

"Okay Charmander then" I called out nervously. Only for the same result

" again it appears the early bird got the worm" stated Professor oak

"Okay then" I said steeling myself "Squirtle will do just fine" I threw the ball hoping against hope, unfortunately nothing came out

"WHAT" I said as I nearly blew a fuse "I was here on time it's not like I did something stupid and slept in!"

Calming myself I asked , scared for the answer" I will still get a Pokémon right Professor"

"Of course you Will" he said reassuring me "you will still get a choice between three Pokémon an electric type picatchu" he released an angry little Pokémon that immediately tried to shock someone before he was hurriedly recalled "yes well…there is also a grass type oddish" he released a small blue Pokémon with green leave on his head that immediately started hugging the Professor and jumping up and down. "And last but not least poliwag a water Pokémon" he said as he released stony blue Pokémon with swirls on its stomach and a small tail.

I thought about it, and I immediately decided against the electric rat I knew how important having a obedient first partner was. So either a oddish which evolved into either Vileplume or bellossum, I could also choose poliwag who evolved into either poliwrath or Politoed, all of the choices were good but he thought he would like a water type. "Professor I choose poliwag"

"POLIWAG!" yelled the tadpole Pokémon in obvious excitement.

We smiled for a second at the young Pokémon's enthusiasm before Professor oak asked "why don't you scan poliwag with your Pokédex?"

Poliwag the tadpole Pokémon Its newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand.

This poliwag is male and knows the moves:water sport, and water gun it's egg moves are mud shot, refresh, and ice ball. It's ability's are damp which prevents the use of self-destructing moves, and water absorb which Restores HP if hit by a water-type move

"We didn't let them practice to much, since we thought that should be the trainers job" the Professor said when I questioned the lack of moves

"Alright then poliwag return" I said "bye Professor see you later"

After saying good bye to my mom and introducing her to poliwag I walk to the edge of the forest and braced myself for my journey, my new life, I sucked in a deep breath and took my first step

I know it's still short but I'm trying to increase a little bit each chapter bye