Thanks to those that reviewed this story. The ending feels a little unfinished to me but I wanted to get this one completed so I can work on the next story which I'm really excited about! I may edit this chapter a little in the future but for now, hope you enjoy.

BA was in a foul mood. He'd had to run out of the daycare without fixing Andre's bike, he'd spent a good chunk of his day trying to get away from Lynch, his van had been damaged from Hannibal's stunt, and worst of all, he'd missed the phone call with his momma. Now he had to wait another month to talk to her and to find out if she needed anything for the summer.

He pulled his van into a shadowy, out-of-the-way parking space in the garage and got a flashlight out of the glove box. He walked around to inspect the scratch again. It started on the passenger side door and continued out onto the sliding door. BA clenched his fists, pursed his lips and closed his eyes. '1, 2, 3... Maybe he could add detailing after he sanded the scratch out and repainted the doors. Red would look nice.' he thought. He'd figure that out tomorrow. All BA wanted to do right now was sit in his room, watch some TV, drink some milk and forget this day had ever happened. He turned to head into his apartment when the shrill sound of the phone in the van made him stop short.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm down before he answered. '4, 5…' It didn't work.

"What?" he growled, nearly pulling the cord out of the plug.

"BA! I need you to come get me, real fast. I'm in Sunnyvale."

He was instantly concerned, all the anger and frustration vanished when he heard the urgency in Murdock's voice. "Why you out there, Fool? Why you ain't at the hospital?"

"I'll explain when you get here, BA. Come now! Please?" Murdock pleaded, rattling off the address.

"On my way." BA assured him as he jumped back in the van and headed out.

Twenty-four minutes later, BA pulled up to a building with 'Bell Labs' written across the doors. The place was shut down for the day, the lights off and the parking lot empty.

He circled the building once before he saw Murdock, just stepping out of the shadow of the building.

"What goin' on?" BA asked as he rolled the van up next to the pilot. Murdock didn't look hurt and he didn't see anyone else around.

Murdock jumped in and pointed around to the back. "Drive around and park, BA. We hafta get inside. Face needs us in there."

"What?! Why is Face here? He ok? You better tell me what's goin' on!"

"Face is fine. I'll tell you, I promise Big Guy, but we hafta get inside now." Murdock pleaded, looking at his watch.

BA mumbled under his breath about fools and crazy team members as he drove around to the back of the building and parked. Murdock led him to the back door, pulled it open and gestured for him to hurry inside. BA scoffed and waved him off with a ringed hand but he went in anyway.

Murdock ushered him through the halls like he'd been there before and knew where he was going. They came to a door marked 'Communications' and Murdock opened it and pushed BA inside. The light was on and there stood Face and Hannibal, shoulder to shoulder, blocking the view of whatever was behind them. They both had giant grins on their faces and Murdock yelled 'Surprise!' in his ear.

BA started to growl.

Face startled and looked to Hannibal who motioned and they each took a step to the side in opposite directions. BA was stunned into silence as he saw the most glorious site he'd seen in a very long time.

On the desk sat a microphone, a camera and a tiny monitor. On the monitor was his very own, in the flesh, smiling from ear-to-ear with tears in her eyes, Momma!

"Scooter!" she choked out, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Momma." BA's voice was barely a whisper as he stared in awe at his beloved mother. Without tearing his eyes away, afraid she'd disappear if he did, he asked, "How? How'd you do this?"

"This magic was all your friends, Baby."

Murdock, being closest to the door, waved at the screen and patted BA on the shoulder as he walked out. Hannibal slung an arm around BA's shoulders. "You didn't really think we didn't know, did you?" Hannibal asked with a grin, tipping his head to Mrs. Baracus before he, too disappeared out the door.

Face cleared his throat and pulled out a chair for BA in front of the set-up as he checked his watch. "You have 26 minutes, BA. We'll be out in the lobby, just come get us when you're done." He smiled at the monitor. "Mrs. Baracus."

Face closed the door behind him and BA sat down, still amazed that he could see his mother, sitting right there in front of him.

"How are you, Baby?" his momma asked, gently. "Your friends said you didn't have the best day today."

BA thought about all that had gone wrong and how disappointed he'd been that his plans had been ruined. Looking at his momma, none of that mattered now. He couldn't even fathom what his team had done to make this happen for him. But how had they known? BA felt a flash of gratitude.

"Nah, Momma. This the best day I've had in a long time."