Admittedly, this is a bit of a crossover. Only in situation, though. There's this awesome Japanese movie called Battle Royale. It has the same plot as this fic does. You don't need to have watched the movie in order to read this, so don't worry. Remember, this *will* be rather graphic, and people *will* die. So expect it! I know that all these people aren't even the same age, let alone in the same class at school. But bear with me. Use your imagination. Also, this takes place *after* Battle City, and after Yami finds out about his past and all that. I'm using Japanese names, here. Keep in mind that formally, the last name is said first.


Joey Wheeler-Jounouchi Katsuya (Yes, Katsuya is his *first* name).........

Tea Gardener- Mazaki Anzu.........

Tristan Taylor-Honda Hiroto.........

Duke Devlin-Ryouji Otogi.........

Bakrua-Bakura Ryou........

Weevil Underwood-Haga Insector.........

Rex Raptor-Ryusaki Dinosaur.........

Nazoka Miho-Never appeared in the English series.......

Marik Ishtar-Ishtar Malik (Well, really, it could be Marik, too. I just choose Malik.)........


Any other names you see are just misc people I made up that aren't really important. Think of them as extras.




I was the sole survivor of Battle Royale. Ours was the last game the government ever set up. They tell themselves that they though the youths of Japan had learned their lesson. In actuality, the government itself was close to being overthrown. The only way they could have kept their positions of power was if they took it by force. There was no way they would have succeeded. The loss of the president of KaibaCorp hit the economy hard, and suspicion grew along with money troubles.

People began to wonder what the founders and maintainers of BR were thinking when they set up this mad game. Parents found their sorrow and grief morph into rage. Sisters, brothers, family members, all of them joined together to put an end to BR. The game was halted just as a fresh batch of students was being sent to the island. They were happy, to say the least. BR's secret had been out ever since I came home. The students now knew that they were being sent to the island to die. They narrowly avoided their fate to play the game.

But for me, the game will go on forever.





"I'm so tired." Katsuya Jounouchi groaned, trying to stretch out on the cramped bus that the class of 1-B from Domino High School was crowded on. "I don't care if this *is* supposed to be some ultra-cool field trip. They should have us leave at, like, 3:00 or something." He complained. Yuugi Mutoh smiled sympathetically, dodging out of the way as one of Jou's arms came soaring towards him. "Watch out, Jou. You'll put Yugi's eye out!" Anzu Mazaki scolded. She was sitting across the isle from Jou and Yugi's seat, next to Honda Hiroto. "It's alright." Yugi said as Jou apologized. A head popped up from the seat behind Yugi and Jou, sneering. "What's the matter, is 8:00 too early for Jou-chan? Does Jou-chan need more beauty sleep?" Insector Haga simpered. Beside Insector, Dinosaur Ryusaki laughed. "He sure does!" He agreed. Jou swung at them half-heartedly, then fell back into his seat. "It's too early for this." He groaned.

In the back of the bus, Ryou Bakura and Malik Ishtar were talking quietly, discussing some homework assignment or another. Malik sighed, wondering why he put up with this. If it had been anyone but Ryou, he wouldn't have even bothered to look at them, let alone talk about something as frivolous as school. When he had been in his gang, he had power, respect, and all the interesting conversations he wanted. But if Malik tried to talk to Ryou about anything that involved blood, pain, or discomfort of any kind, Ryou would immediately stiffen and try to change the subject. To Malik, who hadn't lived a very decent or sheltered life ever since he was ten, nothing could surprise or affect him anymore. But Ryou was a different story. Ryou's Yami, Malik knew, regularly beat him and who knew what else. Ryou didn't tell anybody, so probably only Malik himself, and maybe Yugi's Yami, knew. Malik loved Ryou more than anybody else in the world, with the exception of his sister and 'brother'. To Malik, Ryou was another brother, only this time a younger one that Malik had to care for himself.

'I'm doing a lousy job helping him.' Malik thought glumly, eyeing a series of fingerprint bruises on Ryou's arm. If it weren't for the fact that Bakura couldn't solidify himself in this world, Ryou would probably always be in the hospital. As it was, Bakura could drag Ryou to his soul room and punch him around a bit. No broken bones, though, since Ryou's body technically wasn't real in his soul room. For that Malik was grateful. If only he could stop Bakura from hurting Ryou or possessing him at all. "Malik?" A hesitant voice asked. Malik tore himself from his dream world and looked at Ryou with inquiring eyes. "Yes?" he asked, pretending he had been paying attention and failing miserably. Ryou smiled at him anyway, gesturing around the bus. "We're here." He said, standing up. Malik nodded and followed suit. He grabbed his carry-on bag from the rack overhead and followed Ryou out of the bus, making sure to step on Seto Kaiba's foot as he made his way out. Kaiba growled at him but couldn't retaliate since a group of girls had gotten between them.

Kaiba was having a very bad day. He had gotten home very late last night and found Mokuba on the couch of his room, waiting for him. He became guiltily aware at how much time he spent at work compared to with his brother. Mokuba hadn't said anything to him, but little hints had given Kaiba a clue as to what his little brother was feeling. Leaving dinner out for Kaiba since he wasn't home on time enough to eat with him, writing notes to him to tell him what had gone on in his day at school (since Mokuba never saw Kaiba long enough to tell him himself), and now he was falling asleep in Kaiba's room. It had taken every ounce of Mokuba's persuasion skills to get Kaiba to go along on this stupid scientific research trip. Mokuba had insisted that Kaiba needed a break. Kaiba had agreed only after one day when he found himself asleep at his office. If anything else on this trip, Kaiba had thought at the time, at least I'll get some sleep on the bus.

But then on the day of departure his alarm clock hadn't gone off, and Kaiba overslept, almost missing the bus altogether. Then he found out that his chauffeur had run away with his maid, and he had to call the reserved hired help. When he got to the meeting place with the buses, the only seat left was next to Miho Nazaka, who kept talking to him about how cute Ryou Bakura was, and how sweet Ryou Bakura was, and how great Ryou Bakura was. It was a miracle that he managed to sleep at all. For someone as tired as Jou was supposed to be, he sure spent an awfully long time talking. Finally, though, they were at their destination.

Yugi looked around, eyes curious. According to the information sheet they had all been given, they were going to an island about an hour or so away from Japan. There was supposed to be some great scientific research being done on the island, and Yugi's class had been chosen to go and learn about it. They were now at a small airport, ready to load onto the planes that would take them to the island.

After everybody was on the plane, a t.v screen made it's way down from the ceiling to where everybody could view it. There were a few murmurs of appreciation. This trip hadn't cost them anything, and they got first class movies! Yugi, Jou, Honda, Anzu and Otogi, who had chosen to sit next to them on the plane, conversed casually as a recent movie played. Yugi had seen this particular movie before, so he didn't really pay much attention to it. Soon he felt himself grow sleepy. "I think I'll take a nap until we get there." He said to his friends. Anzu was already asleep, and Jou and Honda just nodded, engrossed in the film. Otogi looked tired himself, and nodded to Yugi before closing his eyes. Yugi followed suit, and soon found himself in a peaceful, dreamless sleep.





When Yugi woke up, he was in a cold, windowless building, lying on the floor. A quick look around showed him that the rest of his class was in a similar state. A few of them were sitting up, wiping their eyes groggily and gazing about the room in curiosity. Yugi looked next to him and saw Jou. "Wake up, Jou." Yugi whispered, shaking Jou's shoulder. Jou mumbled incoherently before opening his eyes. "Wha?" he muttered. He took in his surroundings silently, then looked at Yugi. "What's going on, Yugi?" he asked sitting up. Yugi shrugged. Jou blinked, then he shook Honda, who was next to him. Yugi looked around and saw Anzu beginning to stir across the room.

As soon as she was awake, she stood up shakily and walked towards Yugi, Jou, and Honda. "Where are we?" she asked, voice high. Her eyes fell to Yugi's neck. "What is *that*?" Anzu touched a collar of metal that had replaced Yugi's old choker. Yugi glanced down, startled. He could feel the change, even if he couldn't see it. "What? Why.....Hey, Anzu, you have one too! And you two." He said to Jou and Honda. Jou felt around his throat and touched cold metal. Since he couldn't see his own, he looked at Honda's. It was a plain silver collar with a black square in the front. "What the hell?" he muttered. He yanked at it for a few seconds before giving up and standing.

As soon as he stood, a door nobody had noticed was forced open and a group of people dressed in military attire strode inside. The class began throwing furious questions at the adults. "Where are we?" "What is this thing on my neck?" "Who are you?" "If I don't get any explanations now, I'll sue you." The only man who wasn't in a camouflage suit raised his hand, ordering quiet. The class, wanting answers, obliged. "Congratulations. You, class 1-B of Domino High School, have been chosen to participate in this month's 'Battle Royale' game. I am, Iwate." Yugi's ears perked up at the word 'game.' In his soul room, Yami, who seemed to have been asleep this whole time, woke up, listening intently while at the same time trying to figure out where his host was.

"What is this 'Battle Royale' thing, and why didn't you ask our permission?" Jou asked angrily. "You can't just drug us or whatever you did and drag us someplace." Iwate walked up to Jou, looking steadily at him. Jou glared back. "You-" Jou broke off when the man punched him in the stomach. While Jou wheezed and fell to his knees, pushing off the help Yugi and Anzu offered, Iwate went back to the front of the room. "Now then. In light of all the misbehavior, lack of respect for your elders, violence at your schools, and overall deterioration of ethics and morals today's kids seem to have, We have created a game called Battle Royale, or BR. The point of the game is to have a class of kids left on a small island for 3 days with limited supplies. The goal is to see who the last child alive is." The man said calmly.

A shocked silence filled the room. It was broken by Kaiba, who looked Iwate straight in the eye, as if telling him that he wasn't intimidated by him. "You're not serious. What do you mean 'the last child alive'?" he spat. Iwate narrowed his eyes at Kaiba. "I meant 'The Last Child Alive." He repeated. "Only one person can get off this island alive and go home. That person is the winner, the one who managed to kill, and not be killed. Of course, it has happened before that the two remaining people managed to kill each other off, and so there was no winner, but I'm sure there will not be a problem like that here." The room filled with noise as the students let their feelings be known.

"SHUT UP!" Iwate roared. Once again silence reigned. "If I were you," Iwate said softly as he gazed at the wide-eyed class, "I would listen very carefully. Otherwise you may miss something. Now we will watch a video on what to expect. I'm sure you all will like that. Pay attention now." He turned around to face an old t.v, turning it on. The words "THE RIGHT WAY TO FIGHT BATTLE ROYALE. Battle Royale Committee Act" appeared. Then a peppy lady wearing camouflage shorts, a tank top, many bracelets and other jewelry, and a collar like the ones the teens were wearing came onscreen and smiled. "Hello, class 1-B of Domino High! You're the lucky class that got picked to be in this Battle Royale game! Give yourself a hand!" she clapped, and the students stared at the t.v in disbelief. "Now then. Before you go out on your own, I'll explain a few things about this game, so you can fight right and with gusto! Your on a deserted island that looks like this." In the background a digital map of the island they were apparently on was shown. "It's about 10 kilometers around." The lady said. The map went away and the lady was alone again. "Okay, about your necklaces. Aren't they beautiful?" she touched her own, fingering it lovingly.

"They're 100% waterproof and shockproof. They're also permanent! They monitor your pulse, informing us on your location and movement. If you cause any trouble, they'll identify you to us. Then we'll send radio waves from here to your necklaces, causing them to go BOOM!" She threw her hands up in an exaggerated matter. Anzu gasped, along with most of the other students. Jou glared at the TV "This has got to be some sort of joke." He muttered. Yugi elbowed him lightly, warning him not to talk. They went back to watching the television. "But that's not all! Remember, this assignment of yours must be completed in *three* days," she held up three fingers, still grinning in a cheerful way, " and if we don't have a winner by then, all the necklaces will automatically explode, and nobody wins." She put on a sad face and rubbed imaginary tears from her face. "So let's fight hard! Oh. They'll also explode if you try to pull them off." she smiled. Many of the kids quickly lowered their hands from their necks. They had been trying to do just that.

"You're going to be leaving one by one, but first you'll get a kit." The woman continued. The camera zoomed out and showed a counter with a brown, backpack on it, along with some water bottles, food packets, and other stuff. "You have your foods," she said, indicating the objects, "water, a flashlight, and a map and compass. Also, in each bag is a weapon for you to use. Each weapon is different. Not just knives and guns either! It's random, so maybe you'll get lucky, maybe not. This eliminates natural advantages." She pulled out an axe from behind her bag and made an exaggerated surprised face. "This one's super lucky! Remember, there are no rules except the 3-day limit. Now, I'm going to call you one by one. You'll get your backpack, and leave this room and go off to roam the island!"

Iwate paused the video and looked around the room. He was smiling. "We've notified you're parents, so nothing's left undone. When she calls you, go out that door, and I suggest running quickly! You can examine your weapons at your leisure. Any questions?" He looked at the stunned group. Even Kaiba looked baffled. He finally cleared his throat, though. "You don't actually expect any of us to kill each other." He said, his tone implying that it wasn't a question. Iwate raised an eyebrow. "Expect? Well, you had better finish each other off. If there is more than one person alive at 11:59 on the third day, then you all die anyway. Then nobody lives." He indicated to the collars they were wearing. Kaiba stared at Iwate for a few seconds. Somehow, he knew that this wasn't a joke. Iwate was serious. Beside Kaiba, Miho began crying softly. "Why us? What did we do?" she whispered.

Iwate frowned. "Stop that. It's annoying and unnecessary. As for what you did.....well, as I'm sure you all know, today's generation of *children*," he stared at them, "have been anything but adequate. By the time all of you grow up, you'll have turned the world, which we have worked so hard to build, into shambles. You have no respect for life. You drink, do drugs. Have sex. Vandalize. Cut school. Murder." Each sentence was punctuated with distaste. The class was a mix of ashamed faces, incredulous looks, and sneers. It had been happening all over the world, they knew. Students just didn't think they needed to behave anymore, or listen to anybody. Domino High had been one of the more moderate schools, though. They still had a majority of decent people. "Why us?" Miho repeated, tears flowing down her cheeks. Several students repeated her question. What had they *personally* done? A few skipped school, or drank, but nothing serious. Nobody killed anyone, certainly.

Iwate growled at the gathering noise. "Shut up. You just happened to win the lottery, that's all. You should consider it an honor. The winners of the games before yours thought it was." Jou gasped. "You mean there were more of these? Killing and all? How can you do that? I don't believe you. You can't make us kill each other!" He argued. Beside him, Honda nodded in agreement. He sidled over to where Miho was. Honda had had a crush on Miho for years. Right now he tried to comfort her, while still maintaining a glare on Iwate and the other soldiers. "How can you let him do this?" He yelled to the uniformed men.

They stared back stoically. One of them smirked. Iwate pulled out a small black keypad from his pocket. "Oh no, oh no." he mumbled quietly to himself. "They don't believe they'll play the game." He looked up at the area Honda and Miho were at. "Well, I'll give you the right incentive to play. An example. This is what will happen to all of you, if you do not manage to finish your mission in three days." He held the keypad up and pointed it at Miho's throat. A beep sounded, and a laser connected from the keypad to the black square on Miho's collar.

Miho screamed. A steady beep now began, issuing from the necklace. As the seconds passed, which Miho spent tearing at the collar with her fingers, the beeping grew faster and faster, like a countdown. Honda yelled and attempted to help Miho pull the necklace off. Several of the other students were screaming and running around, trying to distance themselves from Miho. The video they had watched said that there was a bomb-like thing in the collar, and they didn't want to be around it when it went off. Yugi ran over to Miho to help, but Jou pulled him back, grasping him tightly to keep him away.

Tears fell from Yugi's face as he watched Miho run around in panic, with Honda following behind her yelling her name. "Ryou!" Miho cried, stretching her arms out towards her crush. Ryou shook his head in helplessness, eyes wet. All of a sudden, the beeping stopped. Miho's eyes opened wide as she turned around to face Honda, the only one within ten feet of her. She opened her mouth to say something. Then her throat burst open as the bomb detonated, severing her jugular. Blood sprayed everything around her body. As Honda, drenched, watched in horror, Miho's dead eyes still filled with shock disappeared from his sight as she collapsed in a heap on the floor.



V ********Girl #3: Nazaka Miho Dead. 29 to Go.******



Almost everybody was screaming and yelling now. They pushed at the soldiers, trying to get past them and out the doors. Yugi sobbed and clutched Jou's arms, ignoring Jou's own tears that landed on his head. Honda was one of the few that hadn't made a sound. He stared at the corpse for a moment longer, then launched himself at Iwate. "YOU BASTARD!" He screamed, voice breaking. Jou and Otogi ran to him in a desperate attempt to hold him back. "Honda! He'll kill you too, Honda! Stop it! Stop!!" Jou yelled in Honda's ear. Iwate, meanwhile, had put away the keypad and pulled out a gun. He fired several shots into the ceiling. The soldiers followed his examples and they all started firing into the air, effectively quieting the panicked group. Even Honda held still for a moment. "As you see," Iwate said, no remorse at all in his voice, "This is the fate that all of you will share if you don't play our game.

You will all be called by name, now, and sent off to the island wilderness. You are allowed to stay in the abandoned buildings if you like. You can also bring the carry-on bags you brought with you. Three times every day, 6:00am, 12:00pm, and 6:00pm, I will get on the intercom and let you know how your doing. What's happening. Who's dead. How many to go." He smiled. A crash startled the teens as a garage-like door behind them opened. More soldiers poured into the room, pushing a rack with the 'Survival Bags' on them to the front of the room. Iwate saluted them, and they returned the gesture. Then he turned to the t.v again.

He hit play on the VCR. The cheery woman began talking again. "Okay, now, when I call your name, I want to hear a nice big 'Here'! There are fifteen girls and fifteen boys. You will be called by number. Boy #1: Watanabe Kouhei." Kouhei, a boy thin boy that hung around with many of the computer enthusiasts practically yelled "Here!" in his nervousness. He hesitantly grabbed his bag, which had been placed next to him while he had been unconscious then jogged up to the door that he was supposed to go through. Before he went through, a gruff looking soldier lifted a bag from the rack and threw it at Kouhei. Kouei stumbled, caught the bag, and then ran out of the room.



B ******The Game Begins: Day One 1:40am ********


"Girl #1: Suzuki Misaki." The woman on the t.v said. A girl with pigtails picked up her bag, hugged her friend, and walked to the door slowly. "Hurry up!" Iwate snapped. Misaki broke into a run, catching the bag that was flung at her before disappearing out the door.

"Boy #2: Haga Insector." Insector smirked, striding to the room and taking the bag. He winced a bit when the bag hit his stomach, but soon he was gone too. From the back of the room, Malik watched in amazement at what was happening. How had this happened? He may have been sadistic and cruel, but he *did* try to avoid murder. He wasn't Bakura. Or his Yami. Malik could feel the evil that was Yami Malik in the back of his mind, just waiting to be let out. If there were ever a time that fear, rage, and confusion would release Yami Malik, this.....*game* would be it. "Girl #2: Saito Kana." As the girl followed her previous classmates exit, Malik began to seriously think about what was happening.

They, the entire class of 1-B, had been brought against their will to an abandoned island. Their mission was to fight to the death. To fight until only one person was standing. A Battle Royale. Malik had a strong sense of survival. He didn't want to die, no matter how messed up his life had been. "Boy #3: Yoshida Daichi." 'Besides,' Malik though, glancing at Ryou, beside him, 'I can't leave Ryou.' No, he would live. He would also make sure Ryou lived. They would find a way to escape this crazy, messed up game. Not even the Pharaoh could be this cruel in his entertainment.

"Girl #3: Nozaka Miho." Honda let out a strangled choke. He had been sitting on the floor, next to Miho's body. He hadn't worked up the courage to turn her around. Judging by the congealing pool of red around her, the sight wouldn't be pretty. At the sound her name Honda stood up, hands clenched. "Boy #4: Honda Hiroto." Honda stood up. Yugi broke free of Jou and ran to him. "Honda-" he broke off when Honda put his hand on Yugi's shoulder. Yugi stared up at him in confusion. "I'll meet you guys later. Don't worry. They'll never turn me against you, my friends." Honda kneeled down and picked up Miho's body.

Everybody around him recoiled at the sight. Her throat was torn into shreds, along with the bottom half of her face. The movement caused more blood to gush from the wound, but Honda ignored it. He brushed her damp hair away from her face, closed her eyes, and kissed her forehead softly. Everyone, even the soldiers and Iwate, stared at him as he hugged her and laid her gently on the ground. Then he stood back up, took his shoulder bag, and marched to the front of the room. He took the bag thrown at him and went out the door, leaving the silence behind him.

"Girl #4: Nagano Yui." The ever-happy lady called. Yui, one of the most popular and beautiful girls in the class stood up, threw her hair over her shoulder, and walked purposefully to the door. Her boyfriend took a few steps after her before stopping. His head drooped and he went back to his group of friends. More names were called. The students #5 left without much protest.
Malik was prepared when "Boy #6: Ishtar Malik" was called. He tapped Ryou on the shoulder. "I'll wait for you outside" he mouthed. Ryou nodded, eyes wide with worry and fear.

As Malik left, he sent a nasty look at Iwate. Iwate smiled and put his hand in his pocket, showing a tip of the keypad. Malik looked away, took his bag, and left. He was in a long dark hall filled with more men. They didn't look at his as he passed, acting more like mannequin's then human beings. "Bastards." He muttered to one of them. He didn't respond or even acknowledge Malik's presence. Malik gave him the finger and continued on his way. Finally he came to a door. Assuming that this was the exit of the building, Malik opened the doors and stepped out.



Right. So, that's the first chapter. It's so long, for me! Obviously, if any of you have seen Battle Royale, I'm changing some of the details. But that's okay. That's why it's *fanfiction*. I'm trying to keep everyone in character, so sorry, there will be no bashing of the Honda's and Anzu's. Of course, they may die later on anyway.....Did anybody get tired of the B's and R's? Well, that's my new style of separators. Better than stars, I suppose. You like? Questions? I'll probably be fairly slow with getting these chapters out, so I wouldn't expect one more than once a week, if that. Well, maybe the second chapter, but I've already written most of that. Keep in mind that I looked online for all the 'extra's' Japanese names. They *are* Japanese names, but I have no idea what they say.