There had been news across the galaxy that Luke Skywalker was dead. When Kylo Ren had heard the news, he had laughed for all to hear. The man who tried to stab me in the heart with his lightsaber dies of a heart attack. How beautifully ironic. What put the cherry on top was that his old master never achieved his lifelong goal of choosing his own death. He became one with the force in his final moments not out of a feeling of content, but out of sheer necessity.

Kylo's nightmares now revolved around seeing his uncle as a force ghost. He now realized that killing Luke Skywalker was never the answer because there was the strong chance that Luke would haunt him forever. Just like his father had for the past sixteen years.

Kylo Ren questioned his actions as he landed his ship into the rebel base. His body was cramped from the small ship and just wanted to return back to his own, but he needed to blend with the rest of the lot. Just grab the holocrons and you can leave he reminded himself the entire trip over. He had wanted his inheritance for the past seven months since Luke's death, but had to wait for the correct moment. His mother, FN-2187, Dameron, and all the other higher ranking officials of the Resistance were checking out damage to their base in Naboo that Kylo was proud to say he caused.

The attendant of the docking area laughed as the 6'2 giant, clad in his helmet and black robes, stepped out of the minuscule ship. In response, Kylo flipped his wrist and the man's neck snapped, dead. "Disrespecting your Supreme Leader is punishable by death. Even you Resistance scum should know that," he growled through the mask as he stepped over the corpse. Let them all find their friend dead. Let them all know that Kylo Ren did it.

His plan had worked brilliantly as the entire base seemed to be empty. They had fallen into his trap even better than he had strategized. Apparently strategizing genius Leia Organa had predicted wrong and the First Order was not going to attack Naboo. In fact, they weren't going to attack anywhere.

Kylo knew he was going to lose hundreds of men today. Flying around Naboo was a tactic only to draw the Resistance in, but they were ordered only to shoot if necessary. That ass Hux was going to be furious when he discovered that the purpose of this mission was for Kylo to achieve one of his childhood dreams.

The Resistance base was much smaller than he remembered it as a child. Perhaps it was because he had grown two feet since he had left or the fact that he had become so accustomed to the lavish luxury of the First Order, but there was something that pulled his heartstrings about the outdated base. In his memories, the base was huge and bustling with overly happy, smiling people-the current status was the antithesis of his recollections. Even in its empty state, something about the base still felt like home to the man formerly known as Ben Solo, a thought which would tear him apart when he flew away.

As he walked to his mother's office, Kylo Ren was confronted with memories of his youth. Coruscant had been his childhood home, but the base on D'Qar had been the other major hub. Kylo remembered when his mother would take him to the base in her senate days when the Resistance was still a secret to all but its small group of members. The table would slowly grow with every meeting as they spoke of the Galactic Concordance and other missteps of the New Republic. He had learned how to strategize at these meetings, sitting atop his mother's lap. But as time went on, Kylo saw his mother become disillusioned by the New Republic and its choices. Mom you always wanted me to be more like you, and it happened... We both hate the New Republic. He laughed to himself and listened to the sound radiate off the walls and then it hit him: he truly was alone.

"Fuck the Resistance!" he bellowed loving the echo that radiated from the walls. "I killed your hero Han Solo. And I would do it again," Kylo continued to yell as he strutted through the hallways. Until he saw it: the compartment his family had shared all those years back. "Oh fuck it," he muttered, cutting a hole in the door with his saber. Twisting the knob from the other side, he remembered a lesson from his father.

Five-year-old Ben sat next to his father on the Millennium Falcon. His parents had fought that morning about something frivolous that Kylo could no longer remember, but the young boy was still shaken from the yelling. Han took the boy out to blow off some steam by flying at light speed. Han had been rambling about credits and smuggling like he always did in situations when he and Leia fought. "You know Ben, the best thing you can have on you is something to pick a lock or something to just break it." Ben nodded to his father, black hair flopping into his face. Han continued to talk about the importance of lock-picking and had taught his son the proper techniques for picking locks. Leia did not appreciate her husband teaching their young son deviant activities. It was not right for the Prince of Alderaan to learn how to be a smuggler like his father.

The compartment had not changed since he had left it thirty-three years ago, except the absence of many bottles of Toniray from the giant rack against the wall. His father scoured the whole galaxy for the last bottles of the Alderaanian wine for his mother. The same family photographs sat on the mantle, the giant portrait above the fireplace. The family clad in white looked like a family-not the fragmented mess that was to come. His mother and father had soft smiles etched upon their faces and Kylo had looked happy. His mother had promised him that he would never have to do another portrait again if he was willing to look happy in this one. Guess she didn't realize there wouldn't be another opportunity to have one. Within six months from the portrait, Kylo had been off with his uncle and would never be with his family truly again.

His old room had not been touched as well. Dust covered the old books and his pillows were still arranged in the way he had preferred. His old clothes remained in the closet as if the young Ben Solo was going to return. An empty glass sat on dresser, signaling that his mother had spent time in there. Foolish woman. Still mourning for the dead prince of a dead planet.

His mother's inability to let him go infuriated Kylo Ren. There was nothing he could do which would signal to his mother that Ben Solo was dead. He stormed out of the compartment, slamming the door so hard it fell off the hinges. He fumed as he rushed to his mother's office, knocking down every object in his warpath. The bodies of the four people he saw in the hallway were neatly thrown into a corner. Kylo sneered as he reached the old office. It was so understated and unlike everything he had known since he had killed Snoke and become Supreme Leader. There was no pomp and circumstance in his mother's leadership, which only enraged him more. How dare she pretend to be a woman of the people when her whole time as a parent she only acted for herself.

Kylo looked at the door and clenched his fist, feeling the gears within the lock snap as the door flew open. He looked around the room and attempted to call the holocrons with the force.Of course it doesn't work. His mother had been the only person who had spent more time with Han Solo than he had, so she knew how to properly lock her valuables. Kylo attempted to unlock all of the locked cabinets with the force, but of course his mother had predicted he would do so, so every drawer had a force-proof lock. Kylo got on his knees and looked at all the safes and just imagined where his mother would put something so valuable. He crawled under her desk and felt around for a secret compartment latch. Twenty minutes of fumbling around with the metal desk, Kylo had found the compartment. His trouble continued as he attempted to break the lock holding him back from the holocrons. He tried a plethora of codes to get in H-A-N, L-U-K-E, R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E, A-L-D-E-R-A-A-N until he typed in the one which led to the successful beep: 2-3-6, B-E-N.

Kylo grinned as the large college of crystalline squares fell upon his stomach. He stuffed his loot into the pocket of his robes and noticed a letter fluttering down onto him on a fine white parchment.


I am letting you have these because they are yours-they always have been. I am just hoping that your interest in these perhaps means that there is a shred of the light left in you. We may be leading different sides of this war, but I would like to meet with you one day and just talk. No First Order, no Resistance, just conversation. I know this is a very utopian dream, but there are many conversations we never got the opportunity to have. Many conversations that are far overdue.

I know at the moment you are rolling your eyes in that way your father always did and thinking of me as a mad woman. And now I know you're grimacing at the comparison to your father. Ben, even though it has been decades since I have last seen you, I have not given up hope. You have done some despicable things, worse than your grandfather or any other being in the galaxy, yet I just wanted to let you know that I am proud of you. I am not proud of your actions or the man you have become, but I am proud of my son. I just hope it is not too late for you to be proud to be my son.

Enjoy these holocrons and learn all they have to offer. Number nineteen is especially informative, I can assure you.

Once again, please consider my offer. If you do choose to reject it, then at least talk to her. I know what I have done wrong, she has done nothing. She carries the same guilt you do, Ben. Relieve her of it. She will do the same for you.

I hope you'll find all you're looking for.

Your mother,

Leia Organa

He scoffed as he stuffed the letter into a pocket of his robes. Letting me have these? No I am taking them! How dare his mother try to manipulate his emotions and sway him to the light? He wasn't stupid enough to fall for that as a child, and especially was not as a 43-year-old man with more power than his mother would ever accumulate. That is what he hated most about his mother, she always believed she could change the people around her. She spent thirty years trying to change Han Solo and failed and had since moved to Kylo. There is nothing left for me here.

Kylo's feet clomped as he tore across the linoleum in triumph, pounding like thunder. No one was going to stop him. He could kill any common man with the snap of his fingers and all of the Resistance's force users were gone. Luke Skywalker was dead, his mother was on Naboo, and Rey... he had no idea where Rey was. She strangely was not on the list to go to Naboo, but that must have been a mistake. The young Jedi had become a Resistance colonel in the sixteen years since he had last seen her. Since she had rejected his offer to be his empress.

Something inside of Kylo pulled him to the thought of Rey and that night they had spent together. Hands roaming each other in a burst of pent up passion that had been building up through a connection unlike any other. That next morning they killed Snoke, and then she had left him on his knees. She could have been the best Sith the galaxy had ever seen. Instead, she gave up all her potential for the light and the hypocrisies that eroded the Jedi.

His mind seemed to sense his uneasiness and dragged him back towards the compartments of the officers. He smirked at the discarded door in front of his parents' old compartment as he observed the long corridor. All of the doors seemed to have been branded by some sort of insignia, designating them to a specific captain or admiral. There was none that signaled that Rey lived there. Of course she would choose the simplicity of being unrecognized. You could take the girl out of Jakku...

Kylo glanced towards FN-2187's compartment. Next to it sat an unmarked door. "Of course she would never leave him. Two traitors together." Perhaps it was the recollections of their night together or an indescribable feeling of loneliness he felt, but he needed to just see her. A force imprint was in there, he could feel it. An aching panic hit him as he slowly carved out the lock, which clattered to the floor. The compartment was strangely unsentimental: photograph frames turned backwards, the living room completely devoid of all signs of life. The master bedroom's door was wide open and looked unslept in with the comforter neatly folded like the way they do in the First Order when you are just moving in: no clothes or photos or anything to be quite exact. Maybe Kylo's paranoia got the best of him and no one did live there...

Until he felt a strong pulsating within his very core. The force signature was strong and gave off an impression like it was feeding on his own, expanding. Kylo felt Rey, but he also felt something much more sinister within it. Kylo tried to fight it off, but for every push it impeded upon his own a bit more, almost mocking him. The Supreme Leader of the First Order would not let some Jakku scavenger make him feel like a fool. She had already done that twice-once when she had given him the scar and when she had rejected him-dissent would not be tolerated anymore.

Kylo slowly walked towards the other room, making as little noise as possible. He would kill the last Jedi and finally finish his job as the "Jedi Killer". The door was well-oiled, opening up without a creak. Then he saw her in the smaller room, sleeping peacefully. She will stay in that position forever. The darkness framed her face in a way that he could only see her freckles, but Kylo could tell that she was still beautiful. How was she able to maintain her youth so well? She almost looked immortal, but all that would change when he killed her. Kylo opened his lightsaber and went closer to the bed. Let old Luke Skywalker see this. I am going to do to his padawan exactly what he tried to do to me.

As he approached, Kylo Ren did not waver in the way his uncle had. He moved towards her until he saw a familiar pair of hazel eyes open. He called her saber over to him from the nightstand just as she had. Her force signature was stronger than his, but he had the element of surprise. Defeated, she frowned. "You're quite a loud thinker," she said. "It's felt like you've been yelling at me for the past ten minutes." That was not her voice. That was not Rey's voice. This one was a higher pitch and lacked Rey's accent.

The light reflected off his saber onto her face, Kylo noticed that the only characteristics she shared with Rey were the freckles and eyes. Even though they didn't have all the same features, Kylo instantly saw Rey in the girl's mannerism. This must be her daughter. A rush of rage ran through Kylo as he thought of another man touching Rey and giving her this child-this extremely powerful child.

"I don't want to kill you," he rasped through the mask.

She laughed, "that's not what it's sounded like since you've entered my compartment."

Kylo groaned, "I don't want to kill you, but I will if you don't answer a few questions for me." He inched closer to the girl, she appeared unfazed.

She extended her arm and another saber barreled into her grasp. "It appears that I don't have to answer shit." With the agility of a cat, she hopped out of her bed and lunged at him. Kylo deflected her attack and was confronted with her choice of saber: Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber. The saber her mother had used.

It was then that he noticed how small she was. The girl couldn't be much taller than 5 feet, yet she had a much larger presence. He continued to block her swings, not going on offense. The girl was a nuisance, but he was not going to kill her. There was information that he still wanted, and she was the only one in the vicinity who had the answers, and though she may be powerful, Kylo couldn't say if she knew the extent of her power. If she had known, she would not have been living in a small, spare bedroom in an unmarked compartment. She definitely would not be sleeping in a room covered with posters of boybands, have makeup thrown all across the desk, and a giant plush wookiee on the bed. If she had known, she wouldn't have left alone on the base while the rest of the Resistance was defending from a fake attack on Naboo. From what Kylo could tell, someone like the girl who stood before him could not possibly have the durability to be the strongest force user in the galaxy, yet there she was.

"You have quite a mouth on you," Kylo hissed.

The girl pursed her lips and rolled her hazel eyes, "Do you understand that every time you say something, it just sounds like someone put the wrong frequency on their radio. Is the super slow grumble a way to prevent you from feeling emasculated or is the Supreme Leader addicted to spice?"

She swung at his arm, her black curls bouncing with the force of the swing. She nicked the side of his arm, Kylo barely flinched. "Are your parents proud of you speaking to authority like that?" The same way Rey had spoken to him during every one of their encounters.

The young girl hurled herself at him with an animalistic rage. "You really think you're funny, huh? So desperate for answers from a teenage girl that you stoop to the levels of taunting her about her dead parents? I always knew the First Order was scum bu-" He cut her off.

"Dead? Your mother is-" she nodded twice in affirmation, fingers firmly gripping her saber. Dead. That meant Rey was gone. Truly gone forever.

"I guess news doesn't travel that fast through the First Order... Some super network you are."

"Your disrespect is not going to be tolerated. You are only here through my generous mercy." both pairs of eyes narrowed at one another, one blazing through the dark of night, the other hidden behind an obsidian mask.

The girl tightly grinned at him, choosing that moment to recklessly lunge at him. The girl fought dirty, she definitely did not learn that from Luke Skywalker and his strict Jedi rules. Kylo pinched his fingers together and suddenly her saber was called towards his free hand. "Wait! How did you-"

"You're powered through pure rage. To be quite frank, that's weak. Pathos-fueled force makes it quite easy for someone like me to disrupt. I channel the power itself and then it isn't tainted by human emotion."

She sneered, "Must be real easy for you since you're not a human."

Ignore it. Just ignore her and get some answers. The answers you were looking for have changed, but she still holds all the answers. "So little girl, let's sit in the living room and we can that conversation."

"I'm not a little girl," she snapped. "I am the most powerful being in the galaxy."

Kylo smiled slightly behind his mask when she said that. She reminded Kylo of himself as a teenager- full of self-doubt, hubris, untamed power, and rage. He empathized with her conflicted feelings as he acknowledged that had underestimated her completely. It wasn't until that moment that Kylo had realized that he had gotten old. he used to be constantly underestimated by those around him-Ben Solo was weak and spineless-now, he had become the scorning adult.

"You do not need to tell me that you're powerful. Let us two powerful individuals have a little chat."

White teeth clenched into a snarl, "You took my sabers, so I don't have a choice, don't I?"

He made his way out of the bedroom to the sitting room and patted the couch, "sit, sit."

"Don't tell me to fucking sit in my own home," she mumbled in a hushed tone. The girl leaned against a pillar, intentionally defying him. She would not listen to a single thing he said.

"Suit yourself," he quipped, kicking his feet onto the coffee table. "So what happened to your parents?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, looking a little bit uneasy at his directness. Apparently the people around her had flourished all of their speech. "I'm telling you nothing until you take that stupid helmet off. I won't speak to anyone who needs to hide behind a mask." She sounded exactly like her mother.

"I was just being polite. I don't need you to talk," Kylo reached into her mind, but the second he reached a memory, he was instantly thrown out."

A pleased look danced across the girl's face. "You willing to take your mask off now?"

"Not particularly," he responded flatly. "I am your Supreme Leader, I don't listen to orders. Especially not from short teenage girls with anger issues." They glared back and forth across the room, neither daring to speak or move. Both remained statuesque until the girl burst into a fit of laughter. "What is so funny?"

"Your mask," she doubled over, clenching her stomach. "Your mask makes you look like a giant penis." The girl could barely verbalize a single word without giggling, her face was turning a rosy hue from all the laughter.

"Disgusting. Purely and utterly disgusting. Your lack of respect is truly appalling. I'm feeling pretty confidant that the Resistance will finally fall apart when you take over." Kylo realized that he had fully made the switch to his Supreme Leader voice, and the girl wasn't having it. His words had struck a nerve in her like nothing else and rage filled her eyes. Her force signature screamed anger, anger, anger! She had been told that exact statement before, and it felt like a stab in the gut.

Her hand clenched and suddenly the respirator on his helmet began to melt, cutting off his oxygen flow. The melting continued even though Kylo tried to fight it. He felt his face turning purple as he scrambled to lift the helmet, throwing the mask down as he gasped for breath.

"Whoops," she said with a shrug observing the scorched pile of plastic and metal laying on the floor.

"You happy now?" he managed to get out through dry heaves.

A smirk danced upon her red lips, "Jumping for joy." The girl examined Kylo whose eyes were still zooming around the room as he pushed back his black curls. "You live in an ivory tower, Supreme Leader. And one day it will all come crumbling down on you. Everything you have spent your life building will be ruined." She took calculated steps towards him, "I will ruin you."

Something in Kylo told him that one day she will be right.

Kylo and the girl remained silent for a full hour. Both personally enjoyed the quiet, so neither truly cared that there was no speaking between them.

"Are you planning on leaving?" she snapped.

Blankly he responded, "No." He pulled the thick, leather gloves off his hands, dropping them in his lap, "I'm still waiting for that conversation. I have nothing to do, so this could take as long as you'd like it to."

She hissed at him, "You're a very strange looking man." Kylo had become broader in the past twenty years, yet his body parts still didn't look like they fit together.

"Insulting me is not going to lead me to leave. I just want my conversation"

The girl rolled her eyes, "so let's conversate."

"Converse." She quirked an eyebrow at him. "it's converse, not conversate." Kylo instantly regretted saying anything as she looked like she was going to kill him. "How did your parents die?"

"Snoke murdered my father before I was born. My mother died last year at the hands of your men. She was saving a group of Twi'lek schoolchildren and had the choice between shielding them or shielding herself. She chose them." The girl played an image of being non-chalant, but it was obvious there was a lot of raw pain that remained.

Kylo felt like a stone just dropped in his stomach. Under his order, Rey was killed. Kylo wanted to reach out to the girl, but something was holding him back. All he could force out was a quick, "I'm sorry."

"Just get on to your next question." she hissed, running her fingers through her curls.

They continued through a rapid-fire question and answer session, neither responding or showing emotion.

"Who's training you?"

"I'm training myself."

"Why aren't you on Naboo?"

"My grandmother wanted me safe and thinks I'm too reckless. She told me to stay home."

"And you listened?"

"I've given her a few major scares these past few months. I would be skinned alive if I left the base without permission again. I almost lost the ship playing sabacc last time."

"Is your grandmother the one taking care of you?"

"I guess. I'm fifteen, so old enough to take care of myself, so I pretty much have tried to do everything by myself. Occasionally General Dameron and General Finn make me dinner, but I like doing it myself."

"Is your grandmother force sensitive?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't act on it."

Kylo felt a kinship to the girl in that moment. She was the only one of her kind had pushed everyone else away. Her force signature only emphasized that fact. It craved others, so much so that it encroached upon his own, but the second he reached to hers... she instantly pushed him out. This girl was on the road to self-destruction. She was following his path from so many years previously.

He nodded at her, "That's all I need. Thank you..." he trailed off. "I just realized that I don't know your name."

"Alexandria. Alexandria Benjamin Solo."

AN: thank you all for reading the first chapter of this fic! It's an idea that has been floating through my head for the longest time, so I just decided to write it out.

The model I used for Alexandria is Danielle Campbell, especially in this photo

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NEXT CHAPTER: what really went down between Kylo and Rey and Kylo realizes that Alexandria is his daughter