Hey guys! Here's the epilogue of this story, we will see a little more of what happened when Alison was in the ambulance. this will give you a little sneak peek of what you will see in the next book.

See notes at the end of the chapter...


Lights... pain... whispers of people talking around her...

(In the ambulance)

Paramedic.- "Drive faster!" (He looks at Alison, and, sadly mumbles) "She's not gonna make it... Sh-"

(sounds of a crash)

Something from the sky, hits the ambulance. A rock from another earth, a rock that brings something inside... something else...

The blonde opens her eyes, she realizes that she doesn't feel pain anymore, she looks at her chest, and, there are no wounds

Alison. - "How...?"

A vicious voice says. - "How is that you're still alive...?"

Alison frowns. - "Who's out there?!"

The blonde looks around her, but, she can barely see something between all the fog around her...

The vicious voice says. - "Don't be scared... I don't see you as a snack..."

Alison mumbles. - "Who are you...?"

The vicious voice replies. - "The question is not who I'm, but, who we can become..."

Alison. - "What?" (She gasps in shock when she sees the shape of the black symbiote that appears in front of her) "What the hell...?"

The symbiote says. - "I've a proposition for you..."

Alison listen to whatever this living creature has to say... and then...

The symbiote. - "So, what do you say, Alison. Do we have a deal...?"

A tiny smile appears on Alison lips. And, just like that, a new partnership is formed...

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

In the darkness... in the fog... when there's no clear path, all we can do is put a foot in front of the other. Feeling our way through, trusting that somehow we will find our way to where we are meant to be... to find our way to whom we are meant to become...

(A few years later)

Hanna on the phone. - "C'mon Spence, you promised!"

Spencer doesn't reply, she rushes all around her new apartment in NY. And, by the noises, the blonde realizes that...

Hanna. - "Did you put me on speaker?!"

Spencer rolls her eyes. - "Hann! I'm already late for my 1st day as detective..."

The young detective quickly makes some coffee because she can't start her day without a little of caffeine, the smell of the dark substance, it makes her smile...

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

Everyone has its thing...

Hanna on the phone. - "Look. If you're not coming because Toby is engaged with..."

Spencer replies. - "We broke up, years ago..." (She serves her cup of coffee, and, says with a bitter voice) "He's free to get engaged with whoever he wants..."

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

Maybe, it's a bad breakup...

Hanna. - "Spence. This is really important, we need to find Emily..."

Spencer deeply sighs, when Hanna says Emily's name, her mind drifts to that dark day when...

Hanna. - "Alison died. Then, Mr. Fields died. And, Emily just vanished from our lives..."

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

A death...

Spencer drinks her coffee, and, says. - "She sends post-cards, Hanna. She's travelling around the world. She's finding herself. Let her be..."

Hanna. - "Her mom got into an accident..."

Spencer frowns. - "What?"

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

An accident...

Hanna. - "She's okay. But, I really think Emily should come home. But, how do we tell her to come if we don't have an idea of where she's?! That's why I'm asking you to use your spy contacts to find her, fast..."

Spencer. - "I'm not a spy, Hanna. I'm a homicide detective..."

Hanna. - "Potato, patato..."

Spencer rolls her eyes, and, says when she grabs her phone. - "I'm hanging up..."

Hanna. - "Do not hang on me, Hastings, or I swear that I'll..."

Spencer doesn't hear the end of the sentence since she hangs the phone before the blonde could say another word. The brunette puts on her jacket, and, leaves...

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

Like I was saying. Everyone has its thing... Maybe, it's a bad breakup... A death... An accident... Whatever it's... you used to be one thing... till you're something else...

(Outside of a nightclub)

Spencer. - "I'm sorry. I'm late..."

Her partner smirks. - "It's okay newbie..." (he leads the way into the building and, says) "Let's go... I'm Mike, by the way..."

Spencer. - "I'm Spe-..."

Mike. - "Spencer Hastings. Top of her class. The younger girl to make it as detective around here..."

Spencer gulps hard with the introduction... feeling a big pressure already over her shoulders...

Mike looks at her from the corner of his eyes, and, says. - "Look, the worst thing you can do, it's to feel pressured to be the perfect detective... no one is perfect... nothing is perfect... especially our justice system, so, just don't do something that could get us killed, and, everything is gonna be okay..."

Spencer gulps hard, 1st day, and, Death was already something to talk about it...

Mike. - "We are here to collect information. Just information. You don't want to mess up with these people, so, just let me do the talking, okay...?"

The brunette nods, they get in front of a big red door when someone opens it... someone very familiar...

Spencer frowns. - "Noel?"

Mike mumbles to Spencer. - "What did I just say about letting me do the talking?!"

Noel smirks. - "It's okay... we are old friends..."

Mike. - "Really?"

Noel replies 'Yes', and at the same time, Spencer says 'No'. They look at each other in the eyes...

Spencer. - "We are not friends. We just know each other... from the past..."

Noel smirks, he doesn't say another word till...

Mike asks. - "We have an appointment with AD..."

Spencer. - "AD...?"

Noel. - "Wait here..."

Spencer asks. - "Who's AD, Mike?"

Mike. - "The one who rules the underworld in this city..."

Spencer. - "Huh?"

Noel appears in front of them again, leading them inside, Spencer has no idea of who this AD is, but, when she hears the sounds of a piano playing, when she walks into the middle of the club, and, realizes who's playing the piano, her jaw drops open...

AD looks at Spencer in the eyes, and, smirks. - "Well, well, well... what do we have here...?"

Spencer mumbles in shock. - "You're alive..."

Mike frowns. - "An old friend, too?"

AD. - "Well, friend is a strong word, isn't that right detective Hastings...?"

Spencer mumbles, still in shock. - "Alison Di..."

Alison deviously smirks. - "Please..." (her eyes become black as her voice gets deeper, vicious when she says) "Call us: AD..."

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***

Everyone has its thing... We all have our own problems... our own issues... our own... demons...

Spotted: A golden phoenix, emerging from the ashes. Who doesn't love a sequel? It's easy to fall in love, the tricky part, i's that we don't really choose with whom...

Beautiful angel of darkness, with the most beautiful blue eyes that the world has ever seen, blue like ice, like the iced heart she has, blue eyes till her dark side takes control, and, darkness fall. But, no matter how evil this blonde is, no one can really resist her charms... and, eventually, everyone fall in love with the devil...

Next: Book - In love with the devil

Note: For those who loves comics, next book will be a lot like venom. Hope you like it...