A/N: Two new poly Steve/Bucky/FemOC fanfics in a single day? Yes. Final Call takes place first in Captain America The First Avenger, but it does make its way through to modern day, so that is why it is listed under Avengers and not Captain America. Final Call is a soulmark fanfiction though it does have a more complicated take on soul bonds as Persephone (OC) is not human so she does not mate like a human does. Anyway, I think it is much better to just read and develop a sense for what the story is by just reading instead of me poorly explaining it to you (anyone else, like really bad at summarizing their stories? Please tell me I'm not alone lmao.). Anyway, thank you so much for deciding to give it a try and let me know you feelings/opinions below! Enjoy :)

"I don't know, Buck. She's turned you down twice already. Maybe it's time to take the hint?" Steve urged, rolling his shoulders as he forced himself to relax in the worn red booth seat at the neighborhood diner.

Bucky didn't take his advice, but made no move to get up and approach the blonde woman that was perched by herself at the bar.

He had been eyeing her for weeks- "She isn't like the others, Stevie. She could be the one."- but every time he so much as stood next to her she would glance at him with varying expressions of either unimpression or mild irritation or -Steve's personal favorite- sour distaste.

Bucky wouldn't even get the chance to open his mouth before the woman would roll her eyes and reply with a single word- "No."

His soulmate didn't take the rejection to heart though and it was wearing on the blond male. A part of him wished that Bucky would wait a few years till he was already gone to chase their third. Steve had long since made peace with the solemn fact that he wouldn't make it to meet whoever she was.

He palmed her mark on his shoulder through his stiff collared shirt, a motion he had kept up as a habit since before he had even met Bucky, the motion bringing him a sense of calm, a sense of stubborn strength.

Bucky frowned at him when he didn't reply and ran a restless hand through his hair, no doubt sensing Steve's turning mood. Buck had always known what he was feeling and as they had gotten older it had become a game of unspoken conversations between the two of them.

Bucky glanced away toward the bar where the woman sat with her back to them, sipping her coffee occasionally while thumbing the corner of her book's current page.

He glanced back at Steve and a slow smile dawned on his charming features.


"No." Steve clipped, sensing the pout that was sure to emerge to get him to grant whatever stupid request the brunet had thought of now.

Sure enough, the pout came out to play- the one that had an effect on everyone they came across, male or female- and Steve felt his resolve falter.

"Ah, come on, Stevie! You got me an in with Martha-"

"Her name was Mary, Buck."

"-you can get me an in with her too!" Bucky continued, unabashed and Steve frowned at him, his brows drawn in irritation.

"What's her name, Buck?"

His soulmate's eyes lit up in victory before being smothered in annoyance.

"I don't know. She doesn't let me say anything and apparently she keeps to herself. No one knows her name."

Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before shuffling to his feet and making his way across the diner's floor to the bar.

He slowed as he approached, taking in her occupied profile as he settled himself into the stool beside her.

She wore round wire rimmed glasses that did a poor job of distracting from her eerily perfect features, each feature delicate and unassuming and yet made stunning by her coloring, her skin a milky white, her hair a honey tinted ash blonde, her lips cherry kissed as she nursed her lower lip between her two front teeth- perfectly straight, unsettlingly white. Her hair was tucked back into a braided bun, no strand out of place except for the choppy bangs that hung forward as she stared down at the pages of her book.

She was a bit tall for a woman, taller than Steve by about five or six inches, putting her at about 5'8', she'd only stand about two or three inches shorter than Bucky, then. Most of that height was taken up by toned legs which she crossed at the knee, her gingham skirt flaring out from her waist slightly to cover her knees while her short sleeved red button down was tucked beneath the skirt. Her equally as toned arms were bare and for a brief moment he wondered how she didn't get cold as autumn was quickly shifting to winter in Brooklyn.

She didn't glance at him as he turned his body to face her, just took a sip of her black coffee before turning the page she had been thumbing, her fingers caressing the next page before they resettled to thumb the corner of the next page.

"Your friend is quite persistent." She drawled, not glancing up.

Steve coughed, "Yeah, let's call it persistence."

"I'm almost impressed." She continued, "And here I thought he was flighty."

She tsked herself while Steve frowned, "Flighty?"

She sighed, a lilting song of a breath as she closed her book after dog-earing the page. She turned her head to scan him up and down and he smiled uneasily under the heavy weight of her stare.

But it was not made heavy with judgement- no, something unidentifiable glinted out at him from behind her electric blue eyes. Something dark, something wild hovering just beneath the surface.

It was as if she was appraising him, but not necessarily as a threat- it made him uncomfortable and he felt tense beneath her stare.

His breath came slow and gasping, but it was not his asthma that made it so.

Seeing her fully… she was so extraordinary that it made it difficult to glance away- her features classically beautiful like the roman busts in the museum his mother had taken him to for his thirteenth birthday, but something in her features was alien and he found himself unnerved even as a blush brought life to his cheeks.

She blinked and the weight abandoned him.

She shook her head slightly, her lips slightly upturned in a gentle smile as her eyes sparkled with mirth.

"You're cute."

His blush grew darker even as he gritted his teeth unintentionally.

He didn't know why but he didn't want her to look at him as something cute. He craved her eyes darkening with desire as she glanced his way- but he knew it was foolish. No one had ever looked at him that way, the way women looked at Bucky. Not even Bucky had glanced at him with desire no matter how much he craved it.

She sighed once more, "I didn't mean to offend you…"

He stuttered his reply, "Y-you d-didn't…"

She smiled soflty again, but something seemed sad in it.

He wanted to know what had made her look at him that way. He wanted to know what she was thinking- what she was feeling.

"You said Bucky seemed flighty?" He swallowed and she popped back, her lips turning into an 'o' as she recalled what had caused her to turn.

"Mhmm, I did, didn't I?" She pursed her lips, amusement dancing behind her glasses.

He nodded.

"Well… he makes no secret that he isn't ready to settle down. Everytime I go out at night I seem to catch him on another date with a completely different woman than the night before."

Steve frowned, glancing away at the booth where Bucky was watching them from.

She seemed smart enough to not get involved with Buck then.

He may have loved Bucky but the man had a habit of living for the moment in such a way that left Steve confusedly comforting crying less-than-reputable women at three o'clock in the morning when they inevitably realized that Bucky hadn't even bothered to properly learn their names.

She followed his eyeline and cocked a brow at Bucky before turning back to him with a clever smirk playing along full lips.

She glanced away after a moment, tucking her hand into a small purse sitting beside her, pulling out a piece of paper and an expensive looking pen, scrawling out in an elegant swirling hand an address and a phone number.

She handed it to him and he took it, their fingers brushing over one another's as they did so.

She stiffened at the contact and he glanced up from the paper to see her looking startled and unsettled, as if her world had been knocked slightly off-kilter.

She stilled and forced herself to relax after a moment passed as he glanced at her with concern.

"Everything alright?"

She smiled softly once more, "Yes."

She tucked her pen and book into her purse and called the waitress over to pay.

"What's your name?" He asked her, his hand rubbing his shoulder once more after tucking the piece of paper in his breast pocket.

She stiffened again, but so slightly he wouldn't be surprised if he had imagined it.


He stilled in shock, and she stood with unearthly grace as his mouth hung agape, his hand releasing his shoulder and falling to clap his leg in alarm.

She smiled at him fondly, placing a hand on his shoulder where her mark lay beneath his shirt as she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Call on me when you get the chance!"

He stared after her in wonder as she glided away from him and out the exit.

It was only when Bucky appeared at his side with a laugh that he righted himself.

"What's wrong, Stevie? I know she's pretty but-"

"You're right. She's her, Buck."

Bucky stilled, his amused expression fading slowly at his words. He looked slightly pale at the thought having been confirmed.

"Are you sure?"

For the second time Steve ground his teeth- he knew what Bucky was thinking, that his single days were being cut far too short for his liking. He had only been joking about her being their soulmate, after all.

Steve frowned at him and prodded him in the chest, "For the love of God, Buck. Be happy!"

Bucky swallowed down his apprehension and adopted his usual friendly countenance, but Steve could sense his soulmate's nervousness through their bond.

He sighed and pulled out the note, showing it to the taller man.

"Huh, she lives a floor above us." Steve remarked before smiling softly.

"At least her handwriting is legible." He snarked and Bucky shook his head in mock irritation.

