This morning sucks. I didn't fall asleep until 4:00 a.m. last night, due to complete and utter shock. And then, I woke up late. My favorite and lucky outfit is dirty, so I'm wearing a red dress with black flats, which means, I'm wearing Ladybug's colors. What if someone puts two and two together? And currently, I'm running to school, stressing about how I'm going to act around Adrien. Do I act normal? Or should I talk to him more? Maybe seek him out? I don't know.

I pull my phone out of my purse and check the time. 8:30!

School starts in five minutes! I'm not going to make it in time! Wait.

I stop running, look around me, and duck into the nearest allyway.

"Tikki? SPOTS ON!"

Adrien's POV

Where's Mari? I really wanted to talk to her. School starts in two minutes, why isn't she here? Maybe she doesn't want to see me?


What was that? It seemed to have come from the next door class. No one else heard that?

I get up and sneak out of the room.

When I open the door of the classroom I see nothing. Maybe the window?

When I look out the window, there, right in front of me, is Marinette. She's barely gripping the edge of the window sill! I rush to open the it.


She looks at me with the most frightened face I've ever seen.

"Adrien!! Help me!"

I quickly grab her hand and lift her up through the window.

Once she's inside she starts to run out the door.

"Mari! Where you going?"

She turns her head back.

"I was running late, so I transformed, hoping to make it on time, but my yo-yo slipped and I hit the window. When I did, I hit it so hard that one of my earrings fell out. Now it's sitting somewhere in the front lawn!"

She takes off running again. I'll go talk to the teacher and get us excused. Maybe she'll understand.

Don't worry Princess, I'll help you.

Marinette's POV

Where is it?!?

Master Fu (A/N: That is his name, right?) is going to be so disappointed. And I can't even talk to Tikki right now. I've looked everywhere that could possibly be a hiding place. I've even looked in the areas that could, in no way, be hiding my earring. I'm even in the back lawn searching. What's the point!?

I collapse on the ground.

I've failed as Ladybug. I've let everyone down. For heaven's sake, I can't even find a stupid earring.

I'm sorry Tikki.

I'm sorry Master Fu.

I'm sorry...

I don't deserve to hold such a power.



"MARINETTE! Where are you Princess?"

I smile to myself. And get up.

"I'm right here Kitty."

Adrien turns around and sees me emerging from under the tree.

"Look! Look! I found it! It was inside one of classrooms. It must have bounced of a window sill and in an opened window."

He found it?

I walk over to him. And sure enough, there it is. I take the earring and put it on. And engulf Adrien in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He chuckles a little. And then his arms circle around me.

"You're welcome."

We stay like that for a while, that is, until Adrien opens his mouth to speak.


That name again.


He clears his throat.

"I love you."

I pull back in shock. And Adrien's eyes never leave mine, waiting for an answer.

I place my hand on his cheek.

"I love you too Kitty."