The sun dipped below the horizon, creating an unusual crimson glow that spread through the clouds. The fall-dressed foliage around the Salvatore House captured the fiery hue of the sky, looking like someone had set them ablaze to warm up the cool autumn evening.

A deep sigh escaped the girl sitting on one of the window ledges of the second floor. Her glossy sunshine-blond hair glimmered with the last dying rays of the sun as she stared out towards the woods behind the house. The sudden buzz of her phone in her phone shook her out of her thoughts. The screen glowed with the photo of a beautiful dark-haired woman.

Caroline gazed at it wistfully. Taking a deep breath, she attempted a broad smile before picking up the call.

"Hi, Elena," said Caroline, doing her best to sound cheerful.

"Where are you? I thought we were meeting at the spa this afternoon. You were a complete no-show!" Elena's voice accused her.

"I'm sorry, Elena. You know how things get up here," lied Caroline. "I was busy all day cleaning up the mess two of the kids made this morning."

"Oh." Elena's voice faltered. Taking on a softer tone, she said, "I will see you in an hour then. We'll be at the Grill by seven. Don't be late this time. It's Helen's birthday after all."

Caroline nodded glumly. "I'll be there."

Elena hung up.

Caroline pocketed the phone and walked towards the full-length gilded mirror that stood in the corner of her bedroom. A wistful look came over her green eyes as she inspected her reflection. A stranger would have called her beautiful but to her, the rigidity of her time-frozen appearance caused a pang to shoot through her heart.

Twenty years had passed in the blink of an eye. The twins were already grown up and studying archaeology at the University of Oxford in Britain. Alaric's stubble had turned white. The crow's feet at his eyes had grown deeper. More prominent. Even Elena and Damon had aged. That evening, they were celebrating their daughter's birthday with a family meal at the Mystic Grill and she was invited to it.

"I look the same," she whispered, eyeing her reflection with loathing.

Over the last ten years, she had to restrict herself from moving around the town during the daytime. The townspeople were already talking about her absurdly preserved looks. They whispered of expensive botox and other revolutionary skin treatments that she was using to keep her teenage appearance. Worse were the speculations that hinted at criminal activities taking place at the Salvatore Boarding House that were bringing her millions of dollars to keep up with her medications. Matt Donnavan, the sheriff of the town, had a hard time trying to keep the public away from the house that schooled children with supernatural abilities. He hated the fact that his friend was inviting more dangerous people to Mystic Falls but he did his best to keep things under control each time a wild rumor ran wild.

Caroline cocked her head to the right as she stared keenly at her reflection again. Waves of golden tresses fell down her shoulder in soft ripples. In blue skinny jeans and a white blouse, paired with a black biker jacket, she looked like the most bad-ass high school student ever. She exhaled a long breath and began stripping her clothes.

For the evening, she chose to wear a dark green dress with a conservative cut. The skirt brushed across her knees as she twirled in front of the mirror to inspect herself. Satisfied with the way it covered most of her body, she began applying make-up. These days she used it to make herself appear older, rather than attempting to polish her striking features.

She was already putting on a pair of pearl earring when a knock sounded at the door.

"Come in," she called out.

The door creaked open and Alaric walked in. He smiled at her gently. "I came to check if you started dressing yet. Looks like you're almost done."

Caroline chuckled nervously. She still felt awkward each time his dark eyes softened as he gazed down at her. He still hoped to have her heart someday. "Elena called. She'll kill me if I screwed up the dinner. Besides, they are doing it for Helen. She refused to have it in their home."

"Helen already had a huge party at home," said Alaric. "She's just trying to mix things up."

Caroline shrugged. "It must be in our kids' genes. We hung around that place so much that they think it's their second home."

"I miss our twins," said Alaric.

She nodded. "It's not the same without them," she agreed, slipping into heeled shoes. She ran her hands along the skirt of her dress and looked at the mirror one last time. Well, I tried my best, she thought as she turned towards Alaric. "I am ready to go."

Alaric offered her his hand. She took it, allowing him to lead her out of the room. They made their way through the corridors of the house until they reached the staircase. A tall figure waited for them there.

"Are you guys off for the evening?" asked the dark-eyed woman. She was Kiera Wilson, a fifty-year-old resident witch who taught at the Salvatore Boarding House.

"Yes. Thanks for holding the fort until we get back," said Caroline.

"We'll be back in a few hours," replied Alaric, leading Caroline down the stairs.

Crossing the expansive hall downstairs, they went outside through the front door. Alaric's car was already parked near the gates of the house.

Caroline halted, breathing in the cool autumn air. It had been weeks since she got out of the house this early in the evening. She preferred going for walks late at night when the town was asleep. Mystic Falls had remained peaceful over the last few decades, giving her no excuse to come out during the day. She was thankful for it as it allowed the twins and the other children to grow and study without major threats surrounding them. In the absence of Katherine Pierce and the Miachaelsons, the town remained free of danger.

"Come on," said Alaric, giving a light tug on her arm.

Caroline nodded but stopped short again. "Did you take Helen's present?"

"Of course," said Alaric with a smile. "It's right here." His hand touched the pocket of his jacket.

She got into the car beside him. She looked out of the window as he drove them towards the town's center. Her earlier thoughts still refused to leave her even though she attempted to cheer up for Helen's birthday. She was the elder of the two daughters that Elena and Damon had. Caroline had been there when she was born. Over the years, she watched her growing up, treating her as dearly as she would her own niece.

For Helen's sixteenth birthday, Caroline chose a moonstone locket bound in a silver locket. It was one of the few heirlooms left by the Forbes family. Alaric had taken it to get it polished at the jeweler's earlier. Hoping he had packed it nicely, Caroline tried to relax.

Night had fallen by the time they reached the Grill. Even from a distance, the restaurant windows glowed invitingly. Loud noises from a cheering crowd came to her ears.

"What's going on there?" she asked, focusing her senses in that direction.

"Sounds like a party to me," replied Alaric, coming to stand beside her.

Caroline frowned. She was expecting to have a small gathering with her close friends as they congratulated Helen on reaching her sweet sixteen.

"Hey, are you all right?" asked Alaric.

"Yeah, sorry," said Caroline, not meeting his gaze. "Let's go inside." She walked forward with Alaric hurrying behind her.

Entering through the wide front doors, Caroline was bombarded by screams and jeers from all around her. A crowd of young high school students had taken over the Grill. There was loud music, people were dancing among the gaps between the tables, while the others were talking and shouting to be heard by their friends. The smell of fries and pizza was strong.

"Do you see Elena?" asked Alaric as soon as he joined her at the entrance.

"No. Stay close," she said as she braced herself to walk through the jeering crowd.

It was solely due to Caroline's supernatural senses that she was able to discern Elena's voice in the noisy surrounding. She grasped Alaric's arm and led him to the table where Elena was sitting with Damon.

Getting near, she saw Damon looking unusually grumpy. He raised his pale gray eyes to look up at her. Other than that, he said nothing.

"Did you guys organize this?" asked Alaric with a confused look, gazing all around the Grill.

Damon raised an eyebrow. "At one time I could have thrown a better party than this one," he said with his characteristic grin. "But now, I just want an early dinner and get to bed before ten P.M."

Alaric chuckled, taking a seat beside him. Caroline smiled at Elena and sat opposite to her.

"Where's Helen?"

Elena pointed towards a crowd of teens who were dancing nearby. Caroline looked back at her friend. Elena looked relaxed and her complexion was glowing from her day at the spa. She wore an elegant black dress with a gold bracelet adorning her right wrist.

"You look beautiful," said Caroline.

Elena smiled. "It is getting harder to look good these days."

Caroline grimaced, unable to feel sorry for her friend who was aging naturally. The love of her life was beside her, drinking and bantering with Alaric. Her daughter was dancing a few paces away. A twinge of jealousy shot through Caroline's heart.

Stop thinking this way, she scolded herself. You can't compare yourself to her. You're not in freakin' high school anymore!

"I need a drink," said Caroline, standing up. Alaric was about to get up but Caroline shook her head. "I will get it. Do you want something?"

"I'll have a beer, thanks."

Caroline waved at Helen as she passed by. However, Helen was too busy dancing with a Hulk-like boy to even notice her. Caroline smirked as she thought of her own desperate high school days when she was trying to capture the jocks' attention. Unbidden, she remembered her attempts at making Stefan Salvatore notice her.

Caroline's hand went to her heart. A sharp jolt had passed through her as his face flashed through her mind. For a moment, she was blinded by tears that gathered in her eyes.

"Hey, blondie!" Someone had grasped her wrist and pulled her against their chest.

Caroline was shaken out of her memories and looked up to see the person holding her. She had expected Damon to jerk around with her but it was a stranger. Looking closely, she realized it was the same boy Helen was dancing with before. Pushing him away, she glared at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

The boy loomed over her with a smug grin. "Want to join me and my friends? We're sitting over there."

"No, thanks," said Caroline, moving past him. Creep!

She barely stepped away when he yanked her back against him. "Are you new here?" he asked, adding pressure to her wrist. "I can make your life smooth or make you wish you were dead. Your choice."

"Seriously?" bit out Caroline. She flicked back her wrist. Her supernatural strength easily overcame his grip.

The boy was looking at her with astonishment. Slowly, his expression changed into fascination.

"What's your name?" he asked.

Caroline turned away from him without answering. The boy ran after her, catching hold of her arm.

"Stop harassing me!" shouted Caroline, breaking his hold and pushing him away with all her might. The force was strong enough to propel him several feet away and smash against a table. The crash caught everyone's attention in the Grill. People stared at her with odd looks in their faces. Her friends had worried expressions on their faces.

"Why did you do that, Aunt Caroline?"

Helen had come to stand in front of her. She was glaring at Caroline with angry tears.

"That guy is a creep," said Caroline in a grim voice. "Stay away from him."

"No!" shouted Helen. "Jason is my friend! You should be the one to leave. I don't want you here anymore."

Caroline stared at her. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Elena and Damon coming towards them. Anger was slowly turning into rage as she saw the accusation in their expressions. Her breathing became labored as she tried to hold the beast within her under control. It was gnashing its teeth, wondering how long it would take to break all their necks.

Caroline felt the familiar surge of power course through her veins. Her vision turned back. Her gums prickled as her canines grew longer. "No," she whispered, lowering her head. Taking a deep breath, she pushed past the crowd to head towards the door. She heard Alaric call her name from behind but she was in no mood for a lecture.

She knew it was wrong to use her strength against a human. She knew it was dangerous to show people her strength. She knew.

Once she was outside the Grill, Caroline shot forward and entered the woods that stood on the other side of the parking lot. The trees whizzed past her as she ran at top speed, creating as much distance between her and the people she left back at the restaurant. The cold air against her face felt soothing. It was freeing to let her strength out without the fear of being seen for what she was.

Caroline stopped when she found herself outside the gates of the cemetery. She had run for at least three hours around the town. It surprised her to find herself there of all places. She wanted to turn away and walk home but couldn't. Her senses tingled. Her intuition urged her to take the next few steps forward and enter the graveyard. Stefan's face flashed through her mind again. It felt like he was calling out to her. Guilt swirled in her stomach as she realized it had been months since she came to visit him.

It was too painful to even think of Stefan. Each time she did, she felt her heartbreak. The future she could've had with him haunted her. Tears ran down her face as she slowly walked through the graves to reach his tomb.

The marble tomb glistened under the light of a full moon. She was near it when a loud howl broke the silence of the place. Next moment, shouts and jeers came closer as a gang of boys came in her view. The one at the front was Jason, the same person who had harassed her earlier in the restaurant.

"You look like a doll but in reality, you're a freak," he spat at her. His bushy eyebrows were creased in a scowl as he shot a glare at her.

"What is she doing here all alone?" someone whispered.

"I am not here to drink and do drugs like you boys," said Caroline in a loud, clear voice. "If you don't want me to call the cops, you should all go home."

"Who do you think you are?" Jason strode forward and grabbed her chin, forcing her look up at him. "You are strong. I'll give you that but you're not going to make a fool out of me."

Caroline chuckled. "I don't even have to try."

"Hey, let go off her!" another voice shouted from the corner.

Caroline's heart skipped a beat. That voice…Stefan?

Jason let her go and turned towards the direction of his challenger. Caroline had to peer around Jason's broad back to see who had been brave enough to call off the gigantic bully.

All the breath left her lungs as Caroline stared at the figure in front of her. Wearing jeans and a black hoodie was Stefan Salvatore.