mer. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Season Zero. This was a request by SonicVsEvil.


He strode towards the gang, an cruel smirk on his face. Hirutani saw him. "Hey. You! Looks like you want some action. How about a fight?"

The street fighter glanced at the kid. "Heh. I'll let you finish your business first."

Hirutani shrugged. He went back to kicking the kid. Another gang member started ripping the kid's toys. The Martial Artist joined them, giving the boy a fatal punch. He sprawled backwards, crying.

Hirutani laughed. "How about you join our gang? You look like you know how to use fists."

The man looked Hirutani up and down. It was then he noticed a red earring pierced in Hirutani's left ear. He leaped at Hirutani, reaching for the key. "I only need your earring! You are useless to me!"

Hirutani growled. "Like I'd let you steal it!"

He pushed the street fighter off, aiming a fist at his head. The man ducked, jabbing a finger in Hirutani's eye. He howled, and the man leaped away, dealing with the other members.

Yami was in the corner, unnoticed. He was watching the fight through narrowed eyes, clearly displeased. 'Idiot. You'll regret everything you've done. That or you're just an idiot who doesn't know that the world has given up on him.'

Finally, the street fighter had finished his business. He ripped the key from Hirutani's ear, leaving a gaping bleeding hole. He looked for the door, but there was none. He frowned. Air whistled somewhere nearby. He turned, seeing a large cave opening. He went to it, looking around. The sounds of someone training reached his ears.

"Hyah! Hyah!"

He went in. The cave passage felt like it went on forever. Until, it opened up. The street fighter gasped. In the middle of the cave, was a man that was the spitting image of Bruce Lee. He smiled, running towards the man. Bruce Lee turned and slammed a well aimed kick towards his head. The Martial Artist ducked, but Bruce Lee's kick still hit it's target. He flew backwards, rubbing his head. A bit disoriented, he shook his head, trying to clear his vision.

Glaring up at Bruce Lee he yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you?! I'm your biggest fan!"

Bruce Lee scowled down at him. "Give me your keys."

The street fighter stupidly complied. Bruce Lee took them and crushed them, the keys turning into metallic dust.

The man stood up. "Hey! What's your problem! Now I can't pass the trials!"

A new voice sounded. "Screw the trials."

Yami appeared out of the shadows. "You basically refused the obvious choices for each trial and did the exact opposite of what you were supposed to do. Therefore, the trial is now invalid. Prepare to see stars! What was once your biggest hero is now your enemy!"

Bruce Lee rushed foward, and the Martial Artist screamed as a punch broke his jaw. He cowered on the floor as relentless kicks and punches rained down on him.

Yami sighed. 'That should be enough.'

Waving his hand, the entire scene faded. The bruised and battered man shook on the floor of Yugi's room. Blood seeped from cuts, spilling onto the floor. Yami frowned. Picking him up roughly, he went downstairs, appalled by what he saw.

The kitchen was entirely burnt. Debris was everywhere, and heavy toxic smoke hung in the air. Hurrying out of the house, he threw the man onto the ground. Ambulance and fire trucks were everywhere. Yami looked around, panicked.

'Where is Sugouroku?'

And just as he thought that, Yugi's Grandpa rounded the corner of the house. His eyes lit up when he saw Yami. He ran over to him, patting his shoulder.

"You're alright! You were in there for quite a long time! I was worried that you had fainted!"

Yami shook his head. "I'd never let that happen."

Sugouroku nodded. "Well that's good. Is Yugi alright?"

Yami tried contacting Yugi telepathically, but there was no response. He shrugged. "I think he's still sleeping. He was asleep when I took over, so he probably has no idea that half our house is burned down."

Sugouroku scratched his head. "About that...that man there. He was the one that did it."

Yami follwed Sugouroku's gaze, seeing a group of people load the victim onto a gurney. Yami turned back to Sugouroku.

"Well, it's over now. How about we focus on rebuilding the house."

Yugi's Grandpa laughed. "That's probably for the best." Together, they walked back to the house.