It was a sight to see. Well, sort of. The only "sight" to see at base was sand. Pounds and pounds of sand. It blew up in the wind around the base, surrounding, suffocating anyone who dare step outside. That's why the agents stayed inside, unless they came out in a vehicle.

Inside the massive SHIELD base, was a different story. The top was open, and the occasional sandstorm blew in, but other than that, the base was an oasis. Tall buildings inside had wonderfully cool AC, and the grounds had grass and tall trees, tall enough to climb in, even. Often, agents would come outside and hang out in the trees, on the rare occasion they didn't have anything to do. Natasha enjoyed this moments. She was constantly moving, kicking this, punching that, helping Coulson find some noobie agents who got lost in the confusing maze they called base.

That's when she found this place. It was perfect, an oasis in an oasis. Two trees, the perfect distance apart, enough leaves to block out most of the sun, but not to much to block all the sun shine. Natasha had got a hammock and set it up. She'd kept it secret for a little bit, it was hidden enough that you couldn't see it if you weren't really looking for it.

Then she showed Clint, and it was even better. He had raced up the tree, examining all the parts, before vaulting off the tree, showing off his gymnastics skills and grinning like an idiot. Natasha gave a small chuckle. It led right up to this moment.

She was leaning back against the hammock, Clint laying against her shoulder, fast asleep. Natasha had an arm hanging limply on his side, and for the moment, everything was quiet. She had contemplated moving, getting up so he could sleep, but he looked so peaceful, and Natasha didn't dare ruin anything like that. Instead, she kept one foot on the ground, pushing off so the hammock slowly rocked, as the assassins sat there, in the quiet.