Movie Night

In which the bats have a dark sense of humor.

"Woo-hoo!" Bart sang rushing into the Watch Tower, "It's…"

"Movie night!" Beast Boy finished raising his arms into the air.

"What're we watching?" Superman asked as he handed out snacks to everyone.

"Dunno the Bats are supposed to pick the movie this time," the Green Arrow shrugged. Then it dawned on the older Justice League and the older team members.

"Oh no," Flash said horrified.

"What's wrong?" Lagoon Boy asked.

"They're gonna pick a horror movie," Rocket replied.

"So?" Wonder Girl and many others still didn't get it.

"They always pick the scariest movie they can find," M'gann told everyone.

"Then why can't we just back out?" Beast Boy wondered out loud.

Wally super speeded to the green teenager clutching his shoulders. "No no no no no! You don't understand. The… the Bats lock us in here and if we do manage to leave we get PRANKED!"

"The pranks can't be that bad…" Bumblebee trailed off.

"They are," Wonder Woman replied plainly.

"We've been kidnapped, turned bald, suits dyed pink, and just…. We just have to suck it up," Flash said.

"That you do!" Nightwing told everyone cheerfully.

"AAAAAAH!" Everyone screamed.

"How long have you been listening in?" Green Arrow asked.

"The entire conversation," Robin stated as the Bats (minus Batman) started snickering.

"Let's just get this over with," Superboy spoke as everyone gathered around the screen and Batgirl put in the DVD.

30 minutes later

"Bahahahahah!" Nightwing laughed as Batgirl and Robin rolled on the floor also laughing.

"Why are you guys lAUghing?!" Beast Boy exclaimed as his voice cracked.

"The dude's eyes are being scooped out!" Bart gestured to the screen.

"Heh heh," Batman chuckled at that.

"I-it's just th-that the blood looks r-really fake," Robin explained in between laughs. The non-Gotham crime fighters continued to stare in horror at the movie.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Everyone but the bats exclaimed as one of the characters just got impaled.

Once the credits rolled in Batman continued to eat popcorn as his prodigies started to stop laughing and opted for quiet chuckles. Everyone else stared at the screen like how Superboy stare at a static tv except just a bit more mortified.

"BAH!" Right in the middle of the credits, the movie's monster appeared to scare everyone one last time.

"Well that was fun," Batgirl broke the silence after a minute or so.

"Totally asterous," Nightwing added as the bats got up to go to the Zeta Tube.

"G'Night everyone!" Robin told the rest of the heroes as the Bats waved before they were teleported to the Bat Cave.

"They're never picking the movie again."


Omg I'm sooooo sorry for not posting in ages! I was traveling for a while and had bit of a stump so yeah... If you have any oneshot suggestions I just might get around to doing them! Until next time *dramatic bow*