The Hotchner Family

A/N: This is my take on what it would be like if Aaron was the dad, and the rest of the gang, minus Rossi, were his kids. Rossi is the uncle in this, and married to Erin Strauss. There is no Haley, and no Jack. I'm making to where Haley passed away due to cancer. The order of the kids would be Derek aged 13 in the seventh grade, then Emily aged 10, in the 5th grade, Penelope aged 8, and JJ and Spencer aged 4 in preschool. I'm not sure where I'm gonna go with the story, but I could use any kind of criticism, good or bad. And I could also use a beta, as of right now all mistakes are mine. I do hope you enjoy this, as this is my first criminal minds story.

Thanks for reading, and please leave any kind of review, good or bad, and the first 5-10 reviews will get cyber cookies of your choice.


"Aunt Jessica! When is daddy coming home?" An eight year old Penelope asked her aunt, as she ran into the living room.

Looking over at her niece, Jessica replied, "Penn, sweetie, you know better than to run in the house. Your daddy is still at work, he's supposed to call me and let me know if he's going to be home tonight, okay?"

"Sorry," Penelope said as she sat next to her aunt, and continued, "Oh, okay, can I talk to daddy when he calls?"

"That's fine with me, after I talk with your daddy, okay?" Jessica answered her niece.

"Okay," Penelope replied.

A few minutes later, a thirteen year old boy comes in and asks, "Hey, Aunt Jessica, mind if I go outside and shoot some hoops?"

Turning to see her nephew holding a basketball in his hands replied, "Sure Derek that's fine. Where's the rest of the kids at?"

Pointing up the stairs, Derek replied, "Emily is with JJ and Spencer upstairs in the play room."

"Alright thanks," Jessica told her nephew as she got up to head upstairs.

"Yup," Derek replied as he headed for the front door.

Walking up the stairs, Jessica headed for the play room. Before entering the playroom, Jessica took a leak inside to see what the kids were up too. Seeing them huddled close together on the floor, Jessica walked and asked, "Hey you guys, what are you up too?"

All three kids looked up to see their aunt walking towards them, the youngest said excitedly, "Aun' Dessie! We codering pages!"

"You are?" Jessica asked just as excited to the young girl, she then bent down and asked, "Can I see?"

"Uh huhh, wook!" The young girl said, as she showed her aunt the picture she was coloring on.

"Wow Jen, that is very pretty, you did an awesome job!" Jessica said, showing enthusiasm to Jennifer.

"Tanks!" Jennifer replied happily as she went back to her coloring.

"See mine?" The young boy asked curiously to his aunt.

"Well of course Spencer, I would love to see your picture!" Jessica told her nephew.

"Wook! I not done yet," Spencer told her.

Looking at his picture Jessica replied, "Well, your doing a fine super job Spence, keep it up!"

Jessica then turned to her other niece, and said, "Emily, thanks for helping keeping an eye on your siblings."

Emily looked over at her aunt and said, "It's no problem."

Standing up, Jessica said to her nieces and nephew, "Well, I'll leave you three be, I'll be downstairs if any of you kids need me."

"Otay/Okay," All three said while keeping their attention on their coloring.

Jessica left the playroom and walked downstairs, as she was walking downstairs her cell phone went off, reaching the last step, Jessica answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Jess, it's me, just letting you know that I'll be getting off work in about a half hour, how are the kids doing?"

"Oh, hey Aaron, the kids are doing good, Penelope was asking about you a few minutes ago, Derek is shooting baskets outside, and the rest are in the playroom coloring, so all in all, their all good." Jessica told her brother-in-law.

"Good, glad to hear it, I'll go ahead and get off here, and I'll be home shortly." Aaron told his sister-in-law.

"Alright, sounds good, I'll see you in a few." Jessica replied back, while walking into the living room.

Once she hung up, she turned to her niece who was watching some tv. "Alright girlie, let's go ahead and turn that off, wanna help me get dinner started?"

Facing her aunt, Penelope replied, "Okay," then she got up and followed her aunt into the kitchen.

Looking through the pantry, Jessica asked her niece while looking inside the pantry, "Well kiddo, what sounds good for dinner?"

Penelope gave a few minutes of thought, and said, "How about spaghetti?"

Facing her niece with a smile on her face, Jessica replied, "That sounds like a good idea kiddo."

Jessica grabbed the noodles, and spaghetti sauce out of the pantry, and got to work on boiling the water. A few minutes later Emily and the twins came into the kitchen, and Emily asked, "Aunt Jessie, what are we having for dinner?"

"We are going to be having spaghetti, that okay with you?" Jessica answered her niece as she turned around to face her, before grabbing some garlic bread out of the freezer.

Walking up to the stove to peak into the pot, Emily replied, "Yeah, that's fine with me. Is daddy coming home tonight?"

Before Jessica could reply, the twins also asked, "Is daddy toming home?"

"Yes, your daddy is coming home tonight, he should be home within a half hour," Jessica told the kids while putting the noodles into the boiling water and turning the heat down to a rolling boil.

"Yay!" both twins said as they jumped up and down.

"Alright you guys, why don't you kids go find something to do, alright? And Emily, can you call your brother inside for me? It's time for him to come in." Jessica told the kids, and asked Emily as she stirred the noodles up to keep them from sticking.

"Okay, I can do that. Come on JJ, and Spence, let's go into the other room, Penn, you want to come with?" Emily said as she started to head into the living room with the twins.

"Yeah sure," Penelope replied as she followed her siblings out of the kitchen.

"I'll be right back, I have to go tell Derek that its time for him to come in," Emily told Penelope as she walked towards the front door.

Getting a game out for them all to play, Penelope replied, "Okay."

Opening the front door, and stepping outside, Emily told her brother, "Hey Derek, Aunt Jessica said it was time to come in. Dad will be home within a half hour, and she's getting dinner started."

Derek was watching the ball go into the hoop, before he answered Emily. Catching the ball, he turned to face her, "Alright, I'll be in, in a few, what are we having for dinner?"

"Spaghetti and garlic bread, Penn's choice," Emily answered him.

"Good choice, I'm gonna shoot a couple more baskets then I'll be in." Derek told her before going back and shooting another basket.

Emily replied, "Okay," then, she went back inside and went to the living room, and asked, "So, what game are we playing?"

"We paying candy wand Emmy," JJ told her older sister.

Sitting down in between the twins, Emily said, "Sounds good to me."

They then started playing, youngest to oldest. As they were playing the game, Derek walked in, and went to see what they were doing, then went into the kitchen to get a drink. Looking up to see who walked into the kitchen, Jessica said, "Hey Derek, Emily tell you, your dad will be home soon?"

Getting some juice out of the fridge, and walking over to the cabinet, Derek got a glass down, and answered his aunt, "Yeah, she did, also said we are having spaghetti for dinner too."

Draining the noodles into the sink, Jessica replied, "Yup, we sure are, hope that's good with you, because that is what we are having."

"It's fine with me," Derek replied.

Jessica then put the noodles back into the pot, and poured the spaghetti sauce onto the noodles, and turned the heat down low and stirred the noodle and the sauce up. Then she got the garlic bread and stuck them in the oven.

"Everything is just about ready, we'll probably wait for your dad to get home, he should be home any minute."

"Okay, I'm gonna go check on the others, and see what their up too," Derek replied as he sat his cup down on the counter and went to check on his siblings.

"Okay hun," Jessica replied to her nephew's retreating back.

Walking into the living room, Derek walked up to his siblings, and said, "Hey guys, whose winning?"

Finishing up her turn, Penelope looked up at her brother and said, "Spencer is winning."

"Alright Spencer, you go buddy!" Derek said enthusiastically.

The kids continued with their game, just as they were finishing up, their dad, Aaron walks through the door. "Hey guys, I'm home," Aaron said as he sat his stuff down next to the front door.

Looking over at their dad, Spencer and JJ both get up, and run to their dad, while saying, "Daddy, Daddy!"

Emily, Derek and Penelope, followed the twins over to welcome their dad home. "Hi daddy," Both Penelope and Emily said, as they went to give their dad a hug.

"Hey dad," Derek also replied, welcoming his dad home from work.

"Hey kids, what have you all been doing?" Aaron asked as he walked farther into the house, after picking up one of the twins.

"We payed a game daddy!" JJ informed him excitedly, in his arms.

"You did?" Aaron asked her.

"Uh huhh, Spence is winning," the four-year-old blonde told him.

Adjusting his daughter, he walked towards the kitchen just as Jessica was walking out, "Well you came home just in time Aaron, dinner just got done."

"Good time then, what's for dinner?" Aaron asked her.

Following Aaron into the kitchen, Jessica replied, "Spaghetti, and garlic bread sticks, it was Penn's idea."

Setting his daughter down on the floor, Aaron replied, "Just what I've been craving, good choice."

Setting the food on the table, Jessica turned to Aaron and asked, "If your good, I can go ahead and help with the kids, make sure they wash up, and seated before I take off."

Before Aaron could reply to Jessica, JJ asked, "Aun', Dessie, stay, pease?"

Bending down to the girl's level, Jessica answered her niece, "Well sweetpea, it's up to your daddy. I'm sure he just wants to spend time with you guys."

JJ looked up at her dad, and asked, "Pease daddy? Pease Aun' Dessie stay?"

"I don't see why not princess, I don't mind if Aunt Jessie can stay for dinner, but it is up to her if she wants to stay." Aaron told his four-year-old, giving a smirk to his sister-in-law.

Looking over at her aunt, JJ gave her aunt the puppy dog look, and folded her little hands up to her face, and asked, "Pease?"

Giving in to the little girl, Jessica said, "Oh of course I'll stay, how can I say no to that adorable face?"

JJ jumped up and down with excitement and went and told her brother's and sister's that their aunt was staying for dinner. Once they got all the kids to go wash up, the adults plated the little kids plates up, and the older kids helped themselves. Once they were done eating Aaron told his kids to go wash up, and to get changed into their pajama's, and had the older two help the twins change into their pajamas. After all the kids went and go changed, they came back downstairs and gave their aunt a hug good bye. After walking Jessica to the door, and watched her get in her car, and pull out of the driveway, Aaron turned back to his kids, and told them that it was time for bed. He walked up the stairs with all five kids, and tucked the youngest three into bed, and said good night to them all.

Making sure the kids were all in bed, and sound asleep, Aaron went through the house, and made sure all the doors and windows were locked, then he went and turned the security alarm on before he himself went up to his room to call it a night.


A/N: Hope you guys like the story, all mistakes are mine, and I am looking for a beta if anyone wants to help with that, the offer is there. I will be working on the next chapter hopefully tomorrow while I am at work, so hopefully by tomorrow night I'll have another chapter up, and posted, but it may have to wait until Tuesday.

Again, please leave a review, all criticism is welcome, good or bad, hopefully more good then bad. Lol, the first 5-10 reviewers will receive a cyber cookie or their choice.

Thanks again for reading,
