A/N Sorry for the delay. FFNet is NOT helpful at all when there are constant formatting problems when trying to post. I've sent several emails and gotten NO response at all. Anyway, here it is. Happy Holidays!

Thanksgiving was the new "it" holiday for The Avengers. Natasha appreciated it because it was much less commercialized than Christmas and because it celebrated her adopted country. Steve had little experience with the "New Improved Thanksgiving" of the 21supst/sup Century so was delighted to find the center of it was gratitude for friends, family, and lots of food.

The mansion, rather than the Tower had become the place to be when everyone was off duty. Sometimes they stayed at the Tower in their old rooms. Generally when they were too tired after a mission to slog across town to their home. For people who literally worked together almost constantly, they still enjoyed each other's company on the weekends and holidays.

The turkey day meal was planned out by Pepper. She arranged for a huge twenty pound turkey, a huge ham, two geese and four ducks to be prepared by Stark Catering and delivered in the early afternoon on the day.

Everyone else brought something to the feast that they had made themselves or bought if they had no real cooking skills. Everyone settled around the table and dove in to the delicious bounty. Natasha was nearly nine months pregnant and felt like her natural grace had fled along with her ability to rein in her appetite. Despite assurances from her trio of doctors that she was gaining exactly the right amount of weight, she felt as though she looked like a walrus. Steve went out of his way to make certain she felt beautiful and desirable but her latent insecurities were still in the background clamoring for her attention.

She was picking at her food until Steve slipped an arm around her and kissed her on the top of her head. "Thank you for making this a truly wonderful day for all of us, Nat."

"I didn't do much to be honest. Pepper arranged for all the meat, I just helped Peggy with a few of the side dishes and our friends brought the rest."

"I'd say it's all a success," he told her quietly. "Everyone is having a great time. It's especially is nice for me to feel like I have the big family I always hoped for. You're the reason for all of this, Nat. All of my happiness and thanks today is because of you." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Nat blushed to beat all and whispered back, "Thank you. You need to know that I never could have contemplated anything like this without you, Steve. You're the reason I'm so happy and feel so content. I just wish I didn't look like a baby walrus."

"Sweetheart, you were and still are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and you're all mine." Steve nuzzled her hair then turned his attention back to his plate.

After dinner, the men all piled into the kitchen to clean up while the women relaxed with Steve's famous hot chocolate and took turns feeling the twins somersaulting in Nat's belly.

"I'm so excited for you, darling," Peggy had one hand on Nat's abdomen and the other holding her hand.

"I'm terrified, if you want to know the truth," Nat admitted. "Steve is convinced that I'll be a great mother but I'm scared, Peg."

"Darling, you will be a great mother. You have wonderful instincts, you are fiercely protective of those you love and you'll have all of us here to help shoulder the joy with you." Peggy's brown eyes were sparkling with love and hope.

"Thank you," Nat said in a small voice. It meant so much to have Peggy and Bucky living with them. She felt that Steve had his family back. Sometimes when she was feeling a little insecure, she still felt that she was the fifth wheel even though Steve, Peg and Buck went out of their way to make certain she knew that none of them would be together if it weren't for her.

"Besides that, anything you need: support, supplies, help in general, you have only to call." Pepper added. "I will tell you though that you probably won't have to call because I plan on being here a lot."

"Thor and I will too, Natasha." Jane said. "Remember, you're his Little Sister now and he will be involved in all this, whether that is good news or not, I can guarantee it."

"Everyone laughed at that. Thor had indeed practically adopted Natasha as his sister and was thrilled that he'd had a hand in getting her and Steve together. His mother, Frigga, insisted on being notified whenever Natasha went into labor. She was determined to have grandchildren, even from an adopted daughter. Nat didn't mind. She'd never had a mother or a brother so she was in awe that Thor and his family loved her. Well, except Loki; but he was an asshole.

"Of course, Thor had already unofficially adopted Steve both as his brother and his brother in arms. Having a literal god at your command might have made a lesser man very full of himself but since this was Steve, he was honored and very flattered that Thor thought so much of him.

"Later that night, after all the guests had gone and the kitchen set back in order, Steve, Natasha, Peggy and Bucky all headed into the home theater room to watch a movie. At nearly nine months pregnant, Nat was wrestling with getting comfortable in the overstuffed cushions of the couch they were all sharing. Steve carefully lifted her into his lap where she could lean back against his chest. She gently squeezed his arm and snuggled closer, grateful that he understood what she needed before she even asked.

During the movie, Nat developed a dull pain low in her back. She squirmed around on Steve's lap trying to find a comfortable spot. Steve tipped her forward and rubbed her lower back, bracing her against his arm and thigh.

"Are you all right, Sweetheart?" He whispered.

"I just feel really uncomfortable all of a sudden. I think I'm going to go upstairs and take a bath." Nat wriggled off his lap and steadied herself against his knee.

"I'll take you up and run the bath for you," Steve was half out of his seat but she waved him back down./span/span/span/div

"No; stay here and enjoy the movie with everyone. I'm fine, really." She didn't feel fine but she didn't want to alarm Steve, Peggy or Bucky.

She made it to the doorway of the movie room when the first real pain hit. Nat gasped and doubled over, grabbing the wall for support. Steve was at her side in an instant, scooping her up into his arms. Damn that super soldier hearing anyway.

"Bucky, Peg...Steve called loudly then hurried out the door into the large living room with Nat in his arms. They came hurrying out, looking worried to see Nat in Steve's arms.

"Natasha's in labor." Steve told them as he moved to the front door.

"I'll get her 'go bag'," Peg said and flew up the stairs.

Bucky held the door for Steve and Natasha, then ran to the car to warm up the engine as Steve brought Nat carefully but quickly to the passenger side. Peggy texted Bruce, Betty, Abraham and Helen Cho to arrange things at the Tower's medical wing to be ready for Natasha's arrival. She called Tony, Clint and Thor to let them know since Thor and Clint were currently staying at the Tower with Tony and Pepper.

Nat couldn't get a full breath before the next pain slammed into her and she gasped again. Steve held her close but not tightly, kissing her forehead. "Remember your breathing, Sweetheart."

Nat nodded at him as sweat beaded on her lip and she tried to comply with deep, even breaths. Steve took her hand so she would have something to hold on to. When the next contraction came, he was surprised at how tightly she gripped his fingers. Even un-enhanced, she was stronger than he thought.

When they got to the Tower, Helen Cho met them with a wheelchair for Natasha in the ambulance bay. Steve would have carried her himself to the room but Dr. Cho and Bruce insisted she be examined quickly in the ER before they could make a determination about what to do next.

Steve was pacing and fretting while they waited. Bucky and Peggy stayed close to him with the rest of the Avengers hanging back a bit after they arrived. They knew he was beside himself with worry about Natasha and about the babies coming too early. Steve's head snapped up when Bruce hurried back into the room.

"Come with me," Bruce told him, ushering him out of the room. "The babies' lungs are developed well enough that we're going to deliver them right away."

"Natasha..." Steve tried but Bruce was way ahead of him.

"She's fine; just anxious to have you with her. It's going to be just fine, Steve. She looks great and the babies are strong and healthy. Go on in." He shooed Steve ahead of him into the room where Natasha was lying half-reclined on a delivery bed and Dr. Cho was standing by her side.

"Nat, are you all right?" Steve slipped his hand over hers and leaned in to give her a kiss.

"I'm good except for labor really sucks. Bruce and Helen say the babies are healthy enough to come out now so I guess we're going to be parents tonight!" She looked a little pale and he could read the tension around her eyes; still she was putting on a brave face.

Steve knew times had changed since 1945. He knew he was welcome in the delivery room but was anxious not to be in the way so they could take care of Natasha. Helen Cho seemed to read his mind, "Steve, just hold her hand, give her comfort and encouragement. Your son and daughter will be here shortly."

Steve nodded and turned his attention back to Natasha who was crushing his hand as another labor pain hit. "Sweetheart, you know I would take the pain for you if I could."

Nat smiled at him, "I know you would. I'm trying to focus on having our babies in our arms in a few minutes."

Helen had ducked beneath the blanket covering Natasha's legs while they spoke, checking to see how far along she was. She popped up with a big smile on her face. "Good news! You're almost completely dilated and effaced. The babies seem to be lined up perfectly so you will probably feel the need to push soon."

Nat and Steve nodded their understanding as Nat began breathing though another contraction. "Why is it so fast, Helen?" Nat asked when she could catch her breath. "I thought labor went on for hours."

"Normally it does but in your case with Steve's serum enhancement, everything seems to be going better than normal." Helen told Nat as she read the various displays on the machines hooked up to Nat and her abdomen.

Bruce came back in, gowned and gloved. Once he was there, Helen hurried off to do the same. Bruce checked Nat again. It had only been a few minutes but he lifted a smiling face to her and Steve. "You're completely dilated and effaced. Anytime you want to start pushing, you're clear to go."

Nat hadn't felt like doing anything except ripping her spine out to stop everything from hurting. Once Bruce said that, it was like magic; she suddenly began to feel the need to push.

Gritting her teeth she pushed with the next contraction instead of fighting it. Steve slipped a hand behind her back and helped her sit up further as she labored. Sweat beaded on her forehead and lip as she fought through the contraction completely silent except for a small growl at the end. Steve had never seen anyone so brave in his life.

You're doing great Nat," Bruce told her as Helen came back into the room. "This one is already starting to crown. Steve, do you want to come help deliver your baby?"

Steve's eyes widened and he looked at Natasha helplessly. She bit her lip to keep from giggling at how cute and completely lost he looked. "Go on. Bring our son or daughter into the world."

Steve let go of her hand and walked around to where Bruce waited with another gown. He slipped it on Steve, tying it in the back then moved aside to allow the super soldier's massive frame into the delivery area.

"Put your hands like this...the baby will come out face down, then we'll gently rotate it to deliver the shoulders." Bruce instructed and showed Steve where to place his hands.

Steve watched as Natasha's body miraculously stretched to accommodate the infant's skull. The baby had a lot of hair from what he could see. It was too wet from amniotic fluid to tell the color. Nat growled again and pushed harder. The baby's head was delivered; Bruce reached over Steve to help him check to make certain the cord wasn't around the baby's neck and to gently ease the shoulders from of it's mother.

A final push, a rush of amniotic fluid and Steve was suddenly holding his...son. He doubled checked to make certain before raising wonder filled eyes to his wife. "Natasha, he's just beautiful," Steve said in a voice rough with emotion. Their son squirmed and looked around with deep blue eyes, squinting at the suddenly light.

Nat was weeping tears of joy watching her husband hold their child for the first time. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

Helen moved to take the perfectly formed baby boy as Bruce showed Steve how to cut the umbilical cord once it stopped pulsing. Once the cord was cut, Helen moved the now crying infant to a warming tray while Steve and Bruce got ready for the delivery of their girl.

"The other one is coming," Nat gasped, gripping the sides of the bed and gritting her teeth.

Bruce moved Steve aside until the baby was crowning then let the new father back into his place. Steve held out his hands and with Bruce's help, delivered his beautiful little girl into the world. Now Steve was weeping along with Natasha. The tiny girl gave a squawk of displeasure about being pulled into a cooler, larger space than she was used to, then looked around with wide ocean blue eyes. She had a full head of hair as well.

Steve again cut the cord then handed his daughter to Bruce. Steve rose and went to hold Natasha. His heart was overflowing with love for his wife and children. Gratitude that he had the most beautiful woman and the most perfect children and the most wonderful friends filled his heart to overflowing and he wept.

"You did it, Natasha," He whispered, "You've given us a family."

"I'm pretty certain you had something to do with it, too." Natasha kissed him deeply. "We did it together. Thank you, Steve for being here...for doing this with me."

"Where else would I be except by your side?" Steve smiled and stroked his knuckles down her cheek. "I love you so much, Nat. Thank you for making all this possible."

Bruce interrupted at that moment, "Do you have names for these little people?"

Steve's eyebrows rose. He and Natasha had talked about it of course. The one thing he wanted was for his son to be named after Bucky. Nat had readily agreed. She took Steve's hand in hers and spoke to Bruce.

"Yes we do. Our son is James Steven Rogers...our daughter is Sarah Margaret Rogers." Natasha said firmly.

Steve's face showed his surprise and delight, "For Bucky, my mother and..."

"And Peggy. She is still important to both of us and I think it's perfect." Nat said in a tone which brooked no disagreement. "Your son is going to have your name as well. You and Bucky are my heroes, you know."

Steve gathered her in his armed and hugged her as tightly as he dared. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm grateful."

"You have excellent taste." Nat countered, kissing his cheek and settling back into the bed.

After Nat delivered the two placentas and was able to nurse her babies for the first time, Steve asked if it were all right to bring the rest of the gang in to meet their little family. It was fine with Natasha; Bruce and Helen had no problem with it either. Steve hurried out to bring the rest of their family in.

Everyone filed in quietly and surrounded the bed where Natasha lay with a baby in each arm. She nodded to Steve, who picked up the boy and handed him to Bucky. Bucky looked positively terrified at first as Steve arranged the sleeping baby in his arms. His face slowly broke into a huge grin. "He's beautiful, Steve."

"Thank you. Would you like to know his name?" Steve asked with a grin.

Bucky looked up questioningly. "His name is James Steven Rogers."

Steel blue eyes widened as Bucky took in what Steve had said, "James? You named him after me?"

"Who else?" Steve hugged his friend then stepped away to pick up his daughter.

"Peggy?" He handed the tiny girl to her. "Her name is Sarah Margaret Rogers."

"Peggy looked around wildly from Steve to Natasha then back to Steve. "For your mother and me?"

Steve nodded, grinning like a fiend. "It was Nat's idea."

"We love you both," Nat murmured from the bed. Bucky and Peggy stepped over to her and kissed her, each holding their respective namesakes. Their eyes were suspiciously bright with unshed tears of happiness.

By the time everyone had a turn holding the babies and congratulation the new parents, Natasha was fast asleep. Helen had another bed brought into the room and pushed close to Nat so Steve could lie down as well. The babies were fed and fast asleep in their respective hospital beds. Bruce wanted to keep Nat there anyway for at least twenty-four hours to monitor her and the children for any unexpected developments which might occur from the serum.

Steve drifted off to sleep holding Nat's hand, and looking at his children sleeping peacefully. Once they were dried off, he could see that his son had auburn hair while his daughter's was strawberry blonde. They were perfectly healthy and all his and Natasha's. He never felt so blessed. Happy Thanksgiving, indeed.