Echo creek Ghoul

Welcome to the first ever Tokyo Ghoul and Star vs the forces of evil crossover...or I think it is, there's nothing I could find listed on , Deviantart only had two pics which were pretty cool and nothing on Archive.

Okay this is a MonStar and Ghoul Marco story. The other ghouls in this story are as follows: Marco (¾ ghoul), Janna (Half Ghoul father's side), Jackie (Artificial Half ghoul), Touka (Full ghoul, Marco's mother) Kaneki Ken (Artificial Half ghoul, Marco's father).

Star's family as is follows: Star Butterfly (½ Mewman, ½ Septarian) Moon Butterfly (Mewmen), Toffee Butterfly (Septarian)

Okay now that's out of the way let's get on with some boring junk sadly. I own neither Tokyo ghoul or Star vs. The forces of evil. This story contains, Gore, Horror themes, violence, cannibalism, sexual content and swearing. Please note all characters will be aged up for the fic okay?

The pairing will be as follows: Marco/Star Touka/Kaneki

Chapter 1: the reptilian princess and the safe-kid

It was a usual day in the kingdom of Mewni. The Mewmen and monsters were for the most part getting along peacefully, the Fergersons and Avrids being the only acceptions. Running through town though was a rather common sight. A grey skinned girl in a dark blue Victorian style dress with yellow slitted eyes, long messy silver hair and a lizard's tail was running on all fours as she ducked and weaved through the busy shoppers on her way to the Forrest. This was Star Butterfly, princess of Mewni, Half Mewmen, Half Septarian. Star was always incredibly cheerful and you'd scarcely see her without a smile on her face.

"You bet your buts I am!" She sang as she dived into the thick brushes surrounding the Forrest. She also apparently liked to break the forth wall. She grinned wide, flashing her sharp canines as she slid under a fallen tree and jumped over a snap-lily which closed it's jaws just as she passed it. "You see today is my 16th birthday and today's the day I get my family's heirloom. The royal magic wand!" She narrated as she swung around a tree, using her tail as a anchor to avoid falling into the river full of some rather viscous fish. "Ya see it's a tradition and OHMYGOSHI'MLATE!" She trailed off in panic, sprinting on all fours towards the castle at full pelt.

In the throne room however things were a bit...dull. Queen Moon Butterfly was standing in front of the thrones wearing a large poofy blue dress, her hair done in a large royal bun that would remind people of the old hair styles used by the British monarchs of earth should any Mewmen visit there. To her left in a dark grey suit with gold shoulder tassles and blue gloves was her husband. A Septarian named Toffee who she had been friends with since she was twelve and disobeyed her parents by befriending him and disregarding her arranged marriage to River Fergerson.

"She's late." Moon whispered, it wasn't a question but a statement.

"She'll be here soon." Toffee replied quietly. He knew as he could hear her sprinting up the steps to the ball room. With a loud thud, Something hit the doors making people jump.

"YEEP!" Correction...Star hit the door. It was then that the doors opened and Star walked in, a bit nervous. Despite her often cheerful personality she was rather frightened by her own family, to date she had survived several assassination attempts and it was blaringly obvious it was her cousins, Aunts and Uncles who had set them up but without hard proof, her mum couldn't do a thing. She glanced around briefly, many of her family had fake smiles plastered on their faces, some didn't even try to hide their hatred of her and some didn't show at all. Star honestly felt hurt by that, she liked them, why couldn't they like her?

"Star Butterfly. Approach." Her mother stated formally as per the tradition of the ceremony. She did so, her tail wrapping around her waist in nervous habit. "Today we present you Princess Star Butterfly with our most sacred treasure. I present to you the royal Magic wand."

Queen moon smiled minutely at her daughter she handed over her staff, when it touched Star's hands it began to glow. In a flash the staff was gone, replaced with a small gold wand. A yellow star on a round face with an angel and bat wing attached and a small spike on top was it's new form as Star grasped it in her hands.

"Go on dear, give us your first spell." Toffee smiled in encouragement to his daughter. He knew she had been practicing late at night, having found her more than once asleep at her desk, book open and her practice wand still in her grip.

Star nodded with a smile. She knew what to do, she wanted to be known as one who'd keep everyone happy, it's all she ever wanted. With a wave of her wand in an arch above her head she formed a rainbow. Many clapped politely, that was until the rainbow suddenly exploded, setting several small fires around the room.

"AHH! Sorrysorrysorry!" She yelped and began to spray water from the wand at the fires. Sadly this only served to punch holes in the walls and floor as people screamed and fled the room in fear.

Toffee had already began to stamp on some of the fires as Moon rushed forwards, snatching the wand and extinguishing the fires with a wind spell. By the time it was done, Star had vanished. Moon sighed as Toffee looked around the destroyed room in despair, he knew his daughter was sensitive about messing up and this time she made a rather big mistake.

Currently Star was lying on her bed crying under a fortress of pillows, only her tail was sticking out. She just knew her parents were going to send her to St. Olga's now! She really messed up and she knew that she was lucky nobody died.

There was a knock at her door. "Go away Star isn't here right now." The half Septarian replied glumly.

"Sweety please pack your bags." Her mother's voice came. Star cried harder at that. They *were* going to send her to 's.

"Fine." She muttered, barely audible to her mother.

Moon sighed softly as her forehead rested against the door. She knew her daughter would of taken things hard but she felt this was the best and safest option for her, a out of the way dimension on a planet called Earth with no Magic and Ghouls being the only monsters there. But being Septarian they wouldn't bother her too much.

An hour later star had everything packed and was escorted outside by the Butler, a ghoul by the name of Henry who had been a friend of her dad's and needed a job to support his wife and daughter. She soon found her parents waiting by the royal carriage. She instantly broke down and tackled her mother's legs crying. "Please don't send me to saint O's!" She cried desperately. She knew how horrible that place was when King Ponyhead gave a surprise visit to see his daughter on her birthday and what he found was horrible, it was worse than a Chimera sui genesis prison which was saying something. Needless to say when the news got out many MANY royals were pissed off to the extreme.

"We're not sending you to 's star. We would NEVER do that." Moon hugged her daughter. Only extreme cases went there any more.

"B-but I messed up bad." Star sniffed as Toffee rubbed her back. He really hated seeing her like this.

"Shh, no my little MonStar, we're sending you to a place called Earth so you can learn Magic there in peace." Toffee explained gently. "No Magic, No dimensional Scissors no monsters asides the local ghouls okay?"

"So...You're not mad?" Star asked timidly.

"Only at our relatives." Toffee smiled only to get a playful slap on the shoulder from Moon. "Come on. They have something called Shool there."

"School you big goof." Moon replied fontly with a roll of her eyes. "Its a place where others your age go to learn, I think you could make some friends there. Come along now or we'll be late."

In a classroom at Echo Creek high school a brown haired boy sighed softly in annoyance as another paper ball bounced off of the back of his head. He knew Janna, the only other Ghoul in the school was doing it to annoy him. She had been doing it for a while now and he was sure the only reason she did so was boredom. Janna was often one to be found acting like a stereotypical gang member half the time and a thief the rest. Unlike her, Marco tried desperately to not stick out too much and just have some non-ghoul friends, although only two people in the school knew he was a Ghoul. Janna for obvious reasons and the school nurse who found out by accident and had to be convinced not to tell the CGC by his mother.


"Ooh! Somebody's been a bad boy!" Janna laughed. "What did ya do? Miss a dot in your homework." She teased aloud, falling off her chair with how hard she was laughing.

Marco ignored her, he knew Janna just liked to rile him up. Ever since they were four when the first met Janna had always been there but around the age of 13 they had a falling out, she still followed him around but it was more to tease him than anything or steal his stuff. Atleast she wasn't dumb enough to steal his food or she'd get killed.

"Do I need a hall pass?" Marco asked the obese teacher miss Skullznick.

"JUST GO ALREADY!" The short tempered teacher snapped. It wasn't scary in the slightest to Marco or Janna who had seen much worse from Marco's parents or to Jackie one of the most relaxed people in school as it generally took an emergency to freak her out...or loosing a skateboard.

"Going going." Marco sighed as he headed for the principal's office. The thing about the principal was he knew EVERYTHING that happens in his school somehow and all it took to keep him quiet about both ghouls in and out of the school was two 5 gallon tubs of icecream every month, The guy had a problem.

Upon arriving at the office of the many things he was expecting, CGC, Parent-Teacher interview...icecream flavor request, A woman in a blue dress, a Lizard man in a suit and a short lizard girl in a dress playing with the light-switch wasn't one.

"Ahh here he is! Marco Diaz!" The principal grinned widely. Marco instantly knew the only reason he'd let the girl join this far into the year was the massive trunk of gold on his desk. "Just the boy I was looking for!"

"Oh hi! I'm star!" The chipper young lizard girl grinned widely. Marco idly thought that her teeth were just as sharp as his. "I knew they had Ghouls on Earth but this is so awesome meeting one already!"

"" Marco was at a loss for words, he'd know if his Kakugan was acting up as he'd of felt a pressure behind his left eye and a sting behind his right, he wasn't drooling and he sure as hell didn't have his Kagune out.

"Oh I can smell you. got a human Grandparent and the other three are ghouls." Star hummed softly before she went back to flipping the light switch. "I must uncover this dark magic."

"It's a light. Most places have them." Marco sighed. He mentally rolled his eyes, he actually had TWO human grandparents on his father's side, not one.

"Any who. Diaz show her around will you? Miss Butterfly please remember that Ghouls aren't treated well here like they are where you're from and are killed on sight." The Principal explained grimly. Star gulped and nodded, looking terrified at the idea. The principal suddenly got rather giddy. "Ooh! All 52 flavors here I come!" He giggled of all things before rushing out with the chest under his arm.

"Mister, Diaz was it?" The older lizard asked.

"Yes sir?" Marco gulped. This guy was taller than his dad! "Keep an eye on my little girl, she's had a rough childhood and needs some friends but don't even think for a second about taking a bite from her!" He growled.

The woman slapped the back of his head hard. "TOFFEE!" She hissed. "Leave the poor boy alone, ghoul or not, he's barely an adult." She then turned to Marco with a prim expression. "I expect you to take good care of her while she's here. Your principal set up a exchange thing...Your mother...Touka Diaz I believe said she could stay in the guest room at your house upon an explanation of what was happening."

"That's mum alright." Marco sighed. His mum was quite happy taking in non-humans so long as they weren't there to cause trouble for them or the town.

"Goodbye my little girl." The woman smiled before pulling out a pair of scissors and cutting a portal in the air through which both she and Toffee disappeared.

"So...wanna be friends?" Star asked suddenly. Marco raised an eyebrow.

", what exactly are you?" He asked. He could smell Forrests, silk, dirt and some kind of reptile obviously in her scent with a bit of berries.

"Oh my mum's a Mewmen and my Dad's a Septarian. They have been friends since they were like six or something." Star shrugged as she followed Marco into the halls. Many students stopped and stared in shock at the sight of Star. "So...what exactly do you do on Earth anyway? Go riding on giant beasts? Fight dragons? Explore Forrest's? Go on runs?"

"Well lots of things but nothing supernatural unless you live in Gravity Falls where my cousins Dipper and Mable moved to after a weird summer there." Marco responded. "Something about an evil cornchip or something."

"Huh...weird." Star sang as she kept pace with Marco.

"So...why Earth?" Marco asked. He saw that thing her mother made and the fact she called a light magic ruled out Aliens so magic secret world it is.

"I may of kinda set the ballroom on fire with my wand." Star muttered sheepishly as she pulled her wand from her bag. "That and my relatives LITTERALLY try to kill me. They don't want someone they derm a freak as the princess."

"Wait, Princess? You're a princess?!" Marco gaped in shock, wondering just what he'd gotten himself into.

"YEP! I'm a magical half Septarian princess from another Dimension!" Star grinned widely as she waved the wand in an arch above her making a rainbow, unfortunately this turned out like the last one and combusted. She dropped the spell with a yelp. Marco quickly took off his hoodie to smother the flames letting the students and star see the various stars he had up his arms from about the elbows up and the human like bitemark in his upper left arm. Many gasped.

"That was close." Marco sighed, draping his now burnt hoodie over his shoulders.

"Dude, what the heck happened to your arms?" One of the least popular kids in school, Fergerson asked. Marco gulped nervously, he couldn't exactly tell them the truth or it'd put Janna and his family in danger.

"Yo." Janna grinned making Marco facepalm. Stupid ghoul. "That was me, faked a ghoul attack on him one day and got carried away." She smirked. Lots of the students looked disgusted with her at that lie. After all, a ghoul attack was nothing to joke about, especially if it left those kinds of scars on Marco. Janna rolled her eyes and walked off, passing Marco. "You owe me some steaks." She uttered just loud enough for Marco to hear.

"So...what now?" Star asked. She understood the real reason behind the scars and thought that if Marco were on Mewni it would be considered a badge of honor that he survived combat.

"Now we go home." Marco sighed, directing Star towards the doors. "Woops, broken glass look out. Loose tile. Careful chewed gum."

"You sure worry a lot." Star stated as she let herself be directed through the "dangers".

" I have to. I'd already be dead if I didn't." Marco replied softly yet bluntly as Jackie shot past on her skateboard. Star nodded in understanding. She knew how dangerous the world could be and to what lengths the intolerant and the fearful would go to to be rid of their target.

It was a relatively quick trip to Marco's house. It was a small two story house with a cactus garden out the front bellow his window, a deturant towards Janna's human friend Alfronz who had tried a couple times to sneak in. They lived with Pablo Diaz, a ghoul sympathieser who agreed to pose at a brother to Touka to keep them safe from the CGC while her husband Kaneki was still in Japan sorting out a mess left by a number of crumbling Ghoul gangs.

"I know it's not much but its home." Marco gave a soft smile at the house. He rather liked the mix of Mexican and american arcitectual designs.

"Are you kidding, this place is awesome! All we have in Mewni is stone, Wood, Marble and dirt. This is so cool!" Star laughed as she stopped to examine the cactus. "Er, what's this thing?"

"Don't touch the cactus It has spikes." Marco warned, dragging the Septarian girl away from the plants and into the house. "UNCLE PABLO WE'RE HOME!" he called loudly. The sound of a head meeting hanging pots gave away where the friendly optimist was. Walking into the kitchen they found Pablo was frying up some eggs and chicken on the stove.

"Hey Tio, oh and you must be Star Butterfly, a pleasure to meet you." Pablo smiled joyfully. "Okay few rules, the fridge in the basement is for Marco and his parents, the red bottles ARE NOT juice and other than that, Me casa es su casa."

"Thankyou Mister Diaz." Star grinned happily.

"I'll show you to the guest room, come on." Marco smiled. It was nice not having to worry about whether or not the person next to you would kill you for territory or food.


Okay that is chapter one done!

Next chapter: Artificial monster

Also here's a small poll for you all.

Should Marco have a Harem? Yes or no?

Also who?




