Dance of Serpents


I thank you all for the reviews and information about where I went wrong. I have corrected the many mistakes you have pointed out and gone over this many time over fixing the problems here and there.

If I have miss any more please let me know.

Thank you and enjoy the chapter

Harry potter x game of thrones, time period dance of dragons, story line, Harry Potter leaves the war torn world, caused by Voldemort and leaves behind a broken destroyed Dumbledore and his army, using his new family tomes, he escapes through a created veil of death into the world of Westeros. Before the dance of dragons with his three Basilisks, which catch's the attention of the Targarrians who are fascinated by his ability to speak to dragons and of his three unique sea dragons.

Also it's has the same beginning as Skin deep, just warning you in advance if think that this is the same fic.

Pairings Harry x Rhaenyra

Voldemort, the recently dead Dark Lord had exposed the Magical community to the Muggles, prompting the 2nd wizarding war into a full blown apocalypse that is right now destroying the world, the mad man had publicly attacked Muggles within the large city's exposing all magical kind to the world and Prompting a worldwide witch hunt that eclipse the Salem witch trials with the Armies from the various country's fighting all of magical kind that was deemed too dangerous to exist (namely wizards) and the organisation of so call witch hunters which were normal folk taking up arms in the service of their lord.

Now after defeating the Dark Lord, you would expect people to congratulate or praise Harry for being the Chosen one, but no, being the stupid frightened fools that they were, they feared and hated him, marking him as pariah no thanks to Dumbledore who made him out to be the next Dark lord.

But that did not mean he wasn't prepared for the old fool to make this kind of move.

Earlier in life, he overheard Dumbledore's plans to use him as Martyr when he faces Dark Lord and kill him should he survive as well as use the money he's been stealing from him to fund all of his plans along with aiding his most trusted followers the Weasleys, he learned of how that Man Practically gave the Location of where he and his parents were hiding along with keeping Sirius imprisoned so that he would sent to the Dursleys to become more submissive, he learned that his so called friends were in on it with Dumbledore, keeping tabs on him for that old man.

On that day the Harry potter that everyone thought they knew was dead, and he the new and improved Hadrian James Potter, heir to the potters, Gryffindor's and Slytherins was born.

Sneaking away from Dumbledore's spies and the Dursleys he trained his body and Magic to point of breaking, developing new skills and abilities that others wouldn't dream of doing in a thousand years, he became what he was always meant to be, a true wizard capable of eclipsing Dumbledore's power.

As he trained and prepared, he snuck past Dumbledore's spy from across the street and into Gringrotts and Alerted them of Dumbledore's Machinations, needless to say, they were pissed to learn that he hasn't just stolen from them once but twice, so doing the only thing they can do, they shut his account down, fined him and his supporters heavily, repaid all of Harry's Stolen money and entitled him to his numerous accounts that he had no knowledge of.

It was shocking for him to learn that he had a number of accounts besides the trust fund from his parents set up for him, and that he was eligible to take his many birth rights to which he did.

Lord of the noble house of Slytherin by conquest

Lord of the noble house of Gryffindor by blood

Lord of the noble house of Peverell by blood

Lord of the noble house of potter by blood.

Lord of the noble house of black by Inheritance.

He was Lord of over 5 noble house's, 2 of them being the founders which means he owns 2/4's of the Hogwarts along with a whole lot of land they owned.

And with his birth right reclaimed, he now had a place to stay much to the ire of Dumbledore and his loyalist who tried to persuade him as his friend unaware that he knew their intent, years went by and Harry distanced himself from his so called friends and a chose a different sort to hang out with, resulting in the first love of his life.

Daphne Greengrass, his secret girlfriend, they're love for each other transcended anything anyone had ever seen, much to the Jealous ire of Ginny Weasley who tried pretty much everything in the book to break them up and make Harry Hers but failed miserably each time, and only bailed out by Dumbledore when it wasn't too serious.

In his Third year, Sirus Black escape and found Harry in his Dog form which Harry more then welcomed with open arms in his family home of Godric hollow, the two then exposed Peter Pettigrew as the one who truly betrayed his parents and murdered several magical's, but like the many stupid bigots that run the Ministry, the leader of morons himself Minister Fudge had Peter kissed before the trial and order for Sirus black to be imprisoned again.

He would have succeed to had it not been for harry Challenging the Ministers competency publicly which force him to reveal himself the new Lord Potter, having no choice but agree to a fair trial with the number of witness watching, the minister called for a session of Wizengamot where they wanted to quickly put Sirius back in Azkaban or the Dementors kiss no thanks yet again to Dumbledore who made Sirius out to be a murderer, but yet again harry came to the rescue, calling upon the ancient laws and exposing that Sirius was never given trial, this action shamed the members allowing Harry to call for Veritaserum which yet again Dumbledore tried to block but was ignored.

It was then reveal to the press and the families that Sirius was indeed innocent and that Dumbledore knew about the secret keeper along which lost him a lot of face with many light and neutral families except for the diehard loyalists.

Sirius was cleared of all charges and recompensed for his falsely imprisonment.

Life with his godfather was swell, the man was like the father he never had, funny, outgoing, always trying to learn more about him and his life which once nearly resulted in the man swearing bloody murder about his treatment with the Dursleys.

Life for Harry couldn't get any more better, until the Triwizard Tournament, which resulted in him competing as a fourth contender, but he managed to clear his name with many people except the jealous and ignorant ones when he publicly made a magical oath that he did not enter his name or nor know anyone who did.

He tried to find a way to leave the challenge but the Ministry individual in charge of the tournament wouldn't have it and wouldn't allow him to see the rule book even though he was entitled to as an unwilling competitor.

The life threating tasks were almost a breeze to him as he had trained his mind, body and magic to help him survive against any threats coming his way.

Then it all went south pretty quickly when the final challenge arrive, with him and Cedric grabbing the portkey at the same time, then Cedric getting killed by some death eater wannabe holding the frail form of Voldemort who used Harry's blood in a ritual to regain his body, but what came out was not anything remotely resembling him but some skinny inhuman pale ass monster.

The reformed Voldemort called upon his active death eaters and berated them about their so called loyalty to him as they failed to even try finding him, resulting in their masks being removed and their names being called out revealing them to Harry.

After the Melodramatic dark lord had finished his rant he turned to harry, begin the first of their many duals to come, trying being the word here, to prove his power to his followers, but was outsmarted by him when he closed the distance between him and the cup but not before taking Cedric's body and a close by death eater, apparating in the middle of starting line.

When people saw the dead body and the death eater, they made the collusion and called for his death, which the idiot of the minister did, despite the protests of the head auroa Bones who wanted the revealed Nott senior to be interrogated for information on the other's but Fudge was paid well to keep him shut up.

5th year for Harry was his most devastating year of all, dementors attacked him in his home, however being trained in the Patroness charm by Sirus and his buddy Remus, he fended them off, just in time for the Auroa's to arrive and take them away, along with a summoning's for using magic outside of school.

The Wizingotts season was just plain stupid, they kept pushing up the timetable without informing him and wanted his wand snapped without so much hearing his word or the word of the Auroa's plus the evidence to back it up but he used their own laws against them and made an annoyance along the way called Umbridge who in the first second wanted his wand snapped.

In Hogwarts the woman made everyone's life save for the Slytherins a living nightmare, she made a number of changes and rules with the Ministers permission despite what little word and power he had in school affairs, Harry did all he could to prevent himself from snapping the woman's neck when she insulted and taunted him into giving her an excuse to give him detention but he gave none annoying the woman further.

When she went to far he publicly used the Law against her to put her back into her place as a teacher not an official, she even went to far as to use blood Quills, an illegal item on muggleborn students, even pure and half-bloods. He called in favour from Amelia who arrived at Hogwarts to conduct the investigation personally and found them to be true resulting in the woman losing both her jobs and sent straight to Azkaban.

During the finals of the year, harry received visons that proved to be true, resulting in him saving lord or Mr Weasleys life when he called about an attack in the department of mysteries which soon lead him and a few of his true friends on a battle for their lives in the chamber containing the veil of death where Sirus and a few of his comrades not loyal to Dumbledore saved them but resulted in the death of Sirus at the hands of his twisted sister.

Voldemort then arrived when he perused Bellatrix, the two of them battled it out long enough for the Ministry to arrive along with the Minister himself, Voldemort fled but the damage was already done as the incompetent minster was thrown out of office. Harry and his true friend gave Amelia the names and faces of the death eaters which resulted in an all-out man hunt for the at large terrorists.

Harry had lost a father figure and friend that day, which Dumbledore tried to exploit resulting in him being sent to the hospital.

6th year, before the start of school, Harry trained hard, diving into ancient tomes of all of the families he now owns, expanding his magic and knowledge. During one of his training sessions he accidently destroyed his wand because his magical core grew too large for his wand to handle and it resulted in him going back to Ovilander again who noticed the change within him and saw that no wand ever created by his hands could handle his magic, so looking into the ancient safes he keep in back, he came back with a half-finished Staff that ancient mages of old would use.

When he grasped it, the staff bonded with him like his old wand did, the old wand maker was like a giddy little boy at Christmas, the reason, because he can use his skill to complete a staff, with a few days left with the old maker he returned to get his staff back and was impressed by what he saw.

A long ebony staff, with jaded snakes circling around it, their three heads meeting at the top with a large crystal ball between them, their tails merging into long blade, when he grasped it he felt as if the whole universe flowed into him, he about to pay for it but was refused by Ovilander who gave it to him free of charge on the grounds that and he quote *making this old man's dream a reality*. Later after using his break before school, he would travel the world, experiencing and learning from every culture and magical tomes he could get his hands on before returning home enlightened and with his head filled with idea's.

After returning home, he found a previous tome from Salazar's vault about Basilisk making, following the instructions, he procured three chicken eggs and three toads, sticking the toads onto their eggs with a spell, he waited until the eggs hatch and gave birth to three basilisks that ate the toads.

Using parseltongue he communicated with them and bonded with them as his familiars where they melded into his skins hiding as his tattoos that went across his back to his arms, as a result of the bonding he no longer need glasses to see, his eye's changed into emeralds became snake like with the pupils slitted.

Soon after some time learning about wand making and staff making, Harry created his own wand from his very staff which he modified to hold his powers and create a chamber which would house the wand where it would channel any spell that went through it, doubling the power and affects when it was within it.

Soon School started for Harry, he hung out with his friends the same as usual, he proposed to his secret girlfriend and got married after the year in a wedding with their most trusted friends attending.

7th year the 2nd wizarding war broke out.

Voldemort and his death eaters attack Muggleborn shops and homes around the world with a numbers of followers that he gathered over the years, soon their attacks went public to the muggle world, inciting the witch hunts and the apocalyptic war that is happening to this day.

Harry during this time was not getting that much involved in the war and was expecting to become a father when news of Daphne's pregnancy came to him, however fate liked to screw with him as Dumbledore soon learned about this news and purposely gave it to Voldemort so the dark lord could do the dirty deed.

The man attacked the Greengrass home and killed his wife, adding insult to injury he cut his child out of the dead women and hung them both on the houses gates.

That was the biggest mistake that bigot ever made, with nothing left to live for or lose, Harry took the war to Voldemort, eliminating all of his followers one by one, torturing them for information as well as hunting down and destroying each of his horcruxes.

A year of waring against him and he had finally isolated the mad man and battled against him using magic and spells far more powerful then he could imagen, if any had been there to witness such a fight, they would have described harry as a god from the magic and power he emanated and casted.

The battle ended with Harry severing Voldemort's Head clean off his shoulders and taking the resurrection stone from his ring that he had no idea of, he then apparated into the Ministry and thrown the dark lords head at their feet, the display was as clear as day, the dark lord fell to the chosen one, Dumbledore being there at day as the con man he is, gathering support from the frightened populous wasted no time in proclaiming Harry as the next dark lord.

Those loyal or stupid enough wasted no time in raising their wands but it was too late, harry had already apparated back home.

In the following years of the muggle wars and Dumbledore's followers trying to gain access to his home, Harry rested, the years of fighting one battle after another was exhausting, the death of his friends and family hung heavily over his shoulders.

Harry used what spar time from training to research a way to end this chaos that the world was engulf in before finding the answer in an ancient tome known as Liber Temporis also known as the book of time.

He concluded that if he prevented the rise of the dark lord then the world would not become the hellhole it is now, but before he could prepare the necessary ingredients and seals he need to deal with the pests outside his house.

-3 days later-

A group of wizards, have been casting spell after spell on the wards for a year but found no success, until they watch in amazement as the wards suddenly dropped before them causing confidence and arrogance to surge within them as they believe they were the cause of it, they march up to the home with Dumbledore at the front leading them.

Entering they saw Harry sitting at the top of the stairs with a bottle of dragon whisky in one hand with a long staff sitting beside him on the other, all of Dumbledore's army entered with their wands raised, filling every part of the hallway to prevent him from escaping.

Harry not bothered by the intruders, his eyes swept over the so called army, recognising a numbers of faces.

Hermione/ Ron/ Percy/ Ginny/ Molly/ Seamus and Surprisingly Cho.

The army parted to allow Dumbledore to stand before harry at the bottom of the stairs, the old fool gave him the sappy I'm disappointed in you speech and you've to far, at the end of it Harry asked.

"why did you betray my Parents?" the old fool tried to play it off before he clarified "I overheard all of your plans, the betrayal and death of my parents by entrusting Peter as the secret keeper and giving Voldemort that bit of information along with plans to make me a martyr and steal my account by making me fall in love with Ginny" Dumbledore grew silent and look at him without emotion while his followers grew nervous that they their plans were reveal.

"Why don't you be honest for today and answer my question before you kill me?" he asked, playing at his pride.

"Very well. Yes I betrayed your parents. yes I made peter the secret keep and gave that information to Snape who would give to Voldemort so that he can try to kill you or if that didn't work, Neville because what people don't know is that Prophecies can only come true if we make them to be".

"I planned this all from the start when Voldemort fell to that charm place upon you by your mother, I made it so that Sirius would stay in Azkaban so that you would be sent to your magic hating relatives that would you destroy your confidence, and when the time was right, introduce you to the wizarding world and plant the seeds of trust for me and your friends that you see before you" he said gesturing his former friends "I began stealing money from your vault years before you attended as I was your self-proclaimed guardian along with imperioing a few goblins here and there, then when Ginny attended Hogwarts we would slip love potions into your food so that you would fall madly in love with her and when the time was right give us a child to open your vaults".

"I can understand him" he said pointing to Ron "them" Molly, Percy and Ginny "but how did you get her?" he asked gesturing to Hermione who was standing beside Ron.

"Quite easily, the Promise of countless Tomes and books your family possess was more then enough to turn her" he stated proudly of this feat.

"I guess you didn't warn her about the many life debts she owes to me then" Hermione was shocked by this new revelation as she turns to Dumbledore for the answer but found none.

"No, it was better that way".

"You also gave Voldemort the information on my wife and unborn son"

"yes" he said, grinning triumphantly "I couldn't allow you to go unwatched, happy and unmotivated in the destiny you were made for, you needed to be reminded of who you were and what you were meant to do" he paced back and forth, chuckling like it was the greatest joke ever "and you did, beyond my calculations, it was all too easy to paint you as the next dark lord with your actions and use of deadly and dark spells, originally I had planned to make you a martyr but your defiance changed that".

"But" he soon stopped once more before harry "you continued to be a loose unpredictable element that proved it couldn't be controlled so here we are".

"Yes here we are, now before we turn this place into a battle ground answer me this" he looked at them with no emotion despite the truth about his life being thrown at him "what is your opinion on the people who listen to you crap".

"Why their nothing more than sheep, brainless sheep who need a hero to save them, a hero to guide them and I was that, even before Grindalwald".

A smile soon crossed his lips "thanks that's all I need to hear" he said moving to the side of the step revealing a seal that was on the step behind him.

"What that?" Dumbledore asked looking at the seal that he didn't understand.

"A microphone" harry said.

"A Microphone? To what?"

"to everyone around the world" it soon dawned onto Dumbledore what just happened.

"What!?, How long has that been on!?" his voiced boomed all across the world, from the magical ministry filled with people looking at the ceiling to the muggle world with a number of the Neighbours glaring hatefully at the Dursleys.

"Way before you busted in here".

"You!" Dumbledore Growled out in anger at his reputation being ruined, he swung his wand and magic into his wand to cast a spell before it all suddenly stopped, everything stopped, his magic and body "i-I cant move" he gasped seeing everyone in the same situation as him from the corner of his eyes before they settled on harry.

"You didn't think I had plan now did you?" Harry asked as a snake like grin spread across his face "I dropped the wards outside to allow you to come in and fall into my trap that you activated" he explained as the glamour spell over the floor ended, revealing a large circle with words inscribed into their rings and in them.

"fascinating fact, the Potter's are notorious for their wards, Glyphs and enchantments" he cocked his head to the side, with a bit of hair falling over his face "it was quite simple to draw this trapping seal over the floor which only activated when you channelled your magic" his outstretched his hand and sent a wandless expeliamus spell at Dumbledore, shooting his wand out of his hand into Harry's.

Harry looking at the old wooden wand, felt a tremendous amount of ancient magic within the object, that responded this him as he held it "amazing" he breathed out, recognising the item "the elder wand" he turned back to the frightened Dumbledore "thank you bring this here, now I don't need to rip it from your corpse".

"magicae constituent lustrantes" he said activating the second part of the trapping seal which illuminated and did it's work, the people inside screamed as they felt their insides tearing and burning from the inside before it stopped, letting them drop to their knees, leaving them with an empty feeling within them, like something was missing.

Ron being the first to get up, swiped his wand at him, sending a spell his way only for nothing to come out of it.

"Surprised?" Harry mocked his former best friends attempt at conjuring a spell "the second part of this trapping seal takes way your magic, permanently, now for the final part, say hi to your friends, family and the ministry when you *Get the fuck out of my house*" they disappeared with a pop as he said the code word to the seals final part which sent them straight to the floors of the Ministry.

"much better" he sighed in relief, disabling the microphone and activating the barrier ward again "now what to do with you?" he questioned himself looking at the elder before the feeling of movement across his arms and his body alerted him to presences of his familiars who loomed over his head and shoulders, giving anyone seeing this the impression of a hydra.

The Basilisk on his right shoulder had pitch black scales with horns stretching to the back of her head, it's red eye's gleamed with death, this Basilisk was called Typhon, named after the youngest of Gaia's children and looked all most like a dragon with her horns along with the ability to breath fire.

The Basilisk on his left had forest green scales with spikes protruding down it's spine and surrounding its tail, her sapphire eyes gleamed with a hypnotic charm, this Basilisk was called Ladon and she like to coil around him and use her tongue to lick him on the cheek as a sign of affection, she had the ability to spit her own poison at long distances.

The Basilisk leaning over his head had dark blue scales with spikes around her body pointing inwardly, her green emerald eye's held power and authority, this was Lernaean who saw herself as the alpha or head of the three snakes hence why she loves to stretch her neck over his like a seconded head, she could blast water out of her mouth with such force that it could cut through steel and concreate.

S"we ssssshould keep it"S Typhon hissed out, moving closer to wand as she sense it's great power.

S"I agree, you ssssshould bring the other hollowssssss together and become death master"S Ladon hissed out, kissing his cheek and laying her head on his shoulder.

S"it issss your destiny, to become Deathssss Master"S Lernaean hissed, laying her head on his S"you would become a god amongst these sssssheep as that fool had called them"S she whispered in his ear.

"Hmmm" he mused, liking the sound of that "your right" he agree "I am a Persivel and it all belonged to my Ancestors" getting up from the stairs while grabbing his staff he asked "who wants chicken?"

"ME!/ME!/ME!" they all hissed out, excited on getting their favourite food.

"Dobby!, Ketcher!" he commanded, before seeing the two elves pop in front of him.

"Dobby is here master Harry" the happy elf said, wearing better clothes then he did when he was with the malfoys.

"As is Ketcher, Master" the almost grumpy elf stated, bowing before him as he respected his new master.

"prepare chicken for tonight and start packing bags, we're going on a trip soon" he ordered getting them excited.

"ooohhh! Where is it to now master Harry?" Dobby asked, bouncing up and down on his feet.

"Greece?! America?! Japan!?" Ketcher asked out, having enjoy going around the world.

Harry grinned at their enthusiasm "none of those place's but somewhere new entirely" he said causing them to stop and smile at their master with pride.

"it's time then master?".

"Yes, but I need to prepare a few things" he said before walking past them "take your time cooking, I probably be at this for a while".

Entering his private study which was a large room as big the grand hall of Hogwarts, bookshelves decorated the walls filled various tomes and artefacts, at the end of the room, laid a large desk that spread across the room with various books, bickers and potions laying upon it.

Walking to a closed closet, he opened it reveal an assortment of items, namely two that he was looking for.

The Invisibility cloak passed down through his family, and the resurrection stone he won from Voldemort, taking them in his hands he felt the magic within them stir in his presence and latch on to his magic, the three hollows then sensed each other's presence and linked their magic together, creating what Harry could describe as a beacon, sending burst of magic everywhere as they bonded with his soul.

Something responded back to these waves of magic as presence entered the room it's self, silence and emptiness entered the room, the lights flickered as the sound of wings flapping reached his ears, growing louder as the shadows around the room grew and merged together, forming a shadowy figure that grew in size until it stop.

The figure was tall and covered in a dark cloak, the exposed parts in it's cloak showed only bones, the dark hood covered the skeleton skull that's empty eye sockets bore straight into his soul.

The reaper seemed to study him before he is form shifted and grew smaller, taking on the appearance of an old man in a dark business suit, holding a steel tipped cane, he had a silver ring on his finger.

"um hello?" Harry asked uncertainly as his familiars where unnerved the presence of the being before them, which was never a good sign if an apex predator was afraid of another being.

"so you are the Master of death now?" the old man asked with some annoyance in his tone of voice.

"I take it your death?" he asked looking at him

"my, my how very observant" the old man replied with heavy sarcasm "I think we may actually have an intelligent one here".

"Girls, your thoughts?" Harry asked his familiars.

"Hissss presence is unnerving, we can't not sssssee him but we know he'ssss there" Typhon warned, leering at the man.

"It's like he'sssss a ssssshadow, there and yet not at the sssssame time" Ladon added,

"Be careful we don't know who or what he hissssss exactly, but I sssssense a bond between the two of you" Lernaean

"you should listen to your friends" the man now revealed as death said, shocking them that he understood his familiars who only can only be understood by a Parsol mouth.

"So what should I call you besides death?" Harry asked, feeling that he can't just keep calling him by his title.

"call me whatever you want besides anything stupid, I can only tolerate so much before someone ends up dead" the man sighed, staring at him with an impassive look "and you being my master does not give you any immunities from my wraith" the threat was a clear as day.

"Noted, now before we progress on with our lives there are a few question that I need answered"


"First, as the Master of death am I immune to certain situations that would kill anyone?"

"yes… as my master you are bound to me which give you the privileges of being unkillable but not completely immortal" "to clarify, bullets, stabbings, decapitations and killing curse will not kill you but it certainly hurt a lot, if your body is destroyed, your spirit will wonder the earth until your body reforms and you do age with time."

"And how long will that take?"

"Depends" death shrugged

"On what?"

"On how generous I'm feeling"

"Ok then onto the second question do I have ability to properly bring someone back from the dead?"

"No" death stated firmly which sent a wave of fear through him "once someone is dead they are meant to stay dead, no exceptions, you can bring anyone from wherever they gone to talk but never try to bring them back from the dead, I consider it an insult in my face when people try to cheat me".

"Ok… final question what are you exactly beside death?"

"If I was to properly explain it to you, your brain would liquefy and leak a out of your orifices"

"Thank you for answering them, what happens now?"

"Now I do believe you have a ritual to complete".

"You know?" he asked surprised that he knew of his secret project.

"I've been keeping an eye on you when you survived the killing curse, when you first grasped my cloak which bonded you to me, though there were times when you evaded my sight when using it and I have to admit out my many masters you are one of the few who I find interesting" death answered

"Other masters? You have more then one?" Harry asked, surprised to know that there's more than one who's death's master

"Other versions of you who unite the three hollows and become my master" he cleared it up.


"now let's continue on with our lives as you humans say" death then disappears with the sound of flapping wings growing fainter until he couldn't hear them any more along with his basilisk's easing themselves at no longer sensing his presence.

"Well, that was something" Harry said breaking the tension in the room "who's hungry?".

-a few days later-

Harry and his companions stood before a large Arc with their belongs stashed in their pockets courtesy of a shrinking spell, it was made out of an obsidian like stone that stood in a large cave with runes and glyphs carved into its structure, in between the large arc was a ghost like transparent veil that moved unnaturally between the large arch.

"alright anyone have anything that they need to do or any second guess's because once we go through we won't be returning" Harry asked everyone including his familiars who hovered over his shoulders but found no voice that complained or spoke out, shrugging he held his hands out for his elves to take "alright then ready?".

Dobby took him by the left "ready master Harry".

Kreacher took his right "Kreacher is ready master".

His Basilisk's coiled around him tightly S"We are ready, Massster"S.

Nodding at each and any single one of them before advancing onto the arch way where upon walking into the veil, their body disappeared into it, never to be seen upon the earth again.


Harry and company felt as if their insides where being rearranged and twisted altogether as they stood in a blank landscape before dropping down to solid ground where they heaved up what they ate all over the grass as the sound of birds, wind and wild life reached their ears.

Harry being the first to recover while his friends vomit and spasm on the ground, took a look at all of his surroundings, the lush green tree's surrounded him, with a small lake next a large old tree with a face the emanated some form of magic just like the Elder wand only more diluted.

Walking to it he traced his hand over the face, feeling the magic within thrummed to his touch before feeling his familiar slithers up his legs and around his waist before settling their heads on his shoulders "letssss not do that again" Ladon slurred out through her hissing after puking up her lunch.

"Agreed" all that could understand said simultaneously regaining their composer after that one shot experience.

"so let's figure out where we are and what the nearest civilization" Harry said pulling out his staff and using a locater spell, they followed it to a village outside the woods, from far away, they saw the people in ye old peasant rags that common people of the days of yore use to wear.

Looking down on his current clothing, Harry wearing his battle armour, which was a black dragon skin tunic, he wore armoured goblin still gauntlets and shin guards and legs, a goblin chainmail hood attached to the tunic and was over his head, he carried the sword of Gryffindor on his hip.

He knew that his clothes would stand out in any crowd but seeing the medieval clothing and buildings he could still fit in without a change of clothes, turning towards his two elves "aright guys, we need a large space of land near the sea to set castle, so Dobby, Kreacher find us a piece of land to call but be careful we don't know our people will perceive what a house elf Is and will try to kill you so again please be careful" he warned before they saluted and popped out of existence.

"now let's go and familiarise ourselves with this new world" he said, feeling his familiars coil around and assume their positions under my clothes as tattoo's before I approached village, the People of course paused in their activities as they saw me, they beheld my appearance and I guess that they assumed me to be some high lord or a knight due to my attire.

Approaching a nearby building with man wearing a dirtied hide apron, I quickly recognised him as a blacksmith due to the weapons and the pounding his large hammer on smouldering metal on top of the anvil.

"Excuse me?" he asked out gaining the hardworking mans attention from his work "Can you tell me where I am?"

The smith looked him over, seeing the High quality gear he was wearing before bowing lowly to hide the growing scowl on his face "M'lord" he said in poor English, displaying his lowborn upbringing and status. When he picked himself up the scowl was replace with a fake forced smile "You are in the reach my lord."

Harry raised an eyebrow at the name, *Reach* no land in the world that he knew of was never called that, even in the days of ancient civilisation, "and where precisely in the reach are we?" he asked, needing more answer to where he was.

"This is little village is called High Hill M'lord and it stand close between the borders of crownlands."

'The crown lands? hmm these words and places he describes are apart of my world so that means that I really am no longer in my old world, okay finally question.

"Can you tell me where the nearest city or capital is?"

"Kings landing is that way mi'lord, a few miles along the kings road." The blacksmith pointed to the north west outside of his shop.

'it's a start but I'll need more then that. Lets see what information your mind yields, Legilimens' his eye's made contact with the blacksmiths own as he mentally cast the spell, the muggle's unprotected mind yielded to him and he learned all he can from the commoner who obvious grew up a poor illiterate life but was still knowledgeable about his own world like the seven different kingdoms all in one content 'Interesting, the land I and my household is on is called Westeros, otherwise known as the seven kingdoms all ruled by the lord paramount's who answer to a high king, like a governor to an emperor'.

His mind pulled out of unsuspecting blacksmith who rubbed his head from the Headache Harry had caused. "Many thanks, here for your troubles." Harry laid a pouch of gold coins onto the blacksmiths work desk where most of his tools laid, it was for all of the information he unknowingly gave him.

Once the backsmith's headache had dulled enough, he opened the pouch unaware of what was in it before seeing the handful of gold coins he'd never dream of seeing in a single day, he looked at the flee lord who was exiting his shop and called out "A thousand thank you's M'lord!".

"Alright now that, that's done it's time I settled in before making a first impression." Harry said while leaving the little village and journeying back into the dense forest where he and his household had teleported from.

He called out to the air around him "Dobby! Ketcher!" with two pops the house elves appeared before him

"We are here master Harry." Dobby the energetic and sweep elf said, bowing before him in his little butlers outfit.

"Did you find a suitable spot for our home?"

"oh we did master, we did." Ketcher breathed, a proud smile crossing his grim face "Ketcher and Dobby found good land for master and his familiars, nice cove for underground lab with tunnels that lead out to sea for masters Girls.".

"Well done, I knew you could do it." The two elves held themselves up with pride at their masters praise. "Please take me there." He held his hand out and the two elves grasped it before a pulling sensation on his navel happened and wave of vertigo and displacement took over and the sight of the forest was swallowed up by darkness.

-One Apparation later-

Harry and his household apparate right near a coastal cliff in nice healthy plain filled area, the wave's beat against the high hilled cliff that stood directly on top of a large cave that ran deep into the land.

"This is it master."

"Excellent find you guys. Now please stand back while I bring it in." The two took a few steps back while they watched their master pull out his staff. The air became dense around them as Harry worked his magic before the empty spot at the top of the cliff was occupied by a large stone castle that put Hogwarts to shame in terms of size and architecture, Towers as tall of big ben stood pointed straight to the sky with the one in the middle holding a large clock dial on all four of its faces. The main building before the larger tower was mixture between Hogwarts and ancient roman buildings as marble columns litter the outside of the building from its walls to the entrance that held the tile roof up. Large imposing walls separated the castle from the outside. "There home sweet home, now to unpack and make a few changes to the house and the large cove underneath."

-1 week later-

"Great stink of Hogwarts! What is that smell!?" Harry and company were not a mile before the capital when a horrid smell assaulted their senses, his face scrunched up at the painfully stomach turning Oder coming from the city before them

S"It'ssss burning my ssssense's!"S Ladon cried out, she along with her sisters withered in discomfort and pain around his body, the smell affecting their higher senses.

S"Master! I beg you get us out of here!"S Lernaean Pleaded to him to get away from the painful rancid Oder was affecting her breathing.

S "My NOSE!"S Ladon screamed out as she tried to block out the smell by burying herself deep into his clothes.

"Easy girls we go in introduce ourselves then we get out." He assured them, before taking a deep breathes as he journeyed faster to the capital, intent on getting this over and done with as quickly as he can.

Finished and sorry, But CLIFFHANGER!

So you'll need to wait to see what happens next in the next chapter.

Also I didn't know if king landing's still had it's sewer and squatter problem like it did during Roberts reign so I added it in for a bit of humour and ending affect.

I hope you enjoyed it, oh and a bit of spoiler for the next chapter, Rhaenyra isn't married to her uncle yet so she's still gonna be free, until Harry comes along that is.

Please review what you thought about it, and thank you for reading.