After dropping the girl at the entrance of chambers, Harry teleported back to the place which was his home for last 12 years.

He immediately went looking for his mentor to tell him about his mission report.

As usual he found him reading a book in the training area. Without even looking up from the book Merlin asked his young charge "So how did the mission go?".

Harry took a seat beside his mentor and replied" The girl is fine and Hocrux is destroyed too."

Merlin just nodded his head and said" Very good. This just shows that you ready to face the world on your own now". Harry immediately looked like he wanted to protest but Merlin just raised his hand and said" I know you think you are not ready and maybe you are right, but my time here is over with you. Just continue to train hard like you have always done and one day I am sure you will become what you are destined to become. And when you truly need me I will be there for you."

Harry just nodded he knew the day would come when Merlin will have to leave this world. With a look of determination he asked his mentor" What should I do next?"

Merlin looked at his student with pride and said" It is time for you to go Hogwarts. Although you already know more than some of Hogwarts teachers but still the library at Hogwarts has some rare books and you could learn a lot. Also you need a safe place to operate and train and Hogwarts have one of the strongest wards in the world. You will be going there as a 3rd year student by the name of Arius Evans. I have already arranged everything; just tell everyone you have been homeschooled till now and don't let anyone know of your identity until the time is right. Remember, you have an advantage over your enemies as long as you remain an unknown.

Harry just nodded knowing the truth in his mentor words.

Merlin stood up from his position ready to leave and said" I know Dumbledore is a manipulative person but he has resources, knowledge and power that can help you a lot. He can help you find the other Hocruxes so you need him as an ally. And Harry of all the students that I have trained you are the greatest of them. Your family has always been special after all your blood carries with it the secret that can make any man God. I have faith in you that you will not let your family down."

Harry knew what his mentor had said was true; he had a duty to fulfil he just hoped that he was up to the task.

(The day Hogwarts Express leaves for Hogwarts)

Harry had long since mastered his ability to change appearance as a metamorphagus. He knew he would be easily recognized because of his scar and his looks. After all he did look like his Dad so he decided to change his appearance. Right now he was at the King cross station ready to board the Hogwarts Express. He easily sensed the entry to the Platform because of the magic surrounding it.

He had arrived early in hopes of beating the crowd. Harry choose the last compartment of the train and was really hoping to not be disturbed. He heaved a sigh of relief when train finally left the train station, he was happy that no one had disturbed him yet.

Unfortunately he wasn't very lucky for long because at that very moment the door opened and revealed 3 people in Syltherin house uniform, One of them was blonde and from what he could gather from his surface thoughts was Malfoy's son who was on Harry's list of convicted death eaters. He could tell that these boys were bullies and they were the last thing that he wanted to deal with today.

Draco just sneered seeing another mudblood he could easily tell that by his clothing but this one seemed different. There was just something in his eyes and his carefree attitude that made him wary. Draco decided right then that this boy needed to be showed his position.

Draco turned towards his thugs and said "Boys why don't you give this Mudblood a proper welcome and show him his place in the wizarding world".

Harry just signed seeing the two thugs getting ready to attack. One of them picked his school trunk and threw it on the floor and the other grabbed his shirt. Harry was just contemplating obliviating them when another person entered the compartment. This time it was a familiar red haired girl who upon seeing what was happening immediately shouted "Leave him alone Malfoy." Malfoy and and his thugs turned their attention towards the girl, obviously recognising her. Upon seeing her Malfoy got perverted grin on his face and said "You know Weasley you are quite good looking even though you are a blood traitor. You should count yourself lucky that I am interested in you. You could solve your family's money problems if you agree to return the favour".

From the look on Malfoy's face Harry knew what kind of favour he wanted. He could easily see the disgusted look the girl had on her face. Even he was getting angry at Malfoy and his cronies and decided to end this conversation. Seeing the girl throwing his hand to push Malfoy away, harry got the perfect opportunity and he waved his hand and banished the 3 thugs out of compartments."

To them it looked like that the girl did some kind of wandless magic or accidental magic. Malfoy and his cronies ran away to their compartment obviously scared. Harry knew he couldn't show himself as a powerful wizard that he was if he wanted to remain under the radar but one thing he knew certainly that his Hogwarts years were bound to be interesting. It was better to remain as an average wizard rather than draw attention to himself.