For those of you, readers, who read LLaM, I apologize once again. I hope to write a brand new and better version of LLaM, and I do hope many of you, readers, will like this new story of the Legend of Zelda.

Anyways, I do not own anything from the Legend of Zelda series, but my own ideas.


Prologue: Her Pleas

The years of anger, hatred, and despair continue to attack the long blonde haired girl relentlessly without stopping. The shadows of this evil desperately tries to choke the good out of her with its long and dark tendrils. She pushes all these things back with the divine power she is born with. The young woman grows weary, but she must… No. She has to endure it not just for her sake, but for the lives that were forever lost to the calamity, for her people that put their trust in her, and especially to Champion who wields the Blade of Evil's Bane. For how long she has been doing this? Fifteen? Or perhaps even longer, but she had stopped counting the years after ten.

A powerful attack crashes into the barrier of light causing the girl to yelp in pain. Little droplets of salty water were forming from her water line as she clenches her teeth to endure the strain of the attack.

"Someone, Link, anyone, help me!" she sobs, pleading to whoever that can help her from this predicament. And the jaws of the shadowy beast snapped close.

A blood curdling scream echoes through the worn out marble temple. In a matter of minutes, a young eighteen year old man barges into the room, where the scream is coming from. A girl with similar features of the girl from the dream looks at the man with teary sky blue eyes. Her attire is fit much like a divine being.

"It's a different dream this time, but the girl surrounded by evil shadows and is crying out for help. It felt so… so real, Link." Link didn't say anything as he comforts the girl in his arms, calming her down until her sobs were no more. She begs for him to stay with her, and so he stays. He draws soothing circles on her back, but before he knows it, she is sound asleep without a care in the world. He hears a girl's voice whispering like a faint wind.

"...nk… he… p… me… open… eyes," Link rubs the bridges of his nose.

"In my sleep, and now in my waking moments too,"

Soon, Link follows the girl to sleep completely unaware of the triangular marks glowing on the back of his right hand.

Open your eyes.

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Previews of the next chapter:

"I am the Goddess reborn. While I may not have my divine form, I still retain most of my powers, and that is how I know about these dreams you've been having,"