Guests of the Nothing Club

Author's Note and Foreword: A self-insert fic of my favorite episode in Camp Lazlo. I do understand while the episode was released around 2005 but I changed it to 2017 to the include SnapChat, smartphones, and go-pro. Yes, our favorite characters of Cartoon Network did not age but hey we never see them right. The first chapter is basically retelling how the events unfurled. Not exactly the best fanfiction I have written out there.

The OCs I wrote here are my friends and this event is based on a hike I went with them last January 7, 2017. I will post the photo of the hike in my Deviantart. Follow me on DeviantArt GodEmperorGillan for further behind the scenes.

It would be unlikely for Filipinos (or humans) to be found in the middle of the State of Wisconsin (where Camp Lazlo is set in) but for sake of humans mingling with Cartoon Network characters, I have kept the tradition.


"Why don't you go to your own club. Oh that's right, you don't have a club, do you Lazlo? You've got nothing! The Nothing Club. That's your club!" a boastful Edward shouted at Lazlo below as he slammed shut the covers of the window of the treehouse. Behind him, Raj and Clam were partying and having a good time. Lazlo was left out.

"Nothing club?" The spider monkey replied with a sad face forming. "That's my club. Nothing."

In his sorrow, Lazlo began drawing a square on the dirt with his foot. After it was complete, Lazlo stepped in the square. "Alright, the nothing club." Lazlo sighed. A few seconds later, his sadness of being left out instantly disappeared when an idea popped out from his head. A smile replaced his sad face as began "drawing" his ideas out of thin air to make the best of The Nothing Club.

"Here's the couch and the juice bar. Restrooms are down the hall next to the pool. Exits are clearly marked. Hmm, I could move the vending machines next to the kitchen. Is that a drop I felt? I need to repair the roof before I lay down the new carpet. Oh, looks like I'm lost in the hall of mirrors again. Now why on earth did I have this silly thing installed?

Lazlo began "tracing" his way out of the "Hall of Mirrors" he created. Even in the thin air, he followed a pattern. To someone's view, Lazlo looks like a lunatic but to Lazlo's perspective, everything he mentioned is all but "real."

"It'd take me hours to find my way out." Lazlo commented before bumping to an imaginary mirror. "Oh silly me, it was a mirror. Wrong, left turn, that's me, haha."

"Settle down, settle down now." Edward banged the gavel down to the table. The crowd of campers quieted down to let the leader of their club speak.

"Now that we've got the fun and games out of our system, it's time for us to get down to the reason why we all are here. It all goes does to how we all despite Lazlo! Welcome to the Anti-Lazlo club!"

"There you go, that's a good boy." Lazlo said as he patted an imaginary animal in the thin air.

"Lazlo, what are you doing?" Mina the giraffe asked, confused.

"Oh hey Mina, I was just feeding our mascot. Our club has a dinosaur for a mascot."

Baffled, Mina began scanning the area around Lazlo's square. She could not what Lazlo meant as the club mascot.

"It was a gift from the Emperor of France." Lazlo added.

"What club?" Mina asked.

"The Nothing Club." Lazlo replied.

"What is the Nothing Club?" The giraffe asked, still confused.

"It's a club that we make up together."

"Together? That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, wanna join?"

"Sure!" she replied.

"Door's open but watch your head." Lazlo warned.

"No need, I raised the doorway."

"Then I lowered it again."

"Then I guess I hit my head."

Then the pair laughed inside their square. Slowly but surely, Lazlo did not feel left-out anymore. He was having a good time with Mina and their imaginary club.

Unfortunately for Edward, the foundation of his club began to backfire against him. When he tried to ask the fellow campers why they despise Lazlo so much, they could not give him a concrete answers. Instead, they gave him reasons why they like Lazlo, for the spider monkey had been selfless in giving back at them.

Edward was incensed with the lack of reasons. Annoyed, he tried one last ditch to make the campers hate Lazlo even more. The sight of Raj and Clam moving to the beat of music only they could hear enrage Edward even further.

"Hey, what are you two doing by the window?"

"It's Lazlo. He's got a pretty good club going down there." Raj told Edward while dancing to the "beat".

"A club?" Edward asked, raising a brow. "What club!?"

Approaching the window, he stared down to the sight of Lazlo and Mina dancing in the square below them. "That's not a club, that's nothing!" Edward replied angrily.

"Don't you hear the great music?" asked Raj.

Chip and Skip joined in, drawn into the music that they could also hear. "Oh year, I hear it now. I love this guy!"

"Are you crazy? That's no...hey is that your brother down there?"

In the time Edward try to reason with them to make them stay in his club, Chip already joined Lazlo and Mina below. Skip then followed suit, followed by Samson, then everybody much of Camp Kidney. He failed to convince his fellow members not to follow despite the fact Lazlo's club has no door, walls, or anything. As they entered Lazlo's empty square, everyone seemed to be having fun. After Raj and Clam entered, the Nothing Club was more lively than ever.

Back at the treehouse, an envious Edward looked below, confused and enraged. He tried everything he did for the campers to appreciate what he did. The disco they had the previous night was nothing Lazlo and his friends at the Jelly Cabin had experienced. Yet, in his desperate attempt to discredit Lazlo, it ultimately backfired. The scouts of Camp Kidney preferred to be in Lazlo's empty square called the Nothing Club rather than Edward's Anti-Lazlo club in the treehouse which he made effort to provide music, drinks, and Anti-Lazlo merchandize.

In frustration, he banged his head on the wooden board three times while shouting Lazlo's name in anger, making the treehouse shake around him.