Welcome to a new bizarre crossover. This one had been sitting on my computer for a while and I'm finally ready to post it here. It's mostly because I haven't posted anything on all my other crossovers, though I promise I'm still working on all of them. Hope you enjoy this new one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman or One Piece. This covers all future chapters.

Chapter 1- Little Lost Bird

It took two days for anyone to realize he had disappeared, three before anyone worried and four days had passed before anyone called Bruce Wayne to tell him that his ward, Dick Grayson, was missing. From there it took four hours before Batman was standing in front of the small warehouse owned by the small research and development company ODA Worlds. By looking at Dick Grayson's notes and search history and tracing his steps before his disappearance, Batman discovered Dick's suspicions that some of the researchers on ODA's payroll were working under the table on special projects like the one housed here. Nightwing had left to investigate this warehouse and that was the last anyone saw of him.

Batman scanned the area but the entire block was quiet. He was not optimistic about what he would find beyond the worn wooden doors.

"Robin, say outside and keep watch while I investigate," he ordered gruffly. He knew his son was as anxious about finding Dick as he was, but he didn't need Robin distracting him, especially if he found the worst case scenario inside. Robin's affirmative was sharp, but at least he agreed.

Inside, the warehouse was not as run down as the outside led one to believe, obviously camouflage for the advanced lab hidden inside. Generators on every wall explained why there were no spikes in the electric usage to track, though they all appeared fried now. One on Batman's left looked melted; the one on the right had a large dent, probably from a fight. More evidence of a skirmish was everywhere. Tables full of sensitive equipment were overturned and trampled, Nightwing's batarangs (not that he called them that, but they came from Batman's original design) were lodged in the walls and one of the overturned tables. Dick had been here, and he had fought someone, make that a lot of someones. The enemies had been armed; the bullet holes attested to that but they had been reckless and/or untrained. There was too much damage for them to have been competent. Coming to these conclusions as he scanned the shadows for an ambush, Batman breathed a sigh of relief and regret when he saw he was alone. He turned his attention to the focal point of the room. It was the largest piece of equipment in the large, open room. It stood about seven feet tall, three feet wide and looked just like a door covered in wires. It stood in isolation, hanging slightly ajar. Moving carefully, Batman approached the thing. Before the open space around the door, the bank of computers that was connected to the wires on the door still stood. One on the far left was still on, flickering with a screen saver of brightly colored fish.

Batman tapped the keyboard to see what he could find out. The fish vanished, revealing a live feed of the room. Luckily the security cameras were on a different circuit that whatever blew the rest of the electronics in the lab. Batman quickly pulled up the recording from four days ago. Outside, Robin was getting antsy, but Batman ordered him silent and steeled himself to watch the fate of his adopted son.


A man in a lab coat was adjusting the wires on the door while another man operated the computer bank, rolling his chair from one computer to another to report different readings. Four hefty, armored men, mercenaries by their stance and weapons, stood guard. Two covered the door and the other two stood along the left and right walls. The first scientist stepped away from the device, satisfied by his work. He sat next to the other man and they started a count down. The video had no sound but the assistant held up fingers to count down the last five. Something sparked and the door, which had been closed, opened on its own.

A smoke bomb was forced through the entrance, obscuring the cameras for several seconds. Flashes showed bursts of gun fire and a baterang imbedded itself in one of the computers which did something to the generators. By the time the smoke cleared, the door-device was fully open and emitting a strange blue light. In the middle of the room, Nightwing grappled with one of the guards before throwing him into the generator in the right wall and knocked another man out with his eskrima clubs. The other two guards were already unconscious on the floor, though one of them was starting to stir. Nightwing approached the scientist and his assistant, his hands held out peacefully. The assistant ran from the hero and tripped on some of the wires between the computers and the open door. He landed hard, knocking himself out. The scientist and Nightwing ran to him but started to scuffle in front of the door. Nightwing clearly was trying not to hurt the man and pushed him away, but the scientist tripped and fell back against the door. The strange light started to suck him in and when Nightwing reached out to grab him, they were both pulled through. There was a flash of light and they had vanished, the light was gone and all of the equipment except for the cameras and the computer were dead. The last activity showed the hired mercenaries fleeing with the limp assistant and "I'm not paid enough for this shit" expressions on their faces.


Batman relayed the relevant parts of the video to Robin with a heavy heart and fierce determination. Robin was understandably outraged, but Batman ignored his ranting as he called for backup. He would need to help getting Dick back.