I don't own Highschool DxD by any means. Thanks for joining me in writing this, and I do hope you enjoy the story.

Chaos. It's a strange word. It has a few meanings, from 'complete confusion and disorder' to the formless matter that most likely existed before the creation of the universe. It also holds personal values. Some people look to chaos for adventure and excitement, while others cower it's approach. It's a very special word. It lays out our scene perfectly.

A chaotic battlefield, explosions everywhere. Two gigantic beings were battling. One of the great being's in the fight is just a teenager. His name is Issei. He is the host of the Longinus class sacred gear, The Boosted Gear. His opponent was 6 6 6, or otherwise known as Trihexa, and it sought the boy's destruction. Issei was in his Juggernaut form, though it had come out incomplete and was quickly killing the boy. All things were in complete confusion and disorder. The Juggernaut and his opponent wanted the other dead, and they were killing everybody who got too close. Nothing could control either of them. Even the dragon Ddraig, the conscious of The Boosted Gear, could do nothing but watch the playing field even out.

Issei was starting to lose, badly so. It hurt to see everything he cared about blown away before him, even though he knew he was so desperately on the right side. That's what pushed him into becoming this deformity. How strange, what chaos could do.

In a sudden mixup, Issei was able to shoot it's tail through its opponent's heart, though in an instant, his opponent did the same to him. They were both on the brink of death. Though things were now finished, there was still chaos among those watching. When would the chaos subside? Who knows.

Ddraig, the boy's partner, was now finally able to take a peek back into the mind of Issei Hyoudou. The boy was dreaming. He wasn't angry or sad at the death of his lover, instead he was just dreaming of the good things it seems. He met the love of his life, and his rival became his best friends in this dream. All the people surrounding him were loving, and they cherished him greatly. But in the corner of his mind a darkness grew suddenly, overtaking the rest of his mind. Once voice began echoing in his mind.

"Would you die for me?"

The little world in Issei's head fell apart in an instant and all that was left were the points in his life where he couldn't protect the people he cared about. All of his regrets had set upon him. Issei began to fall, quickly spiraling down in the finals moments of his life. Ddraig couldn't stand to see his partner go in such a way. The dragon decided he would finally butt into his partner and host's mind.

[ISSEI!] The boy's consciousness lit up in a brilliant flame.

[WE saved your friends. WE defeated all your enemies. WE have learned to live and to fight proudly, no matter the opponent, and partner I believe in you. I believe that you will always be apart and that I'll always miss you if you die here. And i'll never get over your death, because you're my only partner who has thought of me as an equal, and not a simple means of power. Who ever I chose before always got drunk on power or never unlocked my powers at all. But you Issei, are the only one who's sworn to save and not destroy, you have set the goal to break the wall, the impenetrable wall that has never been broken by someone drunk by my power, and then you set an even higher goal. A goal I could never fully agree with, but you have decided on becoming the Harem King. The one who loved the world for its full beauty and and the populace that lives upon it.]

Upon hearing this in his head, Issei smiled. His juggernaut gear vanished, and the boy floated downwards, still with the hole in his chest, where his heart should be. He landed on his feet, but he quickly collapsed. In the end, Ddraig couldn't help as much as he wanted to. Issei's left arms began cracking up and it faded into dust, taking Ddraig's soul with it.

Trihexa collapsed across from Issei, and it was clear to see that the beast had perished. Many other beings lay unconscious across the blood filled battlefield. Michael, Azazel, and the four Maous lied together, as well as a few other god's from other religions. Many of the boy's friends were scattered out as well. Issei, in a last ditch effort, used his remaining strength to crawl to his lover, not too far away from him. He place his head upon her breasts. He played a bit with her silver hair. It felt strange to him, her cold chest. It was always giving him warm welcomes before. But you could say this was fitting to their situation.

Two large portals opened up in the sky, freeing the dragons of all kinds. Hundred of thousands of dragon's flew from them, and saw the terrible sight below. Coming in last, due to sheer size, Great Red and Ophis emerged from separate portals. They too saw the tragedy below them. Ophis witnessed the fleeing of Ddraigs soul, and quickly placed a seal on it. Below them were the dead bodies of the two greatest Heavenly Dragon wielders.

Ah, my bad. I seem to have started rambling on about the tragedy here. My bad. Before I finish the ending of our story, I should tell you of the beginnings of our hero, and the start of his journey as a very unique individual. Are you ready?