Chapter Summary: It's all about trust.

Chapter Pairings: Jyn/Cassian, Leia/Han

A/N: This is is boos. This is the chapter that ends it all.

Thanks again to my wonderful beta a-good-bit-of-magic, as well as all of the reviewers: SoffJagger (who has been there since the beginning, thank you), KatieKat1690, Sappy07, Han x Leia, Janis, , and a guest.

I'll post more Han/Leia in the future, thank you again.

She'd spent many a Saturday night trying to remember what it felt like to just lay next to him. When she'd felt the urge, it wasn't hard to recall the other portion of time she'd spent in Han's bed. But it was the laying there she wanted to remember most nights. She remembered feeling scared, feeling vulnerable, but she knew there was a portion of time between the sex and the fear where she had been content. There had to have been, right? A person doesn't just jump from one to the other without some lull. Maybe Han was right, maybe she was crazy.

She had gone home impatient for the entire ordeal to be over. She came back different. She'd faced a lot of things she had thought she was able to live with. Everyone had problems after all, and so what if hers were just a little bit heavier than the rest? That was how she'd felt about her life before leaving. But after facing all that ailed her, she decided that she wasn't willing to live with it anymore.

She started going to therapy, for once breaking through the shell she'd built for herself.

Luke and Mara's pictures from their honeymoon on Dagoba were entertaining. Luke had always wanted to visit the home of his favorite author Yoda, and Leia thought it was hilarious that he was subjecting his poor new bride in order to do that. They went to D'Qar as well, which was more Mara's speed, and even spent a night with Leia in Coruscant before heading home to Naboo. They discussed moving into the city, and she promised to keep an eye for listings and jobs.

A month went by, and then two. Though the summer heat hung on, the days were getting shorter, and Leia knew that autumn lay just around the corner. She was considering rotating her summer and autumn wardrobe early when she received an email from an unknown address:


I hope you're doing well. It's been a while since we talked and I'm sorry about that. Cassian and I have finally started to make wedding plans, and we're both very occupied with the end of the racing season in sight. I've been very busy.

I'm unaware if you knew, but there's a big race Saturday next at Coruscant Speedway, and Cassian was looking to go with his father. We'll be in town for the week prior and would love to be able to visit with you, if you have the time. If you would like, we could get a premium ticket for you to watch the race. No pressure, though, whatever you would like to do.

Lot's of love,

Jyn and Cassian."

Her reply:

"Jyn and Cassian,

It has indeed been a minute, and I understand. I've been busy myself.

Not too busy, however, to meet with old friends. I'm free nearly any day after work or for lunch. And I would love to go to the race if you'd like the company, but don't go out of your way on my account.

Hope to see you soon,


People around the office would often talk about weekend plans. Mini-trips and concerts. Most of the time she just said sitting in with a bottle of whiskey and a movie (which nearly always got a laugh), but this time she had an answer: "I'm going to the races." She wasn't sure if she was even going as she didn't have a ticket yet, but it was worth mentioning it just to see the look on people's faces. ("Did you hear that? Leia Organa said she's going to the races.", "I wish my boyfriend would take me to the races.", "Does she have a boyfriend?", "She's gotta, what woman goes to the races by themselves?") Rumors of her sexual life aside, she planned on having a bad weekend either way and hoped to be pleasantly surprised.

On Wednesday she stopped by the tiny restaurant near her building. Cassian and Jyn were already there, expecting her. She hugged both of them tightly. She'd promised them the best meal of their life, and she hoped that Maz wouldn't disappoint.

"So, when's the big day, you two?" Leia asked.

The two of them glanced at each other then back to her.

"Actually, you should know…" Cassian started.

"We've pretty much decided to elope," Jyn finished, and Cassian nodded.

Leia hoped she didn't look too shocked. "Oh, well, that's fine. It's your big day, after all."

"After seeing everything with Mara and Luke, we decided we'd like something more simple." Cassian placed his hand on Jyn's as she spoke.

"A small ceremony, only immediate family and friends there," Cassian added.

Leia did her best to try and not feel slighted. "Oh, well-"

"And I'd like you to be a bridesmaid." Jyn was matter-of-fact about it.

"Really? Well, I'd be honored. Surely."

Jyn smiled. "Thank you. Mara will be maid of honor, and Luke will be best man. We're unsure of a second groomsman."

"Well, it's not as if we're walking down the aisle, it's just a ceremony." Cassian directed his comment to Jyn. Leia did her best to just be a spectator to this conversation.

"I thought you said you wanted Han to stand up with you."

"I do, but-…" Cassian trailed off. "I don't want to interrupt whatever it is he's doing."

"W- what's wrong with Han?" Leia asked, slightly concerned.

"Luke didn't tell you?" Leia shook her head and Jyn continued. "He's moving."

Leia balked. "Really?"

"Yeah, who would have thought?"

"Where to?"

"Here, Coruscant, but I'm not sure where in the city." She looked to Cassian for the answer.

"He's got a place in the boroughs. In the suburbs of all places. Never thought I'd see Han Solo behind a picket fence."

"Why here?" Leia asked, ignoring the part about the suburbs, and he shrugged.

"Said the races were better here, said it was time to move on. I'm not sure from what, though, but I don't want to take him from whatever it is. If he doesn't want to be a groomsman, I won't beg him."

Jyn made eye contact with Leia, smirking at her.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Leia felt her heart pounding as if Jyn had caught her in some unspeakable act, but she wasn't sure what she was hiding.

"I think we both know why Han moved to the city. Why he's all of a sudden got a picket fence and prefers the racing over here." Jyn asked for Cassian's phone and texted Leia with it. Leia looked at the text, it was an address location. "That's his new address."

Leia tried not to look shocked, staring at her phone and then back to Jyn. She hadn't actively been trying to keep what had happened between her and Han a secret, but she hadn't been overt about it. Well, at first she had been trying to keep it under wraps, but that had been for the sake of not spoiling her only brother's wedding. But after, when she'd gone home, there wasn't much to say. They'd decided to go their separate ways (she thought?), and who really cared who you slept with one time while on vacation? Not her or any of the people she regularly met. So to hear that Jyn made an assumption based on facts Leia had thought she had not been privy to, was shocking. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't think you were that subtle did you? Miss 'Han-took-me-for-a-drive'. You spelled 'ride' wrong, that's for certain." Cassian looked surprised, but said nothing. Jyn only smiled. "I saw you two leave the party around 10 but it was nearly 3 when I texted you."

"That doesn't mean-"

"Tell me if I'm wrong. If I'm wrong, I'll take it. But I'm not, am I?"

Leia ducked her head. "You're not wrong. But that doesn't mean I'll go see him."

"Why not?"

Leia made a face. "Moving to the city means nothing. Plenty of people move to the city, Luke and Mara were here after their honeymoon discussing moving here. Just because he moved, doesn't mean anything between the two of us. There is better racing in Coruscant, and he's a good racer. He deserves whatever he can get. And I speak from experience when I say this is a great place to move on from the past."

Jyn scoffed. "Oh please, that man is like a boulder, only moved with great difficulty. You know how long we've been trying to convince him to try his hand at bigger races? For as long as I've known him, probably longer. You come along and he's out the door within three months? Bitch, he's got it bad for you." She sighed when Leia said nothing, not meeting her eyes.

"Why hasn't he tried to contact me yet then? I didn't leave him any information, but he could've easily asked Luke, Mara, or either of you." She picked at her appetizer.

"I don't have all the answers, unfortunately. I only have a semi-objective view and I care about both of you. Go visit him. If he doesn't want to be with you, at least then you'll know." Jyn's voice was matter-of-fact, decisive, the opposite of how Leia felt.

The subject changed, and she finished the meal with her two friends, but all she could think of was the address now in her phone.

You nervous?" Jyn asked, pressing a cup of water into Leia's hand.

Leia looked at her friend and then back at the race, a bit perplexed. "Not really no, why would I be?"

"You've just been staring at the track, the race doesn't start for at least another half-hour. Hoping to catch a glimpse of someone?" Jyn elbowed her, but not in a way that was unwelcome. Leia gave a small smile.

"I already told you: what happened between Han and I is over, and his move doesn't mean anything."

"How can you be sure he doesn't want a relationship?"

"Because we talked before I left, at the wedding. He said himself he didn't think things were going to work out."

"Maybe he was trying to convince himself more than you."

Leia let out a low breath and turned away from Jyn, not wanting to continue the conversation. Jyn seemed to have caught the hint.

"Thank you again for coming with me, I go to support Cassian and represent his father's company, but I get so bored being by myself."

"Don't take this the wrong way, Jyn. But what is it that you do, exactly?" Leia asked.

"It's fine. I do mostly administrative work. I was hired by Mr. Andor a little over three years ago to help out with the paperwork side of the company. Cassian told me that it was actually his job before I was hired, and he claims to have literally heard angels singing when I was hired."

The subject of Cassian was still awkward for Leia, how far was too far when discussing an ex? "He can be dramatic," Leia decided to say.

"He was like that growing up?" Jyn took a drink of her own water.

Leia nodded, and took a drink of her own. "Though we didn't meet until we were almost 18. He and Luke had grown up together."

"Yeah, I remember meeting Luke for the first time, he had come over to see Cassian and show him some ancient texts, he was not amused."

"That's hilarious," Leia said. "That sounds like Luke."

"Mara had actually come to visit me that day because I'd forgotten my lunch."
"Is that how they met?"

Jyn nodded. "They never told you?"

Leia shrugged. "He just told me that she was a friend of Cassian's, that she was involved with the races. I didn't pry, you know." Jyn nodded. "So you're the hinge-pin, huh?" Leia asked. "For both Luke and Mara and you and Cassian."

Jyn nodded. "I guess, yeah. I also introduced Han to Luke, and those two are inseparable now. But, he was really Mara's friend before he was mine, so maybe you'll want to blame that on her."

Leia nodded, but didn't say anything else, not wanting to discuss Han.

People were starting to move towards the windows, and Jyn led her to a spot near the wall. The cars were lined up and looked like the matchbox cars Luke had had in his room before moving out. She supposed he had probably played with those cars when he was younger. But you weren't there, you had your own life. And despite the fact that there is no excuse for your separation, there is no way to change it. Her therapist had suggested to combat outbursts of anger about the past with rationalization. "You're a rational woman, it shouldn't be that hard," he had told her with a smile.

She took a breath and scanned the cars with her eyes, telling herself she was not looking for a banged up white car with blue stripes. She couldn't see it anyway.

"That one," Jyn told her, pointing to a car near the front. There was no need to ask what she meant. Leia side-eyed her and Jyn apologized.

Leia felt bad about her attitude earlier. Jyn was just trying to be nice. "How can you tell?" she asked, focusing on the car ahead.

"He's going to be up front because of his standing, even with the Coruscant racers, he's one of the highest." Leia nodded.

"Which one's are the Andor cars?" Leia tried to deflect her interest.

Jyn eyed her, but pointed to three red cars. "Bodhi, Baze, and Chirrut. Kaytoo is Chief, and Cassian is helping out with the pit today."

"How do you think they're going to do?" she asked.

Jyn shrugged. "Bodhi will get highest, he always does. But not as high as Han. Han might win."

"You're sure?"

Jyn shrugged. "You can never be sure, but you can make a good guess."

Leia thought that Jyn might be referring to more than just the race, but didn't press it. She thought back to her earlier conversation with Jyn, and wondered if those interactions had happened so casually as she had made them seem. Leia was sure Jyn would never claim to be an invisible hand, pushing people in the right (or wrong) direction, but she doubted Jyn meant anything except the best for those she loved by doing it.

This race was nothing like Leia had remembered from her albeit limited time watching Luke race during college. Those had been on a dirt track, the concession stand had been run out of a single cooler, and Leia had always kept her bag close to her. That Saturday, she'd left her jacket with a valet, and was drinking water out of a real glass in air conditioning. Though, this was the VIP lounge, it may very well be the same or similar in the regular seats. At least they probably weren't covered in dust after a race like the track in Naboo.

"They're so many cars," Leia commented.

Jyn laughed, a real genuine laugh. "This is nothing. I should take you to a Title I race. Try finding a car in the pack at those."
Leia bit her lip to hold back her question, but the question was burning too hot. "Is that where Han is going, Title I?"

Jyn side-eyed her. "Yes, I could see about getting you tickets, if-"

"I was just curious, this isn't my scene."

Jyn nodded. "Sorry, I was just trying to be nice."

"And I appreciate it, thank you, for everything."

They nodded, and continued to watch the race.

Leia tried to just watch the track as a whole, not focusing on one group (or one car). But she failed, miserably, time and time again seeking out the same white car. It slipped back, farther and farther, no longer in the top set of cars.

"It's so far behind," Leia whispered, reaching out to touch the glass.

"It's going into the pit, look," Jyn pointed, and indeed the car moved with a group of cars behind him. "He anticipated the rush, so he might be the first one out. But there's still a lot of race left, don't worry."

Leia didn't comment, only watched. After seeking the car out for the fifth time, she no longer cared too much about Jyn's comments. She cared, she cared that he had moved into town and didn't tell her. She wanted him to win this race, for her and for himself. She wanted to see him, win or lose.

The race was wrapping up and Leia had her face nearly pressed against the glass, staring at the white car as it slipped between first, second and third, back to second, back to first. One lap left, could he get up to- yes, he could.

The room erupted in applause and Leia cried out in relief, she cheered, she hugged Jyn.

"He won," she whispered in Jyn's ear.

"He did," Jyn confirmed. "Would you like to see him?"

Leia froze up, and shook her head, then nodded. "But- but, how?"

"I've got clearance, and sway. Just c'mon."

They descended from their position in the clouds down the underbelly of the track, down to where the racers were. That took awhile with traffic and also that it wasn't supposed to be easy to get where they were to where they were going. But Jyn assured her they wouldn't miss him.

"The racers, they like to gloat a lot after a race, take pictures, raise the trophy above their head, all that. It's for the best that we take our time, really."
Leia did not want to wait. She had so many emotions and thoughts running through her brain. Would he be excited to see her? Would he be embarrassed? Would he even care?

Cassian met them at the entrance to the lower area, escorting them both as his guests. He greeted Jyn with a kiss, excited with Andor Racing's standing after the race.

"We'd like to see the hotshot, if you can," Jyn said, indicating Leia.

Cassian nodded. "It's not going to be easy to be near him, there was a lot riding on this race, and his team is going to be celebrating well into the night, I expect. But I'd like to try and congratulate him myself, so we can try."

He took them into a large room. The cacophony was deafening in the room, all cheering. Han was surrounded by people, and Leia could only catch a glimpse. His face and hair were drenched with sweat, but the expression of pure happiness on his face did nothing to indicate any exhaustion or discomfort. He drank champagne straight from the bottle, and was lifted onto the shoulders of two of his crew. He lifted his arms in the air, surveying the crowd. Leia could've sworn he saw her, she froze in place as his expression turning even a little bit. He glanced back in her direction when his body was turned, but he said nothing. Her heart fell and she felt tears well up in her eyes.

"I want to leave," she shouted to Jyn over the shouting. "I can't do this."

"I don't think he saw you," Jyn shouted back.

"I don't care, I want to leave."

"We should go," Cassian echoed. "We're never going to be able to speak to him, and this room is only going to get more crowded." Indeed, Leia was already being pushed up against the men in front of her, and she was feeling very claustrophobic as well as sad.

"C'mon, Leia," Jyn said, pulling her arm to guide her towards the door.

They were walking back towards ground level and Jyn told her to go see him later.

"He doesn't want to see me, if he wanted to see me, he would've told me he was coming," Leia said, more stubborn than ever.

"You don't know that." Jyn argued.

Leia paused at the top of the stairwell. "No, I don't, but I also don't care. If he wants to see me, he can damn well come and see me."

She didn't see Jyn and Cassian share a look with each other after she walked away to her car. She only saw them embrace and walk-away, arm in arm.

"Trust," her therapist said. "You need to work on trusting people."

Leia didn't see how he could've come to that conclusion from the events of the past Saturday, but she had stopped trying to guess his logic. Things went a lot smoother when she just listened to him.

"I trusted Jyn and Cassian, didn't I?"

He nodded, folding his hands over his lap. "Yes, you did. But you also think Jyn was manipulating you to go and speak to Han."

Leia looked down, when he said it like that, she sounded crazy. But that's why you're here. She took a deep breath. To stop being crazy.

"She wasn't malicious, I know."
"The word 'manipulate' gets a bad rap, really. It is such a benign word, meaning to simply move something for your own purposes. You manipulated the door to get into here, I manipulate this pen to write what I want." He showed her the pen in question, smiling a gentle smile. "Jyn very well may have been manipulating you to go see Han, but who is to say that is a bad thing? You should trust your friends to have your good intentions at heart."

She nodded, a question burning in her brain. "It's hard," she conceded.

"Life is hard, but that's why you've come, to get help in life."
"And mine was harder than most. Don't I deserve, if nothing else, to be a little distrusting?" There it was, the question.

He sighed, putting together his words. "The past is dead. You can only change your own attitude in the future, Leia. Expect the best and prepare for the worst, as they say. The troubles that you have gone through are not invalidated because you listen to what your friends are telling you." She nodded, biting her lip. "You didn't choose the perpetrators of your trauma, but you can choose your friends. And I encourage you to choose people who care about you, and try to steer you towards happiness."

"And you think Han is happiness for me?"

He shook his head. "Happiness can only be found within yourself, not in a relationship. But I think there are several strings that have been left loose with Han, and it might do wonders for your sanity to tie those up."

"And what if it doesn't?"
He shrugged and smiled. "Well, then we'll have something very interesting to talk about next week."

She laughed, and nodded.

It was a one-story, three bedroom, two bath with a two-car garage. The black TIE was parked in the driveway, and the garage was open. The hood was up on an old car and the sound of engine work was prevalent underneath. She hadn't felt nervous walking up the driveway, but now that she was right in front of him, she had gotten cold feet. The troubles that you have gone through are not invalidated because you listen to what your friends are telling you, she told herself.

She stepped into the garage, and wished she had called first. But she didn't have his number, only his address. He seemed to notice someone there, because he groaned.

"Go away, I've got no time for solicitation," he said, sounding very annoyed.

"What about for someone who loves you?" The words just slipped out, and she didn't mean them 100%. It just sounded good.

He poked his head out of the hood, an annoyed expression on his face. It changed immediately, and he stood up, hitting his head on the hood in the process. He cried out, cradling his head in his hands. She crossed the room and took his head in her hands too, inspecting for any blood.

His hands fell away to hold onto her waist, and hers fell onto his shoulders. They were staring at each other now, embracing in his garage. He closed his eyes and leaned his head down, but she pushed away. His hands fell away-empty-as she took a step back, smoothing down the front of her suit.

He cleared his throat, and placed his hands on his hips. "Did I see you at the race on Saturday?" His eyes were narrow, but he didn't smirk.

She nodded. "I went to go see you after."

"I thought that was you, but there were so many people in that room, I didn't dare- well, i didn't expect you to be there."

"Neither did I," she said. "But Jyn asked me to go, and I was free, and…" She looked at the Millenium, not daring to look up. "Congratulations, by the way."

"Thank you." There was a pause. "And how're things for you?"

She nodded. "They're good. Really good. Work is good."

"Cases going well?" He crossed his arms over his chest as he spoke.

"I'm really not at liberty to discuss ongoing cases, so all I can really say is that they're going."

"Getting beat, I see."

She sighed and smiled. "I'm not at liberty to discuss them, even to say if we're doing well. Which, I won't even be able to really tell until it's over anyway, so."

"Yeah, but it made you smile." He smirked at her, and she scoffed. "Do you want to come inside? I'm sure Chewie would be happy to see you."
Leia looked at the door he was indicating, but shook her head. "I- I came here to talk to you. I need to ask you…"
There was a moment, a pause while Han waited, but Leia couldn't get the words out. "Ask me what?" His words were gentle.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in town?" She asked, finally. "I found out from Jyn and Cassian. They told me you bought a house and are going through some stuff, but you hadn't called me or emailed or anything. I could've helped you find a realtor or something, there's a great ethnic place not far from here. I could've treated you to a nice dinner."

"Sweetheart, you're babbling. I didn't need any of those things, I can take care of myself, you know."

"I know, that's not what I'm saying."

"Then what are you saying?"

"Why did you leave Naboo?"

He made a face. "Never heard of the place," he said, clearly having rehearsed this line. "But I've heard there're some pretty girls from there." He smirked.

"I'm serious! When I left, you told me directly that you would move here if we...continued things, but you also said you didn't think that was a good idea."

He looked at the '63, thumbing his own arm. "I lied," he told her, looking back at her. "To myself, not to you. You're probably better off without me. My job isn't the safest, and I know I'm not the easiest guy to be around. I don't know if I want kids because I have no idea what I'd do with them, and I'd be as committed to my job as I am to you. For you, that's good, it's a lot, but it could feel crowded, fitting a car into our relationship."

She was speechless, leaning back on the Millenium. "Well, lucky for us, I'm no housewife. I think I wanna be DA, seriously. Maybe not within the next ten years or so, but someday. As far as I'm concerned, you'd have to share me with the city."

Han thought a moment. "We might want to get a bigger house, then." She smiled. "Seriously though, I didn't call you because I just moved in less than a month ago, and it was hard enough coordinating the move and the race. I just got the last of my stuff yesterday, actually. I decided to focus on the race, then settling in, and then call you. Couldn't very well invite a lady over if my bed isn't made, you know?"
She laughed. "That's funny, a little presumptuous, but funny."

His eyes flicked up to hers, and his demeanor changed. The garage felt very hot all of a sudden. "It's only presumptuous if it doesn't work," he commented.

"What makes you think it will?"

"I don't." He moved towards her and she did nothing to move out of the way. He moved a stray hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. He ducked his face down, to kiss her cheek. She turned her face to his and captured his lips with hers, wrapping her arms around his neck. His slid around her waist, pressing her closer to the car.

She broke away for air, pressing their foreheads together. "Seriously though, you didn't move here, just for me, right?"

He chuckled. "I'm too much of a scoundrel for that."

"Good, I need more scoundrels in my life." She kissed him again, deeper this time.

He lifted her up to sit on the car, their faces the same height now. He kissed her neck and ran his hands up and down her sides.

"You said...did you say your bed was made?" she asked. He nodded against her neck, hands sliding down her back to her ass.

"It's new, just put it together," he said as she ran her hands through his hair.

"Well, let's give it a test run, shall we?" He didn't need any other invitation, wrapping her legs around his waist and carrying her inside.

A/N: thank you one more time, I hope you enjoyed this fic, and I hope you check out any more I post in the future.

As always, reviews are not necessary, but greatly appreciated. Peace out.