Research Partners

"Your partner is Ronnie Anne? That's rough buddy."

That's all Clyde could tell his best friend of many years. There wasn't much one could do about the situation. One moment the teacher said there'd be a group project, the next she's saying she'd assign partners. No matter how random the numbers were nor how far away he sits from Ronnie, the two would almost immediately be paired up together.

Lincoln could only shrug. "It's ok I guess. She's tolerable, sometimes." He admitted. It sounded harsh yes, but Lincoln had learned a while ago that'd he could say anything about the girl and she wouldn't change at all. "So how'd she react?" Clyde asked.

Lincoln gave his friend a extremely neutral look. "How do you think?" He asked. Clyde chuckled, almost apologetically. "Well are you two going to work on it at your house?" Clyde asked.


Both the two friends flinched at the sound of stomping. "Here we go…" mumbled the two of them as they turned just in time to see Ronnie stop right in front of them. She pointed at Lincoln. "Just so you know, I'm only talking to you because of this project! So don't get any funny ideas!" She said.

Lincoln suppressed the urge to sigh. "Ronnie I told you it's Lincoln. Not Lincoln-Kun…" he mumbled, hearing a few people scamper away. She either didn't hear him or she completely ignored him. "A-And don't expect me to wear anything nice! It's not like we're going on a date or anything!"

"I never said-"

"So listen up Lincoln-Chan!"

"I said my name is-"

"I'll be at your house at 10pm sharp! Don't keep me waiting!"

With that she began marching off. However right before she was out of sight, she turned to the two boys. "N-not that I'll be waiting for you, baka!" She yelled as she turned the corner and ran off.

A few people let out a sigh of relief. Other people were either giggling or laughing at Lincoln's expense. There was even one person who seemed just as angry as Ronnie. Must be her friend or something. Lincoln meanwhile just stood there, along with Clyde who at some point had stood behind Lincoln in fear.



"What does 'baka' mean again?"

"Wow, you showed up early. You must really like me Lincoln-Kun."

"I live here, you showed up early..."

"I know that, baka!"

At 9:56, after getting disturbed at the sound of somebody talking to themselves outside, Lincoln had opened the door to reveal a somewhat formally dressed Ronnie Anne. While Lincoln knew that this wasn't a date, he still wore his cleanest black pants and plain white shirt. He'd rather be slightly uncomfortable than to get an earful about 'clothe etiquette" from Ronnie Anne.

"A-Aren't you going to invite me in?" Ronnie asked, a tinted red face. Lincoln just stepped aside and motioned her to the living room. She held her nose high and crossed her hands before walking in. Luckily most of his sisters were out doing their own things today, so he didn't have to worry about any meddling. Most of them.

"Wow your place is actually clean. I didn't expect that out of a pig like you." Ronnie said, sitting herself down. Lincoln ignored the blatant insult and sat down next to her. "Ok so should we start o-"

"Don't sit so close to me baka!"

Lincoln happily scooted away. "Should we start on researching Queen Elizabeth or Europe?" He asked. Ronnie crossed her hands. "I don't care, you pick." Lincoln shrugged. "I guess I can do Elizabeth and you can do Europe." He suggested. Ronnie arched an eyebrow and did her signature 'I am better than you' smile. "That's actually smart for you." She said.

Again, Lincoln ignored the blatant insult.

"Look Lisa, there she is." Lynn said in a hushed tone. Both the house athlete and the house genius were huddled on top of the stairs, watching the two below reading off their books. Lisa adjusted her glasses. "Fascinating. I never hypothesized I'd get to examine a real Tsundere up close." Lisa said.

Lynn stared at them for a moment. Then a very malicious smirk grew on her face. "Say, you need to see how they 'behave' for research right?" Lynn asked. Lisa hummed. "Actually, there are multiple ways to do research. One such way includes research through experimentation which is my preferred method, but what you're suggesting is through observation."

"I'm taking that as a yes." Lynn said as she stood and made her way downstairs.

"This is going… better than I thought it would."

It must've been Lincoln's lucky day. Almost half an hour into their research and Ronnie hasn't said a peep. He wouldn't dare take a glance and risk ruining it, but from the sounds of pencil writing and page turning he was sure she wasn't creepily watching him. Maybe today she'd be-


Or not. "I forgot to ask. I know we're supposed to research the state of Europe, but it was the years 1556 and what?" She asked. Lincoln blinked. Did she call him Lincoln? No Kun nor Chan? "Uhh I think 1603." He responded. "Thanks." She replied, going back to reading. Lincoln would've wept tears of joy if he didn't think it would ruin it.

Lincoln took what he could get and continued his research. Unknown to him, his sister Lynn was sneaking nearby, standing directly in front of the two. Too bad they were so absorbed in their books that they didn't see her until she cleared her throat. Both of them looked up. Lynn smiled. Lincoln gulped instinctively. "Hey Lincoln, is this your girlfriend?" She asked.

Lincoln's body temperature dropped drastically. He saw Ronnie's eyes widen and he frantically waved his hands. "No she's not! She's just-" Lynn hummed in thought. "Really? I could've sworn she was. She looks just like this Ronnie Anne girl you always talk to us about." Lynn said.

Lincoln was sent flying to the wall by a very powerful and unrealistically huge fist. The wall was completely dented as Lincoln was in the middle of it. "Y-You pervert! What have you been saying Lincoln-kun!?" She hollered, ignoring Lynn who was laughing. Lincoln tried responding, but with all the now broken bones he couldn't move his jaw. "I knew it! You DID think this was a date! Y-you pervert! Baka! Idiot!" Ronnie yelled grabbing her stuff and marching out, slamming the door behind her. Lincoln moaned in response.

Through the whole ordeal, Lisa had come down the stairs. "Fascinating. Somehow she broke the laws of physics. No human arm should be strong enough to handle such force without tools to assist them." Lisa said, inspecting Lincoln like if he was modern art. She poked Lincoln and he moaned in pain. "Yet, despite being thrown at a force strong enough to leave a crater on the wall in less than a second, she somehow kept her target alive."

Lynn's laughter died down and she stood herself up. "Ohh man, that'll never not be funny." She said, reaching up and pulling Lincoln out of the crater. Lincoln managed to catch himself before he could fall over. Lisa gasped. "I could've sworn his body was destroyed, yet miraculously it's now healed. Fascinating." Lisa said, poking Lincoln. "Ow stop!" He said, swatting her hand away.

Now with the ability to speak, he angrily turned to Lynn. "What the heck Lynn! Now we'll never get this report done!" Lincoln said. Lisa snorted, making him turn. "Fear not. In exchange for this new data on Tsunderes, I feel it is only fair I complete this incredibly easy assignment for you brother unit." Lisa said, going upstairs either to write down what she'd learned or to finish his report. Lynn placed an arm on his shoulder. "Sorry bro, it was too tempting. Tell you what, I'll give you my strongest football helmet. You probably need it more than me anyways." She said.

Lincoln had a deadpan expression. "You have no idea." He said.

Lincoln's deadpan look never left when the opened the door. "It's not like I came back to see you baka! I came back because we still need to do research!" She yelled. Lincoln's expression didn't change. "I already finished the paper for us." He said, holding up the ten page double sided paper (jeez Lisa, the requirement was three pages) that Lisa had given to him.

Ronnie looked at the paper and looked around nervously. "W-We'll I need to make sure you didn't screw it up!" She yelled, stomping inside. Lincoln watched her sit on the couch and cross her hands. "Well this is going exactly how I thought it would" he thought, putting on the helmet Lynn gave him.

I know what you're thinking. What the heck did I just read? Well the answer is: I'm not too sure myself. Why did I write this? I don't know. It was kinda an impulse that I just sorta kept writing of. I know it's not the best first chapter, but I wanted to show what I've turned Ronnie Anne into. I'll get better at this I promise. By that I mean it won't just be Ronnie Anne beating up Lincoln to near death. A plot will show up soon! xD

Anyways, thanks for reading. Next chapter will be up soon! Constructive criticism welcomed (preferably through PM, but comments is fine too), please leave a review, and have a great week!