So I'm back! I've rewritten the first chapter which is a grand spankin TWO THOUSAND words! I'm about half way through the second chapter right now, but thought I'd post this before bed... So I hope you guys enjoy!

~! #$%^&*()_+

Danny was not happy. He sat in the back of a classroom in the middle of nowhere in a new 'fancy' boarding school, courtesy of his 'amazing' family 'friend': Vlad Masters. So to say he was "not happy" is a bit of an understatement. Danny was fuming. Glaring down at the piece of piece of paper- containing his new timetable and room number-, he ignored the teacher in the front as he droned on about living rules and curfews. He despised the prospect of Amity Park missing a certain white haired ghost teen hero… aka him. He couldn't help but fear for the town, his thoughts jumping to Amity being overrun by hostile ghosts because he wasn't there, or his presence in this boarding school being one of Vlad's elaborate plan.

To say the least, the 'thunk' of Danny's head hitting the desk resonated across the classroom drawing the attention of nearly everyone…Unfortunately, the teacher included.

"Mr. Fenton, is there a problem?" The teacher - whose name Danny couldn't for the life of him remember- queried, raising an eyebrow. Danny shot up, and stared wide eyed at the teacher

"Um, no sir, sorry"

He replied, as his wide eyed stare melted into a sheepish smile while he sunk down lower in his seat. The teacher let out a small huff before returning to his speech, once again leaving Danny to his thoughts.

As the introductory speech continued, Danny found his eyes wondering… To the clock (which seemed to move way too slowly for his liking), to the window (to which the birds seemed to mock him with their cheerful chirping), to the purple haired boy next to him. Something about him made Danny very uncomfortable. He was sat face first on the desk, as his glassy eyes stared at seemingly nothing. Danny suppressed the shudder, and decided to shift his attention elsewhere.

Little to Danny's knowledge, the boy next to him was senselessly bickering with an 1000 year old book full of ninja knowledge, or- as it's more commonly known as- the ninja nomicon.

"Could you be anymore cryptid?"

Cried Randy as he gestured wildly, glaring at the large writing hanging above him. The silence that followed wasn't surprising, but it still frustrated the teen to no end.

"Why the honk would I find an ally HERE of all places!"

The words that hung above the shouting teen only flashed aggressively, before Randy was being shot out of the nomicon. He sat up, disgruntled, and glared angrily at the book, before his eyes slid to the clock that hung at the front of the classroom… 5 minutes until they were taken to their rooms. His eyes darted around the room to find something, other than the nonsensical droning of the teacher, to focus on.

This lead to him making eye contact with the boy next to him. The first thing Randy noticed was the kids eyes. They gave him the creeps. The blue was a little too pale, and the green that flecked them seemed a little too bright… His messy dark hair seemed to make his already surprisingly pale skin seem almost white. The boy smiled awkwardly, to which Randy responded with an unsure grin, before opening his mouth to quietly introduce himself; but before he could do that, the teacher was announcing that they would be taken to their rooms. Everyone in the room filed out of the classroom, and were lead to their new 'home'. The building was… grand, to say the least. It stood at 3 floors, the entrance was littered with seats for removing shoes (which was apparently a rule), the common room, was scattered with sofas and chairs to sit and mingle with others. Towards the back, a flight of stairs that lead to the bedrooms.

As Randy stepped inside his room with 'emo boy' (or Daniel, as he recently discovered) he couldn't stop himself from grinning. There was a bathroom, a walk in closet, two beds and two respectable desks with shelves to match and their baggage in the middle of the room. Practically bouncing, Randy made his way over to the bed closest to the door, before turning to Danny he made sure it was okay to claim the bed. At the lack of protest, Randy began to drag his belongings to his chosen bed. He happily began unpacking his stuff, starting with his trinkets, and bed sheets before moving everything into the -walk in!- closet, where he joined Danny in unpacking clothes.

"So… You liking the school so far?" Randy asked in a vain attempt to make conversation. As they both continued to fold, or hang clothing, Danny replied with a simple "I guess" before they both fell into silence once more, the silence went on for a while, however, as Randy was about to attempt conversation again Danny abruptly stood up, taking his now almost empty bag and placing it on his bed. From there, Randy saw him take out a photo and stare at it for a while, before shrugging and returning to his own unpacking.

Danny was still annoyed. The fact that he was impressed by the dorm house he was staying in, only increased his annoyance. He wanted to go home where he could be sure Amity Park was safe, not be stuck in a room with some other guy with purple hair (which seriously confused Danny -"I think it's dyed"-). Admittedly he did feel kind of bad for blowing off his attempts at conversation, either way, he'd make up for it later. Pulling out a picture of him, Sam and Tucker; he stared at it sadly, before putting it on his desk and pulling out the next item… The Fenton thermos? 'That's strange' thought Danny 'I don't' remember packing this, besides, why would I need this ?' Shrugging, he placed the thermos in his bottom desk draw and moved on.

Once both the boys finished unpacking, they lay in their beds staring blankly at the ceiling. The once bare walls were now partially covered in posters- ranging from NASA and space, to samurais and movies- and pictures of friends and family. As they lay waiting for dinner to roll around Danny decided that he might as well make up for the sourness that he offered Randy earlier.

"Sorry about earlier. I'm Danny… I don't think I ever properly introduced myself, you're Randall right? " He turned to face his new roommate from his bed to see the other teens face light up as a grin spread across it. "No problem, I get the whole new school away from school deal, it's not my first choice either; and call me Randy. 'Randall' sounds like an old man who's always demanding people get of their lawn" Laughter bubbled from both of them as the image of the apparently excitable Randy hunched over and scolding kids to get off a lawn popped into their heads. Danny sighed happily as the laugher slowly died down; "So where are you from?" he prompted as Randy's laughter slowly stopped. The undeniable pride shone through Randy's voice as he claimed "Norrisville. The greatest honkin' city in our beloved country". At the exclamation Danny couldn't help but snort. "'Honkin''? I think the only thing Norrisville is better than Amity at is coming up with weird slang" he teased. The strangled squawk of outrage that erupted from Randy as he shot up to a sitting position to better glare at Danny made it harder for said boy to stifle his laughter.

"Excuse you! Norrisville is awesome you- you shoob! We have a ninja! A ninja! And you're just jealous because we have cooler slang than you" Randy sputtered as he slowly broke out into a grin. Danny grinned back before casually replying "I'm not even gonna mention your dorky slang, and while you may have a ninja, ghosts are way cooler; and Amity Park has just that". However his face soon fell as Randy burst into a fit of laughter. "Ghosts?!- No way - they don't exist"

"They do so! Amity is full of them, if you don't believe me search it up yourself" defended indignantly. Randy giggled to himself as he pulled out his laptop, but paused as he heard a gasp erupted from Danny. He then nearly dropped his computer as a chorus of terrified screams echoed from the cafeteria nearby . At the sound of screams both boys shot up, and started sprinting the source of the sound: Much to Randy's surprise, and Danny's dismay.

As they reached the door of their new house Danny skidded to a halt, allowing Randy to shoot past and fly out the front door. A determined frown found its way onto Danny's face as he slipped out the door a couple seconds later. He found that once he was outside he could transform more easily, easily hopping behind a bush and allowing the white rings to wash over him. Once the painfully bright rings had passed Danny found himself in the cafeteria in seconds. He didn't, however, expect to come between what sounded like an intense debate between the Norrisville Ninja and a very familiar -dead- lunch lady.

By now, the cafeteria was empty except for the two boys and ghostly lunch lady, as Danny hovered, un-noticed by the two- he couldn't help but listen in on their argument.

"No I am not hungry!" cried the ninja

"But deary, you're practically skin and bones! Where are your muscles, where's the rest of you? This surely isn't healthy… Are you sure you don't want to eat something?" Fretted the ghost "Chicken? Cake?"

The ninja let out a strangled cry of exasperation before once again repeating himself. "I'm not hungry!" . To which the green hued lunch lady finally revealed her true colours.

"THEN PERISH!" She howled as the once harmless chicken leg she help grew in size and ignited in a green flame. The ninja physically jumped and let out a small strangled sound that sat between a yelp and gasp. It was at this point that Danny finally decided to let his presence be known.

Dropping to the ground, Danny casually strolled past the ninja and between the two figures and greeted the now enraged ghost. "Hey Lunchie, long time no see! How's the zone? Doing well I hope." Both the Ninja and the lunch lady were taken aback by his appearance and nonchalance.

Silence fell upon the room as Danny stood- back facing the ninja- smugly smiling up at the ghost before him.

A few moments passed.

The ninja gawped at the boy in front of him. He was around his age. That was the first thing Randy noticed. White hair, but he's still young, he looked human. No green skin, no floating, he had to be some other kid; but the way he entered… it was like he knew what was happening, like …

"what are you doing here?" Spat the ghostly woman. Effectively jerking the Ninja back to Earth "yeah, what are you doing here?" he echoed before continuing, "It's not safe, get out of here and let the pro handle this"

To say the least Randy was not expecting the boy to let out a burst of laughter. He was about to let out a protest when the boy turned to look at him. It was then when anything he was going to say got caught in his throat and he found himself taking a step back. His eyes! Those weren't normal…

The first thing that occurred to Randy was "Cheeks shouldn't have green blush" which was shortly followed by "eyes shouldn't glow"

His thoughts were abruptly cut off as the boy before him spoke "No offence, but I think I'm a little more qualified for this"

'Voices shouldn't echo like that what is he?' mused Randy before the lunch lady cut in again

"Sorry deary" she said to Randy "He's right, your little toys couldn't touch me. That being said" Her focus turned to the boy between them, the pitying look was swiftly replace with a hostile glare. Green flames erupted around her once more as she let out a furious scream. Her once doting voice switching to something dark, and terrifying. Smartly, Randy backed away as he frantically searched for something, anything, that could change her back.

Upon hearing this change, and seeing the ninja back away, Danny whipped around to face her. "Oh come on!" he cried out, before getting swiftly knocked into a wall.