Title: Sith cult

Author: ewan's girl

Summary: A rummored Sith cult have been running experiments on the force, using Jedi apprentices as their test subjects. Obi Wan Kenobi has been marked as their next subject. Can Qui Gon save him before the force is drained from him completely?

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters we have grown to know and love (some more than others). Sadly I make no money on my stories, they are just for fun. I do however own the characters you will grow to know and love.

*Authors note: This idea was given to me by my muse Wakko(1994-2003)Who will always be missed. It mostly comes from reading the JA books.

Chapter 1:

It was a battle, a feirce battle that he faced. He fought hard to keep his eyes open that were begging to be closed away from the nightmare he found himself in. The drug worked swift through his body, making him crave sleep, but he knew he had to fight it in order to take in his surroundings to find an escape. In his 25 years with the Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi had been poisoned, stabbed, shot, and nearly blown up more times then he could count, but something about this was different. Someone used this drug to keep him alive, imobile, but alive.

His mind was racing, memories ran together creating a jumble of images, and he couldn't understand the words coming out of his captures mouths, sounding like nothing more than childish gibberish. In the back of his mind he knew that he was being dragged up a mountain side by four beings dressed in black cloaks. His entire body had gone numb however so the sensation of being dragged across jagged rocks went unfelt...until later. He also knew he had broken his leg in battle, making his abduction all the more easy. But there was something that worried him more than his physical well being, was the fact that he found that the drug made it more and more difficult to access the force, it was as if it was holding him at bay from the power he had spent his whole life training to use.

Faintly he felt a warm, and familiar presence try to touch him through the force. He knew his master Qui Gon Jinn was behind him, chasing the people who had ambushed them during a training exercise to Ragoon-6, trying desperatly to save him. He had been seperated from Qui Gon because of the training exercise. He was supposed to find his master on the uninhabibbited planet, following only the clues his master had left him, he had no comunicators of any kind. Normally the exercise was master and padawan finding a third Jedi in order to strengthen their bond, but this time it was an exercise to get Obi Wan ready for the trials, and ready to be on his own. But he was ambushed. He fought bravely for he was greatly out numbered, but he slipped on the slippery surface and broke his leg, then he was hit by a dart laced with this drug that now ran through his body. Before he slipped into darkness he called through the force to his master, Qui Gon had heard his call, and was trying to catch up to him.

Using his last ounce of strength Obi Wan used the force to pull a stone out of his tunic pocket. It was the river stone that Qui Gon had given him on his 13th birthday, he never went anywhere without the stone. He hoped his master would find it, and follow his trail. His hopes fadded however when he realized he was boarding a star ship and taken off planet.


Qui Gon Jinn felt the disturbance in the force, he knew something was wrong with Obi Wan. He also knew the training exercise was to let Obi Wan handle things on his own, but there was something hanging in the force that made Qui Gon worry. He no longer felt Obi Wan's force signature, which meant one of two things. Either Obi Wan was dead, or he could no longer access the force. He decided to cut the training exercise short, and find his padawan.

He raced down the path he had left clues on for Obi Wan to find him, when he came to a beautiful meadow that had remnants of a battle. He looked around for signs of Obi Wan, and saw his apprentice's cloak crumpled on the ground. He also saw pieces of broken vibro blades, and blasters lying everywhere. He looked towards the north and saw footprints heading up the mountain side. He also noticed that the footprints seemed to have been dragging something...or someone.

He began to race up the mountain side, taking huge strides with his long legs. He ran up the hill as fast as he could, calling upon the force to help quicken his pace. When he reached the top, to his horror he saw a ship flying out of the atmosphere. It was too far away to make out what kind of a ship. As he stood there watching the ship, a shiny object on the ground caught his attention. He bent down and retrieved his old river stone. It broke his heart to hold the stone again, because he knew Obi Wan never went anywhere without it. He put the stone in his pocket, and made his way back to his transport.

"Master Yoda." He called into his comlink as he desended down the mountain. "I need to speak to the council immediately." He sighed before he spoke again. "Another apprentice has been abducted."

*I know this was a short chapter, but it was the intro to get you guys hooked. Did it work? Please, please, please read and review!